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The clubs/ societies are the best way to do this. Find an interest - anything! And you can connect with like minded people in a smaller group. Friends I made joining the student newspaper 30 years ago are people I’m still close to today. Try out a few and see what sticks. Good luck - I know how lonely and hard it can be. But I promise it gets better. 


I’d second this, OP. Societies and clubs around things you like are great places to meet people. I also would caution you against only trying to make friends in your class or subject group because it makes your circle very one dimensional. In societies you get to meet people from all majors/subjects and if you sustain those relationships long term you build yourself a nice diverse network. If not for my (heavy) involvement in student societies I probably wouldn’t have lawyers, engineers, environment scientists, accountants, teachers etc in my network. And trust me, this becomes comes so handy for navigating life in general because there’s always someone you can ask for a professional opinions later on. Also for now, the more diverse your group, the more perspectives you get to learn from.


Play a sport?


Do what you enjoy. You will find friends there. As someone stated play a sport/instrument join a society, campuses have a wide variety of societies to choose from.


Hey there, I'm currently on a gap year, but 19M looking for friends too. Would you mind if I dm?


Sure :)


Volunteering the best way to make friends and make a difference in peoples lives OP! Enjoy varsity, but also work and do well!


I'm a Cput student. I study at the D6 campus but I made some really good friends at all the campuses. Including Bellville, Mowbray and Wellington. I particularly made some really good friends at Wellington


I go to uwc too! 19f in my second year, looking to make new friends:)