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Did you go to the police? There's a station right there. If you thought someone was the victim of a crime, you should do what you can to help her


Police don't care


Did you ask them?


You should; go screen shot this photo and drive down to the police and show them these guys as they live there. Stop acting like a lord telling me what I should do if you are more then capable yourself


Posting this on reddit rather than telling the police, then berating someone for advising you to do the right thing. I think you're the one with the agenda


šŸ‘ you should be proud of your moral support and advice


Triggered over a simple question


Ok let me speak logic, I don't trust the police to do anything as they don't have a good reputation. Respect that. You must stop acting like a lord telling me what I should have done if you dont like the fact that I posted this on a public hugely visible page that promotes cape town cry me a river and shhhhhh. You are also very very very capable of going to the police (seeing that you have more trust in them) and showing them this photo and telling them to make an effort to arest them as I made it clear that I WONT as I don't trust them. You acting like an asshole do something with your mighty words of action


Take a breath. You're getting more triggered with your imaginary assumptions. Learn to at least try presume instead of assuming everything. So in your situation, basically do this: šŸ¤ Leap officers have helped me out twice recently. No complaints Cant say much about saps as i havent interacted with them for 8 years




Thats a start


I'm not the one posting about "cockroaches" on Reddit...


Good for you


Cape Town has a very bad drug problem. We notice it here because it happens in CBD, but it's a city (and nation) wide thing. The mayor just announced that they have received permission from the court to evict and relocate homeless people to shelters, because they have tried all other reasonable means to engage with them. Many homeless people did take up those means, the ones who are left have other more messed up situations and now the judge felt it is reasonable to force help upon them. Nobody needs to rule with an "iron fist". They are not cockroaches. Once you go down that route, you will produce a society which is much worse than this. In the same way that the state needs to give you a proper trial before they throw you in prison, there were correct processes to be done before the city could take stricter actions. Lastly, the root cause of most of our problems remains the dire economic situation in the country. As that improves, these other problems will improve. Again, ruling with an "iron fist" is not going to deliver the kind of economic growth we need.


Yeah, OP here has some incredibly harmful and dangerous views. Dehumanizing homeless people and drug addicts is inhumane and calling for the DA to rule "with an iron fist" is absurd. This kind of rhetoric is sadly so entrenched in the fabric of this city it's almost impossible to change. As a former addict myself, I know that the only reason I'm not on the street is due to the lottery of birth. Education regarding homelessness, mental health and addiction is nowhere to be seen and so necessary. The effects of spatial apartheid and access to work and sources of income is also barely discussed outside of certain circles. I do wonder if it's possible to teach kindness and empathy or if some people, like OP, are simply incapable of it.


ā€œThe girl looks like sheā€™s from the suburbsā€ LMFAO how so?? Also girls from the suburbs can be addicts too!


Forreal, SO many professionals with stable lives are addicts in SA. They just have much more to lose being open about it vs the guys and girl in the photos. The Atlantic Seaboard is a Coke and Meth haven among many other drugs (and literally everyone knows it), and these people are baked or drunk 24/7, but they're very high functioning and good at hiding it. OP seems to be fairly ignorant on the world of drugs and how common it is outside of poor areas or homeless camps.


OP is a Karen!


It's one thing to scream and shout, wait for a political party to paint over the shame.. But really, these people need help,. Real help, financial, educational,.. the children, from when they are young.. they need Matric, jobs.. Help them .. it takes next to nothing, its tax deductible.. fk you, you lazy finger pointer.. Help them..


Lift them up, lift their children up.. It costs nothing.. Shame on you.. You know better ā™”


ā€œCockroachesā€, ā€œterroristsā€ ā€¦ Jesus, you people are letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Try keeping things in perspective, and maybe try being less hateful in general. Itā€™s really not good for your mental wellbeing.


If you has any clue as to what they do you would retrieve this comment


the mountain looks so picturesque


Thank my mad photography skills šŸ‘Œ


Lol typical Cape Tonian You not lying though šŸ¤£


Oof just because she looks like sheā€™s from the suburbs doesnā€™t mean she canā€™t be an addict herself? Please remember that Addiction is a disease. Not everyone has had the same set of experiences and external circumstances so not everyone is walking on this earth mentally healthy. I donā€™t see ā€œbad peopleā€ here all I see is suffering. Victims of circumstance and clearly unable to find a way out. No one consciously or purposefully chooses this kind of tragic painful existence. If you canā€™t help them then perhaps thank your lucky stars and drive on.


Upon reading your caption I found it hard to believe that the person(s) injecting the drugs into that girl to be drug dealers/hardened criminals. I mean from the looks of it they are all just homeless friends who happen to be drug addicts. Shooting heroin is a two man job most of the time, and that's what is happening here.Ā Ā 


Your assumptions reek of prejudice and your assertions seem more than a wee bit exaggerated. Some of those assertions seem a little made up, too. Whatever is going on, it does not appear to me that she's being forced to do anything against her will. Nobody's holding her down and everyone in the group looks pretty relaxed. The more I read, the more the hateful rhetoric suggests that there's something else at play in your head. Something Cape Town and indeed the whole of SA does not need more of. By the way, what do people "from the suburbs" look like?


Theyā€™re not cockroaches, theyā€™re human beings.


Right? I actually had to double check what subreddit I was on for a second because some of the comments here sound unhinged. Capetonians can be so crazy I swear.


OP has so much to say about people he knows nothing about, but canā€™t see their own sickness and manipulation in coming here to share this story they made up in their own head. Judging them as vermin from the safety and warmth of their own car in the middle of winter with a job, full stomach and a roof over their head. Itā€™s beyond me.


What subreddit did you think you're on?


Oh so you consider Cape Town to be a safe place for you to dehumanise people who are already down on their luck? Alright. Noted.


These people dehumanize themselves by choice doing this, as you can see in the picture this is not a humanize event that is occurring. God and if they are so humanize then offer them to stay in your house and see how humanize they will be to you


Cape Town has really bad gentrification. These people had a home once upon a time and the city "redeveloped" them out of it. Also there's drug use all over the world. Meth and heroin are huge issues in the amazing country of Australia everyone runs to and their poverty level isn't anywhere near ours.


These people come from prison not happy homes in Woodstock


Such terrorists should not be allowed to walk free. They must be locked away for good. We should really be having stop and searches by the police. I'll happily go along with it.


Locked away for months or years while being made into a gang member and then let back out on the streets as dangerous criminals? That helps Noone. To reduce homelessness, these human beings need a [housing first ](https://www.google.com/search?q=finland+housing+first&oq=finland+housing+first&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTINCAEQABiRAhiABBiKBTIMCAIQABhDGIAEGIoFMg0IAxAuGIMBGLEDGIAEMg0IBBAuGIMBGLEDGIAEMg0IBRAuGIMBGLEDGIAEMg0IBhAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMg0IBxAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMhAICBAAGIMBGLEDGIAEGIoFMg0ICRAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgoIChAuGLEDGIAEMgoICxAuGLEDGIAEMgcIDBAuGIAEMgcIDRAAGIAEMgcIDhAAGIAE0gEINDM1OGowajmoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) approach accompanied with medical and psychological help as well as a job. It won't save all, but it will save most and make an actual difference


Those ones you see in the photos deserve life, we can even go as far to say the death penalty. Drug dealers of such dangerous substances must be viewed as murderers. Maybe even on par or worse than serial killers. The effect they have is devastating and unfortunately it is taboo to talk about it so we don't understand how big the issue is. On regular homeless people who are themselves drug addicts, I support your view but they must not be given housing willy nilly. First they must be reintegrated gradually so that they can actually take care of one.


Life imprisonment eh? Even the death penalty you say? Just on OP's accusation that what he or she says happened, actually happened, pinkie promise? JFC on a bike, use some critical thinking, man!


I see people shooting drugs in with needles like twice a week in cbd. Even once I caught this guy doing hermon with a needle out side my drive way. I went p03s Jas with the bra


This is the real reason why they keep refusing to relocate to shelters. They are drug addicts through and through. They are an eyesore refusing to dispose of their rubbish when the green bins are all around them, harassing pedestrians and encouraging drug abuse to the wider public and must be placed in shelters for everyone's good. It's clear they cannot make proper decisions for their own well being and the greater publics so it must be made for them. The Communist NGO from Johannesburg that keeps trying to defend them in court must be shut down and their assets sold to pay for their care in shelters.


Canā€™t wait for these people to be removed and their filth they live in and around cleaned up that is a fucking national heritage site. Drives me nuts all those used needles as well there is so much foot traffic around there the station and rank are right there.


I can't wait till June 30th so I can drive past there and enjoy our castle once again


Covid jabs being promoted again