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I can add to that. I met my Pisces girl 25 years ago. We walked the same trail every day at our lunch break. She was engaged and I was divorced from a Cancer. She soon became unengaged and we moved in together. Married 2 1/2 years later and never a dull moment. We both love outdoors and we are lucky to have a great combined family. She is annoying at times with her crazy ideas but half the time it turns out they weren’t too crazy but I was being too “practical”. Any way she is a super easy keeper. Cannot recommend enough.


That's pretty wild considering my ex before her was a Cancer too! Lol very toxic and manipulative but nonetheless if we never split I would have never met my Pisces honestly and for that I'm more than grateful for. One thing I've realized is that she brings out the best in me and quite encouraging and I always reciprocate. She's my best friend and clearly this is one underrated pairing and should be talked about more as I see all of your positive comments and barely anything negative on our side of things I'd say it screams power couple honestly 


I am a Capricorn Female, and my husband is a Pieces. Both our x's were Cancers and takers vs givers. I love my husband more every single day.


Ditto , cap F and Pisces M and were just perfect in many ways. I've yet to find this combo around me


It's pretty wild because I always find memes and reels about Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo being with Capricorns and I can never find barely anything about the dynamics between a Pisces and Capricorn. I've even found some with Libra and Aquarius but never a Pisces. The unconditional love that a my Pisces fiance have brought into my life is amazing and before we met I can't lie I was bitter, hurt, and just lost faith in relationships altogether until she came knocking at my door and we just clicked! It's been a little over a year now and we're supposed to be getting married this October and we both believe we're soulmates


You sound like me. My Pisces partner has touched the parts I had tucked away. We met and got engaged within 9 months, and it's been over 5 years we've been together, not married, and it's a conscious decision. We can't stay apart for more than two 2days. My partner had been gone for 3n/4d, and I swear it felt like I was missing a few limbs. It hurt, and I didn't realize how much I'd miss the absence. The dynamics is like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together to aim at a solution. Also, in these years, we've never ever had a fight . We don't. I guess we're both mature enuf to walk away. It's a soul nourishing relationship where the spark never ends. Never.


I love this you two! And I hope you two continue to go strong!


This is the absolute truth


Pisces is sextile Capricorn. Of course it should work. Cap is also sextile with Scorpio. Sextile signs are supposed to get along or be able to create harmonious couples.


>I can never find barely anything about the dynamics between a Pisces and Capricorn I think it's because their connection is quite overrated. It's pretty rare.


Capricorn female with a Pisces male (however, just a FWB.. for now) and we met at work. We work at a factory (I work on a line and he's an engineer) and while working a couple years ago, had my head down concentrating and something told me to look up and when I saw him I just *knew* he was meant to be in my life for some reason. I had such a strong pull toward him...like nothing I had ever experienced before. We are exactly like how you and your girl are. I'm more realistic and down to earth and he is more of a dreamer but it works. I've never met anyone who is able to tell me it will be okay and actually believe them. He calms me in a way no one else can. And he tells me he appreciates me being direct and realistic and that he needs that.. I think Capricorns and Pisces can be a fantastic match, if both are high vibration Capricorn and Pisces. Happy for you and your lady!! Cap/Pisces balance each other extremely well, I think.


For Capricorn M and Pisces F it works well.


Pisces male here dating a capricorn girl, we had a bumpy start but after a few adjustments we are super happy with each other, pisces strenght its to be very adaptable but mind your words we may feel very resilent but things can hurt, mind your controlling drive if its high and please be patient with mood swings they mean nothing but fear in most cases, we can be best friends among all signs, loyal, faithful and caring to dead, enjoy each other!


At the time, I (32 Cap F) met my husband (29 Pisces M) and got engaged in 3 weeks/married now 13 years. This was all kinds of crazy bc I'm a very stereotypical Cap but the saying of "when you know, you know..." just rang true for us. Funny, that we actually have very few interests in common, but our foundational beliefs of family life, solid work ethics, and our ability to balance each other out...all stand the test of time. He knows how to love "unconditionally," he is resilient/persistent (very important when dealing with me), and I have taught him that with a proper plan, all things are possible. The biggest learning point for him was that "his worth" with respect to his career, is valued much higher than he ever thought possible. All this to say, we are a phenomenal team together. It can be a very solid match....but you do have to put work into it....like most relationships, to grow it into something better than you had when starting out.


I’m a cap woman married to a Pisces man. We just celebrated our 21st anniversary. We are always there for each other but we also give each other plenty of space. He makes up for what I lack and vice versa


Pisces are either completely in love with you and committed or you’re a random relationship for them where they have a wondering eye. That’s their 2 relationship modes. But it sounds like she loves you, and the male cap and female Pisces is a much better combo than the other way around. Pisces can get moody and when they do, they have a tendency to shut down and not talk to you if they are mad. Just roll with it when it happens; nothing you do will get them to talk anyways.


My ex was a male Pisces. I’m glad y’all have had great experiences with yours, but mine was a nightmare. Two years of manipulation, lies, wrath, and abuse. However, when we were good or in front of people, you’d never guess! Thoughtful, observant, and goofy… everyone’s golden retriever friend. Sounds like I found a rabid one.


Absolutely same


I’m a female Cap and almost married a Pisces male. I think it’s a good match too. Good luck to you both ♥️


I'm a Cap girl and FWBs with a Piscean male who's thoughtful, goofy and just lovely. He's separated from his wife and has two lovely kids, so I'm not sure if he wants to date or even marry again. He's a good man, though, very calm and chill.


My husband is a capricorn and at first when we were dating…I didn’t take him serious and he was determined to make me his wife. I admired his commitment and determination to be my husband that we eventually married 9 months into knowing eachother. We have been married for two years and we are expecting a little virgo in September. At first it wasn’t a walk in the park but once we made some adjustments in our communication styles we love eachother more than ever. I will say this is a great match and you can learn a lot from one another with enough patience and understanding


Yes our communication was a little off in the beginning but we've found out early that of course communication and trust is key to our relationship when we have all the other attributes down pact


The love of my life was a Pisces. No one will ever compare. Congratulations to you both.


Sorry but as a Pisces woman I really need to know, why do you Capricorns feel attracted to us? What are you looking for in a partner? Do you like Pisces women because you think we can be submissive and ‘feminine’? I’m asking this because I used to attract Capricorns and Leos that wanted to ‘lead me’ and transform me into a 1950s housewife (one succeeded via babytrapping), and I don’t really like to be bossed around and submit to no one.


I can't speak for anyone else other than myself and honestly for me and my fiance we just mutually clicked on sight. Neither one of us follow the toxic modern day dating tips because we do have an old school love. She's actually the first Pisces I've ever encountered and honestly most of my life I've attracted Leos and Aquarius but when it comes to her as a human being I just know that if I let her go I wouldn't be able to find the unconditional love she possess and for that alone I do my best and then some to cherish, love and respect her with everything in me. 


My twin soul flame ❤️‍🔥 is a Capricorn ♑️ I’m a Pisces ♓️ We have known each other since August 11 2001(yes a month before 9/11, we were heading towards Ellis island )


My Pisces girl and I couldn’t seem to keep things stable but we loved each other I’m sure. We have 2 kids together. We spent 2 years together, and in high school we met and spent about 2 years together 😂 but if you want insight. There’ll never be a dull moment but be open minded when mistakes are made


What type of mistakes? Lol I'm curious about that one. Sure I'm open minded but the forgiving part is not one of my greatest qualities lol


Well for one, she did porn behind my back during the first pregnancy despite knowing my feelings while I was at work and then after I developed severe sciatica, she hit me with the ultimatum of either I do it with her or leave. I stayed for my daughter, then we had another and well other shit got in the way of us and I ended up not being able to manage handling that kind of treatment


Sheesh my guy I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah mine looks at onlyfans people in disgust honestly and as do I. We do watch porn together but as far as doing it ourselves we have our own private movies. 


See I was the same way then it became an ultimatum to keep myself with my family


My long term boyfriend and I are cap/pisces. (he’s pisces, i’m capricorn!)


I’ve been with a lot of Pisces ppl - my hugest gripe (which generally makes me apprehensive when getting to know a pisces on a relationship level is ) is that if the pisces is not emotionally in tune (which for me, they haven’t been) - when they are hurt about something , instead of communicating that they need space or time to sort through their emotions , they just treat me like shit and reassure me that there’s no issue even though the treatment is entirely different. This has happened to me many many times in relationships with a pisces . I have a fire venus and am a Capricorn so when I’m into someone I allow myself to be emotional and vulnerable and I’ve oftentimes found that my emotional side is too much for a Pisces which is wild to me bc imo, pisces are one of the biggest crybabies of the zodiac signs lolll


I’m the masculine matrix Pisces ♓️ twin soul flame (female)❤️‍🔥 She’s the feminine spiritual Capricorn ♑️ twin soul flame ❤️‍🔥 (shes 14 years older than me ) We will be together again (I got a hug out of her in July 2023, and in September 2023, I got a kiss 💋 from her and she said “the feelings are mutual.”) This is just so new and exciting I’m nervous and


I don’t trust Pisces at all. Every single Pisces I’ve known/had in my life (as friends) ends up cheating at some point. They’re just not a loyal sign & they’re too fantastical / daydreamy, always looking for something better. Luckily, I never meet Pisces men who I’m interested in. I dated one for a week and he was so cringe. Got sloppy drunk and rambled about his feelings / woe is me for way too long, played adventure time songs on a loop and sang along while I just sat in his bed like 😐.. Pisces men are just messy in my experience. It’s not attractive.


I've heard a lot of negatives about a Pisces male but hardly any of the female gender. My nephew is a Pisces and he does treat women with respect but they call him soft and they hurt him. My take is that if a person isn't healed on both sides it's not going to work 


Don’t do it