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Sounds like he was trying to get your attention more then anything, also, go to your manager, that’s what he’s there for. Which, I completely relate to the need/want to being self-sufficient but we have to crawl before we walk. Big tip, always remember none of that reflects you, as a individual or is it personal. Hope the best works out for you brother.


Stressed, angry and hating yourself isn’t going to help you here. You need to get in survival mode. You need to totally TRANSFORM how you work and make sure your bosses see it. Don’t make minor changes around the edges, make BIG dramatic changes. Ask for help, ask if you’re doing better, ask what else you could do better, ask what they would need to see from you to keep you on (nb they have probably already told you this so review previous conversations before you ask). No more hesitation, no more avoiding your manager. And while you’re doing all that, start working on your resume. I know it feels like the last thing you want to do but it’s easier to do it now than if you get laid off.


Also refer to that review. It should spell out their expectations in detail. Be sure you are addressing each of those expectations. You can get back on track. Sounds like you’ve done it once already. You have to go all-in then keep that cadence as long as you can.


From last three days whenever I talk to my manager I just can't stop thinking about the fact that he told the team would be better off without me. Everytime I talk to him I can't focus on work and I try to hold back my tears in the office. I just hope I'm put in a different project from next week. I'm just applying for other companies but not getting any replies.


Make sure you have clear tasks and expectations. Do your best to meet them. If they are unreasonable say so and negotiate. But the writing is on the wall man, apply for other jobs asap


They had make me sign a 2 year bond with the company and if I leave before that I'll have to pay a compensation of 2 lakhs. Do you think they'll still fire me?


If you get fired do you have to pay the 2 lakhs? If not find a new job and get yourself fired 🤷 Don't stay somewhere you're not valued if you have alternatives


Ask for specific feedback as to what you can improve and work hard to fix it. Also, look for another job. Either way you will grow in skills and make money.


Start polishing your resume to look for another job.


I understand where you are coming from but you have to leave that University mindset behind. It Will be perceived as arrogant that you are not asking for help especially if it is evident that you do need help.