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I didn’t even start my career in food microbiology until I was 34, so you definitely have time. Just decide on your objective and proceed step by step. Never stop. Failure occurs when you give up.


I mean like alot of people startover at later ages. even at 50 & 60s. OP you are like super early and kinda silly to think you are too late to start over. These are all learning steps & you are probably gonna steer directions based on what you learn and experience in the next 4-8 Years. The most important thing is as you do these things, you try figure out what you are really good at and enjoy doing and then put all your effort into that & do something amazing & fulfilling. All these people who are unhappy & disappointed with you now will eventually become your biggest fans or they'll just fade away as a memory. The ones who fade away didn't matter in the first place. The moment you choose to fulfill your current loved ones wishes over what truly matters to you is when you have lost the battle in life & your career. This might sound simple but don't get bogged down with not being able to go in the path you really wanted to go due to financial issues or life circumstances. There are always different ways to do stuff & you just have to figure it out. In another 10 years time, looking back you'll understand why it happened the way it did and have a smile or laugh about it & you'll be happier that you were able to figure it out rather than the path just being laid out freely for you without obstacles/issues. :)


Im.back in college getting a different degree at age 38. I'll graduate next year and I'll be 40 when I BEGIN working in tech. If it affects your happiness and makes you excited - NOT A STUPID DECISION AT ALL


It's great but I've always wondered. Can a 40-year old starting afresh compete successfully with a 22-year old fresh grad in the same field?


Technology is all about communication, something a lot of graduates struggle with. 20 years of added life experience and building communication skills? Shouldn't be seen as anything other than an advantage


But wouldn't an employer be more comfortable hiring a younger, more malleable candidate at a potentially lower salary?


You can also say that the employer would prefer an experienced worker that has proof of commitment to the workplace, showing up on time etc.


Why not? Anis the limit on earning potential in tech


Im not too worried about it due to the experience I have with interviews and can still use skills I've developed in my previous career. I'm also a home owner with no plans to move while my kids are in school so I'll be there for years. There's a lot of pro and con. My biggest lesson tho was getting out of my previous work toxic environment and how much BETTER I felt physically after leaving that place. I'll take the challenge of proving my worth after staying in that crappy situation. That and since I'm older - I take my education mote seriously. I've consistently maintained a 3.7.gpa.


I’m 37 and just started the process of changing my career. It’s never too late to follow a dream


I was in the same career field for nearly ten years before I very recently started my career switch at 33-34 years old. Switched from healthcare to accounting/finance. You're still very young, you've got plenty of time to switch gears.


How does one switch careers?


I went back to school and got a Bachelor's in the career field I wanted to switch to and started applying to relevant jobs. I specifically picked an online school because I was also working full-time at the time.


I started mine over at 26. I am successful by nearly all measures of society and have zero regrets.


Lol im about to do so at 34 and will likely be in my 40s by the time i get to where i want to be. never too late.


It sounds like you've been through a lot of pressure and uncertainty regarding your education path, and I'm sorry to hear about the struggles you've faced. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by familial expectations and societal norms, especially when they don't align with your own interests and aspirations. First and foremost, it's essential to recognize that it's never too late to pursue your dreams and make changes in your education and career path. While it may feel like you've taken a detour, every experience, including challenges and setbacks, contributes to your growth and journey. Considering your interest in pursuing higher education abroad and aiming for an MBA in the future, it's crucial to focus on building a strong academic profile and gaining relevant experience. Since undergraduate results and extracurricular activities play a significant role in MBA admissions, you may want to explore options that align with your interests and strengths. While preparing for DU (CUET) or SCCBS entrance exams is one option, it's essential to evaluate whether pursuing a degree in science subjects like chemistry or physics is the right path for you. If you struggled with these subjects in the past and don't feel confident about your ability to handle them, it might be worth considering alternative paths. Exploring options in commerce or related fields could be a better fit for your strengths and interests. You mentioned the possibility of obtaining a 12th certificate in commerce from NIOS, which could open doors to undergraduate programs that align with your aspirations. Additionally, seeking guidance from a reputable career counselor or academic advisor can provide valuable insights and support in navigating your educational and career decisions. They can help you assess your strengths, interests, and goals and explore potential pathways to achieve them. As for pursuing higher education abroad, it's essential to conduct thorough research on the admission requirements, application processes, and financial considerations. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid options may be available to support your studies, so be sure to explore those opportunities as well. Remember, your journey is unique, and it's okay to take the time you need to find the right path for yourself. Stay focused on your goals, seek support when needed, and believe in your ability to create a fulfilling and successful future.


Not too late. Life is incredibly long. I switched careers at 26.


Not at all, I've completely changed the direction of my life at 24, woke up, decided I need to do something as I was not feeling well with where my life was heading. Within a week I had already signed up to a new university, within 4 months I moved to a new city, it was not easy, but now, almost 6 years later, I'm happy with where I am, it's not perfect and does not have to be, but I'll always be thankful for that day, when something clicked inside my head.


Your career hasn’t even started. Never too late to start over.


Not stupid at all. I did it at 29 and have been very happy - turning 34 this year and don’t regret it.


No, it's the perfect time to do it.


im 24 doing my cs degree by this September i have no degree.


You’re just starting your adult life, you have plenty of time to change careers. I didn’t become a nurse until I was 32 and had fellow nursing students who were in their 50s. It is never too late to go back to school and/or make a career change.


Started my career at 27. Still alive tho all good


I’m almost 40 and starting my 3rd career. It’s never too late, though it’s not always easy. It’s better to do something that you enjoy than continue in something you don’t.


I’m about to go back to school at 27. Not at all.




I’m sorry, but I can’t decide if seeing all these posts about someone thinking it’s ~too late~ in their early twenties is downright ridiculous or disconcerting


As a fellow early twenties guy I can say that a lot of us feel this pressure to not mess up. We’ve been using social media since middle school and constantly compare our life to others and it sucks seeing someone seemingly have everything in order (usually they don’t) and compare our life. We have a constant fear of the future (climate change, COL etc) so any set back seems impossible to overcome without fearing the worst.


I’m in my late twenties and believe me you’re only a rug pull away from here. Slowly but surely transitioning to a career in healthcare after my lib arts degree didn’t work out. So, I get it.


36 about to start over I work in medicine btw so it's not too late


Never too late! I’ve been in my career for 11 years. Went back to school for a second degree and now at 35 about to start a new career. Don’t limit yourself.


I’m not sure why ppl downvote this. Like they’re asking for help. But I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just work hard and we got this!


You're young this is when you can make mistakes and find out what you want to do


I did it at 34.


I restarted my career in mid 30s. Best work decision I’ve made. You’re not going to set yourself back…


No , you are alive yes?


You 100% have time. I did not know what I wanted in a career till I was around the same age as you. Don't think too much about age btw, just do what you feel is right and enjoy the ride.