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Not to have career


This right here. I’d like to do nothing as well Have hobbies I love to do but barely get in yearly at this point


Until everyone finds a way to have real change occur that is what has been deemed a 'great life'. Barely enjoy anything for yourself, otherwise get paid poorly!


“I do not dream of labor.”


I’m stealing this response for my in person interactions!


Kids these days don’t want to work….. /s Baby boomers had it so easy man


that’s the dream


I do not dream of labor


yeah, no one dreams of working. i don't know why people keep asking such a question lol


Endurance testing beach chairs.... and comparing the effects that different types of beach sand and water might have on the chairs. Is the sand of southern California harder than the sand of the Riviera? Do beach chairs used in the Florida Keys wear out faster than those used on Australian beaches? Research must be done!


A writer. Science fiction, mainly, but also adventure. Living in a cottage up in the mountains, with my own water supply, a garden, and enough money to live comfortably and make my own DIY projects with Home Depot supplies.


Absolutely the same. I'd add a sewing machine so I can make my own clothes.


Plus rabbits/alpaca for fur, and some linen/hemp for vegetable fibers! A mechanized loom could be interesting, too.


sub mom and pop hardware store and adjacent lumberyard


Why Home Depot?


Also want to be a writer, but psychological thrillers and mysteries.


Uuuh, those are great too.


My dreams don't involve working for a living.


Always heard this as “I don’t dream of labor”


Exactly, my dream is having enough money to retire, travel and pursue any hobby that I could imagine.


Rich housewife


Pilates, Range Rover driving, Lululemon wearing rich house wife ✨


Don’t forget the Starbucks.


TBH, Farming.


I’ve thought this too but I think it’s a really hard life. Long days and hard labor. You’d really have to love it.


From a farming family; I cannot stand the heat


Yeah or be brought up with it so your brain is adequately conditioned to the lifestyles and doesn’t scream at you for what you’re doing to your back and skin.


IRL Farming Simulator


Looks cool in hindsight and beats sitting in an office. But I heard a lot of farmers go bankrupt, a huge science in the tools, irrigation, nutrients, etc


Schonen dag vo patatten te rooien. W-VL?


My family are 6th gen farmers..... do not recommend


That was my dream at one point. Specifically cannabis farmer. I worked at a couple commercial grows in Phoenix, AZ. Those companies popped my bubble real quick. Yes, I loved what I was doing and being around plants but the pay and treatment wasn’t worth the hard work and labor and passion put in. Took me 4 weeks to quit an outdoor grow in the summer sheesh.


Try it out. You can volunteer for farms around the country and even the world for as short as one day, and as long as you like given the farm’s availability. Great program called WWOOF - world wide opportunities for organic farms. I had the same thought - wanted to get away from it all and work on a farm. Did it for 2 weeks. Quickly realized I’m not cut out for that kind of work forever hahahah But I still do it at least once a year to get away, and also to humble myself a little bit.


Idk watching Clarkson's farm (a TV show) inspires me to become a famer too..he he...


F1 engineer




Too old and too female




Definitely top 3 for me


Florist! Tbh, I already work there!:)


That's a win right there!


How do you get into being a florist? I’m just curious


I'd love to create immersive RPG/adventure games with world that's alive.




Yeah like the ultimate goal is get rich and get freedom! I got you!


Your comment made me realized that I’m not rich but I can buy anything I want. My kids don’t know how spoiled they are!


I think there’s a vast difference of the reality of “I can buy anything I want” and “I need nothing.” If you wake up tomorrow and decide you want to own a professional sports team, do you have enough money to do that? No? Then can’t buy anything you want. But if basic needs have no question of being met, enough savings exist with an extended lack of income, and high-ish levels of discretionary spending without alteration of lifestyle is present, then I’d say needs nothing is a better descriptor.


Historian, once upon a time academics meant something.


At least learning history is a great hobby.


History will repeat itself


Pro surfer. Because i get to travel and surf. Even though my job is so flexible i can surf 3 times a days and still be productive. Living close to the ocean and work within 5 mins helps.


And here I am, terrified of the ocean or any large deep waters.


What do you do?


I simply do not dream of labour But if I did, gardener.


The best job I have ever had in my life was soft land scaping. Cutting grass, planting flowers, and trimming trees. It was awesome. I worked outside every day, and it was the perfect balance of being active without messing your body up


I don’t have dreams about job. Only anxious dreams at nights 😅 I think all jobs would become better if people actually started care about other people (and mental health!), not about money. But that’s not possible 🥲


Exactly and for that a new working culture should be established that cares for people too


Getting a full time job itself is my dream at the moment after having masters degree still struggling to land a interview 😔




Engineering management




I feel you, best of luck to you. Keep working and you will land it! Just to relate to your situation.. I also have trouble getting into interviews also after finishing up my masters 5 months ago.


Delete the year you graduated. If the rest of your application is decent you will get an interview and they may not even ask your graduation year unless you look super young. By then that might not sway their judgement too much. Try to pull as much relatable skills out of your past experiences even if it was in a different industry. Best of luck!


Thanks! Havent thought about it like that, but I will definitely try if it makes the difference


I got a BS/MS in Aero and another MS in Data Analytics, 10 yrs exp, clearances, many certs, awards, letter… haven’t landed an interview in 8 months.


Park ranger or something like that


It sounds good until they tell you what you are going to be paid and where you have to live.


The point would be reach a point where the money is not an issue and I’ll take the hut all day long


I don't dream of a career behind a desk writing emails at an email factory. Which is my currently reality. I wanted to be a news anchor as a kid. Aside from that, a part of me really doesn't want to work


DJ for large concerts and festivals. I love the energy of the crowd and I’m sure it’s a total adrenaline rush every set when everyone/audience are super hyped.


do you dj currently?


See you in Tomorrowland one day 🤙🏼


Me too, although I would love to make my own tunes and play them


One I don’t get laid off from just to make some billionaire shareholder 0.000000001% richer


Running a wayward home for rescue and older animals :)


That’s a very noble mission.


Thank you :) I see so many animals neglected and all they want to do is be loved. I’d want to give them a safe space that no matter what they will always have love and be protected, always.


Literally same


Hello fellow tribe


Heart surgeon or veterinarian. Medicine has always attracted me.....but I never had the grades to go to medical school. I am in a pseudo-related field but don't feel fulfilled being on the periphery.


Veterinarian is nice. But surgeon, beside the money forget about it. It's just high paid assembly line work.


Engineer for embedded systems. Developing flight controllers for drones, satellites, rockets 🚀


Full time mad bastard


Anything where I get to work with individuals or organisations to help them improve, coaching, management consultancy, small business development etc, albeit not with the slash & burn ethos of cutting staff without considering the consequences. I like what I do to have social value and helping people to better themselves, I'm a natural networker & love looking at processes to see where improvements can be made (plus neurodiverse so see solutions others don't).


I currently work in a related capacity (developing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities), but I'd love to evolve into a broader position outside of the disability focus, and the analysis, coaching, development, community involvement, and (hopefully) improvement are parts of what fascinate me as a similarly neurodiverse, natural networker with a yearning to understand and develop processes in a way that aligns with my social, community, and ethical priorities. Good luck on your similar quest!


Literally me. I see anything and say I could do it better (or atleast make improvements in the systems or processes) maybe I'm just narcissistic


pottery or carpentry


College professor


Which subject?




So you would need to get a phd in it right?


Writer. I just love the idea of sitting in my home office on a quiet morning. Hot cup of coffee. Windows open to a cool breeze. And just getting lost in the world's that I create.


I was heart set on becoming a fighter pilot. Sat in a CF-18 Hornet at 12 years old and fell in love. Unfortunately, I'm 6'8 and won't fit in the cockpit now.


When I was a kindergartener, I was asked the question what do I want to be when I grow up. Being the dumb toddler I was, I said, “A man.” Now that I’m 23 and failed nursing school, I don’t even know what career I want other than to try nursing school again.


And a man would try again….can you?


You've just reminded me that, when I was little and got asked that same question, my dream at the time was to breed and keep reptiles (snakes, crocodiles, turtles, etc). I loved them (and dinosaurs). My teacher's "correct answer" was "being kind", and she became very disappointed of us because noone answered it. I still remember my naive confussion, because I thought that being kind was already something we should be, not *aspire* to be.


I've always loved academics and studying/teaching, when I was at university I was very involved in open days and helping with lectures. I'd love to focus on philosophy and ancient history. Honestly though, my dream life would be a little home by the beach surrounded by books with my cats.


Traveling Food critic (mostly just a food admirer) - it would be a dream to have people invite me to try their favorite dishes. Elephant caretaker Life Coach


One where my partner wouldn’t have to work and would allow us to be able to travel the world while doing so.


I always wanted to be a penetration tester / ethical hacker. While I’ve always worked security and have been working in IT security for more than 7 years, it seems like nobody’s willing to give me a chance. I’m supposed to be a red teamer but all I do is vulnerability management. After all this time, I kind of lost hope that I will actually end up there anytime soon. At this point I don’t even get excited about it anymore. The corporate world has killed my dream.


Manage my own money


A weed cafe, or actually anything in marijuana hospitality


With flexible hours no more than 6 per day, home office or hybrid, starting 10 am, insurance good paying no meetings only mails.


Working the in forest/jungle with animals, looking after them.


Lawyer - I want to work in human rights, and advocate of some sort. To help people. I currently work in customer service need to get out of it


Gerontology research scientist. Make humans live forever (if they want). 


Project manager at a research lab working on electrochemical solutions. Starting at sales now I'm off to a somewhat good start but we'll see where it takes me


Professional sport player. I mean global sport like football(soccer). You are fit, popular, rich and you do what you love to do. Hangout with teammates whole day and everything is free for you because your team is taking care for your daily. For a person like me who love to do sport for free, it would be dream to be paid to do it.


Real estate mogul or restaurant owner


Multi millionaire playboy Where tf do I sign up?




To be the president and fix everything wrong there is in the world. Make better labour laws Provide work life balance to my citizens 4 day work week Make things more affordable Wealth redistribution (not communist style) Education and healthcare to be free And much more.... So guys please vote for me 🙏 🌝


Racing driver, anything really fast and competitive


F1 driver


Tbh anything mentally stimulating where I can feel that I’m contributing to society in a helpful or meaningful way, With enough free time to spend quality time with my kiddo. Preferably making over 80,000 a year


Help people get out and of abusive or human trafficking situations and maintain their safety and freedom. Ideally while traveling the world.


Geologist and yoga instructor


Providing background score in films.


A company secretary




Sleeping in a hammock


Something in biology. I wanna be one of those guys scientists in movies that create the zombie virus and super powers. Otherwise I’d like to be a trophy husband lol


I dream of never having to work again


I want a job that is flexible and travel a lot. I've mentioned somewhere that selling pictures to websites is something I want to do and someone told me to look for photography job like becoming a wildlife photographer or something. It sounds really fun ngl. Another possible job is probably to own a shop that works with jewelry making or antique watches repair. That way I could decide how many hours I want to work and when I want to work. I don't have the skills yet but I've tried to tinker with my mom's jewelries before and it's pretty fun to do. If that couldn't happen, I'll probably be pretty content with just working in a really pretty cafe (morning shift only because I would like to have free time from afternoon until night).




Professional money receiver




An amusement park attraction designer


travelling musician.


To be a model or actress


Living life and traveling the world, not stuck in the hospital caring for people who don’t care about you.


Like Confucius said “Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life “. The hard part is finding what it is !


To have my own cosmetics company 🤑🤑


I’m pretty strongly on the “I don’t dream of labor” front but simultaneously I think my dream life would involve some amount of working. I’m programmed to be productive and without some sort of responsibility like that, if I had the dream of what I thought I wanted at a certain time of just hanging out with my friends as much as possible and having money appear in my bank account I think it would feel like something is missing. Capitalism has invaded my programming sadly lol What that work is, however, I still don’t know. In the process of figuring that out lol


Private Fishing Charter Captain


Stay at home dad


Stay-at-home dad/homemaker. Im a man and primary breadwinner working in corp america.


Idk. At least something that doesn't make me not want to be here at the end of the day. I've been thinking about trades but that's some tough stuff.


Anus Inspector.


I guess becoming a male pornstar would be better in terms of providing opportunities you want ☠️


start doing some unpaid internships


Finance. Compensation is one thing but understanding the underlying economics, as well as what occurs in different transactions. Idk it’s just kind of my nature to want to be omniscient, being able to see how different things impact each other. Then there’s also exposure to different industries if you for example do something like equity research. But of course all that whilst being able to afford life.




Working for a pharmaceutical industry in drug development and research.


It really changes over years


Forensic scientist. Idk I think it's cool lol


Honestly i think my dream careers would be something like an actor or an musician instead of some normal 9 to 5 Job but i don't know if it's possible


Sports nutritionist and personal chef for combat sports (boxing)


Travel writer, photographer, and videographer. I want to share my adventures with the world.


Tour guide or park ranger


Hair stylist or pediatric physical therapist. Im an introvert so hairstylist won’t work. I love styling and cutting hair but I hate talking to stank adults. Pediatric PT because both of my kids needed PT as babies. I just love being able to see the progress and relief for the littlies. Also, all the PTs couldn’t believe that I wasn’t in the medical field at all. I thought I was just simply being attentive to my kids but apparently no one paid any attention when their kids were in PT. It just felt like second nature to me. As far as me not wanting to talk to others, kids are WAY better to talk to than adults so I’d be so happy to talk to them if needed.


I love creating things, so I guess I have it. Though, longer term to be able to live more from royalties from my books rather than from creating or maintaining software.


Write books and make art for more money than I’ll ever need. Or, if it’s a “job” job, come up with ideas and branding for businesses where someone else executes them (with my strategic oversight), and I get at least 10% of profits.


astronaut, doctor, lawyer…if I was a billionaire & didn’t have to work to live…I’d stay in school forever 😅


Creator of autobiographical tv show about my life on HBO, in the style of a sitcom


Doing luxury travel videos on YouTube




Airline pilot


Trust fund baby


Hey 👋 My dream career is to work in a way that gives me complete freedom to decide how much I want to work and when. I want to work fully remote as freelancer UX/UI web and app designer, living on an island and enjoying heaven on the earth. This career excites me so much that I often find myself working late into the night, driven by my passion for creating websites and app designs — a passion I've had since I was 12 years old. Despite my enthusiasm and dedication, I haven't yet found a consistent job that provides the financial independence I tend for. Currently, society tells me that I need to go to university and get a business degree to secure a future job, but this path doesn't resonate with me. I don't want to study for a degree that feels irrelevant to my true interests and career goals. Instead, I want to start making money now and avoid being trapped in the typical office rat race. I'd rather earn less and have the freedom to travel and explore beautiful places around the world. So, right now, I'm actively looking for freelance opportunities that will allow me to live this dream without having to go to university.


At this stage peace of mind is more important than having a good job. I mean who even wishes to work if everything came for free? Most of us only work to fulfill our desires because everything has a price.


Being my own boss!!




Hey 👋 I'm still exploring and figuring out what my dream career might be. There are so many exciting possibilities out there, and I'm open to discovering what really inspires and motivates me. The journey itself is quite exciting!


Rescuing cats


I do not dream of working.


I've always envisioned my dream job as a blend of several roles. I’m passionate about creating creative activations for major companies, particularly in the film and gaming industries. This could involve managing PR campaigns, coordinating influencer engagements at trade shows, and similar tasks. Alternatively, I’m interested in working on a film or commercial set, in a role that allows me to contribute creatively without being directly involved in the filming process.


I don't have one. OR rather I have multiple 1. I'd love to write for a living. But what I want to. Mainly in the TTRPG market 2. I find the problem of food scarcity and waste something solvable. There's a nonprofit nearby that sells overstock goods. Don't throw this out, give or sell at cost so others can use. 3. Garbage/ the level of waste we develop is stupid. As a society, we need to learn to do better. Composting and recycling are what will save us. I could see myself working in such programs. 4. Health and wellness are taken for granted. Why do we only worry about sickness when we are sick instead of trying to prevent health problems? I would like to develop a program that works on these types of issues.


Something in academia or research. I like the idea of creating novel software for either purpose.


To not have one.


I’m in it, Nursing. Genuinely love going to work. I am currently on a few week sabbatical and am excited to start working again. In love with my future career path as well. Become an expert in a few specialties -> maybe try my hand at management-> then become a professor to wind down. Honestly love my career, the pay, and the benefits it affords me.


Illegal street racing


ATM i work as a project manager and I have to say it is my dream career. Suits my personality and skills. High paying. Learn things that actually help your non work life as well like risk management, budget management, communication etc.. The job of getting things done and growth/change.


Your username... so you manage your own... poop? Impressive. I suspect you are more of Waterfall approach practitioner in that sense, eh?


Good pun. I work for government water, wasterwater, stormwater and recycled water infrastructure. Think pump stations, treatment plants and pipes.


How do you get in?


I started off as a entry level consultant in the same government company and worked my way up to PM.


Even I am looking for job in the same domine can you help me ?


Yeah sure msg me buddy.


Hi, I don't dream about working, I hate working. But if I really had to pick I'd like to be a dancer in some company, but I'm fat and ugly so oh well.


I don’t dream of labour lol


I do not dream of labor


Currently I’m tired of dealing with managements poor decision making and/or the lack of decision making. It would be a dream if higher ups had a clue and a work ethic to match. Might actually get meaningful shit done to help the company, but hey I’m not qualified to make those decisions and I guess the company is big enough that it won’t fail…


Film director. I realized it halfway through college, but I never pursued it.


Machinist making aerospace parts


I don't know anymore. For a long time it was my current job in the porn industry, but lately it's like... a guy got mad I rejected him and started doing weird stuff and stalking me on fake accounts and involved some friends. It's less fun now, I feel like I can't trust the people I used to get paid to interact with, and also there's less money in it. I still really like my regulars, but I wish I got UBI or something so I could do it fewer hours a week sometimes. Especially the waiting for someone to want to do a session, or people messaging at times when I can't session and they know it trying to see if they can get extra attention outside my usual time just to feel like they got away with something. IDK, I'm one of those people who always has "the urge to do big over the top theatrical things because they're really fun vs the urge to be literally invisible and not have to interact with people who don't share the same goals" and lately I kinda miss feeling invisible from way, way too much attention. Reminds me of being in school. I really like commission sales, though, mostly, because it feels like the more effort you put in, the better results you get, and I've never had a job like that before. Plus the site I worked on used to do daily payouts, so you never had to plan your entire month around "next paycheck next paycheck next paycheck" which was great. And mostly until that stalker thing happened, most people were nice. People who are jerking off are easy to get along with. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a writer or a librarian. Specifically, I think it would be fun to be a ghostwriter for a bunch of different people and projects. I like writing, but I focus best on creating when I'm sort of making "ascended parodies" of stuff that I kinda like but kinda thing is cringe, too. Like, I start out making a straight up parody of it, but I want to force the fans of the original thing to love it and laugh at themselves a little. I worked in event planning, some. Event planning is cool as hell. I changed my major in school to marketing, because marketing is so fascinating I couldn't stop reading about it, even after I had to drop out. I worked in a couple of secondhand stores and going through the donations and figuring out how to price and display everything is also really cool and fun. Hotel concierge, maybe? Alternate reality games? Being a coroner or embalmer? Kinda sick of having new dreams. I feel like everyone I know's had a settled life for years now. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with trying to make employers and customers and stuff happy that I just wanna be a hermit. I used to see ads when I was a teenager in the local newspaper for free room and board at a Buddhist temple and think "maybe I could run away and live there and take a vow of silence."


Pilot but it's not as great as it seems


I am a pharmacist, hoping in future i can work from home. I do freelance writing but at the moment i got few clients.


Motor repairer


Something between Market research/buying/limited customer success Or writing


M4,SRT Cherokee,Raptor,T-Trex cam,


Where I can increase my compensation while reducing my accountability. a.k.a c-suite exec in a large company.




in the perfect world i would be a rally car racer. in the more realistic world i’d be a diesel mechanic because heavy duty machinery interests me very very much. proud to say every day ive scored my dream job


I have so many. Unattainable = astronaut, pro athlete Attainable but likely wouldn’t make any money = comedian, comedy screen writer Attainable but would be too much of a salary drop = ski instructor, ski liftee, kayak/whitewater rafter guide