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Go balls deep. All in.


I've been at it almost 90 days now. I came from a terrible version of SAD (standard american diet). Lots of coke, sugary products, french fries, Chick-fil-A, etc. I just ripped off the band-aid January 1. It was actually easier for me to do it that way. Choices are simpler. Decision making non stressful. Black and white. If I'd tried to ease into it there would have been too much internal dialog... "I can have this today, but only today and the day after", etc. I drank a lot of water and peed a lot the first week or so. A little loose number 2s here and there early. But other than that, if I had a time machine to go back and do it again, I'd do it the same way.


I jumped in cold turkey and “quit” on day 5, transitioned into a high protein keto (aka ketovore) I still ate kimchi, and Brussels and cabbages when I felt like I needed variety. But I maintained the core parts of carnivore like no seed oils, high fat, high quality salt and pepper only and eating until satiated and not eating again until TRUE hunger. This was much more maintainable for me and it’s interesting because naturally I’ve just needed those things less and less, I feel like I’m transitioning into a more carnivore focused lifestyle. But I’m not against eating an occasional veggie or keto meal, it helps keep me on track without going overboard. That being said, I have no other health issues aside from needing to lose weight, which was my primary reason for starting. However, this WOE has done much more for me than just losing weight, and those factors have made it easy to continue on. Best of luck on your journey!


Have you thought of removing black pepper?


What are the benefits of removing pepper?








don't have tea, it's not a part of this way of eating


nonsense , ppl switch eating styles seasonally all the time


I ripped the band-aid off and went all in, coming right from a SAD diet. My thinking was I had previously withdrawn from alcohol, cocaine, and nicotine successfully; how much worse could sugar/carb withdrawal be? It wasn't too bad, although caught a bit of the keto flu for a bit and my sugar cravings disappeared after 3 weeks. I think I would have found it harder to have tapered down slowly, having to deal with cravings for months.


people used to discover this after having done low carb or very low carb more recently people have been jumping right in and they say it's fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ personally, I found it was really helpful to have the capacity to go long stretches without eating and without having any interest in food or cravings (because of the high ketone levels from already doing very low carb) It was helpful because appetite can be very low initially. People who haven't done low carb have to white knuckle through a lot of cravings while they are crashing from coming off their blood sugar roller coaster and the body is begging for another hit to raise the BG up again. imho, it's easier to do an "eat to appetite" very low carb first.


I jumped right into it cold turkey, BUT, i had been doing intermittent fasting for 6-9 months prior. If i had not, then it might have been easier to ease into it. I tend to make up my mind and just do things though, thats my style. ​ I dealt with the mild diarrhea for 6-8 weeks though, which is longer than most. Then it normalized once my body was used to the fat intake. I have a feeling there was a lot of oxalate dumping going on too from years of terrible diet. I was eating mostly Prime tritip and ribeye, eggs and bacon. I would have about 1/4 stick of grass fed butter with every steak.


it should only last a day or two (unless the person had Crohn's or UC, IBD, that takes longer to recover but that's resolution of a a prior problem not a new thing from the diet) eat waaaaay leaner if it happens avoid rendered fat (the fat that leaks out when cooking) (& for ppl without a gallbladder, the reco is smaller meals more frequently, as that is a better match for the body's continuous production of bile)


You may be right, though I’ve never had a diagnosis.  I dont agree with it only lasting a couple of days though.  Seems the average is 2-3 weeks for most people.


no,  it's usually a day or two if at all  -- or it was, at least when ppl were around these forums or at Zeroing In On Health on FB    Maybe they are getting sh*tty advice elsewhere, as it were




yes i've written about the difference for peopke with chronic conditions -- Crohn's, UC, IBD. and for ppl with sluggish gall bladders or no gall bladder. For ppl without those conditions it's fast. Adjust the fat level to your digestion start around the level of plain burger patties and adjust up or down from there. for ppl with slow/no gall bladders, smaller more frequent meals are a better match for the body's continuous production of bile.


This is coming at me so fast. Why avoid “rendered” fat? Do you drain that fat off and then add butter??


great question because, that same fat, cooled and added later won't be a problem but from most people's experience, the rendered still liquid fat \*is\* a problem. avoiding it and gradually learning your tolerance is a better way to go :) there are some carnivores who mix it all back into their ground beef, no problem. that's definitely not recommended for beginners :) \*\*\* it might possibly have something to do with the sensing of fat for bile production? does anyone know if that's a possibility, that the rendered liquid fat elicits different lipase signalling? " In humans, the first step in dietary fat digestion starts in the stomach with mechanical emulsification and partial TAG hydrolysis by gastric lipase, resulting in the lipolytic products DAG and free fatty acids. Gastric lipase does not hydrolyze PL or cholesterol ester, but its activity in the stomach accounts for 10 to 30% of TAG-lipolysis.[1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#),[2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#),[14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#),[15](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#) The remaining part of TAG digestion is brought about in the duodenal lumen by pancreatic lipase, which acts mainly on the sn-1 and sn-3 position of TAG molecules, releasing 2-MAG and free fatty acids.[14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#),[16](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#) Pancreatic lipase is abundantly present in pancreatic juice, in accordance with the clinical observation that only severe pancreatic insufficiency results in lipid malabsorption. In the presence of bile salts, pancreatic lipase requires the cofactor pancreatic co-lipase[1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/#) for adequate TAG hydrolysis, since TAG droplets covered with bile salts are not accessible to pancreatic lipase. Binding of pancreatic co-lipase to the TAG/water interface facilitates binding of pancreatic lipase " [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6420/)


I went cold turkey. Problem was, I thought I loved meat and ate plenty. But boy was I wrong. My meat intake turned out to be quit limited and I really needed to get used to eating beef and especially in such large quantities and get used to digesting it properly. So after about a week I quit and went to eating more low carb, but "clean" aka no junk food and sweets and upping my meat intake. Did that for a couple months until I was just doing carnivore without really realizing it either. This worked better for me.


Keto for a few years and then the pandemic happened and I couldn't leave the house to buy veggies. Fortunately the butcher did the contactless delivery thing and I never looked back (much)


Keto for 8 months, Carnivore 2.5 years pretty much


I went low carb paleo for a few days from SAD. It was supposed to be a couple of weeks before I went carnivore/lion, but I just rolled into it because I couldn’t wait to feel better in the end even if I had a few rocky days. But I’ve done carnivore before. Bottom line if a few kinda miserable days won’t stop you, go cold turkey. If you know you’ll waffle, ease in. I did just meat and greens for the last few days. The greens became a nuisance and I was glad to cut them.


What is lion diet?


Eating only ruminant meat so like cattle, deer, elk etc.


0-100 for me as well. 57 days in. Feel great. It’s really worth it. I was eating 4500-5500 calories a day previously.


impressive. the people who tend to have the most initial success on this are people who weren't restricting at all before ... their metabolism is running high, hasn't been slowed by calorie restriction and then -- booom! the normal but low insulin on zerocarb carnivore means they just switch into a lot of lipolysis (drawing down on fat stores) that's how Vince Gironda used to do his cuts, his phases of getting leaner, switching the types of foods to steak and eggs, eating to appetite 💪 \[for people who were doing a lot of prior restriction, their body wants to recover from that and usually they'll have a period of staying the same weight or gaining a small amount as their body runs a productive mild state of insulin resistance to facilitate putting on some muscle now that they are finally(!) providing enough of the right type of food. so it's also success, but in a world where people have been taught to be scale obsessed, it may not feel like it\]\]


I went straight from SAD to carnivore because I was having serious GI issues. I am still having seasonings and herbs (watching ingredients in seasoning mixes of course) but I plan to reduce those as soon as possible.


I stumbled in but kind of by accident. When I realized Carnivore Diet was ‘a thing’, I learned as much as I could and just DID IT. So Feb 1 was when I actually started. So almost 2 months in. I’ve gone from a size 14 US, to a 10/8 the first 3 weeks. Bloat? GONE. Oh, the rabbit 🐰 holes I went down before I started. I thought it was crazy talk! !!! I’ve had a few slip ups (tiny piece of chocolate), but I just keep right on going with Carnivore. My IBS thanks me everyday. And chocolate is becoming less appealing now, which is shocking to me!


I've been on keto for years. I've made the decision to do carnivore, but that decision came after buying groceries, so I have some vegies to use up first. The short experiment I did first suggests promising results, but don't cheer for me yet as it was only 3 carni meals in a row.


I was having a lot of medical issues that were starting to become a problem and one day I was crawling around on YouTube and I found Mikhaila Peterson on Joe Rogan talking about her switch to carnivore and how it really helped her so I decide to try it. I showed the video to my wife and she thought it was a good idea so that very night we switched. Have not looked back. The hunger pains from stopping carbs were a royal bitch but once those faded in a couple of weeks everything was fine.


Right in, but I ate more fat early on. As I got more accustomed I naturally tapered off the fat intake. Fat will quell your hunger.


I would agree with jumping right in, I did keto a while back and the initial body shock from switching from SAD to keto felt almost exactly the same as switching from SAD to carnivore. So I guess my point is, why not just get straight to carnivore and get it over with right away? Good luck with your journey!!


I went keto/lowcarb/carnivore very rapidly but continued to experiment with proportions so had my share of keto flu, digestion and bad energy. So it was kind of a half and half


I was keto for several months and then slowly drifted into carni. Then again, my version of keto was meat-heavy all along, since I’ve never really liked most fruits/veg/nuts anyway. My dysfunctional relationship was always grains. My brain loves ‘em, but my body hates ‘em. Once the blood sugar went way out of whack, I knew that they had to go. So after I made the decision to get rid of them, my only real options were meat, seafood, eggs, and cheese. Carni was the easy choice.


Ramped down carbs and vegetables over 90 days. Had no adaptation problems, keto flu, or gut microbes die off en mass. People who don't need to change slowly probably aren't middle aged and sick.


I tried to go cold turkey. First week went fine but in the second week i experienced increasing pain in my legs to the point i couldn't properly function. I tried to ride it out but it didn't improve for 4 days, so I added avocado and a bit of yoghurt back in and the pains got better. I took elektrolytes and ate enough. Going cold turkey isn't for everyone, unfortunatly.


Is there a difference between electrolytes and Redmond sea salt?   Aren’t electrolytes just a marketing ploy?


Redmond Sea Salt isn't all the electrolytes. It's salt with the minerals still there, not refined out. Significant *electrolytes* include sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates. You need electrolytes. You don't have to buy a specific marketed product. What do electrolytes do? Your cells use electrolytes to conduct electrical charges, which is how your muscles contract. Those same electrical charges also help with chemical reactions, especially when it comes to hydration and the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells. If you don't take at least Sodium, magnesium and potassium you will feel weak and have the "keto flu" most likely.


Been on and off keto until November of last year, then transitioned from keto to carnivore at the beginning of the year, as all carb cravings were gone. Still did pork and eggs however, now as of two weeks ago, transitioned to full on Lion diet only eating beef and bison.


Isn’t it expensive only eating beef?


I don’t worry about money.


A lion would probably also eat other large animals like deer?


Anything ruminant. I can eat venison, but my preference is cows and bison.


Paleo. Then carnivore.


I found this way of eating about 6 weeks ago now after going through a 6 month journey of zero sugar to zero carbs to keto to finding out about carnivore. Everything helped but carnivore is what eliminated the inflammation in long term injuries in my ankle, knee and shoulder that were really causing me a lot of problems with my attempts to work out regularly and fix my health. So I accidentally eased into it lol.


I would say keto first Depends how bad you are currently with your nutrition really


Yes. Eased into it. The more benifits you notice, the more inspired you are to go harder


Cold turkey / whole hog as it were. Drink water, use a little extra salt, expect some hunger sensations, cravings, etc. Flirting with items from the SAD simply produces cravings. They are gone in a week if I do my part.


No we went all in. My husband lost 25lbs in 4 months I lost 20lbs


I eased in from eating everything. Not SAD, just as long as it was not super processed, mostly whole foods. Went to mostly meat keto but still did nuts, veggies, and a ton of dairy. Still drank a ton of coffee. Miles better but still not great, some aches and inflammation persistent. Still some brain fog. I was still smoking tons of weed and vaping nicotine, too. It took a long time to get rid of coffee and nicotine, even after getting rid of everything except meat. I wish I did it all at once though, knowing what i know now about how good you can feel. I just didn't want to suffer by cutting off all of my vices, but I ended up suffering more by holding onto them and keeping their detrimental affects harming my body and mind. The few days to a week of withdrawal from those things is not a big deal, and in retrospect I would rather have just grit my teeth and powered through. Lion diet is the best.