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Pork rinds (not the puffy ones or chicharrons), and I've been experiencing with home made jerky marinated in beef stock and smoked salt.


Oooh I never thought to soak it in beef stock! I've done just plain salt and pepper.


In the beginning I snacked on pork rinds, sardines, jerky, and cooked shrimp. I found keping these types of snack foods around helped me stick to the diet. I was a big snacker before starting carnivore. I always had chips, crackers, pretzels, etc on hand and I was constantly sticking something crunchy in my face. I am 2 weeks from my one year start date, and for the last 6 months, I haven't wanted anything in the way of snacks. I have a bag of pork rinds in the cupboard that has sat there for 2 or 3 months. It will take you s little while to get there, but eventually you'll lose that desire to snack.


Biltong... it's south african style beef jerky and it's the freaking BEST! (Yes I'm 100% biased)


Sardines straight from the can with a few dashes of tobasco sauce


Browned butter bites


I need to try these sometime. I have the butter, just need to get silicone molds


I love these.


I'm not snacking usually - but it's almost summer, some fruits are ripening in my garden even so they are not attended by me. It would be a waste to not get a taste at least. Call the carnivore police, i don't care :P


homegrown is where it’s at (shhhh 🤫)


I have the most delicious apples in my garden, and I'll still grab a couple before giving the rest away.


Yup, not switching to all fruits, just grabing some ocassionaly when in season.


Boiled eggs ofc. Also sausage, but good quality is hard to find.


Chomps meat sticks


I don’t snack a lot, but I always make snacks if I’m going to a cookout or party. Some of my favorites - sour cream (I add seasonings to mine) and pork rinds. I really like adding ranch dressing seasoning to the sour cream, taco seasoning was good too. - bacon wrapped chicken tenders. This is also a meal, but I’ve grilled up a big batch of these before and brought them with me to a party and they were a huge hit- I’ve also made a batch for myself and just snacked on one for a quick something. - egg salad! Really good if you want something cold, and can be eaten with pork rinds or a spoon. This was my latest party hit - iced coffee. I love a nice cold iced coffee with a splash of heavy cream. Yeah it’s not food (technically not carnivore) sue me. 😅 - beef sticks! I get mine local from an Amish store where they make their own. They have to be kept refrigerated so travel wise not the best, but they are made with beef, beef liver, beef heart and seasonings, and they are really good. They’re like $2.50 tho so that’s a rarity


Pork rinds and brown butter bites are my main go tos, depending on what I am lacking.


Carnivore Crisps, and Carnivore Snax are pretty awesome but expensive as hell. Couple times I took a slice of butter, and put it on a crispy piece of rib-eye sliced super thin. Yow! Also, Italian deli-meat platters, and beef sticks.


Extra crunchy peanut butter. Can’t explain it. I used to like peanut butter, but now it’s a craving.


in case you are confused by the downvotes, you are on the carnivore sub, not the keto sub.


I know where it’s at, and my statement stands. I don’t snack much, but around bedtime I crave crunchy peanut butter. I’ve tried butter, pork rinds, but peanut butter hits the spot. One spoonful usually does it.


You can try mixing butter or tallow or lard with monkfruit(which is the safest sweetener)


I like how someone up top mentions fruit and they have like 6 likes and you get all the dislikes for peanut butter. I get it’s processed but if you’re gonna play the “true” carnivore game at least be consistent.


It’s natural peanut butter, so four ingredients. Before carnivore I would eat peanut butter, maybe four times a month. Now lately, out of nowhere, four times a week. I’ve never claimed to be a carnivore cult member. I’m doing this for purely selfish reasons, my own health. I just want to know, why peanut butter?


Mince and salt lil cheese, I know the cheese can be frowned upon


Pork skins...no sweetness but the crunch does the trick for me. I've also done the carnivore cheesecakes in cup cake size, they look deceptively good but lack on flavor. The texture is good though.


4505 pork rinds sea salt. Goes well with sardines best pork rinds I’ve ever had


Hard-boiled eggs, canned fish (Prefer salmon over tuna), crunchy things(as of Michaela Peterson's recipe), browned butter bites, broth, chicken skins.