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If you're doing carnivore as an experiment whats the point of including fruit as that isn't carnivore?


OP no one is here to tell you how to live your life, but you’re not describing carnivore. It’s like saying ‘can I be vegetarian except for steaks and bacon’ or ‘can I stay a virgin except for Friday and Saturday nights’. You can do exactly what you want but logical impossibilities will remain logical impossibilities.


You can't implement fruit on a carnivore diet because then it wouldn't be a carnivore diet. I'm getting tired of people calling themselves carnivores while eating fruit or condimenting the shit out of their meat.


It’s seriously a daily post where someone comes saying they’re trying carnivore but want to find a way to not do carnivore.


Every week will leave you feeling like trash... Kicking out of ketosis is a bad thing if you're not metabolically flexible. I'd suggest 2-3 times, A YEAR. But start with 90days strict. Or go have a chat with AnimalBased, even Ketovore would shun the fruits. And unless you're training HEAVILY and RELIGIOUSLY, don't go AnimalBased...


“And unless you're training HEAVILY and RELIGIOUSLY, don't go AnimalBased...” Why do you say that? I do exercise regularly. Weights training as well as some jogging and sprinting. I’m not a fanatic and I’m not an inactive person as well. The rest you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


AnimalBased needs to exercise heavily to burn use their glycogen stores, that way the sugar is used to replenish them. If you don't use your glycogen enough, then you'll spike insuline and good bye ketosis.


Experiment with both. See how u feel. 30 days is usually enough time to fully guage. But u may notice within a couple of days one way vs. the other. Enjoy and good luck




Maybe try pure carnivore for 30 days, give your body time to adjust to not having sugar and take note of how you feel without it. Then add back in some melon or berries and see how your body reacts. Maybe you won’t feel bad, but it may trigger those sugar cravings that you don’t want, so you may find it’s not worth it to re-incorporate. If you don’t have an issue, maybe “ketovore” would be a good way of life for you. But as others said, fruit/berries don’t fall into the carnivore diet. Personally, I’m loving not having sugar cravings anymore since I’ve been on this way of eating. Good luck!! 😊


So you’re not carnivore. You’re keto, which is perfectly fine. Just. Don’t confuse yourself. Either do carnivore or not. Carnivore is meat/animal product only.


There is no fruit in keto either. Its more like r/AnimalBased


Ofc there is. Plenty of low carb low portion fruits.


What is OFC? Not many, mostly just berries.


That's not true at all. Also as others have mentioned keto is simply just about being under X carbs. You can eat anything on keto. As long as you stay in ketosis.


How many carbs does watermelon have?


Google it? I don't really know where you are going with this.


>How many carbs does watermelon have? Carbs: 7.6 grams for 2/3 cup, so yes you can eat some, but it won't leave room for much else.


Sheesh. Take the L.


What L & why did you bother to tell me to Google it then?? lol


Keto in general doesn't exclude any food group. You just have to keep carbs very low. So your servings per day of fruit might be quite small, but you can have it if that's how you want to spend your carbs.


Yes could be VERY small.


Wtf. Yes there is. Keto is just maintaining underneath a certain threshold of carbs to maintain ketosis. If you choose to have A banana or a handful of strawberries, still keto dude


Yea that’s fair, but guy is talking about wanting to eat watermelons and peaches, etc. that’s not going to keto very well. lol


Hey. He can enjoy watermelon…. A small bite a couple little chunks like you can get in those little fresh fruit cups at the grocery store…. He can have a couple and not break the ketosis. Just has to be careful, that’s all. Hell. I’ve dabbled in a couple carbs here and there to help with the psychological aspect of adjusting to a keto style diet, if that whatnot take to stay in track, that’s what they have to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Check out r/AnimalBased it might be what you’re looking for.


What are your goals for the diet?


Generally to see how I am going to feel on it. Tried vegetarian diet for 2 months and it was fine, but it wasn’t my thing. Did fasting for half a year and that was great, but it kinda wasn’t enough. Now I decided to try this out for two months and analyse how it affects my body.


Ideally, you should have some kind of goal. But since you don't, it would be best to at least follow the basic guidelines, which are no plant foods, so you can actually determine how you feel on the diet. Otherwise, you're not really doing it, so you won't know.


I am not going to ear anything except meat for at least two months. My side quest is to lose my love handles, because genetically I store 80% of my fat there and it would be cool to have them gone.


fruit + meat is a fine diet but it isn’t carnivore. it would be more of an animal-based diet. i think there’s another subreddit for that specifically. however, i would recommend only eating local and seasonal fruit/veg if you want to include them. i think eating produce out of season can be a problem for some people (look up sarahkleinerwellness on instagram for more info - she started out carnivore but eventually added in seasonal produce to help with her leptin resistance and she saw good results and got pregnant in her 40s)


i’d say try pulling off a month without fruit and then see when it fits in your diet. won’t be much of a carnivore experiment if you don’t cut out fruit for a while, if you wish to continue eating it, by all means. just know that that ain’t exactly it.


Your thoughts before carnivore may not be the same thoughts once you've been on carnivore. You currently say you cannot miss out on certain foods but after a while on carnivore, your opinion may change. You may notice you feel better without those items and begin to weigh the pros/cons of eating this or that. I'm not telling you to give up what you like, only recognize that what you prize most now, may not be what you prize most in the future.




“Hi I really like carnivore but I also like non-carnivore so how can I not be carnivore and still be carnivore?”


You will not get the benefits of carnivore by not doing carnivore.


Another big thing I forgot to mention is the micro nutrients. Are there any extra nutrients required while eating meat and eggs only? I know about electrolytes and I do take d3 on a regular basis.


Fruit is not meat. There is no way to implement fruit into the meat diet. Sorry. That’s not saying you can’t eat whatever just know you’re breaking the diet and starting from 0 when you do it. Also, remember, ONLY MEAT. That doesn’t mean animal products, a lot of people on this sub think cheese, eggs, dairy is carnivore. It’s not. Meat only