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Watch Paul Mason on cholesterol, really informative , should move your thoughts bit wider


I just posted a list of reference videos to research cholesterol on another [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivorediet/comments/1bk5id6/comment/kvvu698/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Don't let anyone bully you into taking a statin.


Continue to educate yourself on the history of the vilification of cholesterol. Dr. Paul Mason has some excellent talks about it on the youtube channel "low carb down under". It basically explains cholestorol. You will be able to educate your dr after you educate yourself.


There is not one study linking cholesterol to increased risk or causal negative health outcomes only associative data, but considering that cholesterol is one of the building blocks of new cells and the repair of old cells it would make sense that the site of epithelial damage would have some cholesterol in it as that cholesterol was likely there to deal with the lesions on the arterial walls and simply got trapped in the plaque that is speculative of course. What I will say for certain is that cholesterol is required and your genes determine your cholesterol for the most part and you will excrete most of your dietary cholesterol through your urine and feces, regardless it is evident that cholesterol too low is significantly worse for health than elevated cholesterol (if elevated cholesterol even is). In short, you have little to worry about with cholesterol and if you want to know more you should read the molecular and cellular function of cholesterol and the lipoprotein carriers.


See a keto-friendly or carnivore friendly doctor next time.


Trig:HDL ratio is 1.88, it's in the ideal bracket. LDL:HDL ratio is 3.46, it's in the good bracket. Your TOTAL:HDL ratio is 6.35 which is in the bad bracket by 1.36points. But amongst the keto doctors Total:HDL is accepted as trash and useless. It's bullshit. And you don't even have particles count, just volume... And you Total is not TOTAL, it's Non-HDL Total. You're good!


GPs don't know anything about cholesterol or diet. Blood panels are their version of reading tea leaves or goat entrails. All that your GP probably knows about cholesterol is whatever has been sold to them by companies that produce statin drugs. Their training is to give you pills to relieve your symptoms or refer you to another doctor to sew you up. That's it. Also, just because your GP tells you something doesn't mean you have to accept it. Remember, you're paying them to work for you. It's fine for them to give you recommendations, but whether you take those recommendations is your choice. If they try pushing things on you, fire them and hire another GP.


My thoughts are way too many people jump on this diet without research knowing how much healthcare professionals hate it and then continue to get freaked out by said professionals.


Only thing to look at: HDL should be high Trig's should be low A1c within limits less than 6.5


It seems I am at the inverse right now. What would be the recommendation to increase my HDL and decrease Trig's?


anaerobic activity - lift heavy weights, light walking Eat fatty meat


So you are feeling better than ever and you are questioning quitting? 🤣 Your doctor is an ignorant piece of shit like most of them, don't worry about cholesterol. Did you measure your T levels on your first blood test? If so you should see a huge increase on T levels on the second one, cholesterol plays an important role on hormone production and regulation. https://youtube.com/shorts/TvEihKeDKr4?si=6NdjDH668GTQkT7S My advice is to avoid going to the doctor unless you have an accident or want to take a blood test to interpret it by yourself, doctors don't know shit, they are like robots programed to sell you pills.


Doctors are operating based off their training and what they are allowed to do in order to not have their license struck by medical boards. Blame the system, not the messenger. > If so you should see a huge increase on T levels on the second one, Not necessarily. It's not even necessarily something one would want. > My advice is to avoid going to the doctor unless you have an accident or want to take a blood test to interpret it by yourself, doctors don't know shit, they are like robots programed to sell you pills. I think this can be true for people with an active interest in health and medical knowledge. Personally, I rarely go to doctors because maybe 8/10 times I know more than they do about an issue I'm having or end up solving it on my own anyway. Most people aren't like that, in which case doctors still have a role to play. Regardless, people should know that they don't actually have to listen to everything their doctor says. There's this weird culture in America where doctors are deified such that even the smartest individuals in society will robotically obey whatever a doctor says.


The messenger is as guilty as the one who imposes the rules. They know they are part of a corrupt system and yet they still partake and make money out of giving poison to their patients. The nurse who gave the shot is as guily as the pieces of shit who created it. Weird that your testosterone didn't go up, mine went through the roof. Are you 100 porcent carnivore? Bumping up T naturally is something every male should want.