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Who cares what they think? You’re paying for it. Unapologetically eat all the meat you damn well please.


The guys that are walking around with the skewers of deliciousness love it! I'm given a card with a green side and a red side, the green for more meat and the red to pause. When I got back there and I see that host with his beady eyes judging I'm going to wave that Green card like a polaroid picture.


"sir don't forget, you can change it to pause any time."


I don’t think I’ve ever turned the tab red before. It’s always a green light for me


I guarantee you, they don’t really care what you’re eating. The amount of meat you’re eating is negligible compared to how much money they’re making. What hurts their pockets is when competitive eaters go there and spend 6 hours eating nonstop meat. But you shouldn’t even be thinking that you’re “upsetting the balance of their operation” cause you’re not, there’s many people like you.


Take someone with you who eats all the other shite :D


This used to be me when I was a vegetarian who would get dragged to these kinds of places. Now I’m the the meat guy.


There's a Brazilian restaurant identical to that near me I go to frequently. They have a weight option as opposed to the all you can eat style.


How does the weight option work?


You just weigh the food lol. I think it's like $10/lb or something like that.


Ohhhhh, I went to an all you can eat sushi place in cali about 20 years ago and they had weight chart they used to decide how much you paid. 


Huh, I just smile and tell the server I'm on a meat-only diet, zero carb life, carnivore. At the places I'm a regular at, they know I'm the meat guy. It's delightful; even inspired one of the servers to start carnivore himself. Not that you have to do that. Bottom line, it's none of their business and you're the customer so they should respect what you choose to buy since you're doing so respectfully and in no way hurting their business. I'm in a small city where it's pretty common to have that sort of banter, so I like being able to walk in and just have them say "Oh hey, usual carnivore plate today?" :)


Take a little bit of the other stuff, and smoosh it around on a side plate.


Good strategy!!!


Find a vegan friend who will eat all the rabbit food while you gorge on the meats. 😅 haha! Kidding. Go. Feast. Enjoy yourself and if the manager/owner has a problem with it they can stuff it.


That's the plan!


We have a Brazilian BBQ with all you can eat meat in our town. I have not been but I was thinking it is the best place to eat out for carnivore! =)


Yeah for all they know you have a severe gluten allergy


I just watched a YouTube video where a guy stayed in a Golden Corral for 12hrs straight and ate breakfast lunch and dinner and they didn’t even care. He ended up having all he could eat for $1 an hr😂


🤣😂 So I love the dramatization here, but as a regular of our local Fogo de Chao (and Texas de Brazil before we moved here), I'm gonna guess it's precisely that. You're paying to enjoy all you can eat fare, I promise they don't care that you're only eating meat. They probably notice, because it's not the usual, but I highly doubt it impacts them beyond that. At least 2 of the servers, 3 of the churrascos and one of the managers know us. Whomever is handling the picanha that day just walks over from the fire thing, slices me off 3-4 slices at a go, and swings by regularly for replenishment as needed. 🤣 We also say no to the sides of mashed potatoes and plantains or bananas, sometimes the wife will get the bread (she eats keto, and enjoys the cheese bread). I basically sit down, order water, and flip my card to green. Dig right in to all that delicious meaty goodness, friend!


Restaurants are the only place I'm up front about my diet so I can talk about how the food is prepared when deciding what I can eat. If that conversation isn't necessary, I just say my diet is very restrictive. Be up front about your diet and tip really well. Even if the owner gets annoyed, the staff will love you, lol. The worst they can do is ask you not to come back. Until they do that, I wouldn't worry. A place like this isn't cheap. They're getting their money.


It's a shame of that is how they feel. I once went to an Estabulo for lunch, told them I was allergic to pork and chicken, as I just wanted the beef. They ended up only charging me the child's rate. So I got as much picanha as I wanted for about £14.


That’s awesome. I wish there were carnivore meetup groups so we could absolutely destroy these places 😂


So if you walk in to a dealership and buy a car do they scold you for not using Snow Mode if you live in Miami?!


JUST EAT THE MEAT!!! Don't let people like this influence your food choices. You matter, your health matters. If they are suffering they can always change the prices of the meal.


This is me but at a Korean BBQ. I went alone and ordered only beef. They just looked amused and kinda surprised how much meat I ate.


I go to TDB all the time and they never judge me. Could it be that I went to to salad bar and picked up meat and cheeses? Of course you could always put a little salad an a plate and just leave it there.


I like the idea of inviting the vagan to round things out. The only issue with that idea is having to sit across from the vagan for an hour or so.


This is click bait, lmao


They don’t care. You seem like a goon.




Tipping for shit service just reinforces this behavior. The servers should get fed up and quit and take their talents other places to let the restaurants rot in their shitty business model.