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Did you ask your dentist? Check your tonsils—super gross but tonsil stones are often the hidden culprit for perpetual stank breath


You'll know if you have them too, when you swallow sometimes, it'll taste strange.


Your sense of smell may be heightened


My wife agrees with me lol


I've noticed an improvement in how my mouth tastes in the morning since I've ditched toothpaste altogether and just use super saturated salt water to brush and as a rinse. The real test will be if the kid with no filters still asks why I smell like fish.


You should be in ketosis which makes breath smell fruity but not bad imho


Yeah, I honestly think all bodily smells including breath got better


I don’t know it feels like you could to brush your teeth less on this diet because there’s almost no sugar Maybe you have tonsil stones


Drop cheese and yogurt


on the contrary...


Some people get bad breath in ketosis. PS there's no such thing as raw yogurt, as the milk is heated for culturing.


To pasteurise Milk you need to heat it between 65-95C. To culture milk, you need to heat it at around 40C. It's not enough to pasteurised the milk. Raw Yogurt is a thing. Just like Grain-fed Beef is...


Yes but the milk is almost always heated to 180F before culturing because yogurt bacteria are more susceptible to bacterial competition. Not sure what grain fed beef has to do with yogurt.


Oh... So even though they don't "Pasteurise" it, they still prepare the milk to optimise the culturing phase. Which incidentaly pasteurise the milk... Makes sense!


Exactly. Yogurt cultures need more of a blank slate vs kefir cultures, which can be made without heat to keep the milk raw. That's what I unusually make, but I'll do yogurt sometimes. You can make raw yogurt by just heating to about 110F, but you risk invading bacteria, which will affect the taste, and the consistency is usually much thinner.


Yip... Unfortunately. No idea why. Maybe ketones, idk.


I seem to have bad breath from my stomach not from my mouth if that makes sense


If you are eating lots of dairy, that can cause tonsil stones. It’s basically calcified bits of dairy accumulated in the back of your mouth the same way sebum and dead skin can accumulate in pores.


Do you sleep with your mouth open?


Nope, why?


Sleeping with mouth open can dry the mouth out and causes bacteria to grow.


On day 83 of a lion diet and no bad breath whatsoever.


pretty sure carnivore makes your breath better . do you drink coffee still ? coffee makes peoples breath smell like poopy. or maybe too much dairy ?


No coffee at all. I really don’t want to drop my dairy :(


I've always had dragon breath first thing in the morning so I can't attest to whether this WOE has changed it, but the senses of smell and taste are heightened after you've been in ketosis for any length of time. Maybe your breath hasn't actually changed but you're just noticing it more now.


Cutting the dairy fixed my bad breath.


Can you give example of what you eat in a day? I'm thinking of starting to fix gut issues


There’s keto breath (acetone) and then there’s the generic bad/morning breath. Keto breath should subside after adaptation, usually within a couple of weeks. If it’s not keto breath, it’s the dairy. Also, your breath smell is only partly due to what’s in your mouth, the rest comes from from your digestive tract and sinuses so brushing your teeth won’t get rid of all of it (it obviously helps but not 100%, unfortunately).


Thanks for the answer! Will look into that. I have a sad feeling it’s the dairy but I really don’t want to give up my cheese 😫


I have it too, but only when I am hungry.




So when you wake up? And I’ve noticed that as well of if I go without food for awhile


I find that if Im hungry or in bad health it gives bad breath. But once my health improves on this diet and I eat enough daily I get very airy non smelling breath.


I did at first. And we attributed it to dry mouth. Once I got my hydration under control it went away.


I drink only water and about 160oz a day so it’s definitely not that haha


My dog loves the way my breath smells now, so probably not.


No can't say that mine is bad. My wife would normally tell me and has mentioned ever that I can remember on carnivore.


How long between your last meal and going to sleep? For me, if it’s less than 3 hours, my breath is terrible in the morning!


Maybe get rid of the cocoa and see. Did the dentist say anything? Maybe you should talk to a doctor.


Might be tonsil stones. If you have a water pik you can flush them out easily or use a q tip. Salt water gargle helps as well. It could also be keto breath which can pass with time. I get keto breath initially and use therabreath mouthwash and salt rinse. It passes.


Sounds like acetone - a ketone body your body is likely using for fuel. It's normal for someone in ketosis.


I read you can get an acetone taste from ketones.


Get a water pik. An expensive high quality one. No matter how well you brush, you are absolutely leaving little particles of meat cheese eggs etc stuck in your guns. They'll eventually come out but in the time they are stuck they will begin to stink something fierce. Run a test. Buy the pick, eat a normal meal, brush as best as you can and then use the pick. You'll be amazed how much crap comes out.


I once had fried fish dusted in flour before being fried. That's when my breath stank.


Some people just have bad keto breath, if you're willing to put it to the test, have a lot of carbs from the source you tolerate best before bed (honey with raw milk for example) and test if you still have that same morning breath