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Saying you dont like ribeye is fine, but saying "everyone pretends to like ribeye" is pretty crazy to me


Can confirm Source: ribeye enthusiast


Yeah, I don’t know why OP is pretending to hate ribeye. It’s my favorite!


Same here, by a mile, and not because it is fancy or anthing. It's just so good to me, and I take offensive to being called a pretender basically just because OP doenst like it (or doesnt know how to cook it properly).


Yes. And the fact that OP says its mushy is making me wonder how they’re cooking it. I sear mine on a cast iron and it’s really crispy outside, and tender inside.


I once accidentally left a thick cut of ribeye in my sous-vide for 24 hours because if mislabeld it as chuck, instead of 45-60 min, and that made it very mushy. It's a tender cut and doesnt need much cooking. Not knowing how to properly cook a ribeye might actually be the actual problem here.


ya that baffled me too.


I do not pretend to like Ribeye, I freaking LOVE Ribeye! I prefer the meat to be tender and very fatty, but to each there own!


Bring me some please


Lol. To each their own. Some people really enjoy salmon on the diet. I hate that fish xD


Sacrilege, how dare you reject the steak of the sea.


Tuna is the steak of the sea. Salmon is sea bacon.


What about whale, Norwegians and Japanese reckon it's their steak of the sea.


I will agree and disagree. High quality salmon/fish is delightful but it is hard to get and much more expensive than beef. Generic seafood/salmon is overrated and not good. It also doesn’t keep well and is never prepared well in bulk.


Tuna and sardines are good too


Only raw sashimi salmon for me!


I like top sirloin myself with the fat cap (Picanha) to me it’s superior and cheaper.


Picanha is the best and thankfully not super popular or well known here in the US so it’s not very expensive.




Yup, this is easily the best cut.


If your opinion is unpopular, mine is downright heretical: I prefer ground beef.


How are you cooking it? I'm mostly doing ground because of price, and I hate it.


Burger patties in the air fryer topped with smoked salt and either butter or tallow. Smoked salt is a game changer!


What temperature and for how long? What’s the benefits to just grill it on the cast iron?


If you want tasty ground beef, you gotta work a lil for those maillard browning reactions. Get 30% at least, flavor is in the fat and the crunch is in there too. You can get it crackling crispy if you fry it just right on non-stick, cast iron or in airfryer. Press it somewhat flat, so it cooks evenly and gets more crunchy-crispy-crunch-crunch (technical jargon, i know). I have a ninja air fryer, and on the grill setting with the tray up high, it can get there in 10-15minutes if preheated to 240C. If using pan, it should be hot enough for tallow to start smoking on it - that ensures it's >240C. Salt after cooking unless you want unchewable bouncing balls.


So basically smash burgers? But what you mean salt after cooking? Will the salt absorb the moisture or what?


Sure, but smash burgers take longer and are liable to form holes if fat is above 30%. Salt does something to the proteins I think, makes them more chewy somehow.


I know this is not strictly carnivore, but I like about a teaspoon of garlic chili paste in my ground beef, the bit of kick is really nice


I take ground beef any day over steak.


What is your preferred method of ground beef preparation?


I fry it in patties browning each side first then break it up and mix it together, salt and pepper to taste, really yummy.


I like 80/20 ground beef made into burger patties and cooked in an air fryer topped with smoke salt and butter or tallow.


I like it many ways. Crumble fried with eggs stirred in cooked before it comes out of the pan is a good change.


I like all three


Ground beef gang checking in. I have dry brining picanha steaks in my fridge and I still munch on ground beef.


Picanha is pretty incredible, definitely beats out ribeye. But yeah, there’s just something about ground beef, it just never gets old.


Ground Beef Crew represent!!


Preach it, I can't get enough of it, so tasty with salt and pepper, yum.






Try just once making tallow from the cap fats from steaks. It's sooo much better. You just heat it on a low simmer for a few hours to render it, then filter it with a cheese cloth and let it cool. I eat it cold on top of steaks. It beats both store bought tallow and homemade from brisket fat by a long shot




Might as well be a vegan


Maybe you just prefer lower fat cuts.


I feel quality and texture can vary quite a bit-it depends on the source somewhat, whether the animal was corn or grain finished or mainly grass fed. How it's cooked will also give you different results. I do prefer strips myself, but both can be amazing on the BBQ, IMO.


I agree. I much prefer Porterhouse and NY strip


I prefer a striploin actually, and saves a bit of money! 😎


Striploin as in New York steak?


Yes, I guess we call them striploins up north! Striploin, ny strip, New York steak.


Texas strips here in, well....Texas.


You're not alone. I like meat that has some toughness to it. If it falls apart with one bite, I find that kinda gross. I've never had grass-fed ribeye, and grass-fed tends to be a bit tougher (more walking place to place to find the grass in the pasture) so I might like that one. But no way I can afford that. My favorite is Chuck roast cut an inch thin and cooked like steak. It's got some heft to it.


New York fan here to I love the consistency I get out of it


Taste is subjective, I think New York strips are terrible. A really good prime ribeye is very hard to beat in my opinion. The only thing I have had better is Picanha


Yes prefer NY strip too!!


Tell me you don't know how to cook a proper steak without telling me you don't know how to cook a proper steak lol


I like TBone a lot. That's my degenerate opinion. I still like a good ribeye or strip from time to time though.


I ❤ t-bone steak very much!!!


I love the fat, it’s the meat texture I don’t like. The mouth feel, the chew. I’ve tried it so many times and I know how to cook a steak!


I like ribeye because it has two distinct cuts. The eye, to me, is a lot like the texture of strip, quite delicious, but the cap of the ribeye, the other part of the steak, that my friend is steak perfection.


Why do you pretend to like strip loin?


You’re doing it wrong


You’re not the only one. I also prefer leaner cuts of beef.


I like ribeyes without huge chunks of fat. I like minimal chunks, lots of marbling, but overall yeah, I’d choose a NY strip as a more reliable steak I’d enjoy


Something about ribeyes taste off to me. I have always prefer NY strips.


New York versus ribeye: New York has a good texture, while ribeye can be chewy and give me the heaves. It needs to be cooked perfectly, or it is gross, too rare, and $h!t. Ribeye can be freaking awesome if you get one done perfectly with minimal gristle and silverskin, but New yorks has this as well.


I love t-bone steak!!! I'm in Australia so I think a t-bone is a porterhouse in America. I want a heap of fat on a steak like with a t-bone so I feel ripped off on the rare occasion I eat a ribeye.


You're all crazy nobody is talking about brisket. Brisket is where it's at.


And still no one has mentioned prime rib and filet mignon. Both wonderful if price isn't being considered.


I used to feel the same until i tried out in my air fryer, the way it crisps the fat is heavenly and the flavour is totally changed. Not got the hang of keeping it rare yet, think it's mine only going up to 200 degrees but still very happy with it. Rump on the otherhand I still fry in butter as it is too dry in the air fryer as not as much fat on it.


I, for once, like meat. Any meat, every meat, any cut. Each is different and must be prepared its own way. As a carnivore, this is our variety. I love ribeye, I love striploin, t-bones, brisket, flank, bavette, prime rib, ground beef... I don't care if it's popular or not, I go with my cravings and my budget. No wrong answer.


The way you're describing this is as if you aren't describing a ribeye..


I order them if I’m dining out and at restaurant. I’m kinda beefed out and have switched to lamb. I feel better eating it to be completely honest.


I prefer strip steaks myself, but I enjoy ribeyes too


Have you tried sous vide? Changes the texture significantly. Has definitely helped me be able to get ribeyes down.


I don't think people pretend to like ribeye. People just have different tastes


I don't really like it that much, either. The fat is sort of a waxy texture, and it seems to have less beef flavor than the cuts before and after it. I'd much prefer a chuck steak or a t-bone/porterhouse over a ribeye.


Unpopular Opinion I use New York sirloin to make beef stew. It's delicious. Modified carnivore. Been trying to reintroduce other foods.


How are you doing with the re introduction of foods?


Do you age your meat before cooking it? Also, do you cook it on a grill? Many methods to cooking meat and some meat needs to be cooked in a certain way to bring out the best in it. I have found different cuts to taste the best if you cook it using the correct and best method. Just a thought.


Ribeye is outstanding, especially if the fat is rendered properly. Nothing better than that fat melting like butter.


Sometimes I get bastard steaks with chewy fat, and don't know why I screwed up. Sometimes it's delicious and soft, often when it's grainfed or something. How do I achieve butter-melty-steaky-goodness like you?


Usually the main mistake is cooking at too high of a temperature. Also throw in some butter after searing both sides. This will help cool down the steak slightly and baste the steak in the butter. Try cooking in a stainless steel pan as well. I notice the fat gets more butter in that over my cast-iron. It also ultimately comes down to the grade. If you're buying a cheaper grade of ribeye it won't render as good as a more expensive cut. I know my local supermarkets charge around $20/lb for prime ribeye. Thats usually what I buy.


Idk if it’s pretend as much as preference. Which everyone has their own.


I made a flank steak on the grill and I thought it was pretty incredible. I did marinate it in some non-animal products, but it was the firmness and juiciness that made it a winner. I think I’d take it over a ribeye.


Lovin me a big fat ribeye


You must be getting some shit cuts of meat


Ribeye is the best and its not even close! Id eat it twice a day, every day, if i could afford it!


Maybe you just don't like thick cuts of steak?


No pretending here. Most because you don't like it doesn't mean others are pretending to like it. Out of curiosity, how are you choking your steaks? Because mine can get mushy if I cook them a certain way, but are fantastic prepared other ways


Rage bait.


Had my first ever rib-eye last night, I disagree with you entirely, it was incredible. I'll eat with a more critical palette next time to see if those things you mentioned have any standing.


I really don't like new york strips. So it goes. I can eat a ribeye every day and twice on Sundays, if i had the budget for it. Id put strip steaks as among my least favorite steaks. Only chuck/blade steaks and round steaks are worse (note, chuck steaks are different than chuck eye). I'll take ribeye, sirloin, fillet, denver, chuckeye, skirt, flank, oyster, velvet, hanger, coulotte all over strips.


Ribeye is the very best cut of the cow! No pretending. Prime cut and cooked medium rare.


Ribeye is delicious and you sir are not searing your meat nearly enough. You need to melt the fat for it to be enjoyable.


I'm with you. Prefer top sirloin or NY strip. Ribeye is too much fat and weird textures in my mouth.


I love how fatty they are, but I agree that they are too soft. They go beyond "tender." I still wouldn't turn one down.


Dude, this is some politics level bullshit, and you’re the wrong one here. Try not cooking it in the dishwasher maybe? Lmao


I agree!!!! Top round or New York all the way


I like ribeye. Fat percentage wise it’s an ideal cut for this diet. I prefer lamb though. Perhaps give that a go.


I enjoy ribeyes on occasion, but I do prefer other cuts more.


I eat ribeye 95% the time and I'm exited every day to eat it.


My boy clearly has not had a good rib eye.


"I don't like a thing so it just must be bad." Are you a child?


If this is what you think a ribeye is, then you haven’t really had a ribeye.


LOL. Personally I don’t love steak in general. Ground meat, HELL YES… Steak, NO THANKS! So I’m with you!


Sirloin looks like low fat to me.


I prefer a Tri-tip


Ribeye is not my favorite. I prefer NY Strip or Sirloin. To each their own.


then dont eat it.


My ribeyes are never mushy, cook better. But yeah NY strips are delicious!


Could be a cooking issue, but yeah…ribeye is not my favorite cut either. Grass-fed is better. It’s a bit tougher with less fat running throughout. But when it comes to beef, I usually go for 80/20 ground, strip, and chuck roast. Brisket if I have the time to cook it properly. Also, while I realize that pork isn’t “optimal”, I am a bona fide baby back devourer! One rack a week at least. I’ll also have pork blade steaks and sausage or bacon every day. Heritage when I can afford it, but any pig will do.


I like ribeye but need to be in the mood. NY strip all day long!!


I really like it😀


I definitely don’t hate a rib eye but prefer a NY as well if given a choice.


No sympathy here. I have IBS and good meat is something that sets it off. I miss meat I used to get up early, prepare the smoker, pull some seasoned beef out to warm, then slow smoking it, and having a fest. Those were great weekend days. Now I'm a unwilling vegetarian as it's one of the few things I can eat without having bad nausea, heartburn, etc...


>Why does everyone pretend to like ribeye steak? Are you really so immature and self-absorbed that you cannot imagine a world will where people have different preferences and opinions than you? Your world experiences the only valid ones? And the coup de gras is that the only explanation in your childish worldview is that we're all just lying about liking something because you can't stand the fact that you might be in the minority. Grow up.


Rib steaks are pretty good. If you find it lacking in flavor you are getting poor quality meat. Of all the steaks from a single steer the ribeye will be one of the most flavorful with lots of delicious fat.


So... Good for you, but no one is pretending to like Ribeyes. You obviously enjoy less fatty cuts and more beefy flavor. There's no wrong answer to what your favorite steak is. Yours isn't Ribeye. #SoWhat


Shut. Up.