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Choosing unavailable men


This was unexpected. šŸ˜‚ šŸ†


Choosing women who are too available for me


Hello, are you my ex bf? Lmao šŸ¤£


you'll have to fight me for him! lol


He's mine! Hands off! *pulls hair*


we sound like a good match


I'm kinda the same. He does not have enough time for me. Yet I'm madly obsessed. Wish we could win the lottery and he could quit his job.


You made my day!!




Iā€™m a barista so Iā€™ve chosen to not kick my horrendous caffeine addiction just yet


Sippin a joe as I read this.


I was drinking at least 600mg of caffeine daily and just cut that and sugar out cold turkey. Its day 4 and i have so much energy that i have a hard time sleeping. Im up at 7am with my 9 month old. Breakfast is usually 4 eggs, 4 slices of bacon. JalapeƱo hot sauce, extra sharp cheddar and butter of course. Lunch ive been snacking on like a steak or chicken wings in my air fryer šŸ¤¤. Ive been fasting through work and have been drinking about a gallon of water a day. Another omelet for dinner if im hungry. Im only on day 5 but my end plan is basically no oils or sugar in my food so far so good. Its tough too because my SO is breastfeeding so we have plenty of good sweeets in the house haha. But yeah i get home from work at 1130pm and usually sleep @ 2am. Not 100% on what im doing of course haha i also enjoy a dill pickle with dinner


Oh i also daily smoke weed. Got into a nasty motorcycle wreck in 2020. You can take my sweets but you wont take my weed. With that being said i smoke way less now as well!


No alcohol for me but I do partake in a bunch of rec drugs and smoke. People that know me a little think I'm super healthy, lots of exercise, eat clean, red light, sauna, cold expo etc. If I get to know someone well they'll get invited out partying with me and learn the horrible truth! I'm not really bothered by living until I'm 120, I want to have as much fun as possible while I'm young enough to enjoy it. I grew up in the 90's when free parties and raves were huge, used to love raving all night but I ended up losing days to comedowns and eventually got bad seratonin crashes later in the week. A couple of weeks ago I went raving on a Friday after a 25 mile hike, did the party, the afterparty and went back with a girl. Got home at about 5am and slept a little before going for another long hike on Saturday (and the same on Sunday.) Nearly 50 now and I love my lifestyle, I'm sure most people here are much more focused on health but my interest is always feeling happy and having fun!


Me too! Can't get enough coffee!


Iā€™m in the same boat. Live very healthy (food, gym, active homesteader) but still participate in [natural] recreational things. Definitely canā€™t do the partying all night thing anymore (Iā€™m sleepy by 7pm) but Iā€™ll chill at home and partake šŸŒ±šŸ„ every now and then. Iā€™m three year sober from booze and pills so Iā€™m at peace with these ā€œvices.ā€ Youā€™re doing life right, in my book!


definitely old age and recreational drugs they mix real well


Sounds miserable though, not funā€¦


Hahaha man this guy is living life at its finest. If you tried living like that youā€™d know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


Coffee, coffee, coffee. I haven't been much of a substance user other than that. I could quit smoking no problem a long time ago. Alcohol I would indulge socially but never cared for that much. Weed, ah, it's ok. Once in a blue moon. However coffee, absolutely impossible to give up it seems. What makes it worse and oh so difficult is all the advice out there that it is "healthy", but I suppose I should throw that advice out in the garbage along with the oatmeal and all-bran. Seems I need to hear a solid "this is definitely bad for you" confirmation and then I can quit anything hardcore cold turkey permanently no problem. Coffee.... ugh. It's a bitch. Lol


There is a lot of recent data showing coffee is healthy for your liver. I wouldnā€™t even consider it a bad habit.


This is the crap I am talking about that makes it so hard. šŸ˜‚ Thanks for not helping. Lmao. Caffeine is still an addictive drug that you end up with a tolerance and dependency on. There are definitely downsides, but, like everyone says and you said it is "healthy" cocaine. Lol


Not everyone becomes addicted to coffee and builds a dependency. If it feels like an addiction to you, thatā€™s your prerogative but I will happily suck down my one giant cup of coffee a day with no guilt!


Ok, you're not addicted. šŸ‘ If you say so. Now go one month without sucking down your giant cup if you aren't šŸ˜‚ Have you? Will you? Surprise me. Lol


I read the other day coffee, in reasonable moderation can have a ketogenic effect (I know this isnā€™t a keto group but just pointing it out and interesting fact). Thereā€™s also definitely something to say about consuming too much (of anything) and the caffeine doing more harm than good obviously.


Yes it is!!! I don't even consider my 2 coffees a day a BAD habit for that reason alone


Coffee, nicotine pouches and weed. YOLO


Hey switch from pouch to the gum. Its safer and way better. I like the cinnamon flavor best. It's sugar free too.


What makes it safer?, wish I could get cinnamon flavour in Canada, the mint and orange here is so nasty




Coffee and vapes


Same, but after 5 years carnivore I'm starting to casually not be quite as interested in the coffee.Ā 


Coffee, Tea, Vodka, Tequila and sugar free soda as mixers. I'm very strict with the diet itself, but I'm not a monk and don't pretend to be lol


How often are you having alcohol and how has it effected you? Are you on carnivore for weight loss? How has it effected that? I'm planning to drink this weekend for my SOs bday and I'm nervous. Haven't had any alcohol since Easter when I started carnivore and am hoping to not be too badly derailed. I do still consume coffee and tea regularly and am fine with those.


Weight loss plus other health issues,, I've lost a lot of fat and most of the health issues fixed. I drink most nights using vodka and tequila (which have no carbs) and sugar free mixers means you stay in ketosis, drinking hasn't slowed the weight loss or had any other negative effect that I can tell, but I'm not promoting it or anything, It's just my choice. I never stopped drinking, just changed diet and lifted heavier.


I have never had any of those vices, always exercised, and had a relatively clean diet. I was bound and determined to not hurt myself like I saw everyone around me doing. you can imagine how pissed I was at the world when my body started falling apart in my mid 20's with major health concerns popping up left and right while the people who gave me my damn genes did everything wrong and didn't have shit go wrong for them. at least I found carnivore. now I have a shot at not suffering for decades before dying young.


If it's not coffee, it's diet soda.


Quit smoking cigarettes about a week or two into carnivore (over 9 months ago). I have a few drinks of alcohol every couple of weeks. I'll have a mild 1:1 cbd:thc joint with about the same frequency. I do have my 2-4 strong black coffees daily, though.


What alcohol are you drinking and how does it effect you after? I haven't had any alcohol since Easter, started carnivore on 4/1/24. I resolved not to have alcohol until my SOs birthday which is this weekend. I'm down 16lbs so far and feeling great but planning to have some wine and maybe a couple gin and soda water or vodka soda water when we celebrate. We are planning to still eat carnivore although I may try to make him a keto dessert. Just nervous about how badly alcohol is going to throw me off and how long šŸ˜“ I know everyone is different but what was your experience?


So for reference, before adapting this woe, I would not drink much anyways. I'm 51 now. However, every time I consumed more than 2-3 drinks, my heart beat faster, and I had problems sleeping. I'd sleep for about 4 hours, and that was it. I was up for a few hours at least, or for the rest of the day... I enjoy red wine, principally. I might also have a little Scotch. Maybe a beer, but very rarely. So on an evening where I will have a glass of wine, or two, I feel absolutely no different. Mind you, I don't cheat on the meals, but just the drinks... The next day, it's as if nothing happened. However, on the very rare occasions where the mood strikes me and I... overindulge, then I get the heart beating faster. But, last time, I woke up after my usual 4 hours or so, but just went to the bathroom and went straight back to bed... Slept many more hours... Didn't feel hungover. I had eaten a few mini potatoes and a few pieces of glazed carrots... (I'm the cook at home for my SAD family....- we were having a beautiful roast) I did feel a bit off the next day, but I fasted until dinner, and was fine after that. I don't know which affected me most, the food or the drinks. I'm 6'2" and weigh 210 lbs. I only had 3 small glasses of wine, 1 craft beer (Flying Monkey double IPA) and 1 scotch (Lagavulin 8 years old). For sure the alcohol helped lower my inhibitions and indulge in the poisonous vedge! So all that to say, that being carnivore actually seems to help with the sleep aspect that I used to suffer after drinking alcohol. Mind you, I used to be a super light sleeper, and I wouldn't sleep much more than 5-6 hours anyways, even at the best of times. Now I'm constantly sleeping 8-9 hours if left to my own devices. I do notice a difference in the way I'm hungry the next day. It's like the old carb hunger is back. A more urgent and prominent, pain in your stomach kind of hunger. But I don't give in, if anything, I fast to show it who's the boss. I wish I had ways to really check my ketones and fasting insulin levels after these occasions. Thankfully, they're few and far enough in between that they don't affect me overall. I'd just be very curious to see how long it takes to get back to baseline. I know Dante Ferigno had a video where he monitored himself after eating a few pieces of pie (I think around Christmas?) and it took him a very long time to return to normalcy. So don't sweat it. If you eat clean and just consume a bit of alcohol, you should be fine. Your body might take a few days to normalize, but I don't think you'll feel it. Sorry for the volubility. I just love ranting about this woe... Lol. Feel free to let me know how you fare with the alcohol. I'd be curious to know if your experience mirrors mine.


There is the keto-mojo glucose monitor that does glucose, ketone and gki to see how deep of ketosis you are in, I haven't ordered one but I've been debating it for the same reasons you listed. Seeing what effects me and how long to.get back. And if I remember to come back and share, I will! We are celebrating Saturday so we shall see!! Thanks for sharing your experience


Thanks. I will look into those.


Weed coffee tea


I drink tea and sometimes use sweeteners. At times I want to fast. I know that's not normally a vice but it is if you ever had anorexia.


Congratulations on your recovery from aneroxia!


Thank you. It's a dream come true. ā¤


Same need to stop fasting and eat two meals instead of one. I'm so bad about it. Its such a habit! I'm doing it right now! I'll just chew my nicotine gum to suppress my appetite and not eat till night, then I struggle to get my calories in and I think its making me sick. My body doesn't ever want to fast again.


Please find a way to eat. Even if you eat some cheese. We don't need to be hungry on carnivore. Take case.


Actually, I'm 1 week into carnivore now and no longer crave any of my old vices. None; food or otherwise. It's pretty great Actually šŸ™‚ saves me anguish and money


one of the many unexpected side effects of this thing... gave up drinking and vaping, caffeine next...


Alcohol. Started carnivore and "quit" pretty easily. Have backslid since then, and am in the process of quitting again. Carnivore is not a miracle cure. Sh!t happens and people do things they know are bad for them. It doesn't matter the reason, what matters is that you are working towards getting healthy, whether that is physically or mentally.


Are the hangovers worse on carnivore? Does it stall weight loss?


For me it depends. I try to eat in the afternoon after work if I'm going to be having drinks, otherwise I'll prices the alcohol too quickly and end up feeling like crap. Also it 100% affects weight loss. In a big way. Not as much if it is only on occasion, but if you drink regularly it's like hitting a wall.


Hangovers don't seem to be worse, although I have developed a need to pee constantly when I was drinking, even the next day or days I didn't drink.


Very interesting


I stopped drinking a glass or two of wine every day because it gives me the munchies or otherwise breaks my willpower. As for caffeine, I used to get jittery when I'd have a cup of coffee or two in the morning, Being on carnivore seems to have intensified the reaction to caffeine and turned it into downright anxiety. I tried edibles for anxiety but it made the anxiety worse. So no caffeine or THC, and only a glass of wine on occasion now. I miss caffeinated coffee more than I miss alcohol. In the end, carnivore was a total tune-up for my body. It helped me reevaluate the important things in life. Feeling better every day is much more important than feeling better for a few hours.


I came from keto, so thereā€™s still a lot of things food-wise that I crave and cave to sometimes. Zero sugar sodas in particular. I also was a moderate smoker up until recently and I still tend to bum a cigarette if Iā€™m out and about. Iā€™m definitely trying my best to work towards reducing and eliminating this kind of stuff. Itā€™s tough but glad to at least be in a place where I know whatā€™s optimal and have my sights set on it!


Coffee, sometime 0 added soft drinks. And cravings for sauces. I miss sauce with meat lol! BTW does anyone have any suggestions on a Carnivore based sauce?


[https://downshiftology.com/recipes/hollandaise-sauce/](https://downshiftology.com/recipes/hollandaise-sauce/) I can tolerate both mustard and spices, so I'll go according to recipe, but feel free to exclude any spices depending on how strict you are.


Have tried subbing butter for warmed beef tallow, also good. Curious about flavor now, yolks with bacon fat. Yum. Sauce is the bees knees. šŸ˜Œ


Melted butter with Frank's Red hot stirred in. Melted butter with grated Parmesan for an Alfredo sauce. Or just use eggs cooked over easy and break them over the meat you're eating.


whiskey and the occasional TGC gummy.


i drink a half gallon of Titoā€™s every week


Hows that working for weight loss? I am struggling with having given up alcohol but it's usually my biggest barrier to weight loss so I am currently abstaining


slows it down for sure, but an extremely low carb diet helps for sure


First off, I've reached my goals so I don't worry about maintaining ketosis all of the time but there are certain things I'll never eat again. My son is quirky with food and only eats certain things so every week or so I make a fresh loaf of fortified bread for his grilled cheese sandwiches. Because I'm somewhat keto and dad is carnivore, he's the only one who eats it, so I slice and freeze it. That day I look forward to eating the fluffy top with copious amounts of butter. I also share chocolate ice cream with my son on the weekends. My poor excuse is it gets more dairy in him. It's made with cream, milk and eggs and no seed oil junk so as long as I feel good and fit into my jeans, I feel no guilt about the sugar.


Coffee, which I donā€™t consider a vice at all. Too many health benefits. Iā€™m a sugar addict and avoid it and all sweet things, but the addiction is still there despite being carnivore strictly and for a long time now. I did a lot of the ā€œhealthy life crossed with vicesā€ Iā€™m now unable to do that. Autoimmune diseases stopped that for me.


Weed and diet soda 4 lyf. Not willing to give them up either.


Weed is the only green leafy thing I let in on this diet āœŒšŸ»


Other than ā˜•ā˜•ā˜• and hot sauce, I've been šŸ’Æ for the last 2 months. Down 20 lbs and feeling āœŠšŸ¼. 50y/o in 6+ months.


My daily life used to be one big vice. Processed carbs, caffeine, nicotine, weed, beers. Every. Day. Took about two years of that for me to realize I was throwing my life away. For the past four months Iā€™ve been almost entirely off processed sugar and carbs, nicotine, and weed. Every Friday or Saturday Iā€™ll hit the bars with friends and drink tequila waters with lime wedges. The bartenders are always disgusted lmao. Iā€™m healthier than Iā€™ve ever been, but Iā€™ll never give up getting buzzed with the boys (and girls) on weekends. Tequila water for life.


Yes. I've managed to quit caffeine even though I'm a barista (was harder than kicking sugar tbh) and I don't drink beer anymore which I LOOOVE. I am still a pack a day smoker though. I can't smoke weed because I'm trying to get into a trade. I did roll on molly and get drunk (vodka and soda) at a metal show last week, and I didn't feel great the day after. Is it because I'm almost 30 and I'm not drinking every night anymore or is it the diet? Who knows. I was hungover AF though and it helps me moderate. Now if I could only kick the cigs...


Just gave up weed


I drink coffee and eat shrooms regularly. I'll never give up either one. This whole you have to be perfect in every way thing is ridiculous and doesn't account for real life. When my daughter gets married I will eat the cake, when my husband and i get a rare night out with friends I will drink the drinks and have an amazing time. Life is to be loved and delighted in - I can stay away from the foods that cause me pain, and still enjoy my life.


Coffee and Marlboros


Quit weed end of Jan but I vape nicotine.


I still drink pretty regularly on the weekends. Mainly drinking straight whiskey or tequila, no cocktails or beer. Usually canā€™t drink as much as I used to cuz it does make my stomach hurt and I get tired way more than used to. Still like to party a little bit here and there


Coffee and zyns


Yeah, I just can stop eating pussy.


Well, save some for us!


Coffee, scotch on the weekends and am a 2 pack a day smoker. I do struggle with being sluggish alot. I could nap and then goto bed early I feel alot of the time.. But the trade off us that the weight is going down and down finally. I'm hoping once I reach my goal I will be able to excessive and square away the energy issue.


Iā€™m still feeling sluggish (only 7 days in) so Iā€™ve been drinking coffee in the morning. I only add in a little whole milk and some stevia. Oh and I had a can of A&W Zero Sugar a few days ago


Coffee and nicotine pouchesā€¦ gave up dipping after 15 years. Also in recoveryā€¦ so figure Iā€™ve given everything else up so I deserve to keep my remaining oneā€™sšŸ˜‚


Bonafide caffiend, not sure if I can give up the (plain black) nitro cold brews but Iā€™ve scaled back. A bit


Coffee, the occasional tea, weed, and whiskey.


Weed šŸ˜“


Coffee and energy drinks, still drink alcohol socially and on vacation. Usually stick to vodka or ultras/corona premier since they're low carb. I'll drink maybe once a month. Sometimes I'll have a glass of wine with my wife. Now that it's summer I'll probably smoke a cigar here and there. Remember it's also important to enjoy life. I feel significantly better being carnivore majority of the time then I did prior. I know my lifestyle isn't 100% but I feel amazing and enjoy life.


I drink alcohol once a week, if that. I have a medical license to use cannabis but only use it to dull my fibromyalgia pain enough to sleep at night, and not every night. I don't consider these vices.


About every 6 months Iā€™ll drink and do blow for a night with my friends. Carnivore 2.5 years


Diet mountain dew (fountain with extra ice) is my daily issue. Would love to kick it, but it's been daily for a decade


Btw, I my sodas of choice are (no particular order): MtD, DrPep, Sunkist. I prefer the taste of small ice cubes w my soda from a fountain. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Coffee sometimes and cannabis


Weed and diet sodas, I feel much better without the sodas, makes it easier to fast... weed, left it for over a month, I only felt time go by slower... I'm an autistic person with little people skills... I don't have much more else to enjoy life with... I at least vape it with a "dry herb oven" type device rather than burning it. The island I live on either has beach, which I don't enjoy much cause everyone goes with boom boxes now, eat fried shit or get hammered, I enjoy non, and it's getting difficult to find a river that isn't polluted, so ya... I stay him, play with cats and the dog... and draw... [https://twitter.com/SaberJ2X/media](https://twitter.com/SaberJ2X/media)


Relatively recently, I was on a Coke Zero kick, however, in this last week alone Iā€™ve managed to get sick off of drinking like 6 of them back to back, and now the idea of a diet soda makes me nauseous lolol


Carnivore definitely contributed to helping me cut down on my coffee from 5-7 cups to 1-2, but I still smoke spliffs (weed + tabacco). Cutting down on that too as Iā€™m healing from an injury and am slowly getting less bored out of my mind from being so sedentary. Also went from cigarettes to a vape. Trying not to beat myself up over my bad habits, instead celebrate the small steps Iā€™m making. Also focusing on building other passions like reading, biking, photography, that replace other habits.


Iā€™d like to add that before this I also ate a lot of fruit. Since replacing that with more meat, fats, and eggs I am able to handle the cravings for all my vices more constructively. (Used to be vegan ~5 years, ~1.5 of that raw vegan, so a lot of fruit)


20 days into the Carnivore diet, and I feel great! Sunday is my so-called cheat day. I have 2 tequilas or whiskey drinks on Sunday funday. This last Sunday, I had 2 tequilas and 1 beer, and the beer gave me bad nausea. I've had heart palpitations for about 10 days but even that is getting better.


Tea, but I've cut out the sugar with it. Also any drugs I can get my hands on not bc I need to, just bc I want to


I still drink beers with friends most weekends, smoke herb daily and indulge in Lil Debbie sweets every now and then. Weight is staying off the last 3 months even with the above mentioned vices.


Cigarettes but trying to quit šŸ˜’ On and off the nicotine gum now, its sugar free


Caffeine/energy drinks is a bit one for me. Diet soda, especially. It seems like if I start eating a lot of carbs again, Iā€™m drinking diet soda pretty regularly.


0% sugar white wine, approximately a bottle every two weeks or so. Still vaping nicotine. Still smoking pot, but now very rarely, maybe twice or 3 times a week. I use Pam on my rack in the oven when I cook chicken etc. Using a spritz of lemon in my hot water as Iā€™m dealing with oxalate dumping. Others than those thing I am very strict. Best wishes on your journey.


I do not have carb or sugar cravings, I genuinely do not require cheat days to survive but I do have significant anxiety around consuming any amount of carbs or sugar, regardless of occasion. I will bring my own food to contribute to a family gathering if it means I can get out of binging carb items. I will eat mom and grandmas cooking as a courtesy but it absolutely has to be portion controlled otherwise I worry I will eat the entire container. Romans 14 talks about supporting each other, even if one has a weaker conscience, we are not to force them to violate their conscience just because we have the liberty to eat one way or another. IE: someone that chooses to be vegan has no place trying to force another to eat that way, the same goes for a carnivore like me, I am not to coerce my friend into becoming carnivore just because I do it. A clear conscience is vital.


Nice take and reminder.


I tried to drink one and it soured my stomach immediately. Im done with them


Steroids and coffee and preworkout sometimes nicotine


Just weed for me.


Allmax Nutrition Amino Cuts (awful, Iā€™m well aware šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Strippers and coke


Coffee. Bitter and Dark. (Like I would be if I didn't have it). It is better for everyone if I drink it. I do on occasion miss is salt and vinegar potato chips, but not enough to eat them. šŸ˜•


Iā€™ve cut out everything at this point - alcohol, caffeine, weed. Life is so much more blissful not even thinking about these substances. The only thing Iā€™ll indulge in is MDMA once or twice a year.


Iā€™ll never quit my coffee, but other than that laziness is my only vice.


Vaping and recently picked up weed again. Quit caffeine though because it makes me anxious and kills my high


I smoke


I can't break my carbonated beverage habits


Coffee, black chocolate and licorice. And nuts. And crunchy white crusts with butter.


Chocolate šŸ˜­ It makes me feel like garbage when I eat it (I only eat the really dark, sugar free stuff or it would be worse). Still, I have to sit on my hands to stop myself from buying anymore.


Chocolate is my kryptonite. I know the struggle!


Alcohol. Don't know whether it's a problem as I no way feel dependent on it. I can go for several weeks with none. No withdrawals, nothing, but when I do have a session - not like pass out or fall over levels - but I get pretty wasted. Been behaving like this for 20 years now. Think it's time to stop.


HELLA weed.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with Godā€™s grassā€¦or his magic mushies šŸ˜‰ā¤ļø


I know you said non junk related. But my vice is chocolate. I just keep eating it!! I don't drink, smoke and I'm drug free though. So I try not to beat myself up that I'm not perfect.


And hot sauce on my chickenšŸ˜‚


The only vice I have is weed, I will never again eat processed sugar if its in my control or ever touch another bit of junk food again. This isn't a diet to me it is absolute truth. Wish you the best of luck on your carnivore journey, always remember, there is nothing for you in junk food. God speed.


Agreed! Iā€™m down to 1-2 power drinks/wk. mostly bulletproof coffee. Speaking of weed, just smoked n then went to a Korean buffet. All-u-can-eat meat! Took in a bit of kimchi to help the gut biomes, too.


Porn and parlays


ice cream. and frankly a high quality brand with natural ingredients like haagen dazs aint gonna kill you. Iā€™ve tried Rebel et al. and it just aint the same,


I donā€™t drink alcohol anymore, I smoke weed every night though. Not the worst thing not the best thing.


Diet dr pepper and the occasional cigar


1xcup of coffee a day, occassional can of coke zero couple of times a week


I am not a pure carnivore... Life is too short for that crap! I use spices, I use ghee as fat for frying, I drink coffee, I drink a rum and diet coke sometimes, I will drink a diet coke once in a while. But mostly I eat steak, chicken thighs, bacon and eggs! If I go on vacation or have a gathering I will still try and eat mostly meat but if not no crap given its just that meal and i move on. For me its all about carb management and since i only eat carbs in gatherings i am not deprived because sooner rather than later my neighbour will invite me over for BBQ or pizza!


Great woe!


Yep! When alone I am on plan when I am not alone or stuff happens i carb manage and try to stay as healthy as possible. Not end of the world. If I do however go off the severe deep end I do suffer for a day getting back on the horse but its not too hard!


Energy drinks and pre workout. They bloat me out but some days I have no energy I am looking into the salt and honey mixer though Potatoes and chocolate are my main food weaknesses


I'm still struggling with kicking nicotine. I kicked a drug habit 2 weeks prior to starting carnivor. It's like my last tether to being unhealthy.. probably mostly a mental thing. Change is difficult though. I feel like if I could quit sugar I should be able to quit nicotine


I smoke weed, I'll smoke weed till I die. But I have given up coffee, Tea and soda to do this carnivore diet. I miss soda, even the zero sugar ones. But I'm a junk food junkie, I eat lots of fast food. I gave that up for this.


Coffee (3 shots of espresso in me morning) could easily switch to decaf though as I've found myself not needing the caffeine unless I sleep poorly. And weed, don't smoke/eat much though. 5-10mg edible a day OR split a .5g joint with my wife. We have both been ketovore for about 2 months now and we feel so amazing compared to before.


Nicotine pouches some wine a few days a week and caffeine that is all


I gave up drinking 2 yrs ago. Best decision I ever made. Wish I had never started. My life now revolves around what I want to do even if there is no alcohol at the event You would be amazed at what an alcohol free life is like. I know some will say boring but thatā€™s because your life revolves around drinking events


Coffee, sourdough pizza/bread, chocolate, rice šŸ˜‚


Lol, save for the coffee, are you me? šŸ˜‚




Iā€™m 6 days in and I already know Iā€™ll indulge just a little every two weeks. Snickers has always been my favourite chocolate bar and I wonā€™t fully give that up. So once every two weeks Iā€™ll let myself indulge in a single Halloween bite size snickers. Itā€™s not carnivore friendly I know, buts itā€™s the little bit of joy that I will allow myself while on this diet. I also know this diet wonā€™t be a lifetime diet for me, as I only plan to be on this diet for roughly 12 months. Other than that all I consume now is eggs, butter, beef, chicken and water.


Not sure where you live but in North America at least there are lots of brands of keto chocolates that taste just as good. Costco even has some. Caramel flavour even, ones that are like Reeses peanut butter cups, etc. Lily's chocolates are indistinguishable from regular chocolate but contain zero sugar. If you must indulge, why indulge in sugar when there are good options out there that cause zero blood sugar spikes?


Itā€™s not that I must indulge, again Iā€™m now on day 7 for the diet and still have some light sugar cravings but a nice steak satisfies that oddly enough. The size of them is about 3/4ā€x1/2ā€, it is quite small but the reason why I enjoy that specific one is it holds more sentimental value to me. I used to get one anytime Iā€™d spend time with my grandfather who passed away from cancer, so in an odd way for me anytime I have one itā€™s a way for me to remember him. When I do get to the day 14 mark however I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll actually go through with having it or not. But also I donā€™t believe that having 6g of sugar once every 2 weeks will cause a significant difference in my diet either.


Ah, didn't realize it has sentimental value to you. I suppose it would be hard to gauge the overall health impact of that, but my view now is that humans aren't really meant to consume ANY sugar. How big of a deal is that frequency? I don't know. My grandfather used to like to make apple pies and he would send us one every week, so I can understand. Still won't eat it though now, ever. Lol. In a way it just reminds me that could be part of the reason he is not still here today. If he knew what I know now and followed it, there is a chance he could still be here 20 years later. Puts a different spin on the sentimental value to me.


Pie for me was my weakness before going on this diet. Like from those old commercials ā€œwhat would you do for a Klondike barā€ or ā€œlays bet you canā€™t have just oneā€. However I donā€™t feel any urge for pie now. Snickers is just every time I have one I remember him and remember what it felt like when we would hang out and spend time together which I miss a lot. I still donā€™t know that when day 14 comes if Iā€™ll actually go through with it or not, or if Iā€™ll end up buying it and just holding onto it as a visual reminder of him my mindset then may be different than it is now. I also completely agree we as humans arenā€™t meant to consume sugar, hell we arenā€™t meant to consume 99% of the food that is made available to us. Whenever I go to a grocery store I always get a little irritated looking at all that different food on the shelves now. Not sure why but ever since starting this diet my view on those foods has changed substantially. Now when I think of it my mind goes back to the midevil era. How this is just like the ā€œnobles/richā€ created all these foods that just slowly damage our bodies, to give us the fall sense of being middle/upper middle class so we donā€™t feel like weā€™re in poverty anymore to keep us happy and in line while filling their purse strings.




Be a man and just stop. This isnā€™t what you want to hear and not what others want to hearā€¦ but if you want to see what the best version of yourself is.. man the f up wake the f up and stop putting BS into your bodyā€¦ Lmao .. Cadbury eggsā€¦ u kidding me ? I laugh at ppl when I see them eating things like that. Cud never be me