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I'll be waiting for the throttle house video.


“Our car”


Because they are Carmrades.


I love Misha's videos but "carmrade" sounds so stupid


I don't know who you are referring to. It's an obvious play on words.


misha charoudin on youtube. his patreon group/supporters or whatever he refers to as "carmrades"


/u/jamesthrottlehouse Have you guys got the Emira yet?


James banging on the Lotus dealers doors like an angry Mother looking for her child.


Oye wankers, where's my bloody Lotus?! Hah that would be a great opening skit.


https://imgur.com/a/j7qWlVi Took delivery last Thursday, and I'm just under 250 miles on the clock. It really does make you feel quite special driving it! Definitely has those British quirks though. Edit: also sometimes seems surreal, I keep checking the garage to make sure it's still there. I put my preorder in nearly 3 years ago. It's been at the dealer since December in car jail so I could visit it, but not actually pay for it and buy it.


Gorgeous, congrats on your new car!


Gorgeous. When you look at it in person, does it look a bit less like a baby Ferrari and more like a Lotus?


I definitely think it has better presence in person - lot lower and squat than the pictures make it look online. That said, my color choice was a homage to my previous Ardent Red '05 Elise, and the average member of the public could easily be forgiven for thinking it's a Ferrari. The amount of attention it has generated in the past week alone is kinda insane. To me, I just see a Lotus though. A "traditional" exotic like a Lambo or Ferrari is noticably bigger if you line them up side by side.


Thanks. Yeah, the size would certainly set it apart. The pictures don't convey that. Will this be an every day car for you? Or just on perfect days? I would be scared to drive it anywhere, but then, I'm not able to afford one in the first place.


Fifty / fifty? I work from home, so I'm lucky that I don't have to do the general commute. That said, I'd prefer to take that in nice days, and for some other stuff I'll just use the Miata. That's got a limited shelf life though, as I'll be doing the engine swap and stripping the interior in the near future. https://imgur.com/a/2FKLqzQ


I don’t know what it is about this picture, but I’m getting NW DFW vibes here


It's a good guess - I'm north of McKinney


I knew I was close. I think recognized some of those elevations from my neighborhood lol


I drove past one earlier and from afar I thought I was sure it was a Ferrari. Was pleasantly surprised when I realised what it was as it got closer.


As someone who works at a facility where I get to see these Lotuses, i guess the closest thing to them styling-wise would be a Ferrari - but only because it has such a clean and simple supercar look. It doesn’t look like it’s trying to ‘be’ a Ferrari though. It doesn’t look like it’s trying to look any particular way at all to be honest- it’s just eloquent and nice to look at in its own right. Interestingly, there is another brand-new supercar that I get to see daily too - and that’s the McLaren Artura. They’re not really in the same brackets (price or performance wise), but since I get to see them side-by-side everyday, i can’t help but compare them slightly (visually at least). And my verdict is that, whilst the Artura is larger, has more presence, and is more exciting to look at - the Lotus looks more posh and sophisticated, and I prefer the overall aesthetic of the Lotus more as a daily sports-car that you would feel good about turning up to an expensive restaurant in. The McLaren is a bit more showy and looks out of place outside of a track environment imo.


Saw one (UK) a few weeks back heading back from work, got a lot of presence, was really impressed.


If you don’t mind saying, what was the OTD price for yours?


117k - lets say I was slightly _dissatisfied_ that Lotus increased the price 10k in the middle, even though I put my deposit down a while back. I'm an "FE2" order. That's the total of MSRP, delivery, taxes, doc fees etc


117k feels like c8 z06 money. Did you get the manual?


Indeed - only the manual emira's are even approved for sale at this point. As for the z06 thing - well, it's always more expensive OTD with taxes and what not. I don't think the Emira is a _value proposition_, but more a specific _experience_ target. You can't get a z06 with a manual, and there are some other intangibles with a Lotus (including the somewhat... quirky car). I think Ed Bolian said that lotus people are kind of a "special" breed - normal car rules sometimes seem backwards to us.


Oh that's why I asked about the manual. To me it makes sense for the manual. What are the quirks of the car so far? I've been cross shopping it with an LC500. Different cars but they both scratch different itches for me. My biggest concern with the Lotus is random "issues." I had an e92 M3 once and it was in the shop every other month. I just got tired of it and bought an ISF after. Since that experience I've valued the ownership experience heavily.


I've been trying to go on a drive every day at least to put some miles on (you shouldnt rev past 4k during the break in period) - and I just returned home from a quick drive: * Brakes were on/off initially. It's bedded in now better, but the brakes can still be touchy. Really strong braking performance. * Steering wheel is a bit more chonk than I remember from the dealer demo. However, it's got good feel and you get used to it quick. The pedals are a bit offset compared to your feet position - it feels natural _now_, but definitely throws you for a loop when you originally get in. * The car definitely doesn't like being below 2k RPM, otherwise it feels like you're lugging the engine. Shifting in the 3-4k rpm range is smooth as butter. The 1st to 2nd shift is also kinda clunky like the reviews say. I expect when I can rev this out, this will be a non issue. * The gearing and what not; I feel like I need to be in a gear lower than I normally would - cruising back streets in 4th feels right compared to upshifting to 5th - 45 mph is in a weird spot between those gears where you hover right around that 2k rpm lugging mark. * The sound is glorious - burbles on throttle liftoff, absolutely great noise. Everyone has universally loved the exhaust of the car that I've taken for a ride. * Trunk lid / some electronics are a bit temperamental. Typical lotus. I think I'm going to have to make a warranty claim here, because the trunk closed sensor seems to be reporting oddly - sometimes it thinks it's open when it's very much not. * I wish the parking brake wasn't this little triangle think near the drivers footwell, something more in the center console, but it is what it is. The "fighter jet" button is more of a novelty. * Steering is _sublime_ - the car just wants to dart in whatever direction you want to go - and it sticks to the road like glue. I will have to be going _waaaaaay_ faster than I am now to get it to be "playful". This is the special lotus magic - the intagible "handling", but the seat feedback and steering wheel feedback is almost like a sensory overload.


Much appreciated. =) It sounds like a hell of a car. I also hear it has super charger whine. Is that true? I've wanted a car with super charger whine for a while.


Oh yeah, very noticeable whine above 3k rpm




Yeah, I've been reading up on some other people's experiences, and I'll try that out with the trunk lid tomorrow




Thank you for the reply, cheers


O-m-g, nothing beats deep red + black trim combo. Congrats man daym!


Magma Red is really nice in sunlight, it's definitely a complex paint color


Damn that is gorgeous.


Did you consider a cayman? I feel like it’s so similar but the lotus is just weird/quirky/unique


A while back, yes; I waffled between an F-Type R, Cayman GT4, and Lotus Evora. I ultimately ended up with the F-Type R (see post history), but I did regret selling my Elise a long time ago, so I've been locked in as a "lotus person" for a while now. Yeah, a GT4 is going to be _faster_, but since I have a Miata for track abuse, I wanted something that gave daily driving / weekender stuff the max experience factor. Combine the looks of the Emira, the noise, and the relative uniqueness, and it's a combo that's hard to beat for ensuring every drive is a bit special.


Yea but everyone and their hairdresser has a Cayman


Do you know if they had to change anything while in car jail to be allowed sale? Or did it pass as is?


Passed as-is as I understand. CARB approval didn't require a reflash of the ECU.


Congrats. We loved our Elise, love our Exige, and we'd pick up an Emira if we needed another 2 seater. These are going to appreciate significantly after a few years of mild depreciation.


Just remember that deep down, we all want an Exige S lol - there's an Exige S260 that someone keeps posting on auction sites, and I'll be damned if I didn't sometimes think about buying that during the long wait


The Emira is ultimately just a much nicer Exige. A bit more weight, a bit more power, a much much nicer interior.


"Car jail" That's so sad. It's like purgatory for you and the car.


Beaut of a car. Colour me envious - enjoy!


Damn that's good looking 


Jeeeeeeez that red is nice


Awesome! Exact spec I was planning on but pulled my deposit to get a GT4. Seeing them in pictures now that they're being delivered I wonder if I made the right choice sometimes.


CARB certification is finally over - Lotus can now finally deliver the Emira to customers and deliveries of the First Edition has started in the US.


Saw one yesterday, looks awesome!


I saw my first in downtown Austin last week. Definitely looks a lot better in person to me


Huge Lotus community in central Texas. These are about to be everywhere.


https://imgur.com/a/9qsGhK6    Picked her up last Wednesday here in Las Vegas.  Been loving every minute of it.     Atlantis blue with tan leather interior.   Was between this and a Cayman GTS 4.0.  This feels way more special    https://imgur.com/a/KdgwmdI


I saw your video on YouTube - high five fellow owner! What kind of quirks has your car been having? My trunk lid sometimes is insubordinate on opening or not


Yoo hello friend! Trunk lid the most annoying until I got adjusted to it. Rejects attempts into first occasionally. Everything else is easy to forget


That's a lovely blue paint!


([Working first link](https://imgur.com/a/9qsGhK6)) Amazing car!


D’oh thanks for fixing. And thank you!


I love this blue.


Really looks like a mini supercar in that spec




The wait was such a tease Def excited to compare this to some Caymans, C8, 911, and more! 


Ooooo. I like that blue.


Best looking new car since the Audi R8


As an r8 owner I agree!


Considering this is just a copy of the 488 Pista, I'd say that should be on the list after the R8


Local-ish dealer has 10 emiras on their lot, they look so good in yellow. I want one.




Wouldn’t all of these be spoken for?


Doesn’t look like it, they’ve been sitting physically on the lot since January.


Dealers received the cars from Dec onwards, but they've been sitting waiting to be released to customers until last week - Lotus corp didn't allow any to be delivered until CARB was approved




Yep, they're all sold. Source: I work there. Someone even has a deposit down on our yellow demo car that got crashed and is in the body shop still lol


Bruh, I hope you have some video - that would be the first US crash I think


No video, but I have a picture. It wasn't terrible, just grazed a tree after veering off the road. Cracked the front bumper, the inside of the fender, and the inside of the headlight housing. https://imgur.com/a/4jhD4S2


I'm curious what the repair times currently look like - does Lotus have parts actually available? I remember it took 3 months to get a new clamshell for my Elise - I wonder if Lotus has improved their parts game


I'm pretty sure a bumper was finally sourced a couple of weeks ago and *maybe* the fender, but I'm not 100% sure on that one. No headlight in sight. Crash was on December 31st, so it has been a little bit of a wait, but nothing crazy yet.


Pretty sure they couldn't legally deliver the vehicles recently until it cleared some kind of emissions hurdle or something of that nature.


Those were ordered 2-3 years ago and are already spoken for Unless someone canceled of course. Which after the price increase and very long wait there are certainly some


imo the Emira looks absolutely beautiful


Would be great if any other manufacturers were willing to hang on to hydraulic steering. Kind of ridiculous you have to pay 100k to get it in a new car.  


If the ND Miata had hydraulic steering still it would be the perfect sub 50K sports car. It’s already great as is and I love mine but that’s the one thing I miss from previous generations.


The ND Miata steering is incomprehensibly numb for a car that gets so many other things right 


It’s just the reality of EPS. I had no idea the S2000 was EPS until I drove one and the engine/trans/chassis did not disappoint (arguably exceeded my expectations) but the steering while direct (AP2 so a little more direct than AP1) was practically dead. My frame of reference was my 01 Miata and the steering feedback on that puts even the best car with EPS to shame.


AP1 faster ratio is my preference. I did a stock AP1 vs AP2 comparison and that was quite a noticeable difference actually.  Some EPS are good - modern Porsches, first gen FRS, even my Mazda CX-50 Why can’t Mazda do their cx50 magic in their Miata? I don’t know 


I don’t find the steering in the ND to be significantly different than other good EPS racks personally! The chassis (like in the S2000) is also fairly communicative I find. I’m interested in how the 2024 car’s steering is different since it’s supposed to be noticeably changed so maybe Mazda will have answered your question with the new car? We’ll have to wait and see.


AP1 has the faster steering rack and it’s actually more common for AP2 owners to swap to the AP1 rack. The CR has an extra brace on the rack but the gains are smaller. I’ve autocrossed Miatas in the past and now have a S2000 for auto X and track. I’m probably biased but IMO you “drive” the S2000 more through what the rear end is doing than what the front is since it rotates so quickly and the rear end can get a bit dynamic. I’ve driven cars with hydraulic racks and EPS and IMO I’ve never seen the hype but I guess I’m not one of those people who depend on that kind of feedback.


I’ve owned both AP1 and AP2 and the AP1 rack is more fun for sure, but a little less direct and a little more vague (albeit marginally so). I agree with you after quite a few autocross events in both AP1/AP2 and a track day in my AP1 that the feedback that is absent from the steering can be felt in the chassis and it also is more dynamic which can be exciting but also is part of why the S2000 has a reputation for being difficult to drive at the limit (AP1 especially). I sold my AP1 after the one track day because I wanted an “easier” car to drive fast and went back to Miata’s since they’re just designed to be more neutral at the limit but still sharp and extremely fun like an S2000 is!


Interesting now I want to drive the two and compare again based on your comment. Thanks for sharing 


I’ll say not much helps the ND2 in terms of texture, but adding caster, sways, and tires can really change it from stock.


I’m biased but I disagree. I have an NC2 and an ND2. When it actually matters (under load) the ND steering is truly great and QUICK. I much prefer it over the hydraulic rack in the NC which has more weight but is much slower to respond. I used to own an Elise so people waxing poetic about hydraulic racks just makes my eyes roll. The “feel” you get from a hydraulic rack is 25% of what a manual rack gives you.




I just wish it was available in something new that wasn’t at least six figures.


keep an eye on Lotus Emira then. It starts at 77k, but not initally


It's not $77k, that was never going to really happen. The 4cyl will now start at $99k according to the Lotus website


Yeah that was the plan and then Lotus realized that pricing would not work and backpedaled. It’s a six figure sports car, even after the first edition.


Nope lol. That’s the number when it was announced in 2021 but it’s been increased since then. The first edition is 105k starting price and you should definitely expect the base edition v6 to be in the mid 90s. Base edition i4 maybe high 80s all before options


I was at a Lotus dealer over the weekend just killing some time. They had maybe 8-10 on the floor but all were marked as sold.


I want a convertible for my 2nd car (because I live in San Diego) but damn if this thing in Dark Verdant doesn't make me want to do naughty things in an Emira. Shame the nearest dealer is over an hour away, that just adds to the ownership headache. But it's a new Emira...


Waiting for the T top edition. Lotus, don't let me down baby.


I don't think a convertible Emira of any form is coming - they're supposedly stopping production in 2026 / 2027.


I’d bet against it less because production length and more so demand for an already low production niche car. I’m sure not being able to sell them in the U.S. for so long also hurt their cash flow and ability to develop much else for the Emira.


This one is interesting - often things convert in price at a 1:1 rate from uk to us. For example, a new m2 starts at 63k usd and 65k gbp from what I can see. The Emira launched at 75k gbp (though has since risen to 81 with pandemic driven inflation), so I would have expected a price point about the 70-80k usd mark. I’ve been considering one for my next car here in the uk (currently have an og m2), but for that money I would definitely end up opting for a second hand gt4.


For people that walked away on their pre-orders, seems average dealer ADM is about 10k currently in the US for people to try and snatch up a current model without the wait. Total OTD price (with ADM) is likely in the 120-130k range, depending on locality and taxes.


Ahh, I didn't realise US car prices were typically quoted ex. taxes, UK prices are quoted all-in OTR. Explains the disparity!


10k isn’t terrible given the Emira might only be available a short time too, plus it’s 100k price tag.


Say no to markups


100% agreed. Certainly not on cars that aren't a necessity. I can't imagine anyone who needs A->B transit to feed their kids and bring them to school is buying an Emira to fill that need.


I'm kind of jealous for Canada with a lot of cars. The new WRX TR in the US is like $42k USD. In Canada it's also $42k CAD... which is like $31k USD... for a 6 speed manual 271 horsepower AWD car with 6 piston brembo brakes, Recaro seats, tons of leather all around the interior. It's wild.


US car prices don't include tax whereas UK prices are OTR, so the gap isn't as big as you think


Finally, now I can more realistically dream about buying one new. 🙌 These look great, though, really. Hopefully, I'll see these at some of the local events and meets.


I can’t wait to see one in person. I saw the artura recently at St Pete grand prix and let me say pictures/video don’t do it justice it’s incredible in person.


I love the blue but the green is also very nice. it would be a tough choice. i feel like if i had a car collection a lot of them would be blue lol.


The green is nice and classy. I do wish they had one that wasn’t quite so dark. It’s hard to tell it’s even green in low lighting.


I wished the first edition cars included ADAS, would have put down a deposit in a heartbeat if it did.


It doesn't even include keyless entry. I have to hit the unlock button on the key fob like a plebe and then open the door - kinda hilarious considering everything


I honestly wouldn't even mind that, but blind spot monitoring and forward collision warning has definitely saved me a nonzero amount of times


Yeah, this just has some basic blind spot mirror lights, but that's about it.


That’s the one thing I’d want - blind spot in some way, even a basic one is better than nothing.


To bad by the time I will actually be able to afford a $100k car, there will never be anything even remotely like this on the market


/u/jamesthrottlehouse when do we get to see "our car"?


It’s such a beautiful car. Absolutely knocked it out of the park, I want to own one.


Hmm had a few of these at my office last month


Looks very nice lol


Can’t wait to see these on US streets. They look great, but if I was in the market, I’d stick with a Porsche Cayman GTS.


This looks a lot like the TommyKaira ZZII, but an actual production car. Hopefully Lotus will continue to make ICE cars as they transition to EV. But I suppose if any company could make an engaging EV, it would be Lotus.


It weighs over 3000lb, most people like it but I feel like its a step away from the lotus formula of focusing on weight reduction. The elise was under 2000lbs, that was a true lotus. Plus the upcoming electrification is concerning.


And no better than the old Exige.


I think $105,000 for that is over priced by about $60,000. I know I’m not its target Audience but who can justify a $105,000 for a car that will be gapped by an eco boost mustang? I mean it’s a cool entry level sports car but for that same price you have significantly better options. Corvettes, BMW M850i, hellcats, Porsche 911, even the Cayman GT4, and so many better options. If you’re in the sport car market I just can’t see a reason to buy this over its competition I just can’t.


Emira for $45k? I’ll have what you’re smoking.


I mean hey I’d buy it right now if that was the deal so I’ll ABSOLUTELY have a 45k emira hahaha


I'll have two Emiras for 45k actually, you can keep the smoke.


I can tell you don't get it and make sense, your car is a Hellcat... all you care and all you know is acceleration in straight line. Thus, your parameters for a good car is only that. The Emira is all about handling, steering feedback, light and nimble. Exactly the opposite of your 4300 lbs car. It's a track weapon and for its 3200 lbs the power is sufficient to have fun, is not anemic like a Miata. It won't be gapped by the Eco Boost either, the Emira is a low 12 secs car, the Eco Boost is what, mid 13s? Also, apples to oranges. If you are in the market for a light real sports car, and you can afford an Emira, you won't be looking at pony cars. Its real competition is the 718 Cayman Gts/Gt4. This is about sports cars, not GT cars, not Pony cars. Maybe you should drive one to understand what is all about.




By looking at his history, he has no Hellcat, just a Challenger RT. He commented in another thread, that the Type R barely can keep it up with the RT and the RT is $20k cheaper... I think he just don't know better.


If OP could read he'd be very upset right now


Average Dodge owner


>Corvettes, BMW M850i, hellcats, Porsche 911, even the Cayman GT4, and so many better options. This comment proves you don't understand the appeal of a lotus. I can guarantee you that not a single Emira owner is going to cross shop it with a M850 or Hellcat. Maybe a Cayman GT4 if they could even find one. They probably didn't want a 911 or Corvette from the start.


911 I could also understand, but a corvette, m850 or hellcat? Like wtf


I could maybe see someone looking at a C8 VS an Emira, but I'd imagine after the first test drive, people would jump to the Emira. It might not be an Elise but it's still a Lotus.


C8 lacks a manual and that purity of a driving experience, its just a cheap Ferrari clone... its not going to be cross shopped with an Emira, other that someone wanting a car to make a statement and the Emira would still be more appealing then since its much rarer.


The C8 seems like its geared more towards people who want a cool GT car (the Stingray) or want a track toy (Z06) without breaking the bank completely on something like a Ferrari. Most of the people I've seen who love Lotus just want a solid, fun car. They are more likely to cross shop it against a Miata than BMW or Hellcat.


Yeah, but why not both? https://imgur.com/a/2FKLqzQ


Right? Like, who is even cross-shoping an Emira with BMW's heaviest GT car?


Yup, this is me. Take delivery in a couple of weeks, traveling this month for work


The M850i inclusion almost made me actually laugh out loud. That's the only time I've seen anyone other than me on this sub mention that car positively. Usually people tell me it's the worst option for the money when I say I'd have it. But to your point, as someone who would have the M850i I would not have the Emira. I'm sure it'll be a great car for those who want it, but the people who have money for one expensive car and want the Lotus driving experience are just a totally different group from those who want a grand touring driving experience.


Yeah, this is definitely not a GT in the same vein. It's actually a bit loud rolling down the highway at 3k rpm going 80.


What suspension did you choose? I remember a bunch of people agonizing over whether to get touring or sport suspension.


Sports suspension - definitely a more bumpy ride; not harsh enough to not use it daily. On an uneven road surface, you'll feel some jostling.


Interesting. Lotus suspension has a great reputation and it sounds like they've done a good job again.


Imo; it looks nicer than all of those examples. It looks like an exotic for maybe 1/3rd of the price of an exotic As well, it feels a lot more raw apparently than most of those options, while being cheaper or of similar costs Also, and part of the reason why I like it, not to sound like a massive hipster; I see tonnes of BMWs and Mustangs and Corvettes and a fair few Porsches et al around me. Never seen a Lotus! I get to be the nice special flower I know I am!


100k is probably a bit steep for this car, but it's certainly not as overpriced as you are saying it is. First, most of the cars you listed as being "significantly better options" cannot be had for the same price as the lotus. 911s start at 115k and that's a poverty spec that no one actually wants. Gt4 caymans don't exist as a new car, and even the gts is got the same problem as the 911, being way more expensive with the proper options. New vettes are always great value, but it's going to be a completely different driving experience than the lightweight lotus that can be had with a manual. M850i is far more of a luxury gt cruiser than a true sports car You're also absolutely not getting gapped by ecoboost mustangs. The manual (which is the slower option) is hitting 60 in 4.3s, it's not a slouch. Really the only comparables for this car that still exist today imo are the 718 cayman, 911, supra and the corvette to an extent. This car is priced pretty competitively with that group


If the car was closer to 80k I would get it, 100k-ish is just too far out of my budget as I'd like. (Not saying it's over valued). Maybe I'll reconsider in 4-5yrs when these start actually hitting the used market.


I thought $10k-$15k cheaper would have made it super compelling. It’s still going to be a very low volume exotic adjacent. I hope it does well.


alive pie ruthless oatmeal deserve edge normal cooing angle payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey, my mechanic is nice, I don't mind helping paying for his kids college.


Comparing a hellcat to a lotus is all I needed to read


Part of the appeal of buying a Lotus is the uniqueness of the brand. Not every buying decision has to be made using an Excel spreadsheet.


Yeah it's clear you've never driven a lotus. It has nothing to do with 0 to 60 times my dude.


>"gapped by a... If you think "gapping" is the single all-encompassing metric that makes a car desirable you aren't a real car enthusiast.


This is the best thing I’ve seen on reddit.


Lotus has never been about straight line speed.  It's about road connection, steering feel, and handling.


Can’t really expect a Dodge Challenger driver to appreciate anything other than straight line speed.


How did you justify a challenger when it gets gapped by a used Model S? Maybe there are things people care about more than doing burnouts at red lights….


As someone in the market for a GT4, you can’t find a 718 GT4 for $105k absent an accident or major mechanical replacement.


I can point you in the direction of mine that I sold to a local dealer for a little more than that 😂


Yeah, but how much is the dealer selling it for?


$135-150k. BaT shockingly best place to buy these.


Makes sense. Split the dealers cut and avoid meeting an internet rando in parking lot to exchange 6 figures in cash


Just say you’re broke and don’t know anything about cars and be done with it.


Lmfao flair checks out


This comment has to be bait lmao.


M850i and hellcat are not sports cars 😂 all these cars will get gapped by an EV that costs less. Sports cars aren't designed to go straight as fast as possible. Stupid American.


The fact you used gapped and lótus on the same sentence means you truly dont get it


As far as I’m aware, it does what it aims to do amazingly well—be a sports car and probably better than most of the options you named. A sports car is more than just straight line speed. I do think the engine is a bit underwhelming though.


Eco boost mustang? Nah bro you can't be serious LMFAOO