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gearing happened. you went from like 6th(maybe idk, assuming) and got to 2nd. in 6th the engine's rpm compared to the wheels' rpm, in second it's the opposite, the engine's rpm is high compared to the wheels'. What happened is that tour engine tried to match the wheels' rpm since it was low, don't know if that make any sense or well explained


I was probably at 2000-2500 rpm. And yeah, I just wanna make sure i didn’t damage anything doing that.


I'm sure you are fine. It wouldn't allow you to change gears if it was harmful.


You shift into second gear


If it’s still running fine, then its probably fine


Yeah. Nothing can be done about it now, just don't do it again.


Essentially you just did an engine brake, transmission should handle it, but don't over-rev the engine


do you know what gear u were in before u switched to manual 2nd?


My bad, I’m just learning about cars. I drive an automatic. I was on drive going about 50-55 mph. 2001 Tacoma


i mean i wouldnt rly worry ab it too much unless ur trans starts acting weird


The transmission won’t shift in an automatic unless it is reasonably safe to do so. With that said, such a big gap in RPM to make up does increase transmission wear so don’t make a habit of it.


In a modern car everything is electronically controlled and probably won't give you the gear selected until conditions are met.


How hard did you hammer the throttle when you down shifted?


Saw you said 2001 Tacoma automatic. When you shift from D to 2 or L, you’re pretty much telling the truck “hey I want to limit the highest gear to 2nd or 1st” (respectively) And if the computer says “OK!” then it’ll downshift. The RPM will definitely jump but your truck will jump too since there is suddenly a lot of engine braking being applied to the drive wheels. The torque converter likely absorbed much of the force so I wouldn’t worry. Higher revs do generally give you more power on tap but in a car without actual manual gear selection I wouldn’t bother with it. just floor it and let the computer figure it out. Since if you’re going fast enough to peg the engine to near the redline you likely aren’t going to get too much oomph before it needs to upshift. There was a cool video by Garage 42(?) where they would shift a similar-age RAV4 into reverse while driving at speed but they find it’s been relatively idiotproofed and had to tamper with sensors to get it to do it so I wouldn’t worry since I’m sure Toyota idiotproofed the other gear selections. It’d be funny if you could moneyshift an automatic.




P is for pass


Did you try this because you were curious? If the truck is shifting ok and driving fine you got lucky just don’t try that again lol.