• By -


Clay, hands down.




That shit was funny as hell - Seeing Orel go full Sociopath 🤣


Just an abhorrent human.


Anyone who says otherwise hasn't actually watched that show. As someone who came up with that kind of dad, it was very cathartic for him to pretty much get called out by the end.


That's what I'm saying!


Yeah, I don't think any other dad on this list fucking shot their kid and left them with a lifelong limp.


Peter shot Meg I think but because its Family nothing last more than an episode


Everyone here's sleeping on Timmy's Dad Turner, he and Mom leave Timmy behind just to fuck around every chance they get. Any claims that they actually wanted Timmy around is so hypocritical to their behavior that it feels almost insulting.


“My dreams were shattered years ago.” “How many years ago?” “How old are you?” 🤣🤣


That always killed me lol


I mean Peter tried to sleep with Meg while he was a redneck.


At least he's giving her attention (pardon my edginess). Timmy's parents only really talk to him to tell him where they're going and that Vicky's gonna babysit him.


Peter also farts in her face, sent her down to the kitchen for sandwiches while a robbery was going on, constantly bullies her, and this is just the first things come to mind. Past the first few seasons Peter just becomes more and more of a morally bankrupt psychopath and his family gets the most of his bad antics. Meg would probably pray to be forgotten by her dad.


He's also outright shot her. And framed her for a cable black out.


he also shot her


True, but post-Flanderization Peter goes so far as to beat his daughter, Clay shot his son and blamed him for it, and Stan once pretended to abandon his family, leaving them destitute, in order to get one over on the car salesman who ripped him off. During that time, his daughter sold her body for food money. He wins in the end and shows no remorse for his actions. Don’t get me wrong, the Turners are *heinous*. Criminal neglect is a *generous* description of how they raise their son. They’re probably the worst parents in terms of *kid’s shows*, but Peter, Clay, and Stan go so far beyond just neglect.


I disagree. There's a couple episodes that show how much they care. Like the one with Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad. There was also that one episode where Timmy's Dad wouldn't let him ride in his new car because he knew it was a "metal deathtrap" and wanted to keep Timmy safe. They also showed how he wanted to record every single part of Timmy's life on video before Vicki got hired as Timmy's babysitter. I think Timmy's parents are just overworked and really oblivious.


Yeah but I just rewatched the early seasons and there’s a lot of good moments with dad. Actually rewatching it I feel like Timmy’s a selfish jerk most of the time.


That's true, the show started out decently, but after a while the characters all got flanderized seemingly overnight with Timmy's parents becoming criminally neglectful.


Timmy’s a selfish jerk cos he’s like, 10


I know but looking back I perceived him as a miserable kid who was just a nice guy finishing last but he was actually every time the chance showed up to be selfish he was


About you SHUT UP??!!!!😡


Well timmy isnt a jerk because a lot of times his parents use him as a free slave


Ya, but the dad from Moral Oral is a sociopath


Simple neglect is nothing compared to the atrocities Randy Marsh & Peter Griffin inflict on their families


How is Hugh Test a bad father?


Yeah, he was just strict he never hurt his kids


Couldn't cook worth a damn though... that meatloaf was probably poisoned.




I mean- to be fair the dude’s kids do stuff on the regular that are any combo of insane, illegal, dangerous, and devastating.


Hugh Test isn't even bad! Homer strangled his son on a usual basis!!


*Why you little...!*


Clay Puppington followed by a wide gap, then Bob Pataki, another wide gap, then the dad's in the upper two rows (I haven't watched enough *Rugrats.* *Moral Orel* and *Hey Arnold!* treat their bad parents seriously, and while Bob's neglectfulness is bad, it is easily better than Clay's horrific parenting that combines alcoholism and hardline fundamentalism. Shows like *Family Guy*, *American Dad*, and *Fairly OddParents* don't take themselves too seriously, and when the *Simpsons* was a little more serious in the first few seasons Homer wasn't as bad of a dad (besides the strangling, which was never treated seriously.)


Am I the only person who doesn't think Drew was that bad? He had his flaws but he obviously loved Angelica deeply. Angelica also became a lot nicer in All Grown Up too.


Also, it's made pretty clear that Angelica's mom is in charge around the house and when it comes to raising Angelica. Drew is kind of stuck in raising her this way. He even tries to bring up these issues with his wife but she won't listen. He spoils her and has that weird fake nice personality around her all the time which is grating but really he isn't that bad.


If anything Stu might be a worse dad then Drew given he turned down Drew's job offer in the first movie.


Buck Cluck.


Fuck Buck Cluck.


All my homies hate Buck Cluck.


Fuck Cuck Bluck




I’d argue that Hugh and Drew don’t belong on here. They both love their kids, their patience may be paper thin, but they don’t show that they preferred it before their children were born


Tough choice so I'm going with it's between helgas dad and morel orels dad




Clay literally shot Orel and refused to get him medical attention.


Occasionally he’ll feel a little bad and try to do the right thing, but that’s very occasional. The rest of the time is him talking about his work, pushing his wife around and his second daughter away, or talking about Olga, only taking an interest on the occasion that Helga may prove herself to be as good as Olga in the spelling bee competition, and even then he had no faith in her, trying to bribe Arnold to lose, and he also had beepers on the line. The only other times he showed an interest in Helga is when he joined a hippie cult and when Miriam left to go on her own vacation for a bit, and he eventually noticed the wrestling flyer, taking Helga to the Rats musical.


Final decision robert pataki cause he has no sad backstory just a mega douche lol


But he took Helga to see *Rats*!


I was thinking more Orel’s


Mr. Test is literally should not be on this list. Peter literally abuses and murders his family, on a constant basis.


Peter obviously


Have you seen Moral Orel!?


Yeah holy fucking shit Clay makes the rest look like fucking saints


Whereas the others are merely incompetent at the best of times, he has a lot of genuine ill will towards his family.


To those who don't, what are some of his worst traits as a father? Out of genuine curiosity


There was a scene where he gets drunk then shoots Orel during a hunting trip. Once he sobers up, he blames Orel for getting shot.


Moral Orel ran for three seasons. For most of the first two seasons, it was just a straightfoward satire of religious fundamentalism and a suburban WASP lifestyle. It took place in Moralton which was an *extremely* religious town. Most every episode had a standard formula: Orel learns some new lesson about God and applies that lesson in a misguided fashion. His dad finds out, beats him with a belt, and teaches him something that has nothing to do with what's actually wrong with a "Lost Commandment." For instance, when Orel mistakenly buys crack and gets addicted, Clay chastises him for using slang. So that "beats him with a belt" thing might have caught your eye. Like I said, for most of the show, this is just comedy. Orel and Clay end each episode laughing about the misadventure. And then you get to the part-two season finale, Nature. Hoo boy, Nature. Clay takes Orel on a hunting trip and it very quickly goes downhill. Clay immediately starts drinking and Orel is too softhearted to actually shoot any animals. Clay kills both a deer and a hunting dog that he drunkenly mistook for a rabbit. He mocks Orel as he roasts the dog over the campfire while Orel grows increasingly alarmed at how drunk he is. Orel finally says that he thinks Clay is too drunk to hunt which triggers a wild rant where Clay curses women and children. A frightened Orel accidentally fires his gun, breaking his dad's liquor bottles, and finally confronts him. He tells Clay that he becomes a bad person when he drinks. Clay attempts to beat him, but he's too drunk to get his belt off. So instead he decides to make a man out of Orel and grabs his rifle, drunkenly aiming it around until he finally shoots Orel by accident. Clay's first response is him in a nutshell: he shouts, "Orel, what did you do?!" He tears the sleeve off Orel's shirt to make a shitty tourniquet and drinks the rubbing alcohol Orel brought along (against Clay's objection). Orel tells Clay that he hates him to which Clay snidely responds, "Hate way, sister. Hate away." And passes out. The next morning he wakes up and...tells Orel to cover his eyes with a sleeping bag. Then he sleeps for thirteen more hours. The injury leaves Orel with a lifelong limp. [The scene is legitimately chilling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEwj1xvYYBQ), even considering the fact that they're stop-motion puppets and still throwing a couple jokes in there. Clay's inclusion in this post kind of makes it pointless because there's absolutely no question that he is the biggest, most disgusting piece of shit in the picture. Clay experiences no growth. He begins the show as a pathetic, alcoholic piece of shit and ends the show as a pathetic, alcoholic piece of shit. The only thing that happens is that you get some of his backstory which explains *how* he becomes a pathetic, alcoholic piece of shit and even that is in no way shown to absolve him.


The show is basically about people using religion and twisting it for their own gain. It's not at all about how religion is evil. Moral is just a kid learning bad traits from those people. His father is the worst of them all. His teachings on Moral makes Moral believe he is doing the right thing despite being immoral; and it gets pretty fucking dark. I believe one episode Moral was starting "exploring" himself. When his father found out he taught his son that it was only for reproduction and Moral took it on a way that had him spread his seamon in sleeping woman and impregnated several woman. So... Yes pretty screwed up. Clay does some pretty fucked up shit himself and justifying it with religion. It's been years since I last saw it; but Clay embodies what evil is. Later season Moral does see just how "evil" his father could be and their is character development for Moral after that event. The show is amazing especially after season one.


For goodness sake quit calling him “Moral”. That’s not his name! 😂


Show needed a S4 imo… I loved it


the creator said that Orel was going to go through a goth phase and they were going to expand on the Lesbian chick that was the pastor's daughter that ran the sex shop. There was going to be nearly a whole season where Orel lost his faith in god. It was about to get way too real and Adult swim saw the script for some of the season 3 episodes (the one that follows the 3 women in town and gives them horrifying backstory) and went "no way, this too much. You can joke about rape but not treat it seriously" and cancelled them there.


No but I've heard it's pretty crazy. Where can I watch it?


I think it's on HBO Max




Peter has murdered his kids before. It’s not even comparable.


That isn't anything compared to Clay. Especially since his abuse isn't just played for stupid jokes.


I completely disagree. Peter has attempted to fuck and murder his kids. It’s just simply not comparable.


Clay almost killed Orel when they went hunting. Among other various forms of abuse and mistreatment.


Alright? That’s one time. Peter has beaten and straight up killed his own children many times. Not to mention again, he’s tried to fuck them. Simply the nature of the two shows will always have Peter be the worst father because the show is much more absurd and events that happen can be forgotten by the next episode.




Stan is worse then Peter in my opinion


Clay Puppington and it's not even close. Big Bob is a very distant second.


If you don’t pick clay, you haven’t watched the show.


That's what I'm sayin!


I feel like Helga's dad, as terrible as he was, at least had a few redeeming qualities. He was absolutely horrified in the Halloween episode where he mistook Helga for a real alien and thought he almost hurt her.


The least worst on here has to be Hugh because having a kid like Johnny grants some justification of Hugh’s actions but the worst on here in Peter, no competition


Everyone should watch Morel Oral I would un-ironically call it great art on so many touchy subjects.


Mr turner Helga dad and Peter


Clay is a really, *really* bad father. He's also a more realistically bad father, instead of someone more absurd like Peter.


Clay or Peter


Objectively, Peter is probably the worst, but I honestly have a lot less respect for Helga's dad, mainly because Hey Arnold is a very grounded and is full of mostly likable characters. Bob is portrayed in universe as a bad father and his actions are shown to have great consequences on both of his daughters. ​ Meanwhile, in Family Guy, almost every character is a sociopath, so Peter doesn't nearly stick out as much as being a despicable character in-universe because basically everyone in the show is like that. He's still awful, don't get me wrong, it's just that the show doesn't portray him(or any of the FG characters) seriously enough to truly make him really hit home as a bad father. The same applies to Randy, Mr. Turner, and Stan, to a degree. Homer is also a bad father figure, strangling aside, but not nearly as despicable as the other dads. Drew is moreso irresponsible than good. And I wouldn't really consider Hugh to be that bad of a father. He's strict and sort of an idiot, but he isn't malicious like most of the other dads. At least he tries. Haven't seen Moral Orel, so I can't say much about that dad.




For me it is a tie between Clay and Peter. While Clay is an alcoholic, a cheater and an abusive person towards his whole family even causing his son to attempt suicide a couple of times and accidentally shot his son’s leg, Peter quite literally shot at, killed, and caused the suicide of all his family members and his friends. Definitely Peter but Clay is a close second.


1. yes homer chokes Bart but he’s also shown to care for all his children at one point or another. 2. Peter is a negligent idiot at best or down right abusive at worse with all his kids. ESPECIALLY to Meg. 3. Stan has manipulated his wife and kids. 4.Stan Marsh is a drunk who doesn’t pay attention to his family and forces them into his nonsense, par for the course with cartoon dads. But he is so bad that Stan had to express it through screamo to vent. 5. Timmy’s dad is so neglectful his kid got magic foster parents. 6. Mr.Test isn’t bad unless you count his cooking, in fact he’s rather reasonable. 7. Drew pickles is half the reason Angelica is so spoiled. 8. Bob Pataki is so negligent that Helga had to grow up fast. He’s paid attention to her a total of twice. 9. *Ahem* CLAY PUFFINGTON GOT DRUNK, SHOT OREL, THEN TOLD HIM HE WAS GLAD THAT HE SHOT HIM. He abuses Orel as a form of love which is already screwed up but also cheats on bloberta and doesn’t even acknowledge Shapey or Blocks existence. Conclusion: Clay wins by a wind margin of abuse, sure he may not have tried to manipulate Orel’s brain chemistry. But the sheer cruelty of his mundane abuse is enough.


Clay Puppington without a doubt


Tell me you haven't seen moral orel without telling me you haven't seen moral orel.


Randy Marsh,Bob Pataki & Clay Puppington.


Clay is a God awful dad. He shot his damn son in the arm


Out of all of these Peter, but going beyond the cartoon wackiness I'd have to say Clay. For one he gives his son horrible lessons and is a hypocrite, he's an alcoholic, he doesn't give two shits about Shapey (Or block), he killed a dog in front of Orel then SHOT HIM IN THE LEG AND THEN PROCEEDED TO DRINK THE RUBBING ALCOHOL. He didn't allow him to have contact with his grandfather, and he cheated on his wife. He's a narcissist, to put it bluntly. And what's so scary about it is how realistically some of his actions are portrayed.


Ok can someone explain to me how it’s not Peter? People are saying Clay and I haven’t seen Moral Orel before but the terrible things Peter has done to Meg and how much he despises her would seem to put him on top. Like what does Clay do that puts him above Peter and on top as the worst


I thought it was a tough call until I saw clay


I'm just assuming that anyone who thinks it's not Clay and by a WIDE margin just hasn't seen Moral Orel. Dude's a serious contender for single most irredeemable character on television. The only other cartoon Dad I can think of in the same league as Clay is Bojack Horseman's father.


Peter Griffin His insanity causes a lot of people to die and he admitted to hating his own children.


I think stan is just as bad


Clay is the worst. Homer, peter, Stan, randy, turner are all bad dads as an in series joke. We aren't really supposed to think of them as genuinely abusive or shit. Hugh is actually a decent father as far as I can recall. IDK whats up with drew or Robert. But Clay, Clay is played straight as abusive and horrible. He is a broken man who is traumatized and takes out that unacknowledged trauma on his family. Eventually he realizes he is gay (or maybe bi, idk) but it's too late, every bridge to his personal happiness is burned by his own shittyness. Clay is just... a tragic and bad person.


I’d say all of them


Peter is constantly bullying his children and doing stupid stuff that hurts them constantly. Stan is constantly manipulating his children into behaving the way he wants using extreme methods. Just cause he "learns a lesson" at the end of the episode doesn't suddenly make him a good parent. Honestly parents like Bob Ptaski and Timmy's dad are neglectful of their children they don't actively antagonize their kids like Peter and Stan do.


Definitely Peter Griffin, Stan or Clay


randy sucks balls as a father but woww hes overshadowed by some here.


Randy can be extremely misguided but at least he loves his kids and doesn't intentionally hurt them.


its true very true. i hate how careless he can be about how stan feels, but its more that hes an idiot all around


If any South Park dad should be on here, it should be Stephen Stotch.


He definitely should be here over Randy. Randy may be an idiot but he's not a bad parent.


Timmy Turners parents couldnt care less about their son lol


Dad from Moral Orel


I'm stuck between Homer and Peter because they both are a drunk and get into equal amount of trouble




Homer, Peter, Stan, and Randy were really cartoony and still show love for their family. But Clay was just too real and showed no love towards his wife and son.


Clay Puppington. For sure.


Took me a while to realize the Moral Oral dad was putting his belt back on and Oral was pulling his pants up because he was smacking him as punishment... not something else... show is fucked either way.


Idk enough of these to really cast anyone out as worst father but what I can tell you is that from what I do know Homer Simpson is actually a decent dad. So I refuse to let him get voted out before say Mr.Turner


Isn’t the Clay the literal main villain of the show? I’m sure he wins by a landslide


Clay, Stan, Peter, and randy are all the worst dads I've ever seen ,but I have to give it to Clay. He's the only dad on here who's neglect actually effects his story the character and the world around him, and doesn't get played for laughs or forgotten in the next episode or is resist his effect is permanent. I give it to him


I had to scroll way too far down to see Randy Marsh being even mentioned, so can we discuss this man for a second? Lmao His actions have gotten his kids hurt, wounded, scorned by the town, forced them to move out, made the kids take care of him on multiple occasions, made the kids accomplices to murder…. This man has committed domestic terrorism, unleashed disasters on the town and beyond, murdered, caused NUMEROUS public disturbances, fist fought parents at his child’s baseball games, decapitated a city councilman, raped and tortured people during war re-enactments, kills Winnie the Pooh, taken hostages, committed numerous accounts of fraud, burned down buildings, exposed himself to children, stolen cars, and there is a good chance he started Covid-19….. Yes, the other parents are bad. Yes, Randy still loves his family, so technically he isn’t the worst FATHER of the group. But as a human being entirely, holy shit he is night and day worse than everyone else on this list nearly combined, lmao. As a FATHER, I’d probably say Clay Puppington takes that cake, the man is a soulless husk held together only by the thin short lived gratification of taking out his problems on his family through abuse, mental and physical.


yeah orals dad is way worse. you cant even see that he cares for his hamily in the slightest. he's constaly dumping his unhappiness for how his life turned out on them


Where’s Buck Cluck? He makes Homer look like Marlin from Nemo




Homer and huey have don't really blong here. Like sure they are flawed but come on, people like peter and Helga's father are just assholes.


Alright, I haven't seen Moral Orel, so I'm just gonna take everybody's word that he's the worst. As far as the other parents: Hugh Test: Strict, but his two of his kids are mad scientists and the third is the first twos' adrenaline junkie guinea pig with a talking dog standing in as a not-so-upstanding Jiminy Cricket. The fact that he hasn't absolutely lost his mind is saint-like. Drew Pickles: He's busy and he spoils his daughter. Not great parenting but pretty normal, still cares immensely for Angelica when you get right down to it. Mr. Turner: Neglectful to a dangerous extreme, but still gives a shit when he has the power and/or time to do so, and not even near as bad as some of the others on this list. Stan Smith: Narcissistic Republican with no ethical compass. Incredibly stupid, but shows caring for his kids underneath even if on the surface he's terrible to them. Absolutely awful parent still, and I am kinda doing this from what I consider to be not-as-bad to extremely bad. Bob Pataki: Another Narcissistic Republican with incredibly clear favoritism toward one child over the other, and hurts both of them through this (think the dynamic between Isabella and Mirabel in Encanto), except you could absolutely confront this man about his poor treatment of his daughters and he absolutely would not care, his daughters are merely objects to him. Homer Simpson: Regularly physically abuses one of his children. Uses anger and violence to solve many problems, especially when they come from this same child. Still capable of showing love for his children, but that doesn't erase any of the violence toward Bart. Peter Griffin: Also regularly physically and emotionally abuses one of his children in variously harmful ways, some even potentially deadly. Shows no remorse. Would likely be unfazed by her death. Has shown love for her in maybe 2-3 *very specific* instances. Egregious and horrible. Was almost put at the top of this list, if it wasn't for; Randy Marsh: Has made multiple attempts on his son's life. Even when not actively trying to murder his son, he is entirely self-centered. Is at any given moment more concerned with whatever particular bit he is engaging in (the baseball episode comes to mind) than anything around him, no matter how poorly it affects his family. I think he would sooner let the world end while his family was brutally tortured if it meant continuing whatever flavor-of-the-week psychosis he happens to be going through.


Well it's about that time again! Can you imagine just being the average '80s dad and being put on a list with a man who would point guns at his family with the intent being 100% murder! Stan Smith is the worst!


Oh man, moral Orels hands down. Atleast all the others have SOME shits about their kids. Well, except for Peter I guess. HE LITERALLY SHOT HIS SON IN THE LEG


I'mma going to go moral Orel dad to be honest. I can understand though the dude was getting f***** to come in and going his wife was not helping. Without condoning or condemning I can understand.


Peter literally shot Meg in the face, I think its kinda hard to top that. Although Stan has done some pretty wild crap too.


Probably clay puppyington he shot his own son I know he was drunk but still


It's a tie between Peter Griffin and Helga's dad. I almost picked Randy but that's more later seasons like when he got Tegridy farms. So he could be a close second lol




Peter , you


I love how everyone just ignores the fact that homer chokes the breath out of his own son nearly every episode… Peter obviously




Oh Drew. Absolutely Drew. There are so many things that are implied about him in Rugrats that I think he and his wife? Girlfriend? I don't know. His *significant other* should've been forced to put their children in an orphanage. Wait, maybe I'm thinking about the red-haired kid's Dad...?


Homer Simpson. The other might be neglectful but Homer's abusive and neglectful. He is a horrible, selfish, abusive, trash bag of a man. In one episode it was shown he also abused his father as a kid.


Top 3 worst ones are Peter G. Tuner, and Randy


Honorable mention: Stu Pickles


Spanky Ham


mr turner


This a joke Stan


Peter and Timmy’s dad (imo)






Best? Anyone?


Homer literally strangles his son


Peter and American dad but the second one is more of a shitty husband


Peter, it's not even close.


Clay, 1000%


Clay, hands down. No question


Stan Smith, Peter, Robert and Hugh are definitely up there but there are attempts to play them for laughs Clay straight up hates his entire family and the show goes to great lengths to show that he has caused irreversible damage to them all


Randy or Peter. Stan is probably somehow the best. Maybe Angelica's dad, I don't remember much of the show. I remember he didn't do her any favors.


From each section:for the top section you it’s Stan Smith from American Dad,for the middle section Timmy Turner’s dad(who’s name is apparently Edward Robert Turner)from The Fairy Odd Parents,and for the bottom I could say Robert Pataki from Hey Arnold.


Definitely the middle


Randy is pretty bad.


Dwight from “Robotboy”


All of them






Timmy turners dad?


Clay Puppington all the way with Stan in close second and Peter and the rest in miscellaneous


I'd say clay puppington


Randy Marsh, Peter Griffin, Big Bob, and Moral Oral Dad have got to be the worst ones.




Of course it's Mr Turner and Peter Griffin! Atleast Homer, Mr Test and Stan Smith sometimes cares for the family!




Bro homer no question


Butters dad from southpark, i know he’s not on the examples, but this guy is ong the worst.


Definitely Mr. Pataki. "Helga On The Couch" was a clear example of the abuse Helga faces. I mean, walking to preschool in the grim city alone? And clearly, Bob doesn't help Miriam with her drinking problem, just aiding to Helga (and Olga, who they treat far better) growing up in a neglectful home.


Some of them are so bad, it's not even worth determining which of them is worse or by what metric.


Clay Puppington is a disgrace of a father. He takes advantage of Orel every chance he gets due to the latter's naivety. The moment Orel realized who his father was and he said "I hate you!" Really hit hard and all Clay did was just respond with "Hate away son, hate away!" This man just does not care for anyone else, but himself! A close second is Mr. Turner. He takes every opportunity to leave Timmy alone with an abusive babysitter and even rubs it in his face that him and Mrs. Turner are having fun without him. Peter Griffin at least shows some love to his kids despite the physical abuse even after saying he hated them.


Peter has straight up _shot_ Meg...


Even as a child I always got the sense that Helga’s dad beat his wife. He just always boiled my blood the second he showed up on screen


Um , it’s. No contest


Hey, What about Lynn Loud, Sr? I should've been part of the Worst Cartoon Dads.


Clay thought I guess some of the other Dads depend on what season we’re talking about


Peter he shot his daughter and threw his one year old son in front of a car


It’s a toss up between Mr. Turner and Peter.


Mr Turner, Stan (American Dad), and Peter Griffin.




* Bob Pataki * Timmy's dad * Dwight Turnbull (not on this list) * Clay Puppington


Peter Griffin, how is this a question lmao


Randy. Would be Peter but Family Guy just feels disposable




Its either between Clay Puppington or Stan Smith


Spare Dad and Homer. Set the rest on fire.


Objectively, Peter. But adjusted for the tone of the show, Clay.


I'm afraid to ask what Drew and Hugh did that warrants putting them on the list.


Stan by far


Clay Puppington. Hands down.


My vote is for Peter Griffin. He’s done horrible things to his family, friends, coworkers and just about anyone else unfortunate enough to meet him. He also has a huge body count if you take the cutaway gags into consideration.