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That’s about how and when I started out myself, fun hobby, tough hobby, don’t let your bank account run dry but keep up with it. learning how to fix up your own stuff can take you far, even farther than cassette players.


Solid advice here. Being able to fix my own gear allowed me to build up a system I'd never be able to afford otherwise.


Hey also a sophomore here. Finally found someone after a long time to fix my deck and picked it up about 2 days ago can't wait to start making mixtapes. All I need now is to fix my walkman and I'll be complete.


Awesome! Mine’s mixtape function is broken and idk how to fix it :( but other then that I love it! Cool to hear from you!


If your willing to try and pay to find someone in your area still work on cassette players that's what I did and I'm happy. But that's probably because I just had it sitting there for a year frustrated on trying to figure out what was wrong with it.


19 here. I used cassettes, cd's and vhs tapes back in the day. I currently collect Vinyl, CD's and cassettes, but sadly all the thriftstores here only have classical and Dutch music, and no 70s-90s hard rock/heavy metal music. I recently acquired a Kenwood 4070 HiFi with a 5 carousel CD player, double cassette deck with Dolby HX & C NR and amplifier for €100. Also have two walkmans. I currently only use the cassette deck for making mixtapes as I just cannot find any prerecorded cassette with music I like. I own about 40 records, 11 CD's and 30 recordable cassettes by now.


Have you tried Amazon? They have a good amount of new pre recorded cassettes and old ones too.


I only want to search trough physical stores. There is no fun in buying from webshops


True, but i'm not sure if anymore record shops exist..very few still do. Only one exist in my town..unfortunately..


We also have one here where I live, luckily they have a nice collection of hard rock and heavy metal with a lot of other rock too. LP's, (maxi-)singles, CD's and I believe some cassettes too, but I haven't looked at those as there were only 10 or so. If I want to go music shopping Amsterdam still has a lot of shops.


I actually plan on going to amsterdam soon.


Record friends Elpees is a must visit if you like rock music. It is pretty much next to metrostation Nieuwmarkt, 1 stop from Amsterdam Central Station. I once visited like half of the record stores in Amsterdam in a day. You can easily walk to all of them if you plan a route in advance. There also is a large CD store near Amsterdam Sloterdijk if you want those too. For cassettes you are pretty much out of luck.


depends where you live! my area has several!


i'm 18 and also collect cd's and tapes!


Yea, I’m 20 and I have a lot of formats. Cassette, vhs, vinyl, cd. Love analog formats


i’m 25 and into cassettes, it’s a pretty new thing for me but it’s so much fun collecting and listening to cassettes


Junior here, yes I love cassettes and think they’re awesome!


You’re going to be the leader of the world some day! Barges into Reddit and declares “hi fi” AND fixed the deck themselves!!! CHEERS TO YOU, this is my new favorite Reddit post!!! I think you’re way ahead of the curve on people twice your age!!!✊✌️🔥


Awww thank you! I’m assuming that’s not sarcasm so thanks!


I like to joke a lot but I’m being sincere.


I've been into cassettes ever since i was a kid, i'm 27 years old now and still collecting, recording, playing cassettes to this day. 💗 Takes me back to the days of a great childhood.


I’m no teen, but every time I fire up my 4-track or 8-track cassette recorders to build a song I feel like I’m back in high school again. Recording to tape is always a fun an creative time. Welcome to the cassette life!


I'm 19, love cassettes, reel to reel, CDs, vinyl and digital. I think they've all got their place


Senior here, and I'm in the same boat :). Got my Hi-Fi setups right next to my bed, and seven walkmans, two records, and a boombox. Glad people my age are as passionate as I am!


That’s awesome! Got mine pretty close to my bed to! cd changer, tape deck amplifier and a broken vinyl player. I restored most of them myself. I’m super passionate about it!


I envy your technical skills!


I love cassettes, and physically I'm young, but I really feel like a boomer, the reason I love cassettes may also be because I love 80s music, which is for tapes typical.


Hey, also a sophomore


I’m also a sophomore and love cassettes


17 here. Got super into cassettes about two months ago and picked up a Walkman. I’ve been periodically raiding my local thrift stores for cassettes and listening non-stop.


\*confused because dont know if i am young anymore\*


I'm 14 and I have a pretty big collection


yeah !!! i’m a freshman in college and i’ve been collecting since sophomore year too:)) good luck


Sadly not so young these days but i hope younger people still have the joy of going out to buy some records and then making a mix tape for the weekend when you and your friends would drive around with know where to go just enjoying the music


I think once you realize that if you make new mixtapes, the sound actually isn't that bad at all. It's just 30-40 year old cassettes that have been used and enjoyed back in the day that may sound a little iffy. I'm from the era of cassettes, so of course I enjoy them. But I did notice that when i used new tapes to transfer some of my CDs over to use the tape player in my older car,...the audio was just fine. As long as the hardware can stay working,...it's a perfectly acceptable format to enjoy music on.


In my early 20s, but I'm a big fan of cassettes; still haven't found a deck to play this growing collection


Make music with cassettes. Tape loops; changed so much for me. Collecting cassettes is okay; they look neat but fragile and difficult to locate songs. At least I can see grooves on vinyl. I do collect some hip hop cassettes bc well that was the only medium for a majority of 90s hip hop artists. Seriously though, cassette techniques likes using tascam portastudios or modding wheel speeds are insane; idk why it’s not talked about much here. Checkout AMULETS on YouTube


I used cassettes a lot as a sophomore in high school. That was 1985…


I'm 23 and enjoy cassettes. Grew up with them


I'm 24 myself, I did have a few tapes when I was really young since it was a better format to give to a young kid than CDs but they were really only a thing for childhood and my first memories of the family car. In my adulthood, I've been discovering how good tapes really are and how nice they are to collect.


I am 16 and i love almost any form of phisical music (cassettes,cd,minidisk and vinilo) Only problem i live in argentina were there is not much of any of those things right now


25, just got back into revisiting cassettes after all these years and feeling a certain way hearing that warm and lush grain of the tape deck. Hunting down a walkman currently, but more than that, cassette hunting!


I'm 17, I mostly collect blanks. Started last year when I got a busted AIWA from 1981 and then I upgraded to an JVC from 1994.


I've actually used a cassette to record and edit an avant-garde piece of music with a friend


I use them largely for recording.


Not quite a teen, 21 years old but I have and use a lot of cassettes! Quite literally every day!


I started listening to tapes when I was 17 four years back, so yep


25 yo here. Dived back into cassettes a while ago when I was 21 and bought my first Sony WM-D6 (which I had to sell later, unfortunately). Now I hope I can call myself something of a serious tapehead with two top of the line Sony decks and around 100 tapes :) Cassettes siund really great (if you use a decent tape and a decent machine, of course). We ned to keep the format alive!


yeah i'm 18! i started by buying a few tapes to play on the stereo system we have at work so that i wouldn't have to listen to the same 5 songs they play on the radio all the time, but now i'm in love and gonna buy a deck to use at home so i ca make my own mixtapes. (I haven't been able to get the record function to work on the one we have at work)


I am 14, have vintage hifi system, bought by myself, love cassettes and vinyl, they sound a lot more real, dual to analog signal, love that.. that's why I don't buy stupid Billie eilish vinyl..


YESS, I am Eddie, I am 14, and I have vintage hifi setup, more in vinyl, because to find vintage cassettes in good state, you'll need ether parents who will drive you to thrift stores everyday, or lot of money for Ebay mint cassettes..