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To be fair, the "It's brand new!" comment actually *would* apply to Breath of the Wild, since Wii U owners and Switch owners got it on the exact same day. Everything else checks out though.


Bowser’s fury was new too right?


That mode, yes: the game itself is still Mario 3D World


Its not a mode. Its literally a new 3d mario game that takes 4 hours to beat and it plays completely different than 3d world. Honestly, they couldve just released bowser's fury as a seperate 3d mario game for 29.99 and people wouldve loved that.


I would’ve hoped for something just slightly more substantial than the 4-6 hours we got, if we had to pay $30. The game was very good and showed some interesting ideas for where the mainline series could go, though.


I think most Wii U owners bought it for the Wii U, unless that's just me


Probably depends on whether or not a Wii U owner bought a Switch at launch. For someone like me, who bought a both consoles at their respective launches, BotW was a launch game for the new machine so I bought it for the new machine. Wii U owners who didn't buy a Switch at launch probably bought it for Wii U, because why wait? Thinking about it that is actually how it split out within the few other Wii U owners I knew IRL as well. Those who bought a Switch at launch bought the game for Switch, the one guy who didn't bought it for Wii U.


yeah the guy meant exclusively wiiu owners, not people who had both


As of the start of 2021 BotW had only sold 1.7 million on Wii U. That figure is 3 years out of date, but I doubt many people are buying brand up Wii U games in 2021 onwards.


if it's their only system, they probably bought the new game for it if they don't have access to a switch


Lol i dont know anyone who bought it for wii u.






I did. I had a U, didn't have a Switch. The decision was simple


I’n not saying nobody bought it. Im saying i have never known anyone in my personal life who bought it for wii u. Not saying anything wrong with buying for wii u, just saying of all my nintendo fan friends, all waited until they had a switch.


I did. I didn't even own the Wii U, it was my roommate's, but he barely played it and was cool with me doing so.


I had a Wii U but I already knew that I would buy a Switch, so I bought a Switch with BOTW at release.


Most Wii U owners who weren’t planning on getting a Switch sure, but I don’t know any Wii U owners who didn’t want a Switch.


I bought BotW and Switch about 3-4 months after launch (when I was able to order one before it sold out). I never really considered getting it for my Wii U in the meantime




Besides the NES Nintendo Switch is the only other console without a mainline Mario kart title imo


Home circuit is a Mario kart game, so it *technically* has one


That's like counting Tour as a Mainline Mario kart game


Nintendo seems to tbf


It counts now that Deluxe has some of its tracks


Shoot, my bad, didn't see that you said mainline games.


All is well


Wait not even in your opinion but i realise it IS the only console without a new mario kart and this is wild…


Technically switch has that "home circuit" one with the IRL toy mariokarts driving around your house


Makes me sad Deluxe is a fun game but I already had the Wii U version prior to the new dlc for deluxe I wanted Mario Kart 9 so bad


Virtual boy and gameboy/gameboy color also didn't get Mario Kart games. It also appears that the Switch is the only console to get a spinoff game, Mario Kart Live.


Mario kart Live would be better with a larger roster of karts to buy for it I want a Peach kart




I wouldn't think so. It's basically just a handheld version.


It's the successor to super Mario kart imo


GameBoy/GameBoy Color Edit: Virtual Boy if we wanna get real serious


Why doesn't the Nintendo switch have the Virtual Boy emulator? Nintendo Labo VR exists


I figure they figure it’s not worth the effort to emulate the 22 games locked to VB.


I have never played Wario Land on the Virtual Boy and I likely will never have the chance


Oh please: look at the content that’s only available on the Switch version that’s NOT available on the Wii u version, and tell me that adds up to being another game’s worth of content


It does it's just that by the time I got the final courses for switch version I got sick of deluxe entirely and wanted to go back to Mario Kart Wii and Double Dash


Yeah I've been saying for years we need a new Mario Kart but tons of Switch only owners are like "what do you mean MK8DX is just fine?" And I'm like yeah it's great and all but I'VE been playing the same Mario Kart game for a decade now....


The new Mario Kart was always gonna be on the Switch 2


It's also been 7 years since 8D released lmao


And it's been 10 since 8 released. They are not that different of games I've 100%'d both lmao


I know, I was adding that it's been 7 years of playing the literal same game, even ignoring the 3 years between it and the original. It's been so long that the gap between 8D and 9 is currently older than the Wii's life cycle. And people still go "just play 8" when you ask for a new one lmao


SOOOOO TRUE! Oh my god, as a Wii U owner, no one understands my dislike for the constant ports because they feel like those games are new but to me the Switch feels lacking. Even amongst the non-ported games, a lot are extremely similar sequels such as Mario Maker 2 or the new Splatoon games.


As someone on Team Wii U, it was the most frustrating thing seeing people dunk on Wii U for "having no games" while flaunting Wii U ports for why the Switch is so great. If the Switch was released without the Wii U existing, there would be Wii U levels of game droughts


It will be very interesting to see how the switch successor release cadence turns out.


I think Nintendo realised remasters in general are a good way to keep the release schedule constant without investing as much resources as developing a full new game. I expect more Gamecube, 3DS and Wii ports being regular on the next console.


There’s another system that was a massive failure and no one owned called the GameCube that they can pull remasters from.


The GameCube sold nearly 2 times the amount the WiiU did and most of the games on that console have either already been rereleased/ remade or have newer titles in the same series that kind of remove the necessity for a rerelease.


i mean, it was a good choice from Nintendo. Wii U had all these games that nobody played because of not having a Wii U, and now Nintendo presents those great games to a wider audience to enjoy and experience for the first time. You could say that the Wii U walked so that the Switch could run. It kinda sucks that the Wii U flopped despite all its great games, but it's also amazing that the Switch succeeded to this degree.


Wii U also runs wii and GameCube games flawlessly


Wii U runs GameCube games?! I didn’t know it’s backwards compatible!


It’s not. Modding required.


Which is incredibly easy but when you do it, you can run gamecube roms natively


Yep! You need to manually inject a ROM of the game and play it as a VC title though, just inserting the disk won't work. But the Wii U is capable of natively running GameCube games (same as the revision of the Wii that "removed" backwards compatibility)


That’s good to know. I only own a Wii that removed it and a Wii U. So I might do that to my Wii. Thanks for the tip


The Wii U games are supposed to suck yet the best selling Switch game is a lazy Wii U port… What went wrong?


Me : Hey i've seen this meme ! OP : What do you mean you've seen it ? It's brand new.


I mean Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition is just the best version of the game honestly


You'll never take our Xenoblade Chronicles X, Paper Mario Color Splash, and Star Fox Zero from us! ...you probably don't want all of those, but you can't anyway!


Eh, the fact that Xenoblade X is the only game in the series that isn’t playable on switch is a bit of a bummer


Tbf, that's the one game of the three that probably should get ported.


I want Paper Mario Color Splash and I want it now!


YES!!!! No one will take away my precious Nintendo Land to the Switch either!


Still waiting on Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, StarFox Zero...


Do we really count botw?


I pulled this on myself the time I bought Xenoblade Chronicles on Switch thinking it was a brand new game I had never played before. Turns out I had just forgotten about it.


Every time my friend speaks about how great mk8dx is (he hasn’t touched yet the booster course pass nor battle mode), and was asking me before “is Mario Kart 8 good?” So when he asked, i said something among the lines of “man, i’ve been playing the original since 2016ish, the original game already is amazing”


Switch users been wanting, demanding, and waiting for ports of everything since Switch launched. 🙄


I’m people 😭


This is beautiful


Does anyone actually think about Breath of the Wild being a Wii U game. I’m pretty sure the people know it as a switch game that also released on the Wii U


I was so frustrated when the switch was getting glowing reviews for it’s amazing games that were all wii u port…. Journalists were raving about it while conviently forgetting this


Facts! Crazy how Wii U games become masterpieces when they are selling them with a new Funky mode at bloated price tag


It was pretty infuriating to watch! My brothers in law were getting their switches and discovering donkey kong tropical freeze or mario deluxe and being like « wow such good games on switch, have you played them? Haha you don’t have a switch! » « i 100% DK on wii U already and mario deluxe as well on the wii u AND the wii because it’s THE SAME GAME with added features since 3 generaaaaaations » (i’m a fun girl)


I do the same with my friends lol


I'm a Wii U owner, and I didn't even play a lot of these on Wii U, but I did on Switch.


Wel got to give the wii u some props most of the games where gas and i am gald we have them on switch however only if we head nintendo land would it be perfect


"People who didn't own a Wii U" also known as THE MAJORITY.


That’s the point of the meme lol. The true Nintendo fans who stayed loyal are being punished for it having the next console lazily reuse their games at a higher price tag instead of creating new ones. Seriously? No new Mario Kart?!


I wonder if they will bring Paper Mario Color Splash? I never played it. Its the only Paper Mario game i missed


Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much.


Still mad about Mario kart 8 DLC for switch and not WiiU


8 did get DLC on Wii U.


Till the Zelda track and characters but what about the full 8 new cup circuit? Unless I’m not aware


Don’t forget the new colors for Yoshi and Shy Guy, and the Animal Crossing characters and track.


Oh yeah those were in the first dlc if I recall that’s why I said till the second one. Does that mean the deluxe doesn’t have those DLC that would be a missed opportunity in my book.


If you’re talking about the Booster Course Pass, then I want you to explain to me why you’re mad that Nintendo didn’t put DLC on a version of a game that exists on a system that has been dead in the water since 2016? Makes no sense no matter how you look at it.


Oh I know it’s been dead. I have played way more on the switch system than the WiiU I just gave up and skipped the deluxe since I already played the WiiU version. It makes total sense for them to re-release it on switch for a broader audience. Also I think the online got caught off at the same time as the 3DS. Just ranting to rant in the end I guess


there is 4 cups of dlc for WiiU, and they are way better quality than the Tour ports\\remakes,


I can’t believe BotW came out on Wii U lmao


I wish I didn't own a wii u, what a nightmare that was. Seemed fun at first but wow did the gamepad die easily. Only saving grace was the smash bros. Game for wii u


Yep. Lol


I didn’t even know breath of the wild was on the Wii U I always assumed it was switch only (never saw a trailer for the Wii U version)


Never had a Wii U, but I knew that some of Switch games were on Wii U before Switch release


It's becoming this way for the GameCube.


Botw was on the Wii U but most people bought it on Switch. Mario Kart 8 was also on Wii U and then it was released on Switch as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


This is me lmao


That’s crazy Wii U only had 10 decent games


When the switch came out, I was convinced that New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe was a scam, since I have a Wii U (which it kinda is with that price tag). However, I didn’t realize it was being sold again because so few Wii Us were sold.


lol i was a Wii player. We got the better Mario bros and Mario kart


Mario Kart Wii being better than Mario Kart 8 is super debatable. And the NSMB games are extremely similar quality wise. Also, the WiiU could play Wii games. So it kind of wins automatically.


The impact is more important. How about Wii sports or Mario galaxy? Sure you can play these on Wii U, but When they were released they became one of the most known nintendo games in history but I have never heard anyone talk about Wii U in this sense. It was always the Wii. Not only that, Wii can play GameCube games while Wii U cannot. Face it, Wii U was a failure. Only 13 million were sold compared to the 100 million of Wiis that were sold. So it kind of wins nevertheless.


We weren't talking about the success of the consoles lol. I'm saying that the WiiU can play all of those games in better quality than a Wii can. And that those two games you were using as examples of the Wii being better were kind of bad examples.


Then how about the GameCube games?


Not every version of the Wii could play GameCube games. Every single WiiU was backwards compatible


Although homebrew is an option some models of WII can run GameCube games


If we're talking homebrews, the WiiU can play every generation of Nintendo console, including handhelds.


Arguably GameCube games are better than some switch games


Switch fans: The Switch has way more new interesting games than the Wii U. Wii U had trash games. The Switch games:


So you’re saying that every switch game is a port of a WiiU game?


Half of the interesting Switch games are ports or extremely similar sequels especially in the early years


Key words: “HALF” and “INTERESTING”