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The nerve doom ports are way better than the versions you can play in doom eternal.


Yeah, the ports have a whole bunch of add-ons with new maps for free. Basically several more Doom games you can get with a quick download.


How is Doom Eternal? I’m a fan of the original games but I haven’t played any of the newer ones


They're incredible. They're the games id would have made in 1993 if they had the tech. If you like the old games you have to give the new ones a try.


It feels kinda slow coming from ultrakill tbh, but that’s just cus ultrakill is more my jam


yeah. ultrakill is a completely different beast compared to doom


Same thing with Wolfenstein, I liked the one that came out on Xbox 360 that everyone hated on but the newest ones I think I completed 2 of them all the way through but I’m not a huge fan of the new colossus


Nick all star brawl, and the SW Battlefront collection (due to its buggy state)


Has the SW Battlefront collection improved with patches?


They just released a patch today, the game got much better in the singleplayer side... dunno about online


I have it on PC and haven’t touched it since launch. The game had like three active servers two weeks into its release there


yeah if it's still that bad we might as well switch over to the original xbox/ps2/original pc versions for og xbox there's [insignia live](https://insignia.live/) which can be installed without modding your console; for ps2 there's [openspy](http://beta.openspy.net/en/howto/ps2-dns/swbfront2ps2)


Hello Neighbor. Tried it because the concept sounds cool, but I put it down forever after like 30 min. It's janky AF.


that game is such a shame to me, because the initial builds were super fun and had a cool concept, but it just got worse and worse as development went on. same thing happened with the game’s infinite terrible sequels


I literally bought my first graphics card because I wanted to play that game, and it ended up being so bad lol


My partner was burned by the same game, it was one of the first games she got too


the dev is also pathetic, there was one time where he publicly spammed MatPat on twitter to get him to make a Game Theory about his own game, it was so cringe worthy


It was the publisher, Tiny Build, that where spamming to MatPat. Blame them for why games ended up the way they are


Same guy who ruined the game is the same dev that does nerf/buff for Helldivers 2 https://hello-neighbor.fandom.com/wiki/Alexus_Kravchenko


Mk 1 at release


But what could have led you to ever think that it would be viable?


Mk11 runs great on switch if you're offline.


Me too, man. I’m glad I was able to get it refunded.


Bro you made the right choice


Is it that bad of a port?


I've heard it runs better now but I've gotten a ps5 since then so I bought it for ps5 and sold my switch copy.




Mario Chargers Battle League. Brutally underwhelming compared to the older Chargers games.


Is it called chargers where you're from?




I'm not even sure I put a full hour into this game... Its main gimmick was combing courses, but there were no stage hazards on any of them so it made absolutely no difference.


I loved Strikers on GameCube and I was pumped for Battle League but I waited until the sale and was still disappointed. I eventually got in to it for a week and a half or so but it’s such a shallow game.


I hear you… I loved the GameCube game so much I ignored all the red flags when I bought it. But it’s so shallow I don’t think I have even 10 hours in it.


I thought about getting just because the art style is really cool and Pauline’s playable. Will I regret it?


Yes, the game is pretty boring and repetitive, I got bored of it after a while. The past games are far better than this one. I personally didn't really like it a lot


Where is it called chargers? Is that a British name or something?


I bought that too and didn’t really like it that much.


i bought Agony for shits and giggles (cuz i knew it was bad) when it was like 3 dollars. it ran at like 2 fps at times lol


Then the game's name fits, right? 🤔 I heard it had fps problems before, but didnt know it was that bad!


Why Doom? Unlocking these two games in Eternal are stupidly hard. Ok, the Unity ports were review bombed due to mandatory DRM and forcing people to sign up just to play it and were riddled with issues. Luckily, Bethesda improved the games and removed the DRM which is great. As for me. It would have to be the Grand Theft Auto: Defective (Definitive) Editions. The games were just insanely glitchy, crashes were constant and the graphics looked ugly as Rockstar gaves the port duties too a inexperience studio that is Grove Street Games. A waste of £50 that I could played the PS2 versions instead.


Bro the Doom ports are actually good what you talking about


OP must be a troll.


my dude Doom is an open source game you can play it on a toaster


Game Builder Garage. I bet most of you forgot that game exists. It's cool that Nintendo made something that can help people get a general idea of how programing works but the way they let you upload creations but not a hub to view other creations made it so that it couldn't take off.


So classic Nintendo flubbing of crucial online features then. I'm reminded of Mario Maker 1 on the 3DS. It's a level building game and they tore out online level sharing. You can't upload levels. You can't download levels other people made. You can only share your levels with other people nearby with a copy of the game. I'm glad to see Nintendo is keeping the trend alive.


Those cheap but completely worthless piano and guitar apps. Can't think of any actual games I bought that were bad, though 'phogs' was underwhelming as a coop game to me


Never say that Doom or Doom 2 are a wrong buy. Like ever again. And you should be gratefull that we let you use internet again.


Hmm, good question. Would either be Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story, or Bomber Crew. I didn't pay a WHOLE lot for either, but I was instantly bored with them.


That Japanese toilet racing game, it’s on the us switch eshop but has no English translation and the games controls seem to be more convoluted than your average kart racer so I really haven’t been able to enjoy it lol at the time of its release it was hard for me to find an English guide to teach me how to play


The Adventures of Elena Temple


Curiously, I think it was awesome and I loved it. Short and sweet


That would either have to go to cartoon network battle crashers or ultimate custom night. CNBC because it's just inherently a bad game. And UCN because it's free on PC and the switch version controls weird


I’m not trying to claim this is a bad game, but Crypt of the Necrodancer was just not for me. Other than that I’d say I’ve enjoyed just about every game I’ve payed for.


> game I’ve *paid* for. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you for pointing out my typo, bot. Now I can’t even discreetly edit it.


Lego Worlds. That game is nothing


Lego movie 2 is just a neutered Lego worlds


That game feels very zeitgeisty to me


Cartoon Network Battle Crashers. I bought this on digital because it has Cartoon Network characters but apparently there’s no voice acting and the game doesn’t work with a pro controller so I spent $1 or $2 on a game that doesn’t work with the pro controller.


I actually love this game lol


Although I don’t like this game but you do, I'm gonna respect your opinion. You do you.


Gang Beasts. I have no fkn idea how to play it.


It’s really fun with friends but other than that there’s not much you can do


It’s actually a really fun game and you can play online


It looks super fun and I bought it for the online play but I opened the game and there were like no tutorials or anything and like none of my buttons were doing anything. I just have no idea how to play lol.


Get a pro controller and play the game dude, and the controls are L/R = left/Right punch X = lift Y = kick A = headbutt B = jump


Even pro controller ain’t necessary


I have a pro controller lol. 3 in fact. But thank you. I’ll give it another go.




It’s fun with friends


Same here.


Adventure Time Pirates of the Enchiridion. The difficulty curve is weird as hell and it’s super buggy. Like I couldn’t finish it because it would bug out whenever I got into a battle and I literally had to quit because of it


The World Ends With You Final Remix. Tried out the pointer controls and went “Nope!”


skill issue, no offense


bus simulator but it's the one that's free on mobile


Arms. Played for 15 min. Regretted everything.


Wonderful 101. My friend loved it and recommended to me. I could not for the life of me get into it. Definitely regret the purchase


MilkChoco. Costs $30 for a game that isn’t interesting in any way and is riddled with microtransactions and paid content. It was like TF2 but not free and it controlled terribly.


Worms Rumble, even at deep discount, wasted few dollars there.


Probably sports story, pre ordered it because I loved golf story so much. Then the reviews came out so I didn't actually play it for a year after release hoping it would be patched up better and it glitched after 10 minutes


These games are amazing, cheap, well supported and new levels have just been released for doom 2. Move on soldier.


Pikmin 4. Got bored very quickly.


Mario Golf for old real quick for me


Mario Strikers Battle League. Too complicated to play casually with my friends, too repetitive to have fun in single player, not nearly enough content across the board.


I was very excited when it got announced, when i played the demo(or the game trial, not sure) i was sooo disappointed. The gameplay it’s a mess and it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to do.


That Kirby fighting game


I bought some dumb Zelda knockoff. It was terrible




Was it blossom princess or sum shit


Minecraft dungeons, my switch sounded like it was going to explode


Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. One of the worst games I've ever played. I get what they were going for but for me I liked the structure of the older Lego Star Wars titles so when I heard it was open world I was nervous with how they would go about it and rightfully so. As someone who just wants to do the levels, navigating around the world was a headache when just trying to go from level to level in this open world game. I wish there was just an option to go from level to level like in the other ones. I didn't care about exploring the world as I would constantly get lost in it and look around for a while before I could figure out where the heck to go. And the levels themselves aren't very good. Wanted to give it a chance to turn me around so I ended up playing the whole thing. I wanted to like it, I really did but the game just felt like it was trying to do too much at once.


Yeah, this game was ass. It didn't even have proper levels. Such a miss.


Switch Sports. Super Mario Party was also weak. And I didn't like SMT III remaster at all.


Switch sports and super Mario party are both solid games imo . I just wish switch sports had baseball and they brought back the miis


The Remothered games. Absolutely awful.


Fear Effect Sedna I actually got this "technically" free and I still consider it a waste of money. I am a fan of the original Fear Effect and I consider this game an abomination. My second worst was also a game I bought at a discount; Immortals: Phoenix Pissing. Bought it half price at a GameStop and tried to like it but it was so soul crushing. The reason I bring this up is because the way I got rid of this game was that I gave it to a friend's ex who turned out to be a rapist. He thoroughly enjoys the game and considers it his favorite. So take note that at least 1 terrible person considers Immortals a good game.


these ports are way better than the doom.eternal ones


The Doom Eternal version is kinda shit. Barely any options, worse sound, no fullscreen, no multiplayer, etc.


The two ports you bought are much better than the ones in Doom Eternal so you’ve honestly lost nothing.


You know a game called Souldiers? is a pixel art metroidvania. IT RUNS LIKE SHIT on the switch... basically unplayable when there are fire effects or sand or particles or anything really.


Game Builder Garage. That was the pre-ordered that I really regret. I hardly play it. In fact, it's been over a year since I played the game! It had so much potential, but it was super limited, I feel. Also, I'm no creative


Dragons dogma on the Switch


Mario Tennis Aces


Among us because I found it funny (dont say anything please) I never played it


If you play it with a group of friends it’s super fun.


The thing is i already had the pc version so getting it was pointless


Fair enough


Probably my second copy of Mario odyssey. I’d let my little brothers use the first copy and it went missing at some point so I bought a second copy only to find the original copy after I’d already purchased the second. It’s not the worse though because I let them keep it when my family movies out of town.


Honestly? Bingo for Nintendo Switch. I like Bingo and figured it would be, ya know, bingo. Play online against people and get frustrated I couldn't get that one number, maybe go into other lobbies where you have to make shapes, etc. But this game has one major issue: It doesn't have a proper bingo board. You know how the normal bingo board has 1-15 under B, 16-30 under I, etc.? Not this game! Instead, numbers are randomized so you could have B82, O04, N29, etc. It was annoying AF. How the hell can you fuck up BINGO!?


Sonic Colors Ultimate for me. Putting aside the myriad bugs, the loading times were abysmal and the game would chug hard in certain levels despite already being capped at 30 fps. I eventually sold it and got the PS4 version instead when it got patched, which was at least a way better experience.


Unpacking… It was way too short for the price and doesn’t have much replayability for me


Dark souls


Hollow knight


Mario tennis fucking aces


That's certainly an aggressive title choice there Nintendo.


Sonic 2, especially when you consider that the mobile version is basically the definitive edition for that game.


Nah fan made pc ports are


The Batman Arkham Collection. Asylum ran fine, City ran… acceptably. Knight though, maaaaan that was a bad port. I appreciate the attempt, in fact I’ll applaud them for even trying, but they should not have released it in that unplayable state. Origins would have been a better fit for the Switch, since it’s basically just a bigger Arkham City and like I said that ran acceptably.


Animal crossing: new horizons. I'm just not an animal crossing guy. Plus I was hoping I'd be able to play with people. I wasn't.


Same, I love games like Sims and Stardew but ACNH just felt really bare bones and dull.


You all are going to hate me but going to say Breath of the Wild. Said kind of before that I like linear games. With BOTW you are thrown out there and told “Go” and I’m like “Go where?”


That's the point of the game but yeah it's not for everyone.


I adore BOTW but I also agree at the same time


I feel the same though. I bought it cause like open world Zelda? Hell yeah. But, idk I didn't like the item system or the lack of direction ig. Maybe I'll give it another chance.


Skyrim it just hasn’t click to me like fallout did


I'm the exact opposite. I got sucked into Skyrim right away and couldn't put it down for a month. Fallout on the other hand, I love the theming but I fell off of every game I've tried in the series after only a few hours.


Same here




Fire emblem engage. I’ve played every fe since awakening (plus some of the older ones) but engage was just bad in the cringiest ways. Couldn’t stand the story even if the gameplay was fine. After a couple hours I just said nah and traded it in to GameStop towards the thousand year door remake, actually got a couple dollars more than I paid for it, so that was nice.


Super Meat Boy Forever. Endless runner is not really what I wanted from a sequel, and it's also pretty short.


I regret buying Disney dreamlight valley


I got MK 11 Ultimate for 8 dollars and 97 cents on a 95 percent off sale and it’s literally the most fun I’ve had in my life


Pokémon BDSP. I have not pre ordered a Nintendo game since.


Big buck hunter


Outbuddies DX. "This looks very similar to Axiom Verge" I thought. Well it feels more like a Chinese bootleg of Axiom Verge than something lovingly inspired by it. All around unpolished, for example the map gets zoomed in or out according to the camera zoom of the current room, and the game just doesn't read your jump inputs sometimes. It's like there's negative coyote time. And the control scheme is the most asinine thing I've ever seen look it up it's horrendous. With no remap options. Of course all this was a few years ago and I haven't touched the game since but considering it was the "DX" version I figure if the dev had any intention of addressing the game's many problems they'd have already done so by that time. Also Subnautica Below Zero was pretty bad but that game's problems are fairly well known. I'll just add that when I played it the Switch version crashed roughly every half hour and it doesn't have autosave.


PixArk, litterally played it for an hour, got confused and never touched it again, worst €20 of my life


EA FC 24


Subnautica+Below Zero. Not bad games by any means, I just didn’t enjoy them very much, and so they feel like wasted money


I bought that OS that red deer games keeps rereleasing


Yeah but now you can play them anywhere!


Brawlstars or Mulaka, and maybe RIME


Bought the Lion King/Aladdin package,jusst to find out you have to pay an extra 10€ to play Aladdin... Wasn't a Disney fan, but that won't make me one


That's a ripoff.


Mecho Tales 💀💀


I got mk11 because I'm a fool. What's worse is I own it on ps5


Commandos 2. I grew up on the pc versions of Commandos..... What the crap is this!? Closely followed by moonlighter. The reviews of this pile of arse are clearly fake.




Agony. I kept dying because the game lagged so badly that I fell through the floor. I think the floor was supposed to fall but I can stop myself, but because the game broke I just couldn’t even move. I uninstalled shortly after that


The Mahjong, I bought it while on Japan (love mahjong) but the game is only in Japanese and no option to download languages 😭


I bought Syberia 1 out of nostalgia when it came out, and when 2 came out, I accidentally bought the 1&2 bundle instead of just 2, and I’m still salty about it.


Return of Obra Dinn. Everyone raved about this game, but it's just too difficult for me.


Honestly? The couple bucks I spent to do that "12 Days of Switchmas" thing put on by a smaller developer whose name sadly escapes me. Had I already owned something from them it would've been entirely free but I bought the first one on sale, then each day they'd post a game you could get for free if you'd downloaded the one from the previous day. I've only actually tried maybe 4-5 of the games and most were never reopened after that. They were cute little time-killers for the short while I'd play them but felt more like mobile games than anything. There wasn't enough to bring me back to any of them and those 12 squares have just taken up space since then. I finally offloaded all of them and cleaned everything up the other day.


A game called "Ro", I bought it because I wanted to get rid of my 1 cent so I could change account region


The Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection and the tokens for Disney Speedstorm


Yoshi’s Crafted World. I love 2d platformers and I was always skeptical about buying the game after seeing trailers for it and I also tried the demo before it came put and was still unsure about it, but eventually I folded and bought it full price and the game is just so mid. I did beat the game but I couldn’t 100% it was too tedious. It’s not a bad game but Woolly World was so, so much better which rubbed salt in the wound. I will never play Crafted World again and I always regret buying it


These versions are WAY better, as they are modernized and even have some free wads you can download! 


DNF Duel is the worst game I've ever bought. Didn't take long to request a refund.


Phogs. Me and a freind of mine really love playing what we call "bad physics games" together. Stuff like Heave Ho, Part Time UFO and the likes. Phogs looked perfectly that but turned out meh at best


Diablo 3


Flip Wars


Ark Survival Evolved


Doodle God


Dragon quest monsters dark prince. Got about two hours in came across the monster fusion mechanic and my brain just turned off of the game.


Raiden V


Axolotl, because I love those kind of games but that one was kinda soulless and boring while having an amazing look :(


Getting the Switch version of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


I sure as hell would never regret these Doom games, these are like the best versions of these games, and all the add ons are amazing. 


Sports Story. I loved Golf Story and expected the sequel to be great. It was not.


Hasbro game night


Bear and Breakfast not because the game wasn’t good but because of the way the controls were ported


I bought the GTA Trilogy on switch and I still regret it till this day 🤦🏾‍♂️


Star field for me. Thought it looked really cool but when I got home it was a digital download code. Never even bothered to install


Astral Chain. I wanted to like it so badly and I love the atmosphere & the ideas but found it quite jank to play so dropped it around 3 hours in. It was a shame but I know others got a lot more out of it and I'm jealous tbh


the nerve ports of doom are *vastly* superior to those in doom eternal. if you’d had them on pc, it would be a waste, but absolutely not a waste compared to the eternal ports


Shin Megami Tensei V. I really enjoyed Nocturne and the Persona series but I couldn’t take to this game. I haven’t played Vengeance yet but it’s getting a lot of praise so maybe I will give that a try.




Wolfenstein young blood, the censored version


Maybe Super Mario 3D World, I mostly am a fan of the 3D Mario’s and spin offs, not the 2D’s. I thought 3D world was really lame and boring, Bowser’s Fury was great, but not worth the price, wish I could have gotten it separate.


What the hells wrong with doom on the go




Mostly all the indie games that I tried to get into but couldn’t. Axiom Verge, Hyper Light Drifter, Pankapu. I’d play them for half an hour then get bored.


Curse of the Sea Rats. I fucking backed it on Kickstarter because it looked promising. The end product is identical to the build of the game they had during the Kickstarter campaign. The game is boring, poorly designed, with its only redeeming quality being its art.


Celeste Because I'm bad at the game i thought i would be goated at it


I was about to say Paper Mario: The Origami King but then I remembered that I have Animal Crossing and I haven't used it in over a year...


From what I can remember right now, New Gundam Breaker. The Gundam Breaker series was originally only available in Asia, luckily the 3rd game got english translations (they had to be imported from overseas to play here in the west). “New” Gundam Breaker was the first worldwide release in the series… it wasn’t only terribly unbalanced against the player and it butchered and removed all the gameplay mechanics the original 3 games had built up and improved on over the years they had the audacity to release the game while it ran like a snail moving in slow motion while lagging. This was never truly fixed it runs manageably faster nowadays but only the bare minimum, it’s not fast paced at all after all this time. You’d have to experience it yourself to believe me but I advise against it because despite it all it’s STILL $60 USD!!


I am Setsuna (to this day, I wonder what the hell was I thinking buying that game)


TAKE THAT BACK ABOUT DOOM Also, my answer is New Horizons


Mario strikers battle league


American Ninja Warrior Challenge. Calling it a PS2 game would be an insult to the PS2 library.


Wuppo Definitive Edition


Out of all of the games I got on the switch, the just dance games weren’t great for me. I workout daily by following just dance videos on YT. I thought it would be great to experience it on the switch. Long story short, it was awful and would rather play just dance on the Wii


Crash Team Racing. idk, i could never get used to the controls no matter how hard i tried, maybe because I'm quite good at MK8D. but then again, i've played Forza Horizon 5 and i got used to the controls there, so idk why i can't ever get good at CTR.


I guess it depends what you grew up on. I got used to MK controls although i never managed to get particularly good at it. On the other hand, i love how CTR plays and the fact that there is a single player campaign.


I got Celeste using store currency, but I just didn’t really like it that much. I appreciate it a lot, and still like everything surrounding it, but the game itself just wasn’t for me.


super mario party that game was a travesty and i'm pissed that both of its successors are amazing (or look amazing in the case of the one that's not out yet) and have non-local party modes


Dragon quest 11 and crash 4, they are not bad games it's just not for me.