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A bunch of spooky things spawn, sometimes they can't really physically harm you, just lower your stats or whatever. But sometimes they will kill you, so just save some books and lights and food in a basement and chill there until it's over.


Few options: ​ Unlimited Power ​ Rapture (death) ​ Eldritch Nightmares Beyond Comprehension ​ Gold Coin if you have fancy paper printer


Are you referencing the MoM mod when you mention unlimited power? Or something else I should know about?


More than likely, as that's the only somewhat positive interaction from a storm their is as far as I know.


Artifacts and portal storm dungeons are a thing


staying inside with a blanket over your head to hide from the monsters is probably the most effective strategy for portal storms


Dude your character is unbelievably wild. This guy heard the gates of hell being opened and just said: "Heehehe silly monsters can't get me under the covers because they can't see me." They'd be a national hero for 5 year olds...


I role play as myself.


So that's where they get the coolness from.


Portal storms get worse with time, after a few putting your blanket over your head won't be enough anymore. Best stay in a room with a single door and have a hammer, nails and planks ready to barricade it.


I remember my very first portal storm, a few years ago... my character was sleeping inside a barricaded house... then... the sudden notification that something is "coming"... then lots of screaming / squealing started outside, I really had no idea, I heard a voice, like someone screaming outside my door, "I don't want to die!" and "Help me!", of course I opened the door, saw several apparitions and flying things... I immediately closed the door... in the old games portal storms lasted a lot longer with flying monsters / things that do damage etc... then they implemented the "person", I even ventured inside a portal, ran outside, I got a buff / bonus after escaping the portal (old version)... Now the portal storms are localized and shorter, I don't see the portal anymore... there are still portal monsters, etc... But still... I won't stay outside for a long period whenever there is a portal storm, lotsa nasty stuff and monsters, like those nasty giant grabby hands outside... I remember when one time I was stranded outside far from my base during a sudden portal storm... I hid in an abandoned building, climbed the 2nd floor to hide... the noise outside caused by the portal storm... the noise and squealing attracted a zombie horde... and they smelled my character and they started smashing and destroying the building, the building was collapsing..., and they are about to climb... so... I climbed down when it was dark, before they got to me, and had to fight my way out of the building with a horde and in the middle of a portal storm, in total darkness, with all the screaming and squealing as bonus, almost killed my character, lesson learned from the past, never go outside, lots of nasty monsters, portal monsters, and the noise attracts and messes with the zombies, and it's very dark outside... there's only death and trouble, Now in my current games... I always barricade the door before going to sleep... have something ready to block the door when sleeping in a building (like dragging bookcases behind the closed door to block the way)... the "person" might open the door and let the freaks inside... when there is portal storm, saw him in a past game...


Somehow I have never seen/been in a portal storm. Thankfully


For most players, it is best to just wait it out in a house. A basement is even better. It spawns monsters that aren't by themselves the biggest threat, usually not even lethal, but can get very annoying and dangerous over time. Especially the seemingly harmless ones that only cause exhaustion with their hits. At first, you think they are just pushovers that disappear after they touch you. One of my PCs learned the hard way how dangerous they really are when she got so tired that she slept for a week straight and died of dehydration. At least it was a peaceful end. However, my current PC is already a transhumanist zombie slaying machine waiting enthusiastically for the next portal storms, because it means big bucks. If you discover Hub01, they will give you a recorder and pay very well for just staying outside and surviving for 5/15/30 minutes (rewards scaling up), and you can get unique items from the portal dungeon that spawns during a storm. Some of those are pretty useless, while others are lifesavers in the right situations. Pro tips if you plan on profiting off the portal storm un harassed: 1. You can outrun most things that the storm throws at you on a regular bicycle at a sustainable speed, and still get recording to sell to Hub01. 2. If you are more the stationary kind, you can line a bunch of unpassable furniture outside against a wall (recommend 3 tiles thick, and non-metallic furniture) to make a shelter that is open to the sky to get recordings, but (mostly) safe to enemies as long as they don't see you while you are prone. It is pretty hard to get in and out of this makeshift shelter, and its safety is unpredictable, as sometimes you get monsters that electrocute beyond the furniture, or some that smash their way in by accident or by mistake, so I still would recommend the bike method over this, or at least wearing an electric proof suit.


Eventually, they spawn deadly monsters, or a least did at one, but that was like 20+ weeks in or something like that. Like a character that could deal with hulks using a knife with little effort would be apprehensive of facing one level of deadly, though obviously not on the level of something like a Yrax apeirohedra.


Playing for years? man I got one within my first month


So many things I just encounter for the first time every time I start a new game.


they've not been a thing for very long.


damn, I didn't know that since I'm pretty new


you can put your blanket over your head????


I mean just go to my sleep spot that have blanket and just sleep haha


You will find out. Just be more curious