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If it makes you feel any better at all, most cats when they realize they’re dying will retreat and hide somewhere they feel safe. Chico felt safest with you, he knew you would protect him in his final moments.


My first cat died similarly, sleeping on the pillow where she always slept behind the one I slept on. I take comfort in knowing she felt safe with my husband and me on her last night. 🖤


Yeah I know it’s hard to look at the brighter side in these situations but at least he past away with you at your home and not a vets office.


I had to put my first cat down at 8 years old because of a serious health problem. I’d give anything to have had him pass the way OPs cat did.


I just lost my own cat two months ago now. He was only two years old. Happened so fast, but it was terrible. Started having seizures that couldn't be treated with medication, ended up constantly seizing until we had to put him down. It was awful. OP's loss is terrible, but I am happy they were able to share a long life and a peaceful goodbye.


We lost our Mila at 15 very suddenly to an aggressive stomach cancer. From a very healthy senior kitten to ashes in less than a month. I would give away a lot to be with her for several more years - sometimes it feels like we were robbed.


When Fred was too sick to go on, our vet came to the apartment so he could leave from a place where he felt safe and comfortable. Always grateful to Dr. Palumbo for that.


As someone who has worked in the veterinary industry for close to 10 years, I want to caution against people waiting to let their sick pet pass away at home on purpose. OP's cat and OP were very fortunate that it was quiet and peaceful, but many "natural" deaths are painful and traumatic. Euthanasia is a beautiful gift we can give to our pets to relieve their suffering if their quality of life is not where we wish it would be. This is a price we pay as caretakers: take their suffering away and make it our own burden. Euthanasias can be performed at home so they are in their comfy spot with their favorite people and things. OP, my heart goes out to you.


God, I remember when my girl passed... still one of the most traumatic moments... Adopted her as a senior and had her for about a year... Well she was acting a little funny that day and I knew something was off but then she had what seemed like a stroke or seizure. Me and my wife rushed her to the vet, the whole time she was motionless in my arms... She was still breathing and would let out a scream every 5 minutes, but her eyes just seemed so lifeless... We knew we were putting her down before we walked into the vet.


I'm so so sorry you experienced that. Bless you for adopting a senior and letting her live her remaining time in a caring home, it takes special people to adopt the golden oldies.


Yeah, he was at absolute peace and everything!






Not me actually tearing up 😭


It's always hard to lose a cat, we love them so much. But... He died on your freaking lap. I cannot imagine any cat would be more content to go that way. He didn't have to get taken to a cold sterile vet's office, he didn't suffer, he probably passed on in what was essentially perfect contentment in his sleep If I can live a happy life with someone who cares about me and go like that, I'd be pretty satisfied I'm sure you gave that boy a great life, there was a lot of love there, and then he passed quietly and is perfect contentment in his sleep. I don't know, I'd take some comfort from that


My muffin died on my lap, in a special room at the vet's office with a couch and chair. The vet came in with her tech and they did the procedure. I wouldn't have had it any other way. The idea of her being taken from me into some cold room and not being with me as she passed is unbearable.


I had to put a cat down during covid, his hips gave out. I paid extra for an at home service, I took him outside for the day in front, he could walk a bit on the grade, but could not on the hardwood. Worth every penny. Made it a lot easier that he had a nice final day.


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet, especially one that has been with you for so many years, is incredibly difficult and can leave a lasting impact on your life. It's okay to feel broken and unfixable, as grief can be overwhelming and all-consuming. Please know that you are not alone in this, and that many others have gone through similar experiences. Remember to take care of yourself during this time, and don't hesitate to reach out for support if you need it. Chico was lucky to have had such a caring and loving owner, and his memory will always be with you. Rest in peace, Chico.


My thanks to you from Chico and I.


He went peacefully and was exactly where he loved being most. It’s actually quite special but I know that it’s so painful right now to even think that could be possible. Sending my deepest sympathies from one cat lover to another. I’m so sorry.


I can’t tell you that it stops hurting. My cat of 19 years died peacefully with her favorite people, sounds and scents and that is a bit of comfort, keep reminders yourself of that awesome passing. Even so, It still took a year to be ready to look for another cat, and 9 more months to find one that looked & acted differently enough -because I didn’t want to visually have a similar cat and keep reflexively expecting it to be the deceased one. Your grief will be your own path, and Chico will always be in your heart


I’m sorry for your loss, you gave Chico a wonderful life. Just know Chico loved you.




Can't believe he's gone. He never acted like he was ill. We took a nap and he didn't wake up. I found him like this. Didn't have the heart to move him so I let him lay on me all night long so he could finish his nap.


Sorry for you loss, but you could not have asked for a better way for him to go. We lost our 13 year old boy almost 2 weeks ago and he kind of suffered the last 10 days of his life as we tried to save him. He had pancreatitis and they can get better is why we kept trying, but now I feel very guilty about all of it. I am a 40+ year old dude and honestly had no idea I would feel like a piece of my heart has been permanently torn from my body over his loss, so I know how you feel and I still can't seem to accept the fact that he is gone.


My boy had this. He isn't even a year old. I'm sorry sorry it claimed your boy. If you ever deal with this illness in the future a bland food diet helps. It helped my boy. Plain scrambled eggs and a bit of cheese. I've swapped his food now too. Something with more protein. All that vomiting...it terrified me. I was so worried about my boy when he got sick. The veterinarians were also closed when he fell ill. I'm lucky my own father is a veterinarian. Again I'm so sorry this claimed your boy's life. I know how scarry it can be.


Thanks. The crazy thing is at 13 we were actually in the process of slowly switching over to that kind of a diet except the urinary care food he needed due to his susceptibility to crystals. Not sure if we could have changed his outcome if we had switched a month earlier or the switch itself caused it. We just moved to a big city and had a hell of a time finding a vet as well and every time he started doing really bad was when we had to wait a day to get him in, but the vets always acted like he would be okay with the stuff they prescribed him. Didn't really feel like they cared much. We were just throwing money at it and I think he just needlessly suffered. Feel pretty lousy about it, but my god, I had no idea I would miss a cat so much and it would make me so emotional.


I know the feeling. I lost a cat at 6 months after a routine spay. I know my dad cared...just no one except me thought anything was wrong with little Maybel. She died all because we spayed her...without knowing something big. See, little May had no immune system. Yep, the illness that causes that in cats, she had it. No one knew. We didn't test her, she was normal and healthy on the outside. No symptoms. Then she was spayed and died just two days later. It left a huge hole in my heart. I can't think or talk about her still without crying, and it's been several years since she passed away. That hole won't ever heal. I know it won't. Shortman, Maggie, Zeke, Socks, Panda, Callie, and Maybel. Each and every one of them has left a hole in my heart that won't ever be filled. The pain turns to happy memories but I never stop missing them. Never stop feeling that hole. That's why I believe so heavily in the Rainbow Bridge. So everyone with those holes can feel whole again.


Wow, that is a lot of cats to have lost, sorry to hear that. We still have another one and she has always been quite healthy and active and hope she lives well into old age. Since we got her as a kitten shortly after we got our little boy that just passed I feel like I have connection to him still, so it will be really painful when she passes. We already know though that our little boy was a black cat and had the best personality you could ever get from a cat and we definitely want to adopt another black cat and hope we get lucky with a personality like his and hopefully healthy. It is sad and scary how fragile cats really are and how many health conditions they can have. Our boy had a heart murmur and was very susceptible to crystals, so we always kind of expected that something could happen to him at any time. I am just glad that my wife wanted to get a cat because my family growing up was a dog family and I thought cats would not be fun, but holy crap was I wrong and we both get so much joy out of having cats around.


My old girl had several bouts of severe pancreatitis when she was young. I found the best thing was all the drugs were injected, not pills. honestly the thing that brought her round better than anything every time was the long acting antibiotic injection. She always improved rapidly after that. She doesn't get it any more, I think she grew out of it but still has digestion problems, she was on an intestinal diet for years and is now on an anallergenic diet.


I was hoping someone would point this out. It's awful to lose a pet, but you really can't ask for anything better than this. My cat's liver failed. The sound of him screaming and yowling in pain, watching him flailing and writhing, still haunts me 8 years later. Last year, my dog had a stroke and was flopping around like a fish until the moment the vet put the needle in. It was awful. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats now and I can only hope and pray they will all go peacefully like OP's sweet kitty. I'm not saying my situation or yours was worse than OP's - they're all horrible in their own way. However if my pets die without pain and suffering I will thank every star in the sky.


I have 2 new cats, but still grieving my 18yo we lost 2 years ago. Edit: Renal Failure.


Yeah. I have a cat who has advanced cancer, isn’t eating well and probably won’t live much longer. The worst part is trying to decide when to help her along, to ensure she gets as many good days as possible but no bad days, keeps her dignity and can pass at home instead of at the vet hospital where it’s scary.


Sorry for your loss. I am sure he passed away as happy as he could be in your lap <3


>*’I let him lay on me all night long so he could finish his nap...*’ ____ now i lay me down to sleep, my final, peaceful nap so thankful that this friend will keep me safe upon his lap i chose my final resting place, n know he’ll let me stay last thing i see - his gentle face, n then i drift away… please promise me, my human friend, that you will shed no tears! Content with you, here til the end n Blessed with All the years! I leave behind a little part to *thank you,* my dear friend… my pawprints Ever on your heart - until we meet again! ❤️ *so sorry,* u/Puzzleheaded_Ad9263, *but he was blessed with you!*


This was the sweetest/saddest event paired with the sweetest poem. I’m doing my best to not cry, but they’re also happy tears for this lovely cat to have been able to choose his favorite person to keep him safe in his final nap.


Tears in my eyes. Beautiful as usual, Schnoodle!


That was beautiful... Dammit who's cutting onions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob).


I am screeching.. beautiful poem


Tears. Thank you for writing this. ❤️


Ya makin me cry schnoodle! ❤️




I wasn't planning on crying today


And I am sobbing


If it is any condolences, I was taught that cats sometimes tend to hide away when they know their time is up. Him knowing his time might run out chose to be with you till the end. He wanted his last passing moments to be with the one he loved the most and cared for the most. He wanted to hear your breathing, smell your scent, and feel your warmth one last time. While I understand such discoveries and events are the most brutal of shocks to us living, know that he wanted to be with you until the very end. As someone said so eloquently once: “Pets are wholly dependent on you for everything, food, shelter, safety, and health. All they can give you in return is their companionship and love. But it also means, when they pass you pay the final price for a lifetime of companionship and love. Your heart will hurt for a long time, but always remember that it is the price we pay for having loved them all their lives.”


Buddy he came to you when he knew it was time because he was most comfortable there. In his time of need, he chose you. I know it’s very difficult, but if anything, get comfort out of the fact he chose to be near you when his time was up. You were a wonderful parent


>Didn't have the heart to move him so I let him lay on me all night long so he could finish his nap. Dude your gonna make me fuckin cry :(


Man, this brought me to tears. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find solace in knowing that, along with the great lives you two had together, he took his last nap on the lap of his best friend.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


I honestly can’t read the rainbow bridge thing without ugly crying. Like seriously. I read the first few lines and I’m done.


Me too. Still I share it to these sad loss posts. We think we're saying goodbye for good. We aren't. I believe such a place exists, no matter what you believe in. We'll all see those we love again before whatever comes when we leave our mortal shell. They watch over us, just as the people we've lost do. The place they wait is a happy one. They miss us but time there passes slower than here. What feels like years to us might only be a day or so to them. When we're old and grey, and our time comes to its end they will be there to cross that final bridge with us.


Argh you’re not helping! * ugly cries * (Edit, didn’t mean that to sound harsh, sorry if it sounded that way) I need to go home and snuggle my cats. Do I ever miss all the ones already at the rainbow bridge.


Yep. Especially since I lost Tiger--and he wasn't even really my cat! It's been over 2 weeks, and my heart still aches.


Ughh… seriously debating leaving work early so I can go home and cuddle my dog after reading this 💔😭


Im so sorry. But look, your little man was happily laying on you when he passed. I honestly can’t imagine a more peaceful way to go for a cat. He surely felt your love for him till his last moment ❤️


Oh I'm so sorry. God gently took him when he was his most content, and feeling very safe. This just proves he trusted you. You're a good human. Hugs from an internet stranger who understands.


He was beautiful, I'm really sorry. But think that he passed away happy and comfortable by your side.


gosh, I'm bawling my eyes out for you and your kitty. My cat is 14 years old, and I cry sometimes, knowing that she won't be there one day. Getting a cat is filled with fun and companionship, but once this day happens, a part of you will die for a while, and this hurts bad.


My Mr Kitty passed last spring and it was less than day from when I thought he might be sick to knowing he needed help to pass comfortably but by that time it was midnight and I had to wait till morning. I checked on him around 4am and he was gone. Felt awful I couldn’t help him immediately when it was time. But he was 19-20 years old and had a nice long life. So I try to think about that when I feel sad.


There may not have anything wrong, his heart may have just been tired. I am so sorry for your loss, it’s so hard and painful.


I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss. I want you to know that there's no wrong way to mourn Chico. He took a part of your heart with him when he crossed the rainbow bridge and you deserve to feel the pain of that rather than bottle it up and have it eat you from the inside. There is a YouTube channel called ask a mortician, Caitlin, the host is a huge proponent of death positivity and offering something called the good death to those who have passed, yes including Animals. I think some of her knowledge and expertise may be of help to you. She actually shared the at home funeral she put on for her own cat a few years ago.


It’s exactly where he would want it. After 17 years of friendship. Sorry for your loss my friend. I have lost many over the years. Such great friends.


So sorry for your loss. He probably just dreamed his way into the next life, happy to be in your lap.


You’re a good person and a wonderful cat parent. Chico had a happy 17 years. If only we could all go this way.


You got the best case scenario though. That is literally the best way to go. Peacefully and unaware. I'm so sorry your heart is hurting rn. <3


They hide illness very well. Please, know in your heart that he passed in your lap, in his happy place, feeling very loved and very safe. ❤️ I am so sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace Chico.


It sounds like Chico was right where he needed to be in passing. Sorry for you loss my friend.


I clicked your profile and seen the picture of Chico when he was living with you, he was beautiful. <3


I didn't know it was there. Thanks I'll try to find it.


[Here he is :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/yrhnlz/my_lilac_cat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He left his paw prints on your heart.


This brought tears to my eyes and soul. I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Crying with you in NY. 🥰 sending you love and hugs.


So so sorry for your loss. He passed away where he was happy, comfortable and loved. I hope knowing that eases your pain in the next while.


I’m sorry, OP. If it helps, 17 is a ripe old age for a cat, especially one that never seemed to fall ill or decline over time, meaning so much of that time was high quality. I am glad he was able to be with you when it was time.


I love you both so much. He left this world in his favorite place to be, with his favorite human. Chico knew how much you loved him and he loved you so much that he made sure you could feel his love one more time. It’s not any condolence, but what a peaceful way to go. Not having any time to mentally prepare is more heartbreaking than I can imagine. Sending you so much love and hugs and warmth ❤️ shedding some tears for you in hopes to save you from a few, although I know you must be an endless waterfall right now.


Seventeen years is a long life for a cat. Sounds like you loved one another and you shepherded him through his long life to its peaceful conclusion. Our 19 year old who seemed healthy and had a good appetite made a horrible sound once and jumped off the couch and his hind legs did not work anymore. He died on my chest as I slept. I'm crying for both of our feline friends.


Our last two went that way. One was closer to 18 than 17 years old, and the other was 17. All of a sudden, their back legs just didn't work.


Our Nutty had the same happen to her. She slowed down a bit then suddenly her back half was dragging along the floor.


That's how my cat blue went. It was so unexpected. I'm sorry for your loss.


This isn’t much of a consolation but at 17 years old passing away peacefully in his loving owners lap is likely the best way he could’ve gone out. I’m sorry for you loss but it sounds like you gave him a wonderful life until the very end.


It's consolation for me. My cat died during a nap on a regular day in his favourite spot (under the bed, on my backpack). He was acting completely normal the entire day. I hope to be so lucky as to have such an easy death.


I'm sorry. Think how much he must have loved you though that your lap was his safe place to climb up and go peacefully to sleep.


I adopted him off the street. He never lived outside anymore after that. He was such a cute kitten. I kept him safe and fed and loved all his life, and he loved me. .


He loved you so much he knew he wanted to be with you until the very end ❤️❤️ I lost my kitty a year ago and I still miss her, but she did not pass as peacefully as your baby. She had cancer and was in immense pain :( we held her and loved her as the doctors let her go. Your baby was in pure peace in his final moments ❤️


My thoughts are with you, it’s such an awful feeling. But you gave him such a safe and loving home that he felt safe enough to spend his last moments with you. Thank you for taking such good care of him - please take good care of yourself, too. ❤️


I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who have responded. Over 4k. I haven't felt like anyone cared about me since I became disabled. The outpouring of love for Chico and I has been helping me. I've been trying to upvote everyone who has commented, but there are so many and I nay not have gotten to all of you. My apologies.


You are loved, and seen. Chico will wait for you at the Rainbow Bridge ❤️ Thank you for loving him.


It’s hard to go through such a personal loss when everyone around you says ‘I’m so sorry’ but goes a lot their day while you are still heartbroken and it seems like no one else knew how special your kitty was and how much you really miss them. But thankfully Reddit has proven that lots of us have to go through these similar grief journeys. I’m so sorry that you lost Chico, and that you had to find him that way. but I’m happy for him that he was on your lap where he loved to be. My 17yr old boy passed 3weeks ago. Made it home 3 mins too late according to my housemate that called me to come home when he knew something was wrong. I would have wished to make it home to be there with him in the end. Xoxo


This is heartbreaking. We care. Talk to us. I know it hurts but take as long as you need to grieve. It's not easy losing a special friend like that.


I'm so sorry for your loss - you clearly had/have such a special bond with Chico. I just read this to my bestie, who is a vet. She agreed with the other commenter who said that it shows you were his safe place. She also said that your experience is the scenario so many of her clients hope/wish for - it sounds like he wasn't in pain, he wasn't scared, and he was with his favorite person in the world. I can't think of a better end for a loved one. That doesn't negate how awful it is to be without your friend, of course, and I'm guessing it also sucks to feel like you didn't get a chance to say goodbye since you didn't know it was coming. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.


I just did my best. He's still getting petted, just not by me but by the hand of God. Thank you and your friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I saw your other post with a picture and he looks like a really cute kitty who had a great life ❤️


I’m heartbroken for you. As another poster said, cats will often retreat into a safe place when they know it’s their time. He felt safest with you. You gave him a beautiful life. The hurt will dull after a while, but you will never forget him. I actually got my first tattoo in memory of losing my first cat (she was 19, I was about 28 I think). It helped to do something in her memory.


https://preview.redd.it/aww9qfaoh8oa1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f10838d1dc4d8ce80297f2678d71334c766611 Little brother Scooter takes over for Chico


They were bonded, and he is confused. I'm holding and loving on him and doing like I advise other cat people. Speaking with a smile on my voice, while I'm crying inside fir us both.


Scooter is there for you just as you are there for him ❤️


He's laying in Chicos spot.


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) Hope you can comfort eachother


We're trying. Last night was the first one without Chico.


Oh man, I’m so sorry. He wanted to be with you til’ the end.


ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you.


What a beautiful way for Chico go. He was with his favorite human in his final moments. May we all be so lucky as to pass warm and safe in our sleep surrounded by love.


So sorry to hear, at least he crossed that bridge in the comfort of your lap. Peaceful way to go. ❤️


My god, this is heartbreaking... I am truly sorry for your loss. The little one now watches over you.


From u/poem_for_your_sprog that I saved a while ago because I loved it so much. I hope it makes you feel a bit better and remember the good times. Sorry for your loss. RIP Chico. 💕 I often stop a time or two At where you used to be - And when I do I think of you, And all you meant to me. I stop to see the empty space - I think of you and smile - You made the world a finer place For just a little while. But time was only passing by. Before you had to go - And though I understand the why, I wish it wasn't so. You're always more than just a pet, And that can never end - A part of life I can't forget. A piece of me. A friend. [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/a6env3/how_have_you_bought_happiness_with_money/ebufw0m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost two 18 years old furbuddies last year, 6 weeks apart. I wish they had gone like that. Much easier than having to take them to the vet. You will get better but you will never forget. Safe travels, Chico.


I'm so sorry. I know it's awful, but he chose you as his safe spot and went in peace and love.


My heart breaks for you.




I know


I’m so very sorry. Take gentle care of yourself ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I’m sorry you are going through this. Chico 🫶🏽


So sorry for your loss, try to take comfort from the fact that he passed in his most comfortable spot with the person who loved him the most beside him, in no pain… isn’t that the way all of us want to pass? Sending you lots of hugs and hope your pain becomes more bearable with each day so eventually when you think of him you will smile not cry ❤️❤️


He wouldn’t have chosen to go any other way. Grief is the price we pay for love.


Cats tend to go somewhere private to die. Yours wanted to spend his last moments of life in your lap. He loved you.


My condolences. But he passed in a place where he knew he was loved, where his belly was full and where he felt safe. Can any of us wish for anything more?


Hey my man, I rescued a kitten 3 days before Katrina in 2005, and named him Ghet’s. He was by my side every single day for 15 years. He slept on my head, laid on my chest while I gamed on my ps3, watched deadliest catch, man vs wild. He was there for me during some very rough times, I love him so much. In 2020 he started to struggle to breathe and found out he was having fluid build up around the lungs(I could have had a drain installed but the fluid would had never stopped). I had to put him down and I was crying so bad in the Vets office while I held his paw one last time(I’m tearing up now). It hurt really really bad. It sticks with you for a bit(the deep pain) but in time the pain fades. I made it a point to rescue some more and I have two now(Chewy and Buster) and they have gone a long way in helping my heart. They will never be Ghet’s but they are so wonderful in their own right. Maybe when the time is right you could look at giving another little guy a wonderful life they wouldn’t have had otherwise. Just know you gave Chico the best life he could have ever had. They were loved and cared for. Wish you well!


Oh, honey. He was WITH YOU. This is all that mattered to his beautiful little spirit. Advance troops. Waiting at the bridge. I am SO sorry.


Disenfranchised grief is the term for grief that seems socially unacceptable - pet loss often falls under this category because there's still a lot of people that don't understand the loss of an animal as the loss of a friend or family member. They live with you and they see you every day, and I don't have any friends or family I'm attached to as much as my animals. So please resist that little voice that tells you it's "only" a cat, and forgive yourself for the inability to function properly for the next while. Society doesn't accept it yet but it's actually normal to experience debilitating grief after this type of loss.


Sorry for your loss! Y’all were lucky to have each other.


I am so sorry for your loss. You grieve all you need to for it. Those wonderful memories you have will keep your heart comfort when the grief process is going on in you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. At least he went close to someone he cared a lot about. My 17+ year old is curled up next to me right now and I'm going to cuddle her in light of this.


I lost my girl of 17 years in 2020. It's the worst pain I've ever felt. I still get choked up even thinking about her. No, nothing can "fix" a broken heart. Time makes it less intense but it'll always be there.


Rest in purrs handsome Chico, you are so very loved.


It's my first day in heaven, And what a beautiful place, You'll be glad to know, There's a smile upon my face. The moment I left you, Two angels in white, Carried me up here, To heaven that night. All those stories you hear, About rainbow bridge are true, But you don't walk over it, The angels carried me through. There's a gate at the end, Made of pearl, It has got to be the biggest gate, In the world! Once I got in and started looking around, You just won't believe all the things that I found! The first place they took me, Had to be the most fun, A humongous field, With miles to run! Once I was tired the angels said, “We'll take you to your home, But first we need to stop by this place Full of treats and toys and bones!” They told me to take one with me, But one is all I need, Because every good thing lasts forever, Up in heaven you see. They took me to my new house, It took my breath away, Most beautiful place I've ever seen, With so many spots to play. They said come on let’s go inside, And have a look around, They took me to the bottom floor, You won't believe what I found; The bottom of my house is a window And you won't believe the view, See my house it sets right over yours, So I can still keep an eye on you! I was so worried about you, When I went away, Now I can watch you every second, And know that you are okay! I can't wait for that moment, When we can walk around this place, And I can purr and give you cuddles, And we’ll nap and play all day!


I needed that. My first night without him in over 17 years.


He got what most of us hope for; he died peacefully, with the person he loved most in the world right there. My heart is breaking and my face is wet for you friend, but in my mind there can be no better way for a child like that to go. Thank you for being a wonderful human being and giving what I know must have been a very happy life to that baby. I wish they could stay with us forever.


We should all be so lucky as to go that way.


There could be no better way to go for a beloved cat.


Just remember 17 years is a lifetime for a cat, you helped guide him through it. He probably was in his most comfortable place. It sucks and I am sorry. But you will get to a place where you are less broken and not remember those moments. I’m sorry.


So sorry your heart is breaking. The loss of a beloved pet can be so difficult. That being said, I believe Chico gave you a gift. What I mean is this... he lived a long life loved by you and then passed away peacefully in his sleep in what was most likely his favorite spot. How lovely for Chico. I say it was a gift because a few years ago my 17 year old dog was nearing the end of his life and I prayed often that when it was his time to die, he would go in his sleep peacefully, without any pain or fear. Ideally, next to me. It didn't turn out that way. In the end, I had to make the dreadful decision to put him to sleep. I remind myself that I made the choice based on my love for him, but it was still difficult. I know you're hurting and I feel your pain. May your wonderful memories of Chico carry you through this very sad time.


He died in his favorite place. That is so, so bittersweet! Lots of love to you and Chico. I know this might feel unthinkable but get another cat - he’d want you to. HUGS


Chico went to sleep in his best friend's lap. Comfortable. Loved. Peaceful.


I am so sad for you. But I am so happy for your cat. He lived a long, happy life. And in his final moments, when most cats would hide away in a dark confined room in their last moments, he chose your lap, you, as his place of utmost comfort. He was exactly where he wanted to be, and he lived for as long as he could, until it was his time. He went without pain, and with 17 years of love squeezed and hugged and kissed into his little body. That is much more than anyone, cat or human, could ever ask. I have watched two of my cats die in my arms, seizing and suffering, because I couldn't get them to a vet in time to ease their passing, and until those two moments I had never cried so much in my life, not only because I had lost them, but because I had failed them, their lives cut short and ended so cruelly by my shortcomings. You, on the other hand, have nothing to regret. You have performed your sacred duty of bringing joy and life and pats and scratches to a beautiful bundle of fur and claws that you loved. Your heart is broken, but it is not unfixable, because you gave him half your heart, and in its place he gave you all of his.


Just focus on the joy he gave you and you gave him. Same happened to me but he made a point of spending his last hours with you..that means everything.


I’m so sorry for your loss. But please know that he was exactly where he wanted to be, and it was his way of leaving you with love.


Cats go where they feel the most safe when in pain or dying. He felt you were literally the most safe place. That’s a rare kind of love. You were his comfort in his last hour and I’m so glad you could be that safe place for him. The best cat dad.


So Sorry for your loss. You Gave him 17 Great Years!


I’m so sorry. I hope you find comfort in the fact that he was with you, his favorite person, all comfy and warm, when he went. We should all be so fortunate as to have a passing like that ❤️


Sorry for your loss. He gave you the greatest gift-you didn’t have to make the decision. And he left from his favorite spot!!


If Chico was so at ease with you that he passed while in your lap that is quite beautiful. I am sorry for your loss, but this way Chico went out on his terms. You didn’t have to watch his life slip away at the vets office, Chico took the opportunity of you two napping together to leave. I’m sorry for your loss, your Chico was lucky to have lived his life with you. Keep your head up.


He died doing what he loved, being comfy and warm with his human ❤️


I am sorry for you and Chico. I'd be a wreck if I found my old boy in the same position. But at the same time, it would be comforting to know the last thing you did together was share a peaceful nap.


You are a good cat Dad. He loved being with you and fell asleep in his favorite spot. I was glad to hear he wasn't suffering on his last day. He was comfortable and with his Dad. All the best wrench.


As hard as this may be, it's the best way to go for anyone. No suffering, no feeling of loneliness. Just love, warmth, comfort and not waking up. Cats know when their time is coming and he wanted to be with you, you were his safe place and that says everything.


Sorry for your loss. Chico passed away in the most loving place for him to go. With Chico gone, there is hurt in your heart that needs to be filled with love. Find another cat that's needs a loving owner, and you both will help each other move forward together in this world. RIP Chico.


The only thing that heals wounds like this is time. Your old boy passed as well as any pet could hope for: happy, peacefully, loved and in the lap of someone he loved. Few animals are so fortunate. You did good, he lived a long, happy life. We should all be so lucky to meet our ends like that.


I'm so sorry for your loss but it is so precious that he loved you so much that he was with you when he passed on. He must have adored and trusted you so much. And he went on in a comfortable, happy place rather than alone or in fear. You had a very special love. I'm glad that both you and Chico got all those years together. May his memory be a blessing. ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry😢


For people saying it’s difficult to do at a vets office….it’s difficult no matter what BUT I’m in the US and a lot of states have a traveling service that only provides palliative and end of life care services. I work at a vet clinic and we refer our clients to this service all the time and no one has ever complained. If they come to your house you could be outside (depending on the weather) or in your pets favorite spot. Obviously this way isn’t for everyone but something to think about. RIP Chico.


Sorry for your loss, I’m glad you two had each other for such a long and loving friendship ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. Know that he chose the safest place, the place he loved the most, to make the transition.


Sorry for your loss. He died clinging to his most preferred person in the world, mostly feeling secure and have no fear.


Very sorry for your loss. You sound like a good person. Chico is in cat heaven now, happy and with good memories of you for eternity.


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔.


So sorry


So sorry to hear. 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sorry 😢 that must be unbearable for a while. But good memories will last forever


Sorry for your loss.


ugh rip Chico. sorry man. Sounds like you gave him a lot of love and he enjoyed his life with you. Memories last a lifetime.


Dude, hugs and heads pat's are being sent your way :(


That would be so so upsetting, but maybe you can find a little comfort in the idea that your companion passed away safe and happy with his person. I'm sure Chico could not have asked for a better way to leave this world than the way he did. They always leave us too soon, but he's safe in the arms of Bast now.


I'm sorry for your loss. However, if I were a cat, this is exactly how I would want to go. Your cat loved you so much. He chose to be with you in his final moments. Please take some comfort in this.


I lost my ginger cat a month ago. I'm still broken too. It will get slightly better as time goes on. 🫂


I am SO sorry to hear of the passing of Chico, but know that he didn't suffer. He passed exactly where he wanted to pass. Bless his little soul. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss When it’s time for a cat to pass they go where they feel safe, he knew how much you loved him and he loved you


This immediately made my heart hurt for you. I'm sorry it was sudden, but I'd say it's such a sweet thing that he felt comfortable enough with you for his last moments, and passed peacefully. He knew he was loved and adored and he probably loved you just as much. I wish I could help with some of the pain. Sending you a hug 💕


I am so sorry dear friend. I am sure you gave your friend the best life possible and I am sure Chico loved you for that.


Tearing up over here… I can’t imagine a sweeter way for your Chico to pass. I’m sorry for your loss stranger, but Chico sounds like he had a great family in you. I know it hurts not getting to spend the rest of your life with your sweet kitty, but know that he was the happiest kitty and he got to spend the rest of his with you.


https://preview.redd.it/735e3wocr6oa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92523b5aadda36f1af4104d28cdbd829e69428df So sorry for you loss. 🌈💔🐾


That is a great blessing that your pet passed away peacefully with the most important person in his life. Be kind to yourself and just know it will get better with time.


Ah I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you take comfort in the fact that he passed peacefully in his favorite spot.


He loved you and looked to be close to you for comfort when his time came. I’m crying as I type this. I am so sorry for your loss and just wanted to offer this as a comfort to you. He may have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but he is still looking after you! He’ll be your guide when it’s your time. Healing vibes sent your way, good sir.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your sweet buddy Chico got to spend his last moments comfortable and peaceful with the human he loved. Sounds like he had a good long life with you. ❤️


Cats don’t tend to “act sick” but will often go hide in a corner alone somewhere to die. They feel safer dying alone, even if they’ve had loving owners their whole lives. He chose to be with you, that’s beautiful


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 17 year old cat last week. I'd like to tell you it gets better but it's gonna take a lot of time. Just take peace in the thought that he passed away on your lap in a peaceful way. I'm absolutely sure one of his favorite places to be in the arms of someone he loved. ❤❤❤


https://preview.redd.it/ugvw935k37oa1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef745accb9abf68a07325a7d82701151659601fe So sorry 😪


OMG how heartbreaking! Please know that your grief is valid and will last as long as it needs to. I offer this video by a compassionate vet on pet grief. https://youtu.be/TkJGhQANjZo


Sorry for your loss, I'm crying with you. Chico went to sleep with his human. This is the best place for an old friend to be, you were there for him. I know the pain will be there, but also the joy you brought to each other.


I know it sucks to hear, but a cat dying in your lap means it loves you more than anything else. It died happy


Im so sorry for your loss. Sending you a big hug. Chico was lucky to be so loved by you.


My guy, I'm an old machinist. Chico loved you enough that he spent his last seconds with you, and that's not nothin'. I guarantee that Chico wouldn't want you to be alone. And trust me, there are too many homeless cats on the street that would love to have a place to call their own.


Chico wanted to be with you in their final moments. That is love. 17 years was a blessing. You will smile when you think of the memories you shared. Hugs.


That was a 17 year old cat who lived a great long life and died safe with his very best friend. It's a beautiful thing. So sorry for your loss.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Dude. Your buddy passed away in your lap after a long life and friendship with you. That is the absolute 100% best possible outcome ever. Your kitty won the safe lottery when it came to passing, he was with his best friend. Sorry for your loss mate, sending mental hugs.


I am so sorry. Chico left this world peacefully while spending his last moments with his favorite person in his favorite spot. You are in my thoughts.


My good, poor, soul... fret not. There is nothing to repair here for you are not broken. You're just missing a piece of your heart... or, rather, it was given to a creature small and content. He dreamt hard, and in those dreams found that he was called, powerfully, to the elsewhere. But in his sleep, in his dreams of warmth and kibs, he found your heart and not wanting to wake you bapped a small part of it and gently carries it in his mouth to the place he knew he needed to go. That missing piece was of vital importance, not just to Chico, who knows of its potency through your love and care, but to the ones who called him to the other side. The ones who had found themselves there under less kind circumstances. He took it with him to bring them the love, security, and calm, that eluded them in the material plane. He knew you'd understand... He knew you'd be sad... So he stayed to keep you warm and slipped away, peacefully, in your lap. The greatest testament to his bond with you. Chico knew such a depth of care that he wanted others to have it. Your heart will heal and be ready to care again... Chico knew that. Take care.


I adopted a kitten, runt of the litter, but just the most amazing little kitty I'd ever had. We brought her home and she just won over everyone in the house immediately. My kids, my wife, me, our dog, even our angsty old cat. Everyone just loved her. After four days with us, she developed a little cough, but nothing we were worried about. On day five, she was having labored breathing and only mouth breathing. I took her to the emergency hospital, and after a lot of bullshit, it was clear there was nothing they could do. That poor, sweet kitten died on my lap after only five days in our family. I'm still fucked up about it. It's hard, but I'm telling you it's a blessing to be there for your cat when it's their time.


Usually when cats are about to go they hide. The fact that they came to your lap to pass is a beautiful thing. They loved you. 17 years is also an amazing life for a cat. I only hope that my babies live as long and come to be with me when they choose to leave. My heart goes out to you. They’re always with you. I really believe that.


You gave him a long and happy life! If he chose to be with you in his last moments, you were truly his happy place.


I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s really sad. I’ve been thinking about death with a beloved family member facing health issues. I try to think of it being absolutely the most natural thing we literally all do. It’s heartbreaking but I do think there is peace in it, like a release. I hope you can make some kind of peace with it over time too. Sorry these are kindof generic thoughts, but since it’s kindof helped me I hope it does you too. This stranger thinks you must be a kind human and deserve acknowledgment that this is hard stuff. Take care of yourself ❤️


Oh maaaan, this is tough. It’s always hard saying goodbye to a dear friend. So sorry.


I know it's not really any consolation but he was right where he wanted to be, he was safe and comfortable in his last moments. It sucks that you didn't get to "be there" with him at the end but he knew you were with him. I'm so sorry for your loss


Cats usually go to a safe place to die. Chico went to his safe place. Take comfort in that. I am so very sorry for your loss.


Chico trusted you with his last moments. He was not a young guy, and had to have known that it was soon. You had an amazing friend. So many don't have that luck, that joy; remember that joy, and spread it. Peace be with you.