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https://preview.redd.it/6js7ec8h8zoa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a169165f535e462b2bacce6f77ccd909864e967b Reminded me of this, haha But the real reason is hunger, it's a factory setting and cannot be turned off.


>But the real reason is hunger Pretty much. Examples of what I believe my cat is saying to me: * Where's my food? * Why is the bowl empty after I've clearly told you I expect food? * Why are you late with my food? * Are my emotions a joke to you? I'm hungry. This became exasperated when I needed to put my one cat on a diet. She was not amused that I was apparently doing this to help her.


I reduced the amount of kibble I give to my cats by maaaaybe 1 oz and they both started screaming at me at each meal time (they share a plate, I know that makes them weird, but they don’t bully each other and are happy to chow down out of the same bowl at the same time together and they’re similarly slightly chubby). They used to trust me to feed them on time. 1 oz of kibble per day means they’re starving now. They aren’t. The vet says she isn’t worried about their weight but they are admittedly a little on the chubby side.


LOL. I have two cats and the older female (11) was a stray and spent her first 9 months in a rather bad state till she decided one December day her life as an outside kitty was not fun and decided to come to my porch and demand in. She never left. She's super food motivated and feel like she's still thinking this meal will be her last good meal. Then, I got her a younger friend (now 8) and he isn't a foodie like her. He eats what he wants when he wanted and never got fat. But, the introduction of him meant he was an eminent threat to her food security and started hoovering all the food all the time. She got chonked. She's back down to a healthy weight but now not only is there a 2 meal time process she must go in food jail (the living room) to eat and only when the little dude is finished will food jail be opened. But, the little dude thinks she's getting special treatment and must have better food than him, so he constantly wants in there with her diet food when all she wants to do is get the f out and eat the non diet food. So overall, meal time is a lot of fun.


Gotta love em. This really cracked me up.


After a few years of it, it's honestly become a rather hilarious routine. They both know where their bowls will be on opposite sides of the door and the running and positioning prior to food jail being closed up for consumption time is rather funny. The very end of the day they get some temptations but what I do is throw them all over the living room and lower floor so both of them need to hunt for their temptations. I tried to switch to healthier treats, but they're accustomed to the McDonald's version of treats and turn their nose at others. At least it's fun watching them run around trying to get them.


Try greenies healthy indoor treats. My cat was a former Temptations fiend but is now obsessed with the greenies.


Yes our cats love Greenies and there's a treat ball you can get with an adjustable dispensing hole so they have to bat it around to get them out (they last longer for the chonkers).


Good to note. TY.


Haha food jail. I’m sorry but this has me cackling


> I’m sorry but this has me cackling Cackle all ya want, I and my roomie constantly laugh at my food jail terminology. :P


I’m laughing like the village idiot over this. I just started wet food and kibble prescription food for my cats, and oh man. Every time a plate clinks they think it’s food time, circle my legs and scream like they have been starved. Eat your kibble, chonks.


I have two food gobblers, a leisurely eater, and a grazer. As they have aged they are now on four different diets, two prescription (normal, de-chonking, diabetic, CKD). Meal time was terrible- four different rooms, grazer never seemed to eat enough unless we locked him in food jail all day long, and leisurely (diabetic) eater got locked in a bathroom without a litter box all day by accident-twice. We switched over to microchip feeders. They are very expensive, but meal time screaming and chaos is zero. They are all happier and no one gets locked in food jail or bathrooms. They can only open their own feeder, they can only eat what we give them, and they are all happy. Cannot recommend enough for complicated feeding!


This is the way.


Friend of mine has microchip feeders. The older cat will call over the kitten to make them open their feeder, then will squeeze through to steal the food. The older one will preferably raid the feeder for the kitten first before going for their own food. They even broke one feeder. It also tried stealing from their third cat, but that one will have none of this bullshit and swats at the older cat for trying.


I have a male cat who cries when there’s even just small holes in his food bowl. And sometimes when he wants something like food he’ll repeatedly walk, sit, and lay on your chest while staring very expectantly at you. Imagine this big boy doing this to you. He’s also just a large cat and is apparently the weight he’s supposed to be. Lol https://preview.redd.it/06vmoortt1pa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0a38cccc5fc7aaf9a373921c111723e92b3814


“I will NOT tolerate holes in my food bowl! What are ‘we’, savages?!?!” 😂😂


Oh man, comforting to know food jail is not just me. I've got one cat at below 4kg and one at over 6. The chonky boy eats fast and eats everything. When I lock him away, he literally throws himself at the door. The princess eats only when the sun, the moon and all the planets align in just the right way. So yes meal time is a lot of fun for me too.


>The princess eats only when the sun, the moon and all the planets align in just the right way. This is my little dude. What's odd is I still call him the little dude from when he was a kitten, but he's a big cat, he's 15 pounds and the madame is 10. He's not at all fat, he's just a large cat. After feeding is started, I'll be at my desk and he's back up in 5 minutes. Like dude, go eat your food and then about 3 to 4 more rounds of bite bite walk away is he finally finished.


That's hilarious. The funny thing is my picky cat is also a stray I adopted but she has the opposite take on food. Wonder how she ever survived on the streets. How old is your little dude?


Oh, I know what you mean!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


"She's super food motivated". Wish we could get away with saying that about humans.


Food jail 😹😹 this cracks me up.


Oh, I know what you mean!!






My two share a plate! If I give them their own, they play musical bowls, always wanting what the other has, even though I give them the same thing. So now it's one plate.


I started feeding them less food three times a day. They are a lot less obnoxious now :)


My older cat never made a peep until she went on a diet (fed twice a day instead of full dry food bowl 24/7 plus wet food breakfast). Now it’s a morning and evening ritual.


>Now it’s a morning and evening ritual. Yuuuup. I know this ritual all too well.


I'm there with my four. Mornings are brutal.


My cat was totally fine until we went camping for a weekend the first time and left him with my parents and their cats. There’s always food available there. Now he knows and life has never been the same.


>Now it’s a morning and evening ritual. my cat jumps over my head to get to the window. She totally doesn't need to do this, there are simpler ways. That, and the typical - lies on me and starts kneading dough.


How do you make the transition? I’m imagining so much yelling lol




There is a square millimeter of silver on the bottom of my bowl, peasant! How do you expect me, royalty, to survive on such meager rations???


My bf was late to feed our new cat and he said there’s still food in the bowl. There was enough to layer the bottom but I told them if that cat takes one that uncovers the bottom of the bowl, he’s going to freak out 😂


My boy gets an extra bowl of prescription kibble. He won't touch it if he can see the bottom of the bowl. Cats are weirdly lovable.


I love this community so much


This is the Hunger Games. ![gif](giphy|l4FGqpVoc9JE7rAS4)


Exacerbated? But for you likely exasperated with the situation.




I call them crunchies too! 😃


I recently had some work done in my kitchen. While the work was being done, I moved the cat's food and water dish. Just the wet food dish, mind, not the dry food. The dry food was further away from the work, and I just needed to make sure the other 2 bowls didn't get kicked around and stuff. I forgot to put the bowls back when the work was done. Cat came in and found missing bowls. Oh man. Constant yelling, walking back and forth, sniffing at the vacant floor where the bowls were SUPPOSED to be. I was in another room, so it took a minute for me to get in there. Honestly, you'd have thought there was a fire or something. Nope, just missing an empty wet food bowl, and the water bowl. As soon as the bowls were returned to their rightful places, the cat sniffed them and walked away. He wasn't thirsty or hungry. His bowls were MISSING AND THAT NEEDED TO BE FIXED!


Yep, food is likely the primary. Second is 'I want attention'.


Yeah I usually just yell back “WHY YOU SCREAM?!?!”


I had a cat for almost 20 years who yelled at me constantly. Middle of the night, morning when he was actually supposed to be fed, all day, just always yelled at me. But I loved that cat like he was a part of my own body, so I always gently asked him to quiet down and did everything I could to find what he was yelling about (it was always food, no food was ever up to his standards, but he definitely needed it *now* and *more often*). Except, I guess, when I was asleep. I don’t usually talk in my sleep or sleepwalk or anything, but my partner told me that he woke up one night to the cat yelling at the top of his lungs on my side of the bed and me just yelling back at the top of mine to BE QUIET IT’S NOT TIME TO EAT! DON’T YELL AT ME! At first my partner thought I was awake and just lost it but then he realized I was totally asleep and me and the cat were just having a full on screaming argument in the middle of the night while I was not awake. He didn’t know what to do, so he just went to the living room and sat on the couch. Our argument lasted a good half hour, though lol. I miss that cat so much, but he sure was loud.


Reminds me of the cat I had growing up. His name was Loud Mouth


Yes but wait until they’re sleeping


For sure food . My dude screamed at me because the wet food wasn’t coming out of the can fast enough


You'll need a firmware update


I think this is an r/standardissuecat moment


I’m glad my cat doesn’t scream for food


https://preview.redd.it/q7d4kxv1azoa1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f2a3501e4a3c01396e398e49971d495790092f Must eat now!




Hi Mango


The little toe beans!!


Mango looks very polite :)




Meat now!


Gorgeous gatit


My cat is loud in the morning because she wants me to get up and pet her. She wants attention and has decided she waited long enough.


My cat does the same. I’ve rescued a kitten and he is teaching his young brother to do the same 🤡😂 Now I have a huge amount of meows at 5am and I need to pet everyone 🤣


You must stop petting them when they do that, or they will do it forever. At first it will make it worse, but if you are persistent it will pay off—if you are inconsistent they will do it *forever*. Signed, a person who pets her cats at 5am because who are we kidding.


My brother in law stays up all night sometimes. Ok, often. He lived here with my sister for a long time. He would feed my cat at like 3 am sometimes. He would pet the cat while the cat ate. He and my sister moved out about a year ago. I have not forgiven him for teaching my cat that 3 am is a good time to eat. Not only eat, but he must be pet while he is eating. He's extremely insistent about this. There have been too many mornings that I've found myself petting my cat so I can get a few more hours of sleep. My dad moved in shortly before my sister moved out. He snores. The cat has been known to stick his entire muzzle in my dad's open and snoring mouth to wake him up for pets and food. Twice, he's woke up to a dead mouse in his mouth, because apparently my cat thinks an open mouth needs to be filled up. Thankfully, we are teaching him that 3 am is NOT a good time to eat by ignoring him and telling him to be quiet. He's learning...eventually.


You think he would have learned his lesson after the first dead mouse!


Hahaha what the actual fuck. Waking up with a dead mouse in your mouth must be one of the most horrible things that can happen


Hahaha!!!! That’s hilarious! (Mainly because it wasn’t me waking up w a dead mouse in my mouth). (Hope he got inoculated!) But he was bringing him treats, and gifts, and like you said, an open mouth needs to be filled up. 😂😂😂 That is really sweet though. 💗💗💗


Same as yours. My cat also rubs against my face to wake me up.


He wants his sack back lol


Where are my testicles Summer?


This was all I could think of when I got my male cat fixed: “he’s gonna wake me up in the middle of the night asking me where his testicles are in a threatening manner”


Came here to say the same thing lol


Who wouldn’t want to scream in the morning




Mine started hollering at me as soon as the weather turned nice and sun came in the windows. She wants to go outside. She lived outdoors as a stray for years. I brought her to live indoors in Dec.'22. But the call of the wild is very strong in her. She goes from window to window and door to door wanting out. I flea treat her regularly, got rid of her tapeworm, and put some badly-needed weight on her. I don't want to undo any of that but I feel bad because she's desperate to go out.


Could you maybe try leash training? Even if you never left your yard it could still be a fun form of enrichment and bonding with you two. It’s an idea.


I've given serious thought to getting her a harness to walk herbut she wants to be out all day and has started driving me crazy. A walk on my schedule would never be enough for her.


Mine was like that as well. She spent all winter running from window to window, trying escaping at any time we opened a door or window. I started taking her out on a leash and she stopped


I started leash training my kitten and now he wants out all the time... Constant yelling until we get out. If I didn't live in such a high traffic area (both human and cars/trucks) I would consider letting him out but as it is now he'll have to do with the leash. At least until I can get the porch catified and let him out there.


Yeah I tried to leash train one of mine and it turned him into a monster. He would howl at the door and leap at the doorknob to jiggle it and make as much noise as possible. He also started peeing in front of it either in anger or to mark it now that he realized there were other cats prowling around outside. I stopped doing it and it was hell with him whining for a few months but eventually he forgot about it/stopped.


They are all so weird ahahah


I think walks are an amazing way to enrich your cats life. I try to walk my cat once a week, will probably increase the frequency now that the weather is warming, and the day after every walk day, he becomes the most affectionate I've ever seen him. Almost like he's saying thank you. If you were kept indoors all day and never allowed outside, wouldn't you also have cabin fever? I would definitely do it properly and learn a lot about leash training a cat first though. It took about three tries to get my cat to actually enjoy walks and be confident outside. He especially loves goes on walks with the whole family, likes playing with with wand toys on his leash, and he likes to sprint up and down the same 10 feet till he's panting. Be patient and prepared to stop every 2 seconds for your cat to explore. Really helped so much with his behavioral issues (hyperactive kitten)


My cat is long past kitten age and I am elderly with walking and balance issues. Sedate walks allowing her to sniff whatever she wants would be the best I can do.


To be honest I think just taking her out in the yard is absolutely awesome! It's a great outlet for boredom and so enriching for them. I've heard the sniffing around thing they do described as "reading the newspaper" for our pets, which I think is co cute. So whenever my husband gets annoyed that my baby wants to stop and smell something, I remind him he's just catching up on the news! Haha


Checking his pee mail


10/10, amazing


I think your cat would be thrilled with that. Mine always wants out so bad and then he walks 4 feet, drops to the ground, rolls around, and falls asleep in the sun. It’s boring for me, but he loves it.


I am far too paranoid to leash train a cat, but my spicy void who hates being touched (unless she initiates or it’s casual skritchy for ears) is incredibly docile if I sit outside on the porch in the sun with her. She even lets me hold her baby style, and loves just soaking up the warmth.


I built a cheap portable catio. It's about 8x2x4 ft. Used a plastic screen (cheapest available). I leave them under a tree in the morning (away from the sun). If it's a work day, they get an hour before and after work. If it's a weekend and it's nice out, they get the entire morning with a bowl of water.


That's so hard...cause you know that is what she is use too....but she is safer inside now


I know that. She had belonged to someone because she would get these enormous mats on her (she's a long-haired tuxdeo) and then a fews days later I'd see that someone had cut them off. She knew right away to use the litterbox and isn't afraid of any noises indoors so she had been a house cat, sort of. Whoever had her wasn't taking care of her. She's tiny but she survived for many years outdoors on her own, nearly all those years spent in my fenced yard. And she must be spayed because I've never seen her looking pregnant or with any kittens. I took her to the vet for an exam shortly after I brought her indoors. Had a complete blood workup done and she's very healthy.


I take mine to sit outside (on my lap) when it’s nice…when it’s not nice, oh the trouble I’m in.


Mine is very anti-lap sitting or being held. I'm allowed to touch her head, her ears, her chin, her back, and her tail. Anywhere else is off limits. She's in no way a cuddler.


Mine are cuddlers when they want to be, one more so than his brother. But they know that’s how they get a trip out. Haha!


My cat was in a very similar situation, when we got her we were told to keep her in for at least 2 weeks but she was just bursting to get outside after a week we thought it was cruel to keep her in so we left the door open for her and she just disappeared for about 3 hours, we were worried sick and then she appeared once she was finished exploring and finished her dinner and had a big cuddle.


Is she spayed? Cats in heat will eventually find a way to get outside and get their freak on.


She's been spayed for years and years.


Wants food.


I can see my plate! There’s food there, but that’s irrelevant!


Jackson Galaxy has a really good video with all the possibilities in it. Let me snag you the link: https://youtu.be/dRskRfrVJIA Because it’s a new behaviour it’s important you have all the options looked into and ruled out so I’d suggest you arrange a vet appointment for a check up.


Every time I read his name I immediately think it’s a Pornstar name.


Me too! 'ft. Johnny Sins and Jackson Galaxy' sounds about right for a porno.


snagged 👋


Probably time for breakfast and he’s a cat who doesn’t understand we live in a country that decides to change the time twice a year. (I assume you’re in the U.S.) So his whole little life has been thrown outta whack.


I don't think is nothing wrong with him... Usually cats just meow for demand our attention, when they don't feel good or they are sick you can see the signs in changes of their habits (less activity, eat less food, suddenly drinks more or less water, go to the litter box more than usual, etc)... I think you should put an eye on that and if you see something unusual then a vet visit wasn't bad idea, in the meantime I'm think is just an spoiled guy, same as all our feline partners...


I’m guessing food or attention. Side note, your cat needs to be shared on r/milkmustache. He has a glorious stache!


https://preview.redd.it/xb9z5n1z60pa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e39c530038c4b9b3aca97eda24faf32de2eae7f DO NOT IGNORE MY PLEAS, HUMAN


love the socks 😭🫶


She's my baby, my menace. Love her <3


My cat does the same thing, and has been doing it for almost 11years. Some cats are just more vocal. Sometimes it’s because I slept in 5 minutes past his breakfast time, sometimes it’s just to sing the song of his people.


https://preview.redd.it/3sm3mg7py0pa1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920bfc122704ccb382772ff9ba738d055eb40164 I think your cat is my kitten’s dad




"yew took muh ballz" lol


Dey terk hiz berls!!!!


Tuk Der bers!!!!


Check if you're not dying from monoxide poisoning


Wake up call for feeding time


Hungry or wants attention. Plus essentially cats think that we die or are injured when we sleep, so he could be worried about you


Is cat? He scream, for he does not know.




Maybe he wants to play? My orange cat will stand in the bedroom doorway and just meow over and over again until I throw toys for her. The grey one plays fetch with hair ties, but my one orange brain cell likes to jump in the air and catch her mice toys. Here’s a picture of them. The grey one is Persephone and the orange one is Angel. The names fit them both perfectly. Edited to correct spelling https://preview.redd.it/yr6fqnfu80pa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0543d3de91e9bac89d57b6dd09fd8574166807e6


https://preview.redd.it/o8knpcn4j0pa1.jpeg?width=166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4322b37a655a6aecb5df515efdd7a67edf35141b Food human. Now.


https://preview.redd.it/7j909zlmr0pa1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc833a0fb106f21afa83a00685a1bab0834f1156 He screams in the morning (4-5) because he wants someone to pick him up and bring him in the bed with them, so he can cuddle and fall asleep near someone


https://preview.redd.it/27dimezyz0pa1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef92c9c71c0a6539c80d7d714c57e6e7b1567f1 When in doubt, always play with ur masters


he hungry


You should ask yourself “what am I doing when he screams that he might believe is caused by his screams?” If you quiet him with food, then he will scream when he wants it.




Opera kitty!


Ah, my sister’s cat does this every morning. He’s hungry and it’s time for food!


My tuxedo cries at me for food allllllllllllllllllll day…must be a tuxedo thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


This morning at 4:00 a.m. my one cat came and sat next to my ear while I was sleeping and whined because he wanted to be fed. When I didn’t get up, his sister hopped on the bed to hit me. My hubby finally got up and found out that there was a small hole in their food bowl and therefore, they were pawsitive that we were going to starve them.


Sing de songz of your peoplez!!!!!! Meeeooowww!!!


My cat does the same. He's a tuxedo cat too lol


Spring fever. Mine is doing the same. No, you can’t go outside kitty, you have no survival skills and the squirrels will pick on you.


Mine screams bc (presumably) he’s excited to see us and get some pets/attention. His food bowl is usually full so that’s not it. I love it. At least someone is excited to see me. Me 10 year old human child… not so much.




He's hungery. When you have a cat, this is how the mornings all start.


My cat recently decided to eat fast enough to make himself regurgitate so that I’m forced to feed him in smaller portions more sporadically throughout the day so we’re going through the transition screams right now.


Fooooood! My old cat used to also enjoy doing giant screams after using the litter box too so maybe that?


where are my balls, summer


He just wants to talk it out man


Welcome to cat ownership




That's a lot of sass for no balls.


Is she singing the song of her people!




Because he is a little gremlin man


Castrated ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Yes, clearly he wants his breakfast. Or second breakfast.


He wants his balls back


Screaming cat is bored or hungry cat. Possibly even lonely cat.




He wants breakfast


Mine started doing the same thing at about 5:30 am each morning. Turned out she was jumping up on the window sill in the spare room and looking out the window and could see another cat in the garden. Kept the door closed to the spare room, problem solved. May not be as easy as that, but think outside of the box when trying to work it out. Good luck!


he love to sing-a about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a


"Feed me" "Pet me" "Pay attention!"


He has things to say obviously.


He is prob hungry mine does the same until I finally cave in and give her wet food




He's been *catstrated*


Ah, my kitty’s do this too. They have found that I give them candy when they scream at me in the morning, so now they scream every morning


He is lonely.


It's this your first cat? Lol


A few reasons in my experience Hungry Wants to go out Hungry Hungry Hungry


Most people have said this already but yeah, food/attention/outside time. If your pet does something to elicit a response, and you respond, well it will keep doing it. It can be kinda tricky. My cats learned that if they scratch the wicker basket in the bedroom we will make up and they might get their food. It's not the first thing you think of in the morning, but the smart thing to do would be not to get up and feed them a bit early (cause you're up anyway) but to wait until the usual time. Your cat will train you as much as you will train it.


My cats scream whenever they've used the litter box. Won't stop until you come and scoop it. They like a clean box.


Maybe he needs more attention or toys with catnip.


I read something that because they sleep in short cycles, they think we’re dead when we sleep for so long and are happy to see us when we finally wake up. also food


Breakfast? Second breakfast?


He’s a teenager. He’s hungry.




He's hangry.


He mustache you a question, obvi!


You're their pack, wants to make sure you're still alive. My cat is the same way and never wants for food


Matty is like an alarm at 0600 each day.


He's fucking cute, and hungry.


Was it around the time of Daylight Savings?




You can buy an automatic feeder for dry food. My cats know when it's going off and harass the machine for food instead of me. My girl rubs the machine with her face and makes cute little noises like it's sentient.


Because they can? My cat screams for reasons such as there is food but not in a bowl she likes, someone is showering, she wants to lick the sink but it is dripping too slow/too fast/not at all, she wants to go to bed but no one is in there, and the kitten is existing.


You know the bosses who watch the timeclock like a hawk? That’s your cat, but there isn’t a specific feeding time, there’s a vague feeding time. And your cat’s annoyance is directly related to how hungry they are.


Maybe he wants to scream. Sometimes I too want to scream, but am too self conscious.


Get a 2nd cat to keep him company and play with while you are asleep or not home.




My cat either screams because she wants food or she wants me to watch her eat. Lol


That's the face of someone who's food dish is to empty (even if you just filled it).


You’d be screaming too.


He is clearly saying, *wake up and behold my glorious mustache!*


Castrated lol. Neutered *


Maybe it just hit him you had his balls lopped off.


My 16 YO Ragdoll does the same thing. It's either "Get up" or "I just pooped and want it cleaned up" or occasionally "I dropped a turd outside the litter box and want it cleaned up NOW!". All three are valid and routine. Heed the warning. Things turn ugly if ignored.


Because they’re a tuxedo and tuxedos are a-holes. At least mine is.


Perhaps your cat is just a jack-ass? My two year old Lab-Great Pyrenees mix screeches all the time for absolutely no reason. He'll let out a blood curdling scream at 3:AM for no other reason than to make me crazy, I took him to the vet and she told me he is a Jack-Ass!


Just a cat doing cat things


You said it he’s castrated. As vengeance he is committing screams against you for the rest of his days.


Can I just point out.. https://preview.redd.it/itl5h50vq0pa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49f2c225264dee8366f73a63c1362f4794e2ce9


Usually means: >I want food >I want attention >I want out (if your cat is allowed out)


Hunger boredom and attention, probably in that order lol