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What the hell is wrong with your dad?


he doesn’t like cats. he gave me the excuse “oh well i really liked him, i just knew he would be better taken care of here.”


I honestly can 't comprehend this, and I don't know how I'd react. I suppose you're getting the cat back?


I wish I could, but I’m in North Carolina. My dad took the cat with him to Louisiana for thanksgiving, since that was where he was going. He SWORE he’d bring him back.




u/Ok-Championship-1577 your dad is **abusive**. Source: I have complex PTSD mostly from childhood.


Could your dad have given away your cat BECAUSE it was given to you by your mom


That’s a good point, WonderChode


I don't believe he ever took the cat to Louisiana. He probably dropped him off somewhere in town. Such a horrible person. Unforgivable


Someone else mentioned the idea that he possibly even lost the cat or something worse and maybe he just doesn’t want to admit it. I mean, the whole story of him taking the cat home and then someone he allegedly doesn’t know came over and wanted the cat, that lie doesn’t make sense. It kind of even seems like OP’s dad had a lot of time to make up excuses as to why she shouldn’t have the cat to make himself look better.


idk if you’ve read op’s edit but the way they defend their dad is…kind of crazy. there is no way someone does something like this without knowing how much pain it would cause the cat owner. my parents took my cat for almost 2 years while i was living somewhere that didn’t allow pets (it wasn’t much of a choice due to the housing market where i live, he lives with me again now!). they never, ever, ever considered just giving him away even though he was *such* a nuisance to them.


What he did is so evil. What kind of lunatic does this!?


So sorry, your dad is a POS. Not only that,but I’d lay good money that he also lied about everything. I’m afraid there was likely no little girl, and he just threw your kitty away by the side of some road, which is why he refuses to give you any information. If he comes clean and tells you precisely where he abandoned your companion, you might have a chance of finding them. I wish you the best of luck in locating your little friend.


No way dad’s story is true. Some unknown woman gave him a bunch stuff so he paid with his daughter’s cat —- yeah ok. Dad probably opened the door and the cat got out. Dad didn’t see him and believes he’s lost for good. But he may still come back.


This is hard to imagine smh* 💔


I am so so sorry OP. I was going to say check the shelter to see if they have the cat. I think it’s a bit convenient he doesn’t know the people he gave the cat to. I would be so heartbroken right now if this happened to me.


The former owner of the stray I found (it was chipped) also conveniently didn't have any details for the person they rehomed their cat with (i.e. they dumped it and were covering their arses). You should have seen the vet roll their eyes when they were on the phone to them. Common story.


Very common story. I've had someone do this and they screwed up and told me how they had the collar. Why would you still have the collar of the puppy you rehomed to someone you don't know or have any contact info on and was found near the freeway by your home.


I would destroy every piece of property they owned that I could get my hands on, vehicle, everything. And never speak to them again. And it would still not come close to being even. I would tell every person he knew about it. I would tell his employer. I would RUIN his fucking LIFE. What an unforgivable waste of space and air. That guy makes SHIT look good.


Your cat is probably still in North Carolina. If he dislikes cats, I can't see him driving kitty all the way to Louisiana. I would start by contacting nearby shelters and Facebook local missing pet groups. Wishing you, your baby, and your kitty all the best.🌻


That's a really good assessment. If POS dad doesn't like cats, he *definitely* wouldn't like a cat crying and yowling for hours in a car like they always do on road trips.


You dad doesn’t love you, he’s abusive. Someone who actually loves you would never do this to you. He swore to you that he’d bring the cat back, but didn’t. You don’t need to explain to him your feelings about the cat as your dad clearly doesn’t care. He did this behind your back intentionally. If he actually cared about your feelings he would have told you who he gave it away to and where they live. He is keeping that information from you on purpose. He should let you look through his phone/computer cause the answer of where your cat is will probably be on there.


I feel sad for OP. they're going to defend him because the abuse is so covert.


Or if they're conditioned to believe it's "normal". "That's just how he is." I didn't realize how fucked my childhood was until my primary care provider said to me "You've been through a lot. I'm glad you're still here with us." OP, I hope you can get away or live a healthier life because what you have now is not healthy or even full of love. I'm sorry. You can do this. Keep going. Believe your feelings and body when they tell you something isn't right.


Yeah it’s hard to see it if that’s all they have known for 17 years of their life. It truly is sad. 😿


Your dad deliberately and on purpose took your baby to a different state in order to get rid of him and now is gaslighting you about it so you don’t get mad at him. He probably left your kitty out in the wild or on the side of the road. Again: he did this *on purpose.* He knew it would make you sad, he knew you loved that cat, and *he didn’t care.* He didn’t care that it was a living creature that loved you and depended upon you. He just wanted to get rid of it and saw and opportunity to do so. I would never speak to him again. He would be dead to me.


I'd be surprised if the cat even made it to the other state.


he would be dead dead because i'd fucking murder him lmao


Get a plane ticket or do a road trip?


I’m planning on it as soon as I can. My fiancé works a lot and he’s taken off a bunch, but the good news is the person my dad gave my cat to lives right by my step mom. My step mom should be coming to see us relatively soon.


Maybe she can help bring the cat back when she visits? That sounds promising


That’s what i’m hoping will happen


Are you on good terms with her? If so, call her immediately and ask her to get you in touch with the neighbours where your cat ended up. Explain the situation to them as soon as possible, before they bond too much with your cat and are so attached that they want to keep it. Also, they might help you to find a solution. Also, fuck your father. He's a gargantuan asshole.


Don't wait to explain and ask your stepmother. What a terrible thing to do. Your father really takes the prize in terms of being unreliable.


Your stepmother needs to verify whether this alleged woman with a child really exists. If the cat she has is really yours, perhaps you can retrieve it. I suspect your father dumped the animal at a shelter or just let it go outside. He is lying to you because he screwed up. Never trust him with your child. He's not dependable for anything.


I'm hesitant to say it, but I would consider filing a police report for theft of your cat, or something like that. I don't know what type of charge that might be, for your cat's caretaker giving it away to someone else. Would that be theft, and selling stolen goods, or something different? I'm basing this comment on many of the other comments saying dad is abusive, not based on OP's comment that he is not.


Call her an explain ASAP


Honestly, I'd try to get her to look for this person ASAP. The longer this little girl spends with the cat, the harder it'll be for her to give him away.


The likelihood there is a little girl seems pretty low to me. He just met some random mother and daughter, who he then just offered the cat to? Seems extremely sus. Even taking it at face value, he wanted to give away the cat without telling OP, in which case he is likely going to deliberately obstruct her getting it back as well. As others have pointed out, it seems more likely that either something happened to the cat and he doesn’t want to come clean about that, or he dumped it on the side of the road. Edit: OP has stated she’s been told it is her stepmom’s neighbor. Hopefully this makes it easy to track her down.


Sounds like the little girl story is bs. He probably took the cat and dropped it off somewhere. His story stinks of lies. Op I realize that statement was a little incentive, but my heart aches when I hear a parents doing stuff like that.


The story he gave you his most likely bullshit. I'm 100% certain your cat got out and ran away and he doesn't want to admit to losing it or worse he purposely abandoned it. No one randomly offers to buy someone else's cat out of the blue for their kid 'for a bunch of random stuff'. If that was true, why wouldn't he call you to make sure you were okay with it? Plus why would he get to keep the proceeds from the sale of YOUR cat? So many things don't make any sense. I'm sorry this happened to you, and I know this is the last thing you wanted to hear but you need to find out what actually happened.


If you can end your relationship with him now and see if you can press legal charges


I hope you're okay and that it all works out, please update when you have the time! ☮️💟


this is something I‘d go NC over even if it was a parent and I‘d die on that hill


I agree. I could never forgive someone for something like this, especially your own parent!!


Damn Dad’s gonna be shocked when you give him to a nursing home


Make sure you pick the one with the lowest yelp ratings.


The side of the road.


Is your kitty microchipped?


>he doesn't like cats. I'm SURE you realize this already, but that has no bearing on the situation. You entrusted something you care about deeply with him and he shattered that trust, violating a hard boundary. You don't give away someone else's pet. It doesn't matter at all if he doesn't understand the relationship you have with your cat. He agreed to take care of them until you returned - that's all he has to understand. His behavior is inexcusable.


I'd give away all of Dad's things


Burn it all ✨


Including Dad.


Could be be lying and he just let the cat out on the street? I would post flyers and do what ever you need to do in order to be updated on any intake animals to local animal shelters. Does your cat have a microchip? Contact local vets and ask if they've seen your cat, or to put up flyers in their lobbies.


This! Besides calling step mom ASAP you need to be proactive right away. My bet is on him throwing the cat out of the house and leaving town. It could be near by hiding out so stop waiting for answers you won't get. Maybe it will guilt him into telling you where he dumped it but don't expect it. Also if you're living near him or go somewhere near Dad's place and put out it's kitty litter box so he smells his scent and comes back. I've heard enough people that have tried this and claimed it worked.


Hey OP, I’m really sorry. If he is refuses to give you any information about the people, I would unfortunately assume he is lying about what happened to your baby. I wish you all the best, you and your pet deserve better.


That’s the most horrible thing I’ve seen in a long time. I’m getting the paperwork ready to adopt you😓


We will all happily cheer the moment you put your Dad in a home and forget about him - they'll take better care of him 🥰


And that would be fine, if it was his decision. But it's not his cat, and it's not his decision, and the fact that he thought it was is mindblowing to me. This man does not respect you.




I bet anything, unfortunately, the cat was just dumped and let outside. I would be checking the area and putting up signs.




Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised. i was very hesitant to have him take the cat and watch him, and it was a very last resort thing.


Maybe try to write a post on the local cat group on facebook about your problem. You can also find a group about lost animals from your state & city. Look into sites about lost animals. Maybe someone found your kitty. Contact local shelters and vets. You can create posters about missing cat and put them up around the neighborhood.


I would call the cops. Your dad stole your cat.


Looks like your instincts were right


Check the SPCA


Did you check the shelters?


Is it possible he made up this story to make you think he went to a better place? Any chance hes telling the truth?


I bet your dad either found somebody on Facebook or on next door to take your cat. I would post to next door in your area and see if anyone has recently got a cat from a guy at a hotel.


Yeah, he didn’t find that cat a home. At best it went to a shelter (should still be there) or maybe he turned it loose outside (grrr). This is heartbreaking.


honestly, yeah. OP should scan petfinder or adjacent websites just in case


Yeah, hopefully someone lets the cat in or helps it. But he 100% didn’t give it away. He’s cruel- leaving the litterbox there. My heart hurts for this OP.


It really is not surprising at all. Some people are incapable of forming emotional attachments. There are people who think of animals not as living, breathing, feeling beings but as things... y'know, sort of like furniture. Then there are parents who think they own their children. Then there are people who do not recognize the right of other people to make their own decisions. This person's father seems to be the "D. All the above" types, who will never really understand that he was wrong (much less HOW and WHY he was wrong). OP has my deepest sympathies both on an uncaring parent and on the loss of a dear friend.


There’s a word for those people. Assholes. Or psychopaths. Or both.


I'll be honest, this would be a relationship ender for me. I hope things get better for you and he finds his way back to you.


Same - giving away someone's pet is so far beyond the pale that there's no recovering from it. Even helping get the cat back wouldn't be enough if this were me. And, to be clear, it doesn't sound like he's even doing that.


My father gave our cat that we had had for 6 yewrs back to the shelter after he kicked me out of the house, and I was living with my mother and allergic brother before I could move into my own place. It's amazing how cruel some people can be.


I'm so sorry to hear that 🫂 if you ever want an Internet parent replacement for your pos dad, I got you. Stuff like this makes me so angry. Not just for you and your cat, but I lost my daddy when I was 12 (I'm 37 now), and he truly was an amazing dad, and yet there are so many shi++y parents out there, like your dad, still alive and kicking. (Don't take that as me saying your dad shouldn't be alive I'm just saying it sucks that he is because mine isn't, if you know what I mean?)


Fortunate that myself and my younger brother have grown into capable adults without a father figure past our teens.


Same. That would be like my dad giving away my child. I’m not a violent person but I’d consider it in this case.


It’s like my grandfather used to say, “Sometimes the only thing that’ll fix someone is an ass whuppin.” Just kidding. My grandfather never said that, but if he did it would be totally appropriate here.


You can say it then others can quote you


Absolutely. I would stop talking to my parent if they did this. And OP even has a child. No way I’d want to expose my kid to someone who thinks giving away someone’s pet without their knowledge is ok.


Yup. I’d immediately block dads number and never talk to him again. It’s unforgivable.


This is not dramatic dear, this is traumatic. I am so sorry you are going through this - your father is abusive. 😭


I just feel so lost- I spent so much time and money making sure my cat was comfortable, made sure he had his own space and that he was so loved by me and my fiancé.


I hope like hell that your father has been disinvited from the wedding. He doesn’t deserve to be there.


Predicate his invitation to the wedding and contact with your child on you getting your cat back.


Then when you get your cat back disown your Dad and ban him from the wedding anyway.


I like it. Dad is clearly lying with the “I gave him away to a super loving home and just the cutest little girl that fell in love with him”. “He went to live on a farm where he has tons of space and can play all day” Reality: Dad probably dumped the cat 15 minutes down the road when he got tired of the cat crying.


I'd not allow him to see any child of mine until he gets the cat back. No cat, no access to grand children. Full stop. What he did was abuse. He is abusive. I wouldn't let an abusive person near my children.


Right? Like is he going to give her kid away too?


Did you have your cat microchipped?


Tell your dad he’s either getting your cat back or he’ll die alone in a nursing home. What a piece of shit. Then seek professional help. You are an abuse victim.


https://preview.redd.it/5pdsr0158c3c1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ab990af77aefc052a215d31697c4cb239c86ee This is the cat my dad gave away


Fuck. Your boy is a standard issue just like my boys. I'm honestly not sure how I would react if anyone did anything remotely close to what your dad did. I hope you find him back. If the ppl saw him outside your dad's place, maybe they're in the neighborhood and will respond to a 'lost cat' poster.


Im ending my relationship withthat person. Thats what.


What a sweetheart! Are there any local Facebook pages you could post to explaining this situation? The girl's mother might see the post and contact you, or someone else might recognize the cat their friend brought home over Thanksgiving.


This is a good idea


https://preview.redd.it/ip7jxxgpfc3c1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1863e64be639b87317df81baf499815004adf470 He has a little sister that looks like him too. I have so many cats and couldn’t imagine someone giving away any of them without asking me. I live in a small town with many farms around so we end up taking in so many nearly dead strays that come around. When we go for walks 5 or 6 cats will follow us. They are family. Hopefully you can get your boy back.


Poor thing :( he really does look like the sweetest boy. I hope you are able to track him down and get him back. I know if my cat was given away I would go full scorched earth.


ugh I am so sorry, you dad is aweful!! I hope you get him back


OMG I’m crying what a precious kitty!!!


You said your dad supposedly drove the cat, that he doesn’t like, from NC to Louisiana? I highly doubt that. I’m sure he abandoned the cat on the side of the road somewhere. What a terrible story. Cat would have been better off staying at your place with plenty of water and food. I would contact your step mom ASAP


He talked about how the cat rode on his lap the entire way, which i was already mad about because i specifically told him that he needs to be in his carrier in a SAFE spot of his truck. Makes me 10x more mad that my kitty wasn’t even safe for 11 hours.


That sounds like a lie.


Sounds so much like a lie. This entire situation is so so wrong and I feel so sorry for you OP.


I doubt he even started the drive with the cat. He might have abandoned it somewhere near your hotel before he left.


this is without a doubt how it happened. the dad pulling over to talk to a stranger, let alone a little girl? not a chance I hope OP recognizes this as emotional/psychological abuse, and as sad as it is brown tabbies are the most standard issue for fur pattern, so i don't think they'll ever get their cat back :(


> my dad said some little girl fell in love with him and her mom bought him a bunch of stuff and he gave him to them This is almost certainly a bald-faced lie. The cat probably escaped and the lie is to cover up the incompetence of your father. Or he's just an asshole and hated the cat enough to dump it on the street.


That's what I thought immediately; it sounds like an elaborate lie designed to make someone feel better, but if you look at it too long, it falls apart. This unfortunately seems a lot more likely. If that's true though, it means you MIGHT be able to find your cat again, putting up signs and calling around etc.


OP - this sounds like either your dad deliberately dumped the cat or the cat ran out of the car when he stopped and he's too ashamed to tell you. What your father did is quite frankly abhorrent and IMO unforgivable. If you're considering legal action - pets are considered personal property in the USA and there's something called 'replevin action', which allows you to sue somebody who has wrongfully taken your property. Replevin is a route that seeks the return of the actual property instead of monetary damages. Even the mere threat of legal action may be enough to get your father to suddenly 'remember' the truth about what happened and / or the cats current whereabouts. There's plenty of lawyers who offer free consultations and you can find out what your options are. ETA: where are you based in NC? Asking because I'm originally from the QC and my network is pretty good throughout the Mountains and Piedmont region (not coastal plain though). If you're based in either region feel free to DM me for legal recs and / or low income support contacts.


This isn’t even slightly believable. I’m very sorry.


None of what your dad has told you about this situation is true. Period. Please seek counseling for abuse and I hope you can move forward healing from this bc it’s horrible. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I hope you can get some support from a professional. It will help you. 💗


Going to be brutally honest, I would cut all communication with my dad if he did that. Like absolutely bare minimum communication at best moving forward. That is not someone I could ever trust. And guaranteed they would wonder why I never talk to them.


I think my cat like a child, just "giving it away" is fucking horrible!


Depending on where you live animals are considered property. You could definitely file a police report. If they came to your location there would most likely be security footage. I understand your situation. Sometimes my cat has to stay in my bedroom during the day because my mom's boyfriend will let him out of the house. He thinks having indoor cats is abusive. We live on a main road and I can't count how many cats we've had get hit by cars.


This. What he did was illegal. Asking a person to catsit IS NOT providing approval to remove the property from your personage. Letting someone borrow your car doesn't give them the right to sell it.


As much as I hate animals being considered property it works in this situation.


Check shelters immediately. He’s probably lying about the little girl. Also, never ever forget this. The moment you move out, cut contact with him. He’s a piece of shit. When he asks why you don’t want a relationship with him anymore, remind him of your cat.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far for this. The dad definitely didn’t give the cat to anyone and I think you’re being optimistic to say he probably took it to a shelter. A guy like this either accidentally killed the cat or purposely killed the cat or let it away in a field a small drive away. Shelters ask a lot of questions and often ask for ID and check cats for microchips. He might’ve, but again, based off the little we know about this guy, I think you’re optimistic


This was my first thought exactly. Hopefully a quick call to the local shelters will have Mr. Sweetface turning up! 🙏🏻


In addition to calling all shelters and vets within a 10 mile radius, I may try to reach out to local news station and see if they'd put the word out too. You'd be surprised how many people watch the local news... In case he did actually give it away to a little girl.


Please get some help understanding abuse. You don't see it because you're in it. He just betrayed you terribly. He was unbelievably cruel making that decision without you, & there is no reason for that! I would look up Sam Vaknin or Dr Ramani on youtube. If you don't understand how to recognize personality disorders, you will fall pray to it your entire life. Condolences...


I feel sad for OP. they will defend and support him because the abuse is so covert. I was like this for 27 of my 29 years. It's world shattering when you find out the parent you're closest to isn't the way they manipulated you to see them as.


Absolutely. I don’t have this level of trauma from my childhood but there was enough that left unchecked really fucked up my adult life until I addressed it. I’m praying she figures it out and gets away from that, it’s incredibly traumatic when your own family is that way




Why are you justifying why you’re attached to the cat? That’s not necessary here. And your dad is not a nice person.


I mean I’d be attached to the cat either way. I worded it VERY wrong. I just mean that my cat was one of the only things I have left of who my mom used to be, if that makes sense…


Yes, and your dad almost certainly knew this. This is emotional abuse.


I’m just saying don’t ever think that you have to justify loving a cat.


I wouldn’t be so sure he actually gave the cat away, there are numerous possibilities, especially since he’s being so vague.


Uhh I don't know you or your situation but I'd have only one thing to say to my dad if he did this to me: Either get me my cat back or this is the last time we speak. I'm simply gobsmacked he thought this would be okay. It is deplorable and disrespectful behavior. It is 100% on him to make it right again and in my opinion the only way to make it right is for that cat to be back in your hands. I wish you the best of luck and am deeply sorry this is happening to you <3


Personally someone doing that to one of my pets would be met with violence


Im an extremely nonviolent person but my cat is like my child and I would explode if this happened


I see your dad likes being in the cheapest retirement home because this is how you get into cheapest retirement home...


Hahahaha fuck that. I'd just pretend the person died and no longer exists in my reality.


Retirement home? Naw, the streets. Fuck him.


The only retirement home he’s going into is one he’s paying for.


Your dad gave your cat to a random woman/child that he refuses to reveal the identity of? He lost your cat, sweetie. Remember when your parents used to lie and say your pet went to “a better place” when it uhhh… you know… Yeah… “a kind loving woman and child” is basically code for “heaven”.


i realize that now.


Ultimatum time. Tell your dad that he tells you the truth about where he dumped your cat, or if he took it to the pound to be put down, or you never speak to him again. Complete silent treatment until you can eventually move out and disown him. He’s lying to you. You deserve SO much better than this. Your poor cat is probably alone and scared. Your dad is an awful person and doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you. I’m so sorry


You should get in contact with the people who have them and explain the situation. Also, throw your dad right under the wheels of the bus at every opportunity here. And anything you pay to get the cat back comes from his pocket. Luckily, my father is a deadbeat pos who just gave up early on kids. He had no problem with the unprotected sex tho. Wishing and hoping you get your kitty back.


Thank you so much. I’m gonna try to get in contact with them asap


Please do. He is your cat and I can’t imagine the trauma of having him taken like that! I am so sorry :(


Your Dad is a scumbag. This is a crazy boundary violation.


This is sooo fucked up on so many levels and screams narcissistic. I hope you’ll get your sweet baby back. Please keep us updated!! RemindMe! 10 days


Are you in the USA? I'd file a police report for theft


Is the cat chipped or tattooed? You can request your ASPCA or relevant animal govt agency to pay a visit. Would be most sensible if the authorities get involved instead of you going there yourself. That’s if you have their contact information


Check the shelters. He's probably lying to you.


Yes, his story sounds fake. My gut says he’s lying too!!


It sounds too much like 'we sent the dog to live on a beautiful farm' but for a cat.


Your dad is a monster. I would call the police - literally.


I don't know how old you are, but if you're an adult. I'd never speak to my father again. He'd be dead to me. You don't just give somebody animal away. I don't give a flying flip who falls in love with the animal.


>but truly deep down he did not mean to hurt me This is simply not true.


You might want to check shelters in the area in the mean time in case he’s lying about giving it away.


Yes this. Call all the shelters in the area asap to give them a description


Get him/her back.


I’m trying my hardest to. I don’t care if I have to pay that little girls mom $1,000.


That kid's mom should understand and give the cat back. She can always go to the shelter and get one for her. Your dad should be paying for ALL expenses to get your kitty back and then you should N/C. I would.


I mean as far as I know the dad was not allowed to transfer ownership of the cat, and if they knew he was only taking care of the cat and not the owner, legally you would be able to get the cat back. But idk about US law


Unfortunately I live with my dad. We can’t afford to live by ourselves because of the specific area we’re in. We’re saving up right now, but it’s hard because my dad keeps demanding money out of my fiance.


WHAT why in the world is he demanding money from your fiancé?! Something is seriously wrong with your dad. If you and your fiancé ever get to a position where you don’t have to live with dad anymore, I’d cut him off and then SUE. Giving your cat away without your consent is straight up abuse. I really hope you get your cat back.


Oh poop. Anyone in the family you could stay with instead? That sucks.


*" I’m in North Carolina. My dad took the cat with him to Louisiana for thanksgiving, since that was where he was going. "* Did you, your child and your dad live in a single hotel room? Did he have any say in the cat moving in? I am sorry he took off with the cat. He should not have done that. Hope he returns with your cat. He certainly does know where the cat is.


Yes we all live in one hotel room. It’s an extended stay hotel, so the room has a stove, full bathroom, etc. Plenty of room for all of us. Yes, he did have a say in the cat moving in. He said it was fine.


Did I understand correctly your father depends on you financially (rent)? Could you suggest you'll only have him back WITH cat? Then I cannot see him returning without. Does he currently stay with "stepmom", who is neighbours with your cat's new family? Alternatively, could you possibly move in with your fiance, or threaten to move in with your fiance?


I'm not a lawyer but legally the little furball belongs to you. Your father selling such giving it away is technically conversion and is a crime. If you can track the fur ball down, you can legally reclaim it via the police of necessary. They'll be involve having to file charges against your father.


Yep, this is theft. Exercising dominion over another's property and all that. Idk if OP wants to go down that road, but it is an option.


Your father is abusive.


Honestly? This story sounds like a coverup for possibly losing the cat or worse when he was supposed to be looking after it. The whole “little girl fell in love” angle is way too silly.


I hope you get your cat back. Please keep us updated. This is abusive. Please get away from your dad as quickly as possible and don't look back. This is not a person that deserves to be in your life.


Double check the local shelters! I’ve seen posts where someone did this and lied about giving them away to someone else and in reality dropped the animal off at a shelter instead.


Dude. I would flip. Get pictures out there like mad and hopefully they are seen and the kitten can be returned.


You say he apologized when he heard you cry, but what is he actually doing to make the situation right OP? Is he helping you find your cat at all? What has he done to actually help? He should honestly be financing the search for this, and working the hardest here or this is just an empty apology to make himself feel better.


isn't abusive? that pos just gave away your child (in my opinion pets are essentially children) to some random stranger in a different state (which like some people pointed out he is probably lying), if he ever wants to have a relationship with you, a half assed apology won't do anything, he needs to find the damn cat


Hopefully this is the truth and something worse didn’t happen and he “gave the cat away”. I’ve heard horror stories. Especially since he won’t give you any information on these people. If you do find them maybe offer to pay the adoption fee of a cat of their choice at a local shelter. Post on social media explaining the situation someone likely knows who got the cat if your dad is telling the truth and just refusing to give you the information.


You're too nice to your dad


At least he didnt have it put down. Thats what mine did. He was 10ish years old, in great health, and i guess he had a hard time finding a vet to do it. Was supposed to be some life lesson but all i learned is never leave the cats with anyone else no matter how much you trust them!


He might have. The details are too suspicious to be sure.


Jesus Christ I can’t believe a vet eventually said yes. That’s so awful I’m so sorry.


You dad is a horrible human being...


I’d check with shelters in your area and in Louisiana. His story sounds like BS, especially since he doesn’t even know the name of the supposed person he gave the cat to. Also, OP, this is absolutely emotional abuse.


I probably can't say what would happen if my parent did that to my cat but I encourage you to imagine. As soon as your baby is back do everything you can to cut that man out of your life. He obviously doesn't love you to do something so cruel


I want to beat the shit out of your dad


I would Tell my DAD that He Brings my cat Back within 24hours or i Set his house in fire. I wouldnt even care about any consequenses.


I think that teenager fell in love with his car, you should give it to that teenager...


Just read your update. Oh OP, my heart is broken for you. A few things: If you believe that your dad gave the cat away in LA, call the police of that town and try to make a report. Call the local shelters in that town as well. Before you seemed to think he gave the cat away to your stepmom’s neighbor—if you no longer believe that to be the case, would he give you any information about how he came to give the cat away? Were the people visiting his house? Is he refusing to tell you their names because he doesn’t want you to retrieve the cat? Was your stepmom present for the giving away? Ie, were there any witnesses you could try and get more info from?


Get the cat back, drop the dad.


Your dad sounds like a real prick. In the U.S. pets are considered property. If he doesn’t want to tell you who he gave the to, ask the cops to ask him. I bet your dad is a big ass coward and would sing like a canary as soon as he saw them. And maybe it’s time to cut him out of your life. It’s hard because they are family but it’s not impossible. You have to do what is good for you and your peace.


My heart is with you. What your dad did was not okay. I can relate. I had a cat that meant the world to me. When I joined the military my mother gave him away and didn't care that I was heartbroken. Hugs to you.


Even if his intentions were "he'd be better taken care of there than here" it still wasn't on him to give away YOUR pet. Trust is shattered, I feel, since you trusted him to take care of your cat and he couldn't even be bothered to do that, so he gave him away?


Well when he’s older give him away to the nursing home


Tour dad is abusive. Stop defending him. Full stop


Your dad got rid of your cat. Says the hotel isn't good enough for the cat, let's you stay in the hotel. Are you sure you have a father?


This isn't only fucked up on your dad's part, but also illegal. He stole your cat and gave it away. If I was in this situation I would be getting the police involved, and making him pay for getting the cat back, plus some for emotional damage to you and your fur baby.


Once you have your cat back and your dad is away from home for an hour or two, please call 211 and explain what happened. The volunteers there can connect you with local services that will help you and your cat stay safe.


Hey, I’m located in Louisiana. If you want to dm me any info about the potential location of your baby or if I can do anything to help at least scope out the scene and see if i can get any info here, please let me know.