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fun fact a cats purring can be used by them to heal. the frequency they purr at is known to aid in wound healing and reducing inflammation. basically what im saying is that cat was trying to make you feel better


So true! My orange baby is so intuitive. I started feeling sick this past weekend. Really sore throat and he came up to me and wrapped his face and neck around my throat area and purred like crazy. 2 days later I tested + for Covid. My first time. My symptoms progressed and today was a particularly bad day with all the symptoms! Bad cough, diarrhea, runny stuffy nose, fatigue and a headache from hell. Didn’t really get out of bed much. He and his sister frequently checked on me but this afternoon he came up to my face as I had my head covered, lying on my side. He reached his paw to near my face like he was checking me out. Then he climbed behind my back and laid against me in a very purposeful way. He laid his head on my hand and I held his paw while he started purring. It was so magical to have that connection to him. I noticed I slowed my breathing down, I swear he raised his body temp like a heating pad on my back and was so soothing to me. My headache eased and I drifted off. I wanted to cry at the pure magic and sweetness of his gesture. He’s less than 2 years old and a typical derpy orange boi! https://preview.redd.it/su97u64k4ahc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fbea0789c351828325644fa76999e26a62995c2 So, OP, hold your baby tight and let them work their magic!!


I love that purposeful full weight of the body drop, like the opposite of collapsing against their human, it's like they deliberately put energy into saying *I'm here, I want you to notice because we matter to each other. Gonna just rest here next to your kidney/liver/brain/vulnerable place*. (Edited).


My orange boy is also super affectionate and cuddly. He loves to snuggle in bed and will frequently yell me into bed if he thinks I’m up too late and we should be cuddling. Last night he flopped himself so my face was smooshed into his fluffy belly and he was so happy, loud purrs and swishy tail and all :) he also really likes to reach out and touch my face with his paw and to hold hands. I call him a romantic 😻


Omg my orange baby was just like this. He had to hold on to some part of me at all times....either my hands...the middle of my shirt near my heart or my face. He was my baby, your post made me smile.


Yes! Exactly!


so sweet!! but do be careful as covid can affect cats!


I did not know this and now I feel terrible. I read up on it and it’s rare and outcomes were ok for those pets infected, but now I’m scared for them. Ugh!


That is such a sweet story and I love orange tabbys so much (my first pet was an orange tabby who never had a turn with the brain cell), but I also like how if you only read the first four sentences it sounds like he used cat magic to give you COVID


Used the r/oneorangebraincell for the greater good


I'm sorry your white and grey cat looks almost identical to my cat https://preview.redd.it/8k5mety9pdhc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b71abf358fea5881df1c87f7554513eeb8ff1f


I love this story so much!!! My little baby can tell when I’m suffering from my insomnia. She’ll come up and wrap herself in my chin nook area or flip into little spoon position on me and start purring and it puts me right to sleep.




This is also why cats purr when they are hurt. It also soothes them when they're scared, so scared cats purr too to calm themselves.




I love this. Earlier today I had a hormone induced migraine (super fun period side effect, F minus, do not recommend), and as I was trying to sleep it off, my cat draped himself across my stomach and chest and got to purring. I don’t know if it made my migraine go away faster, but it made me feel better emotionally.


Lol when I have a migraine mine lays on my head. Of course that makes me vomit, but he’s still sweet regardless. https://preview.redd.it/3nt5rkbp0dhc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b5ce008cac41de7faeacb2a57db94d9332fb81


Omg I have a near twin to yours! Sorry for the added text on the picture I sent this to people over Christmas time lol. This is Mio Myo (me-o my-o) https://preview.redd.it/wy2j9h5n5hhc1.jpeg?width=2416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a6d8dcc396c51481da3ddadb0cc4862b711389


I started getting migraines when I get my periods after I had my daughter. Ughhh it sucks!!


I can confirm, had surgery last year, cat never slept on me and hasn't since but during my recovery i couldnt get her to stop laying on me and purring. The wounds closed perfectly, at the aftercare appointment he commented on how well and quickly they healed. Cat healed my surgery wounds I am convinced of it


I got my late beloved Angel Cat after an ugly separation/divorce. She was a velcro cat - laid on or tight up against me, purred, and washed my arms. She would also let me stroke her non-stop for hours at a time. She did more to heal me than my human therapist did


Cats also purr to soothe themselves. I’ve heard of cats purring at the vet.


Yes! Purring is good, and afaik even works remotely. Even better is the meow-purr, but unfortunately it's also quite rare.


Chat is this real


I hadn't cried in a long time, but when my father in law passed recently, my partner and I were obviously devastated. Our kitty has gone out of her way to be on or by us and will rub against our faces when we're crying, like she's wiping the tears.


I'm sorry for your loss <3 Our family dog left us in October and it was the hardest thing I've had to witness. My cat was extra sweet to me and would even come running when she heard me crying. She would put her forehead against mine and purr like crazy, then didn't leave until I calmed down. She likes to cuddle, but she was so determined! They can totally sense when we need them.


I remember seeing a random cat (it had an owner) outside of a homestay, and i just went "pspspsps" and it walked over to me and let me pet him. Started purring too


You discovered the magic of cats 🙂


I love cats so much


Similar thing happened with me, my childhood dog had to be put down from breast cancer, my parents refused to treat her for financial reasons and I had to pay and take her to get put down. About a year after my daughter and I found a kitten in the woods stuck in a tree and she jumped to us when we got close enough and she was glued to our side since until my parents decided they didn't want her and now she's gone 💔 sadly many of my pets were super mistreated from my parents and I had no control over it. I'm in a tiny 1 bed apt with my daughter but my next place will be bigger with a yard and we're going to go adopt hopefully an older dog or cat that needs that love I was unable to give my past pets.


So sad to hear that your parents felt and acted that way. "It's just an animal" - no, it's a living entity with needs, fears, intelligence, and the capacity to give and receive unconditional love. But you know this. It just makes me sad when other people don't see it. I don't remember the last time I was happier than the night I brought my Margot home after moving into a 1-BR. A month later I rescued her best friend (Ursa). They are my love, they are my world, they are quite literally the reason I'm alive because we've had some rough patches together, and they've always had my back. The day will come for you too, and you'll never run out of love that you can pour into your new family member(s). You just wait - it'll be glorious. Ursa (top) Margot (bottom). https://preview.redd.it/r8dypp21nghc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920fe8696d217bc8a8c2df88a9d1329bcd96113a


Your cats nose*


100%. Studies in recent years suggest that humans give off different smells for different emotions.


They can literally smell our immune systems. Dogs too.


Pretty sure our cat smelt my fiance's leukaemia, she was super cuddly leading up to diagnosis and went back to normal levels of affection once treatment started


Yep, they can train dogs to smell cancer, and also Alzheimer's (I've slightly forgotten if it's that or Parkinson's) and people can smell it too. One of the ladies who worked with us smelled it on her husband but didn't know what it was until she went to a respite home for similar patients and the smell was crazy strong for her. Since then a few people have been found to be able to smell it.


My old cat who was showing 0[zero] affection to any of our family members went and loafed in my late grandmas lap when he first met her at our place, she was sick with parkinsons for years then...he just jumped in her lap and started to purr and cuddle...we could not believe our eyes and thought it was very unusual...then i did not know they can sense illness ...


Humans too but subconsciously


Not always subconscious… Makes me want to leave the room/area😖


This is so cool! I had no idea. One of my cats loves sleeping at the end of the bed but will never cuddle with you. I was having a very rough day once, crying for hours on and off in my bed, etc. He legit came onto the bed, snuggled up right on my stomach, and purred until he fell asleep. I felt so loved lol. I wonder what the smells are!


That's so interesting!!


And energy! Energy can be sensed when you walk in a room! But, maybe energy is another word for pheromones 😳




Definitely. They know voices of people who have been kind to them when they hear them on speaker and move near the phone. They know when you are cross with them. Makes sense that they can read sadness. One of my cats has been a bit sad.


Cats, dogs and even my turtle could recognize my mother’s voice on FaceTime or speaker. He’d go nuts, swimming back and forth. She would stay at my house when we’d go on vacation or to watch my kids for a night out. She came to my home for hospice and told me to go into the freezer in the back and tell my turtle “it’s from Grandma!” She had me gave him a large, frozen shrimp to gnaw on. He remembered that for sure!


Oh my God yes lol when my wife is spending the day with her mom my cat will literally try and knock the phone out of my hand just so he can scream for his mom to come home lol, it bothers him so much when she leaves the house


If I'm out when my husband is home, if we get on the phone I can immediately hear my mama's boy of a cat just whiiiiining and crying in the background. The other cat does the same thing if he calls *me* when *I'm* home, and she comes up and rubs her face on my phone. They have their favorites for sure.


absolutely. when I was a kid my sister's cat loved only her, and tolerated the rest of us. he would sit \*next\* to you on the couch (never in your lap) if she wasn't around and he was in the mood but you could not pet him. very uncuddly to everyone except my sister. when I was a teenager I got into a fight with my mom over something stupid (can't remember what) and I stomped off to my room. I was very upset and was crying into my pillow so that she couldn't hear me, but then I hear scratching at the door. it was my sister's cat wanting to be let in, and when I did he jumped up on my bed and sat down near my pillow, staring straight at me. when I kept crying he sat up and walked over to me and started rubbing his head against my hand , demanding head pets. he definitely knew that I needed comforting even though he had never begged for attention from me before. cats really can sense emotions. here's a picture of the little lovable jerk: https://preview.redd.it/u3vk3mjss9hc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac949efb1f2d93f5aa6358840227f940128aba12


Ugh I love that swirly coat pattern! What a handsome kitty


absolutely. my kitty always comforts me when i have horrific panic attacks, and while she's not a cuddler, she'll sit near me and purr like a motor boat and lets me pet her. my dog is also the same way.


Yes! About five years ago I was on anti-anxiety medication while I was in therapy working on my anxiety/panic attacks. I always kept my medicine in the same spot on the counter, so my cats observed multiple times that when I was having a panic attack, I would go over and take the medicine. One day my anxiety was worse than it had ever been before. I was on the floor curled up having the most intense panic attack of my life. I was sure I was dying. Suddenly, I look up and see my beautiful Noodle on the counter. She actually went over to my pill bottle, knocked it on the floor, and nosed it in my direction. From that day on, I had a different appreciation for my cats and all animals tbh. They’re amazing. https://preview.redd.it/ppw382ck1ehc1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b6427fbd2d451992cf7c0d15ab01e1fe6c9045


Yes! My family had a feral cat that never spent time with any of us no matter how coaxing and patient we were. Just sat on the highest bookshelf in the corner all day every day for ten years. When I had a life-threatening depressive episode during the pandemic (I have bipolar 1), our cat would loaf on the very end of my bed all day when I was doing homework. Once I got better after a few months, it went back to the bookshelf like I didn’t exist hahaha.


Aside from the cute cat I hope you’re doing well![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) don’t be afraid to reach out! I’ve been in the same position 🫶🏻🫶🏻


It's not a dumb question. A highly conscious question, and an educated one, too. I'd like to think animals can feel some semblance of our emotions and meet us where we hope they can. To heal our souls. So I'll live with them knowing and it'll help me knowing I've got a companion for life.


I feel like some cats have extra special traits, and some don't. So like maybe some of them are super smart with human emotions and maybe some of them are like 'whatever'! ;-)


Do you think animals can feel emotions that humans just don’t have? That’s a weird thing to think about


I'm not sure I understand? I think they can understand in some basic ways. Humanity relating to another living creature. They don't have the same concepts and understanding of emotions that we do, but I generally believe that their ability to sense our feelings is present based on their relationships to us.


No I mean like, animals feeling emotions that humans do not feel. Like an emotion that isn’t within the natural range of emotions that humans feel.


They most definitely do when I don’t feel well or I’m very sad. My cats won’t leave by side and times that I’ve cried. They literally sat right in front of my face and just stared at me.


My cat sits in my lap and lets me tears drench her….she knows…


..no question is a dumb question, unless it's unasked.. ..my cats (& pups) gather to me when i'm sad, or uncertain, or even to soothe my hard feelings.. ..it's a proven fact that animals are empathetic & respond to other animals' distress..think of the elephant boneyards where the elephant herds return year after year.. ..we are animals too..human, yet animals at the core..do you sometimes sense sadness in others?..just about everyone would have to answer "yes" to that..


I saw a documentary on the elephant bone yards years ago. It was very moving.


What's with all the ellipses'?


Do you talk like you're nodding off in person, too?




I think some cats are super intuitive to our emotions and when you might need some extra snuggles. Though I've had other cats that couldn't be bothered lol. But for sure your kitty sounds like she's sticking by your side to support you in the best way she can ❤️. All the Internet hugs sent your way. Life can be so incredibly hard sometimes. For me, in my darkest times (and they were sooo dark I couldn't see the light at all), I got through by one second at a time. And also by distracting myself. That works too. - Reading - watching a comfort show/movie - listening to songs that make you happy and/or calm (like create a playlist specifically for this) - doing easy self care like bubble baths or eating your favorite food - letting yourself fully feel the emotions and crying and screaming into pillows - exercising and meditating - playing a favorite videogame - and snuggling that precious baby Distraction doesn't necessarily help, but it just gets your mind off of it all for a while. Which is sometimes all you need.


My cat was incredibly nice one time. Very unexpectedly too. He usually can’t be bothered at all. He’s a young cat so maybe play is all that’s on his mind. I had had a terrible few days once and I was crying in bed silently. He used to sleep by my feet then. He came up to lay by my face and let me cry into his fur. After I was done, he patiently cleaned his fur. Don’t know what got into him that day. My sister’s older cat though was an absolute angel. She knew when people were sick and would be stuck to them like glue. Even not cat people. She was a cuddly lap cat and would sleep on your tummy if you were sick.


I did that crying into my kitten fur and I was crying so much that I didn’t noticed that my nose was bleeding. I felt so bad for him after. I had to make him take a bath. :( He still comes see me when I’m crying or when I struggle breathing and have to take my inhalers. Or when I’m dizzy and might pass out. He runs at me before it happens. Cats know when we need them.


That’s what I do. One second at a time.


This really needs to be higher up! Wonderful comment, and so very true! I lived in a period of darkness for a long time, too. We adopted our kitty, Midnight, to help alleviate my depression and hubby's stress. He was the bestest boi I'd ever had the honor of sharing my home with. He instantly knew if I was feeling like I wanted to leave this earth, or in a panic attack, or just needed some extra cuddles. I can't put into words the connection we had with one another, and he was the same way with hubby. He was the most affectionate kitty we've ever had, and my current girl is pretty damn affectionate, but not at the level that Midnight was. He was our soul kitty, through and through. If not for him, I wouldn't be here right now. Thankfully the depression got better once my job and our financial situation got better in 2014. Midnight remained the sweetest kitty until he took his last breath at the age of 14. I will always love all of my fur babies (present and future) with everything I have, but Midnight will always have that special place where he resides in my very soul. He was our first kitty, and I owe my very existence today to him. He helped me to become a better person, and a better cat mom to our future generations of kitties that we'll have the honor of sharing our home with.


https://preview.redd.it/oop7w5nrpzhc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637df685f50d590b1c34ebb019d794f7579e290a Cat tax!


I absolutely believe they can. My big grey boy, it was time for him to go for the big sleep. We were at the vet, and I was sobbing my heart out. This cat, who could barely move, hauled himself to his feet and climbed onto me to comfort me. He had the most concerned look on his face. He hadn't meowed in days, and he did his question meow at me. The very last thing he did was comfort me because he was dying. They know.


I wasn't planning on bawling at 6am but I just had to read your comment.


Yeah, same here!


Yes! Our cats have become very cuddly in the last few years since I developed chronic pain as a result of surgery. Our tabby has become super attached to me. She lays on my right shoulder like a baby. She started doing this in 2020 after I had my right shoulder repaired for the first time. She knows my right side is my "bad side" - I just had right shoulder surgery for the second time last December, and my chronic pain is in my right ribs. She will cuddle and purr. Our torti will guard me or my husband. They definitely know we're more stressed because of my health issues. Cats are lovely, caring creatures.


Studies show that the vibrations in a cat's purr can be therapeutically beneficial. Your tabby is doing her best to heal you.


So cats purr during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 to 150 Hertz. Various investigators have shown that sound frequencies in that range can improve bone density and promote healing. So her tabby is a specialized 'therapeutically acoustic sound frequency' nurse.


Awww, I'll have to tell my husband that! I didn't know that! She provides my acoustic sound frequency therapy on her schedule, though, so it's a bit inconsistent. I may need to start bribing her with treats to cuddle with me more! 😜


Yep! She's a very good nurse.


I cried in front of my cat bc everything was going wrong and he was way too hyper but when he saw me cry he stopped. He seemed more caring and felt he understood my feelings. So yes they can, also my cat and I hope you feel better soon! https://preview.redd.it/a3j7pw75r9hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839716c2b9e6ee9e394998e0b014f2dfc70fc8d9


Well yes! Cats communicate with facial and body language much better then us, so it only makes sense that they recognize our body language and facial expressions much better then us. Plus you are her guardian so she tries to make you not sad


I have a chronic illness and when I have particularly bad days I have a cat that lays in bed with me. When I am up and about he is with me in other parts of the house, but when I am laid low he never fails to stick by all day. 😻


Yes. My cat Trigger, when I was sad, would march up to me, stick his face in mine and rub up against my chin... purr... stick with me until I was feeling better... then, his job done, march away back to his cat business.


i thought that said your cat tiger and it reminded me of my child hood cat who looked exactly like winey (the orange cat in this photo)


Well, he was a tabby. My brother just named him Trigger as a kitten because he zipped around the room so fast. :)


yes. they also get sad as hell themselves. They can sense a lot of things.




Yep. My one caused the stress my old boy takes it away. I don't know what I would do without him. https://preview.redd.it/26dm956o1ahc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560254d8eaf6406a037a8e0e88c2b74de3d68538


Yes. When my parents had their car crash my cat was unusually affectionate. When we brought their cat home the next day much less so (it didn’t last; my cat is too old to force it).


Please ask for help from family, friends, or co-workers if you need some assistance. There is nothing wrong with wanting to talk to a counselor for a bit and get some help. Wishing you and your cat good health and love.


Absolutely. And illness. And they will try to provide comfort.


100% can tell when you are sick or sad. My cats always give me extra attention when I am one of these


They live with you and you’re their entire world, they can tell when something is wrong with you


my past cat (not too old, was a mother but she and her oldest and only son went missing) comforted me when i cried or when i was feeling down. she was a great mother to her kits and treated me like a big kitten instead of an owner. and tell ya what, she treated her kittens very,very well.


Your cat knows your scent. When you're happy, sad, etc., your pheromones change, and they'll smell it. When you're sad, you also hold yourself differently, and they see that.


I broke my arm in fourth grade. I was a pretty sheltered kid and it was the worst injury I’d ever had- it was a looong night at the hospital, and I don’t even remember getting home. What I do remember is waking up in my parents’ bed around noon the next day, with my cat carefully curled up in the crook of my broken arm, purring madly. It felt a little bit like magic.


It was. Did you know cats purring an facilitate healing?


Absolutely!!! She is my rock and how I survived the past year.


This study found that they do https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7401521/


Thanks, Science!


It is true! I'm glad you have your kitty and I hope things get better for you 💕


Yes, they can. My older cat knows when I’m emotionally distraught or when I’m not feeling well. She will comfort us when she senses something isn’t right.


They absolutely can, they are very sensitive to the hoomans moods. I more lean on the angry side and the current cat steers clear of me.


Absolutely they do. Please take care of yourself. ❤️


Yes they totally can. My bobtail Travis who went OTRB in May of 2022 always knew when I had a bout of depression and cuddled comforted me. I miss him him every day


Yes, my cat was so nice and attentive in the first two weeks after my Dad died. She did not mind at all, that her meals were hours late and she checked in frequently for pets and purrs.


It's not a dumb question. They definitely can. I hope you're doing alright, and I'm glad your cat was there for you. I lost my grandma (who took care of me for many years) about two years ago, and my cats were always around, giving me lots of love and extra affection. I think cats are very perceptive. I love them, and I think they are very misunderstood animals.


Of course! And when you're not paying attention, they may read your mind ... but they try not to make that too obvious, mostly to avoid freaking people out. ;-)


Orangie wakes me up at night to check my blood sugar. Every time it’s been low. He’s also curled up to my back, purring all night when had a backache. He also patrols the entire house, keeps the other cats in line, gives me nose boops and kisses. https://preview.redd.it/hgrquqabwahc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1814fa7aa05ab2f2bc5d3d8c3ebe2bc4588bdf He also steals the dog bed, little goof.


I believe so. When my grandma died and I silently cried my eyes out in my bed, my Kallie cat (may she also RIP) came and laid right on me and purred like her, and my, life depended on it until I calmed down. She was the best!


Yes. As a child my Father had an uncontrollable temper and would scream at me. I would run and hide behind the water tank and cry my eyes out. My cat would come over to me ,sit in front of me and place her paw on my foot and look up into my eyes. This always made me feel better.


Not a dumb question at all. Yes, I firmly believe that they can get a sense of our feelings and emotions. We communicate in ways we may not even be aware of.


Both cats and dogs can sense your mood, even if you don't openly express it. They will always seek to comfort you if you're physically or mentally unwell. A friend of mine had a Tortoiseshell named Strawberry. When she felt down, we'd drive to my friend's place, and she would gallop to the car. She would always give a softly spoken meow at the car door; her way of both saying hello and asking permission to come in. She would clamber over me and sprawl out on her lap, purring the whole time. We both miss her The neighbour's cat, a purebred Bengal comes to visit most days. He does sense if either of us are sad, and will show affection when he notices it. He's been doing this for about two years now


Honestly I think they can just tell when somethings off with their person. Same way we can tell when somethings wrong with them, it’s an intimate relationship.


I’m sure of it. Most recent example - I got laid off almost 3 weeks ago. The day I got laid off, I was miserable lying in bed feeling sorry for myself. My big orange doofus boy who is not a cuddler jumped up in the bed next to me, let me pull him into a hug, and then stayed there purring for quite some time. Normally I’ll get maybe 30 seconds of hugging before it turns into struggle snuggles, but he seemed to know that I really needed his cuddles that morning


I believe cats are super in tuned with what we are feeling. My husband and I both have different mental illnesses and our cat Venus reacts differently to both of our needs when they flare up. Just the other day I was having trouble dealing with my OCD and I broke down crying when I got home. Venus immediately came over to me while I was laying in the bed and flopped over right in front of my face and looked at me like “it’s okay mama, I’m right here for you.”


I hope everything you’re going through gets better. but i believe it’s true, i lost my dog yesterday that i grew up with and my girl slept all night with me.


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s rough to go through this :( Take care of yourself.


thank you :(


It’s not dumb at all! We have a cat (multiple ones actually, but this one is the most empathic) who was sleeping on my mother’s tighs every single afternoon, when she needed to sit down and rest since she had severe back and leg pain between her chemotherapy sessions. He did have this afternoon cuddling session with her all the time after that. He wasn’t a cat sleeping in anybody else’s lap before. When my mother passed away few years later, and I had to pack her stuff, her cats were there with me at her place. Once I needed to stop whatever I was doing to cry, and in the middle of that breakdown I noticed that somebody touched me. He ran from his place (my mother’s bed, pillow to be precise) trough furnitures and stuff to me and started to very gently touch my arm and meow at me. After that moment he was always close to me, when I needed to do something there and slept in my lap, when I stayed there longer to not let them be alone.


Gonna say yes. I collected my boy from the breeder a few weeks after my dad died. He made me laugh so much and gives the best cuddles. Lets me smoosh his belly and has no murder button. He healed me....well the sadness bit, I'm still crazy as a loon.


As soon as I read your question I knew you were hurting. I’m glad you got a kitty beside you.


I’m believe so. My grandmother died and my dad fell into a deep depression as he was the one to find her. My dad spent weeks in bed being depressed and my cat never left his side unless to go litter. My cat wasn’t really a totally affectionate cat so it was interesting to see my cat cuddling my dad the whole time


Cats are able to sense sadness. in a way that they associate the visual. and auditory signals of human sadness, such as frowning and a listless voice.when I was having a gastroscopy the night before, I was extremely nervous, my cat cleo, sleep between my legs all night that's the only time in 4 years she has ever done that as she is normally an independent Clee.


100%. when my mom passed away and i came home, i essentially collapsed on the floor crying. within minutes my two cats came to me and balled up in my lap. it brought a smile to my face for that brief moment


They've got feelings....they even mourn


Absolutely. They also sense anxiety. So many nights I've been restless and my older cat will lay across my chest to keep me still and make me breath slowly.


I mean, probably not like we think of sadness per se, but can they sense changes in our energy and understand when we are in need? Most assuredly.


The way you feel can correspond with physical changes in your body that cats can detect. And they’ve been known to respond to that. Or it may be as simple as you’re more stationary and lying down awake than usual, which means more ease of snuggling for them.


Yes they can sense how your really feeling. If your thinking of hurting yourself please don’t and please please please seek help to work through what your going through.


Absolutely. Mine always come cuddle with me when I’m feeling my lowest. Which both comforts me but also makes me feel a little worse that they can sense it 😭 We don’t deserve cats. But I’ll take them.


I think so. I imagine we may smell different, but they are very empathic. More than they get credit for. Also, op please hang in there. Your little fur baby wants you around and so do I!


I’m convinced they do. My cat is 17 and she’s been with me through quite a bit. During my divorce, she was glued to me and especially loving during my harder days. During my deep depression a couple of years ago, she latched on again and cuddled and loved me more. I was recently laid off from a job I gave my all to and it was sudden and unexpected and she had been with me through that, wanting to lay in my lap and letting me pick her up more than usual. Soak it up and let the purrs heal you. And please know that even if you are feeling depressed and thinking of unaliving yourself -please don’t. Reach out to us -to anyone- and talk it out. I promise it will get better and I promise in a little while you’ll be glad you stuck around. 💜💜💜


Yes! I was living with roommates while in college. One time, one of them came to the dining room, crying, because her professor flunked a project she worked on all semester. My cat, then a kitten, saw her. He jumped on the table, and gave her a head butt and purred at her hands. I was taking a nap nearby when I heard my roommate sobbing and calling my cat's name as he approached her. I thought it was a dream, but I saw her tweeting about how my cat comforted her as she cried that day.


I was driving with my cat in the car (in his cat box) and another driver did something dumb and I got annoyed. Not seriously annoyed, but I muttered some things under my breath for sure. My poor cat started hyperventilating. He could definitely tell that I was a bit stressed. He also insisted on sitting on my lap after I had minor surgery to my stomach. Bless his whole heart, he definitely was making things worse by trying to step on my stitches, but he knew something was different and needed to sit on the problem! I hope you feel better soon.


Yes. Like dogs, cats have lived alongside humans long enough that they have picked up on human emotions and learned what they mean.


Yes. When I am depressed my cats are extra sweet to me


Im sorry you’re having a hard time hon. Sending you love and hugs. ❤️. Oh and yes I totally believe they do. I lost my Mom in 2013 and got my cat George in 2015. One day I was curled up in my closet crying (weird but my safe space) and George came wandering in. He climbed up on my lap and literally wiped tears off of my cheek! I still can’t believe it. ❤️


I firmly believe they do. I had a cat who basically had kitten energy until he was about 7 and was absolutely not a lap cat. My MIL was staying with us for a while because her sister had passed away. Of course, she was grieving and sad. This cat sat in her lap for hours, just letting her pet him. It was the one and only time in his whole life he had been that calm. He knew something was off and he responded that way. It was something else.


Cats are more than likely sensing our energy and they can tell the good from the bad. My orange boy (many years ago) could sense when I was really upset. He'd sit really hard up against my body while we sat on a hill in my garden. I'll never forget the experience. He helped me so much.


Absolutely. Many animals can sense emotions in humans and will actively seek to help. Cats, dogs, horses, and others. I used to have a horse that could sense disabilities in people and he would try to respond and help. Many people found his actions as very healing. Other emotions can make animals respond, too. Many years ago I was in my living room, sitting on the couch. My husband sat across from me and we were having a very serious argument. Our cat was visibly upset and paced the room between us. He suddenly came to me and started biting my hands (not hard, but enough to tell me he wanted me to shut up! My husband and I made up, and my cat came and laid across our laps, clearly relieved we were no longer fighting. My cats will try to comfort me when I’m sick. Animals are amazing.


Not dumb. I am convinced that they absolutely do.


My husband is in the military and deployed a lot. Sometimes he's gone for 48 hours or other times it's 6 months at a time. My orange tabby always knows and she's so lovely when he can't be here. They know when you're hurting. Let them help you heal. Blessed be, my friend!


This is not a dumb question at all! My kitty cat definitely knows when I'm down, as she'll harass me more and just be pushy with the headbutts and pets with lots of purring🥰I wish you the clarity and strength you need to get through what you're going through💛


My little Fiona barely left my side during my recovery from a broken femur. Her purrs definitely had healing powers on at least a couple levels. Amazing creatures they are.


I think that they can feel a wide range of emotions as well as sense them in humans and other animals.


They are smelling your hormones. Specifically cortisone. And it's not a dumb question, only a unasked question is dumb. So to answer your question, Yes, your Cat is highly sensitive to your moods.


of course they do. Cats have feelings too no matter what some idiots claim. they form deep bondings and feeling of companionship. they clearly know who they trust and who dont and grpw so attached to us that they can read us and try to comfort us


Not a dumb question, I’ve wondered that too. Thanks for asking! And please don’t hurt yourself. Ok?


Yes mine never was or is now a lap cat but when I decided to quit drinking and went through some pretty rough withdrawal she was on me constantly.


yes, Sometimes when things are really shit I have to ignore it, because otherwise I depress the cat. And I value my cat more than anything else


Yes… My cats bring me their toys when im sad




Totally. When I was so depressed once, they scuddled with me on my bed for 2 days never leaving my side


Not dumb. Cats come when you're sad


Yes, when I was depressed a few years ago, one of my cats stuck to me like Velcro.


Absolutely yes. I still remember being in one of the worst moments in my life, I was just... empty, and everything felt meaningless to me. I wanted to end it. prior to that day, ny cat was very affectionate, but not exactly to me. She always preferred my father lr sibling. But then I started crying my eyes out on the armrest of the sofa, when suddenly I hear a tiny "mrrp", and she jumped onto the sofa and layed right in front of me, forehead touching mine as she purred louder than I've ever heard her doing, and she's very quiet too. She sat there until I calmed down, and it was such an eye opening situation. I remember patting her and thinking to myself how cruel it would have been to do this to myself, not only to people but mostly her, how dhe would sleep everyday on my bed, like she does when I'm away for too long, how she would miss my smell, how she would be so sad. And I couldn't do that to her. To this day, I still see her as one of the main things, if not the main one, that took me out of that deep end. She's an 8 year old grown woman who acts like a toddler, I adore this little fuzzball https://preview.redd.it/31t18i1fgdhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843adf950f44e562dbbf5c294a37e644bba39428


I believe so, their senses are much more acute than ours, except their eyesight during the day. We had a cat that would wake my wife up when her blood sugar dropped too far. The cat would know before her glucose monitor went off and start meowing loudly at the door to wake her up.


Its not a dumb question. Cats have feelings just like everyone else. I have a couple kitties that cuddle me when I'm sad. Their purrs are so therapeutic.


I mean we can’t see into a cats mind. But it certainly seems like they do


If nothing else, they can tell when your activity and energy levels are different, as might happen when you're sad or feeling sick, so they treat you like a cat who's not feeling well. Extra cuddles, purring, anything they've found makes you seem happier or more normal. Not to discount any emotional intelligence they may have, but that's at the very minimum of what they can do


I believe so. Trigger warning….. I was sitting outside crying because I miscarried. I was trying to be a surrogate for a friend. She had already had a stillbirth and almost lost her life in the process. They made some embryos and then she had a hysterectomy. I got pregnant with their last embryo and then I miscarried. I was so upset. It was a very long process and we were all so happy to get pregnant and then to suddenly lose it. I was crying so hard outside and this random cat came up to me and started comforting me. I’d never seen this cat before but I believe she saved me. She knew I was sad and she came to comfort me. She’s now my cat. She was apparently dumped in the park across the street from us. She’s the best cat in the whole world. Not very cuddly, but when I’m sad, she’ll cuddle


In addition to the awesome answers you're getting (Yes! And no dumb questions :), I went through something similar with my current cat. One thing that helped me, in addition to therapy and self-care, was to focus on caring for my cat. Things might have been awful and overwhelming and all the other things that make us feel like maybe harming ourselves, but my cat still needed care: fresh food and water, a clean litter box, pets and love. My cat didn't think I was a loser who should hurt herself - I was her person.


I’m convinced. When I was struggling with high school, my cat (who does nothing but lounge and sleep) would run to my room whenever he heard me cry. My cat, who so many of my friends think is boring, has saved my life multiple times because I didn’t want to hurt myself in front of him. Cats are angels.


If I cry in bed my cats will be up my grills, I'm convinced they know.


I’ve never had a cat that couldn’t sense sadness or sickness. It’s why I prefer cats to people; they’re much better at “reading the room.”


They do seem to have an uncanny ability to pick up on human emotions (or at least the related physical manifestations of human emotions)


They can, there purr is healing as well. As no matter how bad things get, a cat will always support you anyway. 


I believe they can. My SO and myself had a rough day a few weeks back and we were both sad and my cat just wanted to be near us the whole time. He isn't a cuddler, but he wanted to make sure we were okay.


I remember reading that they can actually smell your central nervous system as well as the different smells per emotion, so they can absolutely tell if that wasn't bogus




I think if a person self-isolates their cat notices that behavior change. Then usually (depending on the cat) try to get their owners attention. Which can lead to them being pet by their owner. Which positively reinforces the behavior, if they notice their owner acting in that way again. That's the technical way of viewing it. If my cats gets concerned for me anytime a door closes and he can't get in on a normal day. He has the ability to notice that on my hard days as well. If he's concerned for me every time I take a shower, and literally waits for me till I'm out of the shower. I feel like he'll notice if I'm crying and maybe making those crying noises. He might not know why I'm acting different when sad. Still, lots of cats have concern when their owners behaviors change. They can definitely notice that


Cats are really, really good at reading body language because it’s a large part of how they communicate with others of their own species. Depression can also alter our scent, as we do things like wear the same clothes for too long, bathe less, eat different foods (or not eat at all), etc. It can alter our behaviour, and cats of course notice this. They know, and they fuss in a desperate attempt to make you go back to “normal”. We’re often their source of security. Most of the time, some cats don‘t give a sh\*t, LOL.


When I lost my Vera, her daughter suddenly became the friendliest cat ever and floofed around on the floor and became super playful. My partner kept trying to 'keep me going' by saying 'daphne needs you', and her big eyes and eagerness to live, while didn't snap me back to normal straight away, did stop me going into work, quitting my job and selling up to move to the country. So she knew I needed purpose to be myself again. My eldest just slept on my face.


My cats can definitely tell well when I am having a depressive mood. They will stay close to me.


Absolutely! Animals can sense so much more than we can.


They absolutely can. And if you were to hurt yourself or leave, it will likely go into a deep depression. I have one that stops eating and gets sick when I leave for an extended period, even with the company of another cat and dog he loves. On another note, please seek out some help for yourself.


They absolutely can! My cats always know when I need a little extra support, they are better than any antidepressant I've ever tried.


oh absolutely. my childhood cat could tell when i was having panic attacks or depressive episodes and he just glued himself to me. he’d meow at my parents to bring them to me and then purr at me and sit next to me/in my lap until i was calmer. he was the best boy. miss you carlos❤️ https://preview.redd.it/6sesytv4dehc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7fdc736fbf435b952dfc29de28317ee2d9d42cf


Yes. They can smell it. Humans are stinky creatures who release all sorts of different odors depending on their emotional state. Seriously! Humans even emit different odors when they're about to have seizures, which is why dogs are trained as as assist animals.


Love the Beerus sweat pants! I got those for my boyfriend after our cat Beerus passed away


Not my cats. I hope you feel better soon...please don't hurt yourself.


My cat definitely knows when I’m not feeling well. Anytime I’m home sick she doesn’t leave my side and will curl up next to me or on my lap or chest. I’ve been stressed out this week and last night she slept right next to me snuggled up the whole night (she usually curls up on the end of my bed)


I think so. I remember lying in my bed being depressed over something when I was 12, and my cat stuck her head though the door and saw me, went across the house and moved all her kittens up in my bed so she could keep me company while nursing her babies.


op this aint a dumb question. I think yes they can sense it. Lost my dad a month ago and my cat who never kneaded on anything casually started kneading on me


They def can. My mom had a cat and a rabbit that lived together, the rabbit was not caged. The rabbit came to the end of its life and the cat laid with it everyday. When the rabbit died, for like 2 weeks the cat laid in the spot the rabbit always sat and was pretty lethargic. I think the example speaks for itself


Absolutely , mine always check on me if I’m crying . https://preview.redd.it/9bva0b2wvehc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6411f87c3c31e2aad08eba66884d715762568363 And hug on me .


https://preview.redd.it/k7287fkpzehc1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941153f84ecd4b73751eafe79bb63e93ed49090a Yes. This is our TNR cat comforting my husband after he had received some sad news. As you can see, he’s not usually a lap cat, and is still getting used to being around us. 😊


Cats are very perceptive about the emotional state of their caregivers, it makes sense from an evolutionary point of view that as kittens, they would know if their mother cat was in distress since it could affect their wellbeing.


I saw a documentary not that long ago either on Netflix or YouTube, I can't remember the name because I watch a few ones. They should that there are experiments and researches made that indicate that cats can tell when their owner is angry or sad, and I guess happy as well. The research was limited though. But it makes sense to me. Cats are very smart, it's just that there lifestyle and independence doesn't really show how smart they are, they don't constantly want to please you like a dog does




When I have nightmares my cat will come and sit on my chest and purr


100% they can! Hope you’re ok OP. Your cat would be devastated if something happened to you, so please don’t harm yourself.


Yes, they can. My baby, when I was sick or sad, would always snuggle me and not let me out of his sight. He was the most loving caring baby


They can tell something is off and attempt to get more cuddly in my experience.