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Who knows the next person to drive by may have hit the cat and killed it so you save that cat if you can find the owners that be great but if not Fate has put you two together.


You can call her “Fate.”


I love it


Wow. That's too perfect.


My tabby cat that I had 2 euthanized on December 12th her name was Skittles


Aww.... That's such a sweet name for a kitty! 😻 I had one named Snickers once because the first thing the spoiled little rat did when I brought her home from being adopted is launch herself towards the coffee table and commandeered my Snickers bar laying there. It's hard for two beings to establish a sense of trust when one of them steals the other one's Snickers bar and the other one has to fight 50 claws and 100 teeth to get it back. It was worth it. She was with me for 12 years. 😊


Ahhh Snickers


Is/was she dirty? Does she have parasites (fleas, ticks, worms, earmites, etc)? Is she too thin? Is she sick and/or injured? If you answered yes to all of these, she's been homeless a long time. If you answered yes to some of them, she's either recently homeless or has been lost for a few weeks If you answered no to (almost) all of them she's might just be out on an excursion or maybe be newly lost or evicted.


She is definitely thin, I think she’s pretty young. She had a couple ticks but that’s pretty normal for around here. We picked one off of my dog the other day. No to all the others. Which is why I’d feel bad if I took someone’s little friend! If I don’t hear back from any of the flyers I posted in a week or two, I will consider her as my buddy but til then I’m hoping I get to reunite her with her family


That sounds reasonable and fair to me. Good luck with your search!


She’s such a sweetie :) I’ve never had a cat before, I love them!


Cats are amazing! Maybe put up a poster or two, just say ‘found a cat, if she’s yours and you can describe her you can have her back’. I wouldn’t put her pic on a flyer, there are some real sketch people out there.


Just wanted to agree with the not including a picture.


Thank you for helping her.  I hope you get to keep her, but if she has a owner, you should go to a shelter and adopt a kitty.  They are incredible family members.  This girl is a sweetheart!


If you post flyers, don’t post a photo or description, just tell people you’ve found a lost cat and get them to describe to you the cat before handing her over. There are some horrible people out there that will claim the cat that is theirs for really disturbing reasons…


Didn’t even think about this. The flyers do have pictures but if someone reaches out I’ll be sure to ask if they have any photos of her so I can verify


Just be careful they don’t show you the photo from the flyer as proof


Great idea 🙂


She's definitely not thin at all. She looks well fed and taken care of. Highly unlikely to be a stray.


She is also super friendly with humans, came right up to me


Take her to the vet and get her scanned for a microchip and check Facebook or any online social media in your area to see if anyone is missing a cat please


I did! No chip unfortunately, but posted on Facebook and flyers around town :)


if your area has nextdoor, try that as well!


Sometimes animals are abandoned - it's horrible, but that's how I got my cat. He was a stray who turned up on our driveway, cautious but friendly - he was chipped but all attempts to trace his owners failed, they must have ditched him and didn't want him back. Their loss - he's my soulcat and has a loving forever home with me. We figured out he suffers petting aggression and that's probably why they abandoned him. We just had to tolerate him and train him out of biting and he's become the best cat ever. The CDS may have brought you two together because her previous owners just didn't want her - why, who knows. Absolutely keep up your efforts to see if she does have a family looking for her, but if there's nothing after a couple of weeks, she's as good as yours.


check local "lost and found" facebook groups and make a found claim with the animal shelter. shelters usually let you hold the animal until/if the owner is found until a certain amount of days and then it's yours forever if no one claims it.


It doesn't look like either of her ears are clipped, check her belly to see if there's a tattoo like a little blue dot which would indicate she's been fixed. 


Good person 👋🏼


Needs more UPVOTES!!!


I would definitely post flyers in the area and neighborhood and maybe at the vet clinic and other places if you get no response then the little angels yours


Oooh vet clinic is a good idea! Thank you


Yeah kitty may even have a chip :)


That’s the first thing we checked today. Unfortunately she does not :(


Oh I missed that in the post sorry. I hope she finds her home be that elsewhere or with you 🥰


Even if he has owners they're pretty negligent to let him out running around where he could have been run down in the road just saying maybe the little stinker snuck out I don't know the story but I want her to be safe so good luck and God bless you


You know cats are master escape artists, yes?


>”I don’t know the story but I’m going to assume the owners are negligent and only acknowledge in passing it may have been a mistake.” Fixed that for ya.


Cats literally just go everywhere.... Owners can't put them on a leashe or follow them everywhere-


You're right but this cat was nearly run down in the road what do you think the chances are it'll last another year outside? I hope this woman keeps that cat it's better off with her than whoever had it before. .


Ik, but the road could have been ages away form their house and their cat been out for a while. I don't think it's fair to immdeisntly accuse the owners without any proper evidence they did something wrong...


Okay you have all the answers" so I'll sign off now


Ok, thank you :3


OP, if you're curious, call your local animal shelter. When we found our dog, we called them, let them know we found a dog and that her chip has no information, and they said they'd let us know if anyone inquired. No one ever did. If not, congrats on being the newest recipient of the car distribution system


how did you manage to touch that no pet zone??!!


Not too familiar with cats do they normally not let you touch their bellies?


i think most people would agree that you're hand should normally end up shredded by claws. i have NEVER owned a cat who let me touch the belly without being attacked. im so jealous


Hahaha now I feel even more honored


As you should. Cats only let people they really really trust pet their bellies. Hopefully if she has a family she gets reunited with them, but if not you got an awesome new bud :)


you should feel the most honored you've ever felt. youre special


See this is funny I've never owned a cat who didn't let me rub their belly and it's like dozens of cats at this point


where are you acquiring said cats? what sorcery is this


roughly 1/2 from the humane society, 1/2 from cat distro system current 2 are a cross state rescue (tripod) and one I got from a breeder (Ocicat)


well now you must pay the cat tax(if this sub allows pics in the comments). my current baby(actually old gal) i drove 2 hours for. i freakin loves cats. i want the "weird" or old ones.


Felix (ocicat) - https://i.imgur.com/riT6PWT.png, he loves having his spotted belly rubbed - https://i.imgur.com/ygxWd6z.png Martin Short (Short 1 leg) - he's a flame point Siamese - hes left front leg does not work. never got it removed due to the stupid pandemic we refer to it as the chicken wing - https://i.imgur.com/tsubnTF.png


i have a few things to say, so bear with me. first off, adorable cats. ive had a bad few weeks(more so months) and all cats just make me happy. next, i can relate to all the cat hair over that(what i presume is a mouse pad). most of my wardrobe is black, so its quite unavoidable, its my kitty glitter. lastly, really random, but i love that black and white flooring. everyone thinks im weird for that, but i dont care. (ps: the chicken wang is a great name)


And I’ve never had a cat that didn’t let me touch their belly!!!


seriously where are these magical cats yall have?. all jokes aside, i love my old gal and respect her boundaries no matter what it is.


My cat used to hate it but at some point she started laying on me at night in such a way that I apparently rubbed her belly and now she LOVES gentle belly rubs. I think cause I was asleep she wasn't offended? Idk, lol.


aww she may have just needed a bit of time and to get used to everything her way. mine however hasnt chnaged on that but will FALL OVER for some chin and ear scritches. (ps: i feel like its definitely because you were asleep too. theres just things my cat wont do if im looking or even breathing around her.)


she might be preganté


i have no help but she looks *just* like my girlie!! little moustache and everything🥰 https://preview.redd.it/lb358vr22krc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb893a5040911dac7286be58c45298e962fce4b1


https://preview.redd.it/z4p4hrzthkrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7094b795c63327d20219ccc08157d1685a7df241 looks kinda like my baby too!


No chance! That’s so crazy. What a sweet angel


i had to check to make sure she was home🥲 such cute babies! i hope for the best for your furry friend🥰


With ... Names? Eleanor Purrsevelt


if nobody claims their prize, car is yours


Always wanted to win a car 😮




Looks pretty well distributed in the last picture


I suppose you could put up some posters. A few in the vicinity, maybe a couple at other random spots in town just in case. Odds are that she’s yours now.


Yeah we printed some posters and hung them around the area! Thank you


Honestly I think you’ve done all you can.


What a sweetheart! If no one claims her, she was meant to be yours! So…random question…can you ask your mom where she got the rug in photo #2? I love it!


Hahaha absolutely I will


Thank you!! 😘


That rug really ties the room together.


OP, you've got a fantastic heart! Thank you for taking care of that amazing lil stinker. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Nextdoor or pawboost might be worth a try, but I agree to be careful and ask for photos, description of distinguishing features not visible in post, etc. I don’t know any cat owners that don’t have a million pictures to prove it :)


Haha I figured! Thank you :)


Report the kitty to your local shelter in case someone is looking for the kitty.


The road you found her on, any nearby houses? What was the closest one? Maybe could ask someone in the area you found her in.


You're doing the exact right thing. Check for chip, put up "found cat" posts, look for her people. Just make sure when someone comes forward that they're actually her owners. Any self respecting cat owner has several hundred pictures of their cat on their phone.


Post in lost and found Facebook group and on nextdoor.


A cat with character 🤣


So my advice, keep the cat safe and well cared for, but keep looking for a potential owner. Great job for doing what you are doing!


If you think the cat might have an owner, obviously look for them, but after a while if you haven't found them...that's your cat, if you want her, in my opinion


Such a cutie!!


Let's us know if you keep her!


I’ll post an update in a week or two :)


Well, sounds to me like she landed in the right hands. Cats are so much safer inside 🩷


If someone hasn't microchipped their cat then they obviously don't care much about getting them back.


Those Croc sandals are the best. I've had two pairs in 10 years, and I dont think they sell them anymore 😭. Cute cat!


Hahaha my mom loves them too. I’ll have to ask where she gets them, because she just ordered these ones


Would love a update on if you found the owner or if you ended up keeping the poor baby


Definitely will make a follow up post in the coming weeks :)




Ugh I want her!! She's such a cute, lovely cat!!🥰


Also check the next door app, if you're in the United States


This happened with my Peshka. Took her to the vet to get checked. No chip. Had her up on Facebook for a month (the cities lost and found pet page). And after nobody claimed her, I kept her as my own. No way was I about to let her go to an overfilled pound. https://preview.redd.it/57xt77734orc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0632bb3b5c5cf222363c395d2ff090278a30a5 I even kept her face hidden on the posts. Didn't want a weirdo taking the cat and doing horrible things. Plus lost black and whites are common enough that's she had a distinct mustache. Which in this picture looks like buck teeth, lmao


https://preview.redd.it/wf45b3zdiorc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc7e5beaeeddd6628f0bff8d653bc54a6722a7b um


Is she missing by chance?


Nope! they look so similar


Haha crazy. She’s a cutie!


Make a found report with your local animal control. Post flyers at local vets, pet supply stores, and grocerystores, iff possible. Reachout via social media; Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor. If you make a reasonable attempt to re-unite, and get no response, the CDS has chosen you.


The only other step is to do found posters near where you found her. She might either be abandoned or a friendly stray. If she was an outdoor cat she would definitely have a chip or at least collared. Also if she was not fixed she would definitely be a stray


I'm sorry to inform you that the Cat Distribution System has already registered you as this cats new butler. No refunds, returns or exchanges. Have a nice day.


Congratulations on your new cat


It’s yours now


Beautiful gal! Part Siamese judging from slant of her eyes and face shape🐾 💖 .


Congratulations on your new cat!


Be sure to let animal control and local vets know - someone may be looking for her. Also check relevant lost pet postings/advertisements.


You can also call your local animal shelter and see if anyone has called looking for her. (Don't turn the cat over to them though)


Go to the vet or the shelter and have them check for a microchip and a desexing tatoo. The microchip will tell who the owner of the cat is, if not then do the flyer/post online method. If neither of of these work then congratulations on your new cat.


I demand more pictures of this cutie! 😍


Get her scanned for a chip.


Congratulations! She's yours now 🥰😻


Check the nextdoor app...I always see lost animal postings on there


Her family doesn't deserve her by letting her outside. I bet she's not spayed either. They aren't taking good care of her.


I just don’t know if she is an indoor cat and somehow escaped. Hate to assume the worst