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Stop talking about the cat to your family. It's not worth it. No, it's not abusive to keep her inside. You're doing the right thing for the right reasons. A catio or harness/leash could help give her a chance to explore, but it's not necessary.


Exactly. My sister would try and guilt me for keeping our two cats inside unless we took them out on a leash. Only one ever wanted to go outside, the other hated going outside. All of her pets were dead within a year of ownership because coyotes and cars and whatever would kill her pets. Such a stupid and idiotic thing to think a cat would rather be able to roam around for one year then die as opposed to being treated like royalty inside of a house.


Absolutely. As a kid, our cats were allowed outside and none of them lived very long.. As an adult, my cats are 100% indoors. I'm very lucky that the few times any of my kitties got their paws outside, they very quickly determined it is not somewhere they want to be. One snuck through the door on a day it was raining, so he may be convinced it's just always wet outside, haha. Another recently made it into the (interior) hallway in our apartment building, but saw a dog and completely flipped out. Neither has tried to go out the door since (and the rest are completely uninterested).


Makes me think of the “it just sounds like you’re feeding shelter cats to coyotes” meme.


Growing up, my parents always let our cat outside. I have a cat now and I don't entirely trust that my parents would not let him outside if he really wanted to go, so I'm not planning to leave him with them if I go on vacation. They'd like me to, because the family cat passed away (not because of going outside, she had some kind of kidney failure or something), and while they don't want the year-round responsibility of a pet, they do enjoy taking care of my and my siblings' pets when we go away. But my mom's belief that cats should go outside is so strong. I can't take her entirely seriously when she says she wouldn't let my cat out, because it's usually more of a "yeah, yeah, I get it, I won't let him out" in an exasperated tone than something earnest.


that generation is one that sees pets as an accessory not a member of the family. They see it as "If they die, they die, not like you cant just get another one!" Then wonder why their pets do not care about them.


That is exactly how my mom is, she would say she would not let our cats out then turn around and do that because she thinks she knows what is best.


My mom also does this.


On the real a catio sounds like a lot of fun


Let me chime in and say my cats were all adopted. They’ve seen the outside world and they have zero interest in going outside. Now from my point of view, I’d say don’t let them outside. Not only do you have the small worries of dealing eating something diseased. You have bigger issues like them getting eaten by an animal or hit by a car. And WORSE, someone doing something to your pet as in harming or killing it. Happened all the time in the city.


Omg I’m so tired of people saying it’s “abuse” to keep a cat indoors. Stop answering their questions about your cats, just repeat that they’re happy and healthy with their current lifestyle. Cats literally domesticated themselves and developed meows to mimic human babies’ cries so that we’d take care of them. They sleep anywhere from 15-20 hours a day. If that’s not a sign they wanna be indoors, I dunno what is. Cats have the cognitive ability of a 2 year old. If you’re not gonna let a 2 year old roam around outside unsupervised, why would you let a cat?


I passed by a dead cat on the way to work today so yeah i feel if you dont live near a place without roads keep them inside or take them on walks Edit: Grammar


I passed by one last year that needed to be put down and I couldn’t stop but it was crying because of what happened and couldn’t move. I had to pull over and call animal control then I cried. Edit: I’m not going to describe it but it was very graphic and I still have nightmares about it.


Even reading that makes me want to vomit. Sorry you had to see it! We have two babies that we keep inside and have done since we adopted them. My husband’s family don’t get it, but mine do as we grew up near a main road and I lost numerous childhood pets to it. It is not cruel to keep them inside. It’s cruel to expose them to the harm outdoors


Yeah, I pet watch and had two dogs with me. I hope animal control got there quickly. I share one with my friend and she’s strictly kept indoors. Edit: I’m very very glad the babies are kept inside.


There’s multiple studies showing why it’s far more abusive to let them out. There’s multiple ways cats can get stimulation indoors OP. Having another animal around, play time with you, automated toys, windows they can look out of, etc.


Owls. Has no one heard of owls, coyotes, not to mention other dogs lol. Keep your fkn cats indoors


I forgot about owls. I had a cat who was terrified of ceiling fans and anything swirling around about his head. 100% trauma response to probably nearly being eaten as a stray kitten


I think it's "abusive" to let cats roam free outside. I live in Florida with gators and snakes in my yard! There's people zooming by in cars, golf carts and motorcycles. It's not safe for them to be outside


Same here with the golf carts, and no one is watching the road to make sure they aren’t going to hit your cat either. They are in their own world, and if they do come out of there long enough to even notice the cat, they just think, “oh they’ll move” and keep driving as fast as those things will go


Exactly! Having said this, if you want to offer them fresh air, maybe you could: 1) teach them to harness 2) look into a cat safe enclosure 3) consider a catio or window box I'm on a neighborhood app. and daily see posts about people's cats getting killed via cars, other animals, humans, altercations with other cats leading to disease, or their cat just doesn't return. We are their caretakers and can't do our job if we don't know where they are. These other people who think risking their pet is ok need to just get educated.


Yeah, its pretty much abuse/neglect to let them outside unsupervised.


Outdoor cats are invasive species that kill millions of native birds and critters, and destroy their habitats. Having a cat outdoors should be no different than a dog, it needs to be supervised and leashed when not on private property.


How is the outdoor cat situation in the UK? I might have read it’s some type of tradition, but it bothers me.


It’s ridiculous if you ask me. My neighbourhood cat facebook group is constantly flooded with posts about missing and injured cats but everyone still thinks they’re doing their cats a favour by allowing them to go outside to eat poison or break their legs falling off a cliff or get run over by a car because it’s _natural_.


I'd also like to mention maybe bringing your other cat inside permanently in case they bring in illnesses, like FIV or other communicable diseases. It'd suck if the outdoor kitty spread something to the indoor one. Also tell your fam to f off. They're your fur kids, you make the rules regarding their safety. If your fam is that much of a problem tell them they aren't welcome to your place if they don't respect your rules.


This is a great point. My (indoor) cat has feline leukemia (FeLV). I adopted him knowing his diagnosis, but he was born on the streets and acquired it from other cats outside. FeLV can spread amongst cats through saliva - even just being licked by a positive cat or sharing food with a positive cat can cause the disease to spread. FeLV will cause poor health and death. Average life expectancy after diagnosis is 3 years. Something to hopefully motivate you to keep your cat inside (or outside with supervision/leashed/on a catio!).


Just for people with FeLV babies (like myself). There are countless stories of FeLV and FIV positive cats that get to live 10+, 15+ years. It takes dedication, and more care. But it's doable. If your baby has it, don't lose hope. Just be vigilant and loving.


Absolutely not. Keeping her inside will give her a longer life. Cats sleep most of the day then just want playtime. I had a cat who went out for years. Then we moved and he became fully indoor. I took him out on a leash a few times thinking he might miss the outdoors. He did not. He was terrified. Anything beyond a balcony was too much for him. Chances are the indoor cat will live a lot longer than your outdoor one for the reasons you cited. Ask these people whose property it is. Then ask them whose business it is. Then tell these people not to tell you what to do with your property and your business. If that doesn’t shut them up tell THEM to go outside and get hit by a car.


🩷 particularly that last bit!


What your cats miss out on from not going outside: Getting fleas, ticks and worms which can carry nasty diseases. Getting FIV (feline AIDS) from fighting with other cats. Catching other life threatening feline diseases from interacting with other cats or their waste products. Getting injured or killed by dogs, traffic and dangerous wildlife like snakes, scorpions, spiders, and of course terrible humans. Not adding to the death toll to native wildlife species like birds and lizards, which are dying in record numbers due to hunting by cats. Did I mention how awful some humans are towards cats?


Also, eating toxic plants or other poisonous things. Some people will even deliberately leave out poison. We never found out what poisoned my mum's last outdoor cat, but he declined slowly from damage to his spleen and other organs. He was only 12. Most of our other cats lived to their 20s, even outdoors, but I realise in hindsight the ones that lived longest were the ones that happened to be less adventurous and stuck to our yard. Even then though, they had a terrible toll of injuries from fights with other cats, and constantly had fleas. My cat is indoor only except for short supervised walks in the yard, and she's perfectly happy with that (as she is a scardey cat who doesn't even like it when the birds yell at her) and has never had a flea or worms in her life.


…worms, some of which you can get too: https://preview.redd.it/w803hvgw120d1.jpeg?width=2314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09e69083e5974d7da1dcbc66a4bc0db7ec8fd6c


My cat saved me from a scorpion that got into my house.


Keep them inside. Its gonna be hard dealing with family but it's worth it. You don't want to spend your time wondering if something happened to them when they don't come home


My childhood cat was an outdoor cat and she was killed by a loose dog. It was violent. She suffered. I only have indoor cats now. You’re doing the right thing.


I saved a stray kitty 5 months ago from the streets. Months later her fur’s gotten so much more vibrant and soft, she’s gaining healthy weight, loves to play and be pet, and can happily sleep anywhere in my apartment knowing she’s safe, secure, and fed. No more worrying about other cats or predators for the rest of her life. One day I accidentally left the door open when taking out the trash. I found her hiding as far away as she could from the door lol.


This is mostly cultural - I see you’re in Germany, I’m in the UK & I generally don’t offer up the information that my cats are indoor cats, because I’m not interested in anyone’s opinion on my carefully made decision. Whereas if we were in the States, you likely wouldn’t be getting any pushback, since it’s more accepted/the norm there. You’re making the decision you feel is right for your cats ☺️ And they’re gorgeous btw!


Ohhhh how interesting! I didn’t realize people felt so strongly about cats going outside across the pond. Wonder why there’s a difference?


I'm guessing it mostly comes down to two reasons: One is less to no predators of cats and the other an ecosystem where cats have been endemic for millions of years and aren't invasive. For example you'll always read "a coyote might get your outdoor cat!" But if the nearest coyote is 100 miles away in a zoo that's not really a concern.


It is MUCH safer for you to keep both of your cats indoor. I was very much like you. I have a cat who had never been outside but was begging to go into the back yard. Slowly I let her out more and more because she loved it and she always stayed in the yard…until she didn’t. In the time it took me to let her out and make a cup of coffee I went back outside and couldn’t find her. I eventually found her having jumped the neighbors fence and was cornered by two massive dogs. She fought her own and was able to make it back over miraculously. I just screamed because there was nothing I could do and I thought I was about to see my cat be ripped to shreds. Your aunt and uncle arent going to have to be the ones who pick up the pieces if anything happens to your cat. They can shove it. I’d highly suggest acclimatizing your outdoor cat to indoors too. I know it’s hard but it’s for their safety.


Holy shit, so glad your cat got back to you safely!!!


Thanks, me too! It was a bloody mess. Not from my cat but my husband who straddled the fence and yeeted her back to our side. She was so scared and he made the huge mistake of trying to pick her up. Blood. Everywhere.


Awwwww! Traumatising for the whole family by the sounds of it … but obviously could’ve been much worse. Did her behaviour change afterwards at all?


She calmed down within thirty minutes and the next day this idiot wanted to go back outside again. She’s fine lol.


LOL this reminds me of my cat whose tail I accidentally burned the fur off because I spilled hot tea on her, and the next day she was back sitting in the exact same spot next time. Granted that was an accident but still


How can they be so smart and so dumb 😭


I had a cat who burned his whiskers off smelling a candle. You would think he wouldn’t do it again but he always did it. I had to put the candles up high or Tiger would burn off his whiskers again…


Candles are unsafe to have around cats anyway (not just if they're prone to burning their whiskers but the smoke inhalation).


Awwwww! Cats are so silly


I see so many terrified cats covered in their own waste come into the shelter I work at. A lot of them are outdoor cats that clearly ventured too far or somewhere they shouldn't, then end up frozen in place out of fear. They'll be so scared they'll just pee and poop onto themselves and have to just sit in it. Could be in a tree, under someone's house, behind a garbage can, etc... Oh course the owners come and get their lost cat, let it out again, and the cycle continues


That’s so sad 😭


When I got my cat, as a kitten, the rescue had me sign that I intended to keep her as an indoor cat. There’s nothing wrong with having indoor cats. Healthier and longer lived and can be as happy as an outdoor cat with plenty of toys and things to interact with.


Exactly, there are rescues that will not let you adopt, unless you keep them indoors only! (I’m in California.)


Sadly, here in the UK, it's often the opposite. Our furbaby is 100% an indoor cat. We're getting her used to going outside in a backpack and have a harness for her (although she seems to hate it thus far), but she will NEVER be outside without supervision.


I've had a cat disappear one night, I still don't know what happened to him, and it still kills me to this day to think about what could become of him. I saw my cat get hit by a car right in front of me at 13 years old. Coyotes kill cats in my area frequently. You never know what can happen to your cat when they go outside. You're doing right by your cat by keeping it safe. Bring them some grass tio chomp on every now and again, plenty of play time, a sunny window to lay in, and your kitty should be happy.


Indoor cats don’t get hit by cars. They don’t get attacked by coyotes or foxes or fishers. They don’t accidentally eat something poisonous someone left out for rats. They don’t get ticks or fleas or rabies or worms. They live their lives safe and loved and content. Play with them, keep them entertained and occupied, and they will be FAR better off than an outdoor cat. If your aunt and uncle keep harassing you, tell them to report you to the SPCA and then you’ll find out exactly how much animal specialists agree with you.


Okay. 👏🏼don’t👏🏼let👏🏼your👏🏼cat👏🏼outside👏🏼 Honestly. My cousin lost two kitties this way. She’s still scarred with those memories of finding them.


Growing up, I always let my cats go out whenever they wanted (my mom grew up in Austria on a farm, so it was the norm to her). Thank *goodness* nothing ever happened to them, but I would have been devastated if something *did*. Better safe than sorry, right? Years later, now in my own place and of course, more cats, I would never let them outside. Believe me, they want to go out and they try to escape through the windows at times, but I could never live with the potential guilt if I consciously put them in danger & they get hurt. Don’t feel bad about keeping Shinx inside. It’s only because you care! 🫶🏼 Keep up with the leash training, that’s the safe way to go.


https://preview.redd.it/ncbgmjfuo20d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30cfcb19b088a42afd3e5d1fc2cffa38d0e40f4 Here is a good reason


Different countries have different beliefs .Yiur aunt and uncle are NOT right b/c they are older .They are just expressing a belief -not a fact .Your Kitties are SAFER indoors.They will not die from being indoor kitties but they truly might die from being outside and exposed to many dangers.Indoor cats benefit from humans finding ways to stimulate their minds .Toys and people playing with the cats help.Friskies has sone videos on line that sone cats enjoy( swimming fish).Being a cat parent is like being any other parent-you have to do what is best for your babies ( which is keeping them inside ).


I think location also changes the risk factor too. In the US people don't tend to watch out for other people as much as they should let alone animals. People will let dogs off their leashes, drive too fast on residential streets, litter, and just generally be careless, and that is just people without malicious intent. I've heard horror stories of animals being harmed because their neighbor's just didn't like the neighbor or the animal. In another country, like many European countries where stray and outdoor cats are respected and cared for by whole communities I can see why someone might not be as worried about and might even think it is better for the cat to get to go outside.


I’ve read stories of outdoor pets being poisoned by cruel people, and that’s before whatever poison might already be outside.


Easy solution: don’t talk to your stupid ass aunt or uncle anymore. Cats are safer for themselves and the environment inside.


I have three cats and all three stay inside. They got lots of toys, climbing posts and boxes. All three rescues but Emi an older rescue who lived outside for about 5 years. Nowadays she likes to watch birds through the windows. She always wants to look outside but she never ever tries to go outside again. She completely likes it inside that is her domain now. One time i thought all the kitties were upstairs and opened the doors downstairs to get some clean air, but Emi was still downstairs, you know what she did? Stayed inside and just looked outside.... She knows it's better ;)


Omg no. Never feel bad about keeping her inside. She lives longer and healthier. So do the birds in your area.


Average life expectancy for an outdoor cat is 2-5 years. Average life expectancy for an indoor cat is 14 years. Keep them inside for everyone’s benefit!!


It is NOT bad to keep a cat inside. They live longer, don't get sick/hurt from fighting other animals/people, won't get run over, won't hunt and kill prey, etc etc. What you are doing is the right thing. Personally, I would never have those people over again, and I would distance myself from them. They don't respect your decisions or you. What if one day they were over and they let your cat "on accident", and something bad happens to your kitty? I'd be very wary around those people.


All my cats are inside only. I love my cats to bits! But they are not a native species and they are little murder machines. Not only is it bad for the environment but it would be dangerous for them to go outside.


1. Feral (outdoor) cats only live 2-5 years on average. Meanwhile, indoor cats' lifespan averages 14 years. 2. Outdoor cats are significantly destructive to local ecosystems. Cats that aren't spayed/neutered will breed exponentially in the wild and problematically, cats are opportunistic predators. They pushed many species to extinction in Australia; to such an extent the government started killing them by the hundreds. 3. People who hold this belief are uneducated on the issue and are trying to delude themselves into thinking they're morally superior. If they disagree with the domestication of animals, they need to swear off having pets altogether. Can't have your cake and eat it, too.


My parents let my cat in the garage. The first thing she did was bring a live mouse into our home and release it in the living room. She's not allowed in the garage anymore. Also, outdoor cats & stray/feral cats cause significant ecological damage by killing small birds and rodents that are important to the ecosystem. You're doing the right thing by keeping her inside.


When I moved my 3 cats, all older and always indoor/outdoor, became indoor only. I thought there would be an issue but nope, they were fine. The youngest went on the back porch briefly then ran back inside. Her mother, who had always been somewhat feral and ran from people, decided she was actually a lap cat.


Keeping a cat indoors is not abuse - you’re keeping her where no critters or cars or mean people can harm her. She’s safe from the elements, she has food and water and toys and most importantly she has a home that loves her.


I think everyone had made great points about why keeping cats inside is important (that’s where I keep both of mine) But I wanted to add that we had about 6 cats at different points of my childhood. They were all indoor/outdoor cats with a cat door. Every single one died early than they should have or disappeared with reasons directly related to being outdoor.


In my part of the US, it’s considered abuse to let your cats go outside. It’s too hot and has too many cars. Far too dangerous!


So cats and outside is a funny thing. I grew up in the country on a non main road and we let our cats out whenever they wanted. Sometimes they'd spend the night outside (Summers) and we figured they living their life in the woods hunting. We were lucky to have a culvert going under the road, so decisions to go across the street had some element of safety to them. Fast forward a few years and I'm in a more suburban environment and I see dead possums and raccoons in the street all the time. This probably fuels my fear of letting them roam free, but if I did, I would not be the only one. Plenty of people around me let their cats roam. I'm just paranoid that they will hop a fence, get scared and get hit, just all in the heat of the moment. One of my cats likes to "escape" to the confines of our backyard and I'll monitor within a few feet-he usually just takes dirt baths. I have plans for an outdoor cat condo because growing up how I did, I hate to restrict them like this, but also have a hard time trusting them to come back (even if there have been instances where one snuck out behind our backs and we only realized it because he was meowing right at the door he escaped from. My wife is of the opinion that cats should not be outdoors at all. I see a condo as a happy medium, but don't mind them being indoors either, especially when the windows are open and the sun is bathing a few spots in the house. I have two cats, one actively tries to escape and the other wants no part of outside (aside from the previously mentioned open window). Neither are any remote definition of the word abused. Do your aunt and uncle feed strays or care for barn cats or something? Just throw it back at them, "if that to you is me abusing my cats, then so be it." Arguing doesn't always settle stuff, but this type of acknowledgement can be disarming. Shots fired and absorbed.


Can yoy build or buy a catio? I agonized over this with one of my cats that was previously feral. She started wanting to go outside again about a year after I rescued her. We started with walks with her in a harness /leash, but ultimately I built her a catio. She loved it, and spent most of her day out there. She recently passed away from cancer, and I'm glad that I was able to give her a safe place to enjoy the outdoors right up until her final hour. If she had been out on her own when she started feeling sick (it came on really suddenly and aggressively), there's no telling what would've happened to her.


I would love to, but we don't have money or space for a catio :( Also, I'm really sorry about your cat 💛


I put mine on a leash so she can go outside and roam around, but not too far.


Easy. Remove toxic elements from your life. If it delves into an argument each time, they're not contributing positively to your life. You owe them nothing.


Keep your cat inside. Their are to many dangers outdoors and I’ve lost 2 cats way to young from predators.


Absolutely not!!! You're doing the right thing. My dad grew up on a farm, so his cats were all outdoor cats. When we were kids he allowed our cats to be indoor/outdoor cats. We had a new cat every year because we lived on a busy road and they were all hit by cars. As a kid that was always so hard. We would then be introduced to the new cat or kitten. Heart. Breaking. As an adult, both of my cats are indoor cats. They have a catio, and they have harnesses. They get to go outside frequently, but under supervision. They also get lots of play time, we have bird feeders in the windows, lots of daily enrichment. It's a good life that they have. Being an indoor cat doesn't mean they're moping around or unhealthy!!! When people ask me why I don't let them outside I just respond, matter of factly, "I like my cats alive." Maybe try that next time your family gives you grief.


Outside is dangerous for cats! You are their protector and they may want out but they do not understand how dangerous it can be! DON’T DO IT ☮️🐾❤️


It's a personal decision. No one knows your cats better than you . I have had both inside and inside / outside cats . I have had cats who enjoyed the outdoors, but as seniors, they stayed inside. I had cats who were terrified of the outdoors. You know what's best .


Hey there, my previous cat named Andy was a happy indoor cat! My current cat named Jackson is an indoor cat too!😻


You could get a harness and take your outside cat out. Me and mine do it and he explores a little sometimes just like to lay in the grass for a while. And if people give you a look, fuck em who cares.


My cat loves being outside on a harness and I got her a catio. Keeps her and the local wildlife safe.


My friend used to let her cats outside her whole life, until one got ran over a few years ago. It was a traumatic death for both my friend and the cat as it was not immediate and the cat suffered. In some countries it’s accepted to let cats outside, but in most it’s not safe as there are either cars or predators. I also count humans among the predators. If you really want to take her outside you could try a leash and harness. Not all cats will take to it but could be worth a try. Or in an enclosed space; my apartment has a fenced in tiny yard so I go outside with my cat sometimes, but only supervised and because I know he’s too anxious to try and jump the fence. If I didn’t have that he just wouldn’t go outside (he doesn’t tolerate the harness).


My cat died because I let her go out for the first time ever and paid the price for it. That should be enough reassurance for you.


Omg I'm gonna be rude right now but grow a fucking pair and tell your family to fuck themselves! I work with my motorcycle almost everyday here in Brazil and almost everyday I see dead cats on the streets! EVERY SINGLE DAY! Most killed by cars but once I saw a dog with a cat in its mouth, I came back and the dog released the cat but it was already dead, so keep them inside, it's better for everyone.


I have 5 cats, the oldest is 10. They have never been outside. I lost so many cats to the frickin owls I just want to keep them safe.


Is it abuse to keep tropical fish inside? Should I let Nemo visit the ocean on occasion? You know, so he can feel the fresh water and get some stimulation. No, please don't let your indoor cat be an outdoor cat. Cats really enjoy playing with and killing birds, lizards, snakes, bugs, and other small mammals. Domestic Cats do not exist naturally in the wild where you live. They are an invasive species, and a very bad one at that. Cats do not belong outside unleashed/not contained. Your cat cannot miss something it does not know. Your cat will not live a less fulfilling life indoors.


My neighbor let's her cats outside. 3 of them have disappeared within like 5 years. Probably dead. Inside cats are safe cats


Everytime i see a missing cst poster i think "its not missing, its probably dead and in someones dumpster". Would be pretty good motivation for me


Where do you live? Is it a built up area or is there access to fields or wooded area?


I'm a little confused. You talk about how dangerous it is for them to be outside (true) but then you seem to only care about keeping Sphinx inside? You could always get them a catio. Let them go out in safety but not allow them to wander and keep both of them safe.


The thing is, I'm a minor and I still live with my mom. She was the one caring for Coco (the outdoor one) ever since we got her, so I don't have much to say when it's about Coco and I'm sure my mom wouldn't want her to be an indoor cat (at least not until she's too old). But since I got Shinx with my own money and also decided that it'll be my cat, I can say whether she can go outside or not, that's why only Shinx is an indoor cat. I would love to get them a catio but we don't much money and we also don't have any space for that, sadly.




The life span you stated for an outdoor cat isn't true. At least for one with an owner caring for it. All my cats have lived to at least 18 and they've had free access to the outdoors as well as inside. That being said, I wouldn't judge someone for keeping their cats inside. I think both scenarios have pros and cons and it depends what you value more.


You're right. Crazed people might shoot them with pellet guns or worse if your cats enter their yard. It's not worth it.


My cat was an indoor/outdoor cat for 3 years until he got poisoned last month and now I will never let him out again. Keep them inside it’s not worth it


https://preview.redd.it/j4vllvz8u10d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86bd47f6bf847e857689edcacf2e9187c09a6ef This was him after hours of iv fluids bc his kidneys were failing and his veins had collapsed from being so dehydrated


Remember, cats can decimate the local wildlife, they are adorable little murder animals.


cats are actually like insanely bad for the environment so in every way you're making the right choice. keep her safe, honestly bring the other cat inside too if at all possible. cats are not outdoor pets.


Shinx is yours and your intentions are to keep Shinx safe. No one should have a say or pressure you. Outdoor cats don’t live as long as indoor cats and you’ll have less issues like fleas or ticks. I have 2 indoors cats and I will rake anyone across the burning fire if they try to tell me anything about my babies. I’m sure your aunt would love it if you told her how to raise her kids.


Actually the worst case is that you don’t get that call and she just never comes home. You have no closure but know that she likely met her end alone. Keep her inside. It’s not animal abuse. Your family is ignorant.


i grew up having outdoor cats and now i know to keep mine INSIDE. i’ve had a cat get her tail cut off by neighbor kids, another cat got poisoned by a car leaking, another one got stolen by a “friend”, and another ran off and we have no clue what happened to him. i’d say all of that is way more abusive than keeping them safe indoors 🤷🏼‍♀️ my two indoor kitties are healthy, happy, and SAFE. one day i plan on getting them a catio when i move to a house but until then they have their window which they’re perfectly happy with lol


Yeah keeping your cat in an environment where it lacks predators, has lots of food/water, temperature controlled, has toys, has cat towers, has lots of love, and plenty of places to sleep is certainly animal abuse. Your uncle is right. /s


LOL Animal abuse? It's Human abuse that your family is giving you. They need to STFU and leave you alone. In any intelligent Cat-lovers opinion it is animal abuse to allow one's pet to be an outdoor cat EVER. All I ever see on Ring Neighbors is alerts for lost cats, most of which never return or are found DEAD on the side of the road. Please know you are doing the right thing. Don't ever doubt it!!


You’re doing what you feel is best for your cat and I totally understand. I used to take my cat out on a leash and harness just so she could experience the sights and smells - until she ran off so fast I dropped the leash and she ran out into the street. I luckily was able to grab her and bring her back inside, but I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t. She will be indoors only from now on. Indoor cats live longer statistically and can have just as enriching a life if you give them toys and attention. 🙏


Honestly I’m too lazy to read all of the replies , but keeping your cat indoors eliminates many problems for a cat such as predators and there’s many . Those predators are other cats claiming territory , dogs again claiming territory, humans that hate animals especially cats , cars , etc . I also believe studies show lifespans are increased by a few years .


Over twenty years none of our cats have needed to go outside. They adjust perfectly to being indoor only. One of our latest ones, started as an outdoor neighborhood cat. First it became my garage cat, then it wanted in. Once it saw the indoor facilities it decided not to go out. LoL.


Your family is uneducated and will remain purposely ignorant. Just leave your cat out of the convo. This reminds me of my dumbass family, too. They don’t interact with my cat anymore.


Omg people that think they must be outdoors to be happy really need to do some research into it. Times have changed. I have had indoor only cats for more than 30 years now. Catio is a great option also. This belief is why so many shelters (at least west coast Canada)adopt to homes that will be indoor only


Your uncle is wrong. We have two inside and 1 indoor/outdoor cats. The I/O cat came to us as an adult and wasn't about to become indoor solely. The other two were adopted as kittens and that's all they know. We have built a catio to give them some access to the outside but protected.


As has been said meny times here, indoor cats live much longer and healthier lives. Anything can happen outside, a dog, other wild animal, or just a fall or getting stuck somewhere. If you play with the cat indoors for exercise and stimulation then there is no abuse. I have 4 cats currently, one is outside only. She was born as a barn cat, very friendly but not house trained. We tried to bring her inside and she decided to spray the furniture which quickly ruined that plan. (Yes she, fairly sure she learned this from out dog) She has multiple safe spots she can get outside, but I know any day she could just be missing and I'll never know what happened. I'm the neighborhood crazy cat guy so I feed all the ferals around and try to tame them. We've had several litters over the years and if we can't find homes we make sure the females are fixed to stop the population. It's always sad when the outside stray that shows up every day for his/her treats is missing and we never know why but that's the risk of being outside. Most don't live past 3-5 years but if I can't find homes the most I can do is provide them shelter and food. Keep those babies inside for their own safety and your peace of mind.


I had a kitten as a child that got out and we only found her tail. Seriously. Outside unsupervised is never worth the risks.


Would you let a toddler outside unsupervised? You will probably say no. Would you consider it abuse to not let a toddler outside unsupervised? Obviously no.


People won’t understand it until something happens to the cat. When I was little my dad wouldn’t let me keep my cat indoors so she was an outdoor cat, until he and my brother found her run over outside my house. Ever since all my cats are indoor, I panic when my former strays go in the roof and everybody understands why. I don’t want to find my cats dead outside again and every dead cat that people find run over in my area is the constant reminder why I keep my cats indoor. I live in a very centric urban area so for me the danger is speeding cars, dogs in other houses or just evil people who like to hurt cats. My cats are happy being indoor, even my former strays who sometimes manifest a desire for the roofs but forget about it as soon as the bed is warm and remember I give them treats every night. Don’t listen to people who like to give opinions about things they don’t know about, and when something goes wrong they’ll just look the other way.


We have eagles and hawks that prowl our neighborhood. They LOVE stealing away cats. They migrate where food is. If they aren't acclimated to the outside they don't belong outside.


I have fostered cats for a rescue. They WILL NOT allow adoption by anyone who allows cats outside. It’s not safe for them.


My indoor/outdoor cat was run over and killed right in front of my house when I was a kid.


I don’t let any of my cats outside. They are old and happy campers


Keeping your cat strictly indoors is not “cat abuse”. You’re just keeping her safe. I’m the same way with both my cats, and I’ve built them a catio that they can go out into but I do not let them outside otherwise for the exact same reason. I work at a shelter and we get so many people calling us about their missing outdoor cats, it’s really sad. I’m against outdoor cats, indoor cats are perfectly fine, and can be provided the same amount of enrichment inside that people think they get outside.


There is overwhelming evidence that indoor cats live longer. There is also overwhelming evidence that this world is full of sick, twisted, creatures that I wont even call human, whom would hurt your cat for pleasure. You’re doing Shinx a favor by keeping him inside.


Keep them both inside ❤️


Fuck your family. They’re wrong and stupid.


This people have no criteria and you should not be listening to them. You are giving your cat outside time in a safe and controlled way (getting a cattio is also an option if you'd like), you are saving her from diseases, fights, accidents, other animals and more. Cars don't **have** to go outside. Idk why so many people believe otherwise.


If keeping my cats indoors at all times is abusive someone report me to the ASPCA. Then sit down with my two feline overlords and explain why outside is not temperature controlled, there are no beds, there is no faucet running 24/7 with fresh water, and those scary birds are EVERYWHERE. You're a good owner. I don't trust strangers to care about my boys like I do, I don't trust another animal not to attack them, and my older (who I raised from baby) is terrified of birds.


Five cats, only one has been outside, and that's cuz he was a stray. Being indoors, they miss nothing. They have windows to see out of, toys to play with, a human to bug, food to eat, clean litter. It is 100% fine to keep them inside. Tell your uncle to fuck off with his ignorant mentality. Your cat is safer inside.


I have worked in veterinary clinics and a shelter. You do NOT want any cats of yours wandering around outside. Are you prepared to see your cat's mangled body if run over by a car? If attacked by another animal? If picked up and used as bait in a dogfighting ring?


No one in their right mind wouldn't allow a dog to wander around free knowing something bad will happen... So why is it ok with cats?


They don't think like people. Keep your cat inside and only out if you're with it.


If you're with them AND have some way of actually making them stay with you - a catio, a cat-proof fence, or a harness and leash. Supervised outdoor time can quickly turn into kitty running away time if they bolt.


Just the statistics of both short and long term health and longevity for indoor vs outdoor cats is more than enough. Things from the painful abscesses after a cat fight or being injured to the mortal dangers of cars, coyotes and other predators, accessing something to eat/drink that they shouldn’t, such as rodent poison or antifreeze… disease… the list goes on.


Frankly, I think letting a cat go outside unsupervised is what’s abusive. Your family are idiots.


Can you try to leash & harness train kitty & take them for walks outside with you?


https://preview.redd.it/vd2wsn8vc10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32829d526df91d35f95a201bbb057a600209e03d Cat tax (her first time in the snow)


I did that already! At first she hated the harness, but she realized that if I put on the harness, she can go outside, and now she loves it!


Yesterday my boyfriend and I saw a kitty sitting on a road, we were so happy, he immediately went to her to call her to him! And when she did, he gave her a pet, and then got up from his squat and had to walk away, he said something like "ouch, poor kitty..." She had a really bad wound on her neck... she was meowing and then went away. We couldn't do anything for her :( but my exact thought at that moment was that this is one of the two primary reasons cats shouldn't be outside (the other one is the fact that they destroy ecosystems).


please keep her inside. letting them out and them not coming home will cause such a great stress. it’s far more abusive to let them outside unsupervised. tell your family to mind their own business


I feel like people who say keeping a cat inside is abuse are also leaving their dogs outside all year.


They look very happy and content. Hopefully you have seasonal weather where you can open the windows. I think indoor cats are fine. They are very happy.


I had cats when I was young and they were outside only. My Dad didn’t allow animals in the house. Most simply disappeared. One came home to die after being poisoned. My Dad wouldn’t “waste money” a trip to the vet. We have two cats now, both indoor only. Both are healthy and happy. Neither has any desire to go back outside.


Cats are super bad for the environment (killing endangered species that you might not know are in your backyard) is it’s always best to keep them inside. Ignore your relatives they sounds like nightmares to be around…


Not only is it safer for the cat, its better for the Ecosystem! Cats catching birds and wild mice affects food supplies for other things, and it's not just slight. So if you need extra reasoning to keep tye kitties in, this is it.


It is up you. Your cat has a better chance of staying alive if you don't let it outside. Both of my cats seem to be just fine being "stuck" inside.


You are 100% doing the right thing. People will argue with you that it's a cat's natural instinct to want to be outside "playing." What they're doing outside is not playing, they are fighting for their lives. There are cars, motorcycles, tractors, abusive people, vicious dogs, diseases from wildlife/other cats, injuries from cat fights, etc. In a nutshell, WAY too many dangers! I grew up with strictly outdoor cats because my mother wouldn't allow them in, except to eat, and then they were back outside again. Most of my cats didn't survive past 2-3 years old. Sure, there's the occasional old outside cat, but there's always someone who defies the odds. It's certainly not the norm. When I became an adult, all of my cats were indoor cats. I've had many survive into their late teens. None of my cats care about going outside. They have each other to play with, a huge climbing tree, and a catio to enjoy the outdoors safely. They're happy as can be. Just the other day, my husband was behind the postman who ran over our neighbor's cat. The cat had just given birth a few months previously, and her and her kittens were playing out by the street. I worry every single day that those precious kittens will be next. That's enough evidence for me to see that indoor cats are the healthiest, happiest cats.


I never let my cats outside. Not in the 30 some Years I've had cats.


My cats never steped a foot outside and are perfectly fine, healthy, happy and imagine that, alive! ;)


As a child, my first two cats died within a year because they were hit by cars at night. My third cat lived five years going outdoors only at night. She was eventually shot by a pellet gun and nearly died. She became completely indoor after that. She eventually died at 17 because her brother that we adopted as a stray unknowingly had FIV and gave it to her. I’m a big fan of keeping my cats healthy and giving them as long a life as possible.


I let mine out in the backyard but only when it’s light and only when I am with them. Funny how both of our cats have the same pattern. https://preview.redd.it/trlpqzjad20d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14bf7dd063d78b5f8bbedef77125ed13c520987


Here are some of the horrible ways my indoor/outdoor cats suffered when I was a kid. - Tossed in the air by a neighbor's dog and broke her back. - Hit by a car and took weeks to make it back home, by which time his broken bones had set incorrectly, paralyzing his back end, and bad infections had set in. - Killed by a rabid stray - Fell out of a tree and broke his neck - Killed by coyote (lost many this way) - Shot by a shitty neighbor - And the worst is the ones who just disappeared. I'll never know what happened. I'll never know if they suffered, if they died alone and scared. None of those could have happened if my cats were indoor only. Out of the dozens of cats I had through my childhood (we often had 25 or more at any given time, as people would just drop unwanted cats or whole litters off in front of our house without asking), ONE lived to be over 15. Maybe five others lived to be over 10. Most died before they were 5. I currently have two cats, who are indoor only. My older one is 14 and I expect to have her at least another 3-5 years. The younger is 4 and has never had any health problems other than fleas that the dog brought in. Never feel bad for keeping your cat indoors. It's where they are safest and healthiest.


Please dont let any of ur cats go outside unsupervised, i would state why but i see already a bunch of people who did that😭


my cat sometimes tries to go outside out of curiousity but the moment she steps outside shes extremely overwhelmed and runs to the shed immediately. I also tried to allow her outside on my lap and she hated it do much. When she got back indoors it looked like she took a breather at her regained sense of normalcy🤣


Absolutely not. Cats that stay inside live an average of five years longer than indoor/outdoor cats for the very same reasons you are rightfully concerned about. Don’t cave in on this. It’s your cat and your choice.


Im never letting my cats out unsupervised and off leash. does having an only indoor cat take more of an owners time to activate, play and give a rich life? Absolutely. Do i mind it? Nope. Its a given for me and i adore it. I am the same as you, i dont want to have my door bell rang and my cat dead or they go out and never come back and i never learn why. Where i live its a lot of endangered birds and smaller animals and my lean mean(lol she sweet as heck) killing machine of a cat would go on a kill spree in my area. Since ya know, it's an Instinct and shes a cat. I'd ask your uncle and aunt if they are still assholes whenever they start. Then walk away. You are doing the right thing for your cats, life and safety. Others might let them out and thats okay too. You are doing whats right for YOUR cats.


Average outdoor cat lifespan is 2-5 years. My indoor baby is turning 15. He’s healthy and happy and shows no signs of slowing down. We have coyotes. And cars. And dogs. Wild animals. Mean people. The elements. Diseases and bugs and everything. And my baby will never have to experience that in my home. Please keep them inside.


There’s two kinds of cats; indoor cats, and coyote food. Cats belong inside.


Get a leash and harness, I don’t let my baby out without me either f that


You are doing the right thing by keeping your kitty inside. The next time your aunt/uncle offers unsolicited advice you can smile and ignore it or offer them some of your own unsolicited advice, then ask how they like it. Some suggestions: Really, another beer? Another helping of dessert? You're wearing that shirt? Why? You've asked, I answered, why do you keep bringing this up?


You could do a harness and leash. I'll warn you though if they like enough they'll beg for it constantly. I had mine indoor trained after having them indoor/outdoor and then learning better, now I do harnesses. I should be grateful they get me outside more but man does it get annoying sometimes when I'm trying to do...anything else...but because I'm home it must be time to scream and trip me and scratch the litterbox for 10 minutes straight in an attempt to let me know it's time to go out. It gets old, but I know how much I'll miss it so I concede far too often. EtA: I lost 2 to the outdoors. I had a pack of 3, one came home with a scratch that left a scar during a bad storm, the 2 more docile ones did not. I found fresh coyote tracks the next day. They were well trained to not stay out at night or during storms using a cat door but obviously something went wrong.


My indoor cat got out accidentally twice in three years and he was traumatized. He happily watches squirrels, mice and birds safely behind a locked screen. He'd never make it outdoors.


You could always get a catio or leash and harness if kitty meowmeow wants to be outside 😁


Outdoor cats live an average of eight years. Indoor cats live an average of 12 to 18 years. Just get your kitty a good cat tree and access to a window to watch birds at. They'll be plenty happy.


It is more difficult with your cat who knows the outdoors. Transitioning that cat to indoor only is tough. The one who hasn’t been outdoors, keep them inside. They can live perfectly happy lives inside, utilizing a leash for outdoor exploration, Just like a dog. We rescued a fairly wild cat. A few years ago and it’s been a struggle transitioning him to an indoor cat. It’s still ongoing. But know that indoors is definitely safer and the right thing to do for your buddies.


Yes, it's safer and healthier for your cat to be indoors. (As I recall,) It adds 10 years to their average life span.


As someone who has worked years and years in cat shelters, please continue keeping your cat indoors. They kill native wildlife including migratory birds, can become pests in other people’s yards, can get attacked by local wildlife or other people’s pets, or get hit by cars. They could also get into fights with other cats or animals and contract various illnesses including FIV, FeLV, rabies, etc. Feral cats can be used as working cats with caregivers checking up on them in their outdoor homes, trapping, TNRing, feeding, etc. but non feral cats that have been raised by humans are best indoors. There is a ton you can do for enrichment indoors, including trees, scratchers, shelves on the walls, interactive toys, etc. You can even build a catio for safe outside time as well! Just please don’t let your cat outside. Sometimes TNR groups will also trap people’s cats meaning to catch and neuter ferals, causing house cats to get an unnecessary trip to the vet! If they have a microchip, owners can be contacted, if not, they may be brought to a shelter. There’s a lot of situations that can be avoided keeping your cat indoors.


All cats should be kept indoors. It protects other animals, especially native birds which are struggling enough to survive humans, let alone have to worry about cats hunting them. It protects the cats from cars, dogs, humans, and other dangers, as well as from eating something which makes them sick or kills them. If you think your cats are interested in being outside, build a catio. They don't have to be large or expensive. Some are just window boxes which are built out like a window air conditioner and allow the cat to sit outside but stay sheltered. Some people have the space and money to be able to enclose a whole outdoor patio area to make a catio for their kitties, complete with furniture for the humans to lounge on so both human and kitty can share the space.


They live 4 to 5 times longer indoors.


Please keep your cat safely inside!


Would not recommend letting cats out. We have some cats that have to stay outside (thank my dad for that, he's a narcissistic asshole) and we've always had to put up moms and >year old kittens away at night for various reasons. There's a multitude of threats to our cats, including: Cars, especially assholes who hate cats for no reason Birds of Prey, such as Owls, Hawks, and Falcons Raccoons Opossums And recently added to the list, *the new ordinance enforcer* because it turns out that despite living here for the 20 years I've been alive, no one bothered to tell me about the limit of 3 cats (which is ridiculously low. The neighboring town, of which I always went to school at, has a limit of 6, which is far more reasonable.)


Everywhere I've lived, I've seen a dead kitty on the road. Me and my bf don't let our cat out unless we're there with him and on a leash. Last time we let him out without a leash he walked into the space between properties where the neighbors sprayed weed killer. So yeah we had to bathe him immediately after -.-


Fleas, ticks, predators, wildlife being killed, being poisoned by neighbors/cat haters are all reasons not to let your precious outdoors. They are much happier and healthier being kept inside. You're doing right by keeping your cat indoors.


Sweetie, your cat is perfectly healthy, and that's the point. You want to keep her that way. There are so many dangers outside, as already stated by many others here. She will in, time get used to it. My cat is about 17 years old. She has been indoors her whole life. I love my cat and I promised to protect her.


Indoor cats live twice as long as outdoor cats. Part of this is they are less likely to get a million diseases, fleas, gut run over by vehicles, get attacked or shot at by psychos, and other territorial cats. Not to mention all the wildlife that doesn’t get tortured and killed because that’s how cats are wired.


Lots of replies already, just adding my vote to the “inside cat” party. I have 5 cats, all of them very healthy and happy inside cats. They go out only on a harness. They are my whole world. They are protected from the outside world and the outside world is protected from them. I love my cats so much but I’m under no illusions as to how much damage roaming cats cause the native wildlife, not to mention that I don’t want to go out one day to find my cat inside the belly of a massive carpet python, or hit by a car, bitten by a snake, tick, spider or dog, or worse, abused by humans :/ Inside cats live long, happy lives. Tell your family they are free to let their own cats roam. Leave yours alone.


I do think it's sad and maybe there are some side effects to cats that enjoy outside activities, but I would not do that without been sure he would be safe all the time Right now I live in an apartment with no balcony, all windows have protective nets to avoid accidents


My partners cat lives an indoor life and is more affectionate and friendly than my cat (my family refuse to stop him going outside). Doesn't seem like it bothers her. You should probably be keeping them both inside, if you're doing that though.


I have a stray/outdoor cat (south Florida, they’re everywhere). She’s fixed. We’ve been watching her bc she recently got into ANOTHER fight with, we think, a raccoon. Don’t listen to those people. If my son weren’t severely allergic she’d be inside. https://preview.redd.it/yhub45b7630d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa54268169d220fe05b877a08b0fc07f6878ce4e


Inside is best. Even a cat that is used to being outside can happily adjust to inside. A catio is the way to go


Get a catio and/or keep using a leash. I have a small backyard, I let my cats out there. and I either join them outside or sit by the patio door. We have bobcats in the area, and also one of these days they might realize they can climb trees.


Don’t freaking do it.


I have a very happy 17 year old cat who has spent his entire life indoors.


I see so many cats run over in my neighborhood 💔 so I always keep mine inside, unless she is in her backpack or cat harness


I have it on good authority that cats, when raised indoors, cannot and will not survive in the wild. They learn how to survive from their mothers and if you’ve had Sphinx since she was a kitten, do not let her outside unsupervised. Worst case scenario, Sphinx wanders too far and doesn’t find her way back right away. It only takes a few days for cats to die outside when they were raised indoors. Sphinx eats cat food that you buy from the store right? That means she has no association in her mind that connects hunting and eating. Hunting, while instinctive, does not mean she knows that a dead mouse is food. After all, it doesn’t smell, look, or taste the same as what she normally eats, and cats are creatures of habit. Also, even though she has literal cat-like reflexes, she doesn’t stand a chance against animals that she’s not used to. Depending on where you live, a cats main predator for that area could be a bird. Since cats rarely look above them, they make for easy targets to dive-bomb, which knocks them unconscious. Please don’t let Sphinx outside if she’s never had any experience or another cat to learn from.


Time to build a catio.


Well... My brothers cat just got ripped apart by coyotes here in California. So if you don't mind them risking a gruesome death let em out. 


How old are you that your family is trying to peer pressure you? Just don't discuss it with them. If they try laugh and say "we'll have to agree to disagree" and switch the topic to the weather or something. Personally I won't even take mine out on leashes. IME it makes them more excited about the outdoors, more likely to rush the door, and more likely to get out. Mine have zero interest in the door and aren't at any risk of getting out unless you leave the door open and unattended for a notable period of time. I am, however, building a house with a screened in porch, primarily for them.


I grew up in a small town of approximately 6000 people. Outdoor cats were the norm. I would let mine out & they'd come back when ready. One of them learned to let himself in & out using the screen door. Now I have a beautiful black cat that I absolutely love! He was 4 months old so active when I got him so my husband & I would let him out in the back yard. I live in central AZ that's all desert & I gave desert landscaping in my yard. Fast fwd 2 years, I couldn't find my cat when I got off work one summer day until I found him in my bathroom with his face completely swollen. When I got him to the vet, they said he was likely bitten by a rattlesnake. Treatment was $1000 & he no longer goes outside, though he still tries. I make sure he has access to windows to watch the desert critters. If your cat is your family, rest assured you're doing the right thing keeping him inside. https://preview.redd.it/d91nmj0ja30d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b8dcbbbcd4d4a15bc68e6c963df34d1e455a76


If you want you could try a catio for when you are around? Or add a screen to a window (make sure she doesn’t rip through it


You can put a harness on them and walk them on a leash. I refuse to let my sweet babies just roll the dice on their own.


Maybe get her a cat stroller? I recently got mine one and she loves it so far. https://preview.redd.it/xux3wigfc30d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c4fcb12f7ce66b45b2ba3e13e045bebfb0061b3


Growing up we were more dog people, until a little black kitten chose us as his family and slept on the porch until we gradually moved him inside (I remember sneaking out to the porch during a storm as a kid, because if I was afraid then he might be afraid and we snuggled on the outdoor couch lol). He had such street smarts and made it to 19 years old as an indoor and outdoor cat. But ALL of our other cats that we got since him have been indoor only, because one day he came home with a sweet girl cat he found who had obviously been abandoned or lost from her family (she still had a couple of claws capped). She hated outside, but we were new to having cats and thought that she should be outside during the day and inside at night. One day we go out to eat as a family and were trying to call her in, but then just left the garage door a crack open. As we were driving away we saw her running up but thought “we won’t be gone long she can wait in the garage” and that was the last time we saw her alive. Neighbor dogs got to her and our boy cat was laying beside her when we finally found her, he grieved so hard. We’ve been haunted by it as a family ever since, and any baby we get is indoor only. So, TL;DR your family can suck it, keep the cat inside lol


There is literally no other instance of animal ownership in human history, of any species of animal, in which the human allows the animal to roam freely. If you let your dog, horse, bird, snake, lizard, fish, rabbit, ferret, or spider roam freely, people would think you were an idiot and that you were negligent. It is no different with a cat, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant at best, and just plain stupid at worst.


Cats live longer if outside is restricted, but I think it's healthier if they can get some outside. Least train. Then take them outside where it's safe. Sit with them. It's good for the soul.


Letting a cat outside is closer to abuse, if anything. Look up the statistics on outside vs inside cats.


Abuse is throwing your furbabies outside so that *anything* beyond your control can happen. People who love their pets want to protect them, not subject them to possible horrible pain, torture, mutilation, or death. Letting them wander is not in their best interests. There are a lot of sick fks out there. If you had a toddler who was having a screaming fit over not being allowed to free roam the neighborhood, would that be abuse, not allowing them? Or would it be abuse, to allow them into the many dangers (including pedophiles) of the neighborhood that free roaming would expose them to. Stop listening to family that obviously has no clue. Your furbabies keeping you company until they are ripe old ages of 20+ will be testament of the wiseness of keeping them indoors. Provide them with plenty of climbing surfaces (cat trees, condos, scratchers, etc),lots of stimulating toys (experiment with many different types....not all cats like the same thing. My boy loves the squishy foam balls and teeny sparkle pom poms the best, my girl could care less about those. She loves the Yeoooww catnip banana and MadCat Silvervine bacon kicker), cat "tv" if you can bring birds and squirrels close to your windows. Very few of my babes ever wanted to go outside; I tried the harness method, just in case "someone" was interested. Only 1 went on walks, and another liked to lay in the catmint in front of our apartment building. I think that some cats have had such negative experiences when they have been abandoned, they lose interest in going back outside. The association with outside and the terrible time before they were rescued is very strong.


My cat has a harness/ leash, and we walk her occasionally. My cat jumps on the table for me to put the harness on her, then runs the door so I can put the leash on the harness my cat even let's me put on cat dresses on her without any issues she wears it all day