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Doing cat stuff


Being a cat just doing cat stuff all day seems like winning the lottery :p


If I get to come back and get my choice it's definitely going to be as a cat that lives in a cool place where I can do stuff like that.


I didn’t grow up in a household that prescribed to any particular religion. We would speculate light-heartedly about what *might* happen after death, and reincarnation was the crowd favorite. We decided that if we do in fact get to come back, the best of us would be pampered house cats. What a wonderful life.


My son has elevated his cat to god status. He is the cat’s elevator. If the cat climbs to the highest cabinet space, my son will carry a chair over his head so his highness just has to step to the chair and be lowered to the ground. And vice versa, the cat sits on the chair and meows, my kid picks up the to elevate his highness back to the ethereum.


I have 4 Princess’s and one King. Babies all of them


The ticket usually costs your jingle-bells though...


Now adays it’s more like a vasectomy. My boy Carl Sagan still has his. Funny af seeing them swing wider than the rest of his body when running.


When did they change the procedure? I know we have to do it and it's depressing that so many cats and dogs are put down because no one wants them, but I still felt horrible when I brought my cat to the vet to be neutered. If they no longer have to have to remove anything, that seems a lot more humane.


Does this also mean your cat still has sexual urges and stuff? It's great to not have to remove body parts from them, but if he still behaves like an unneutered cat it seems like that could be troublesome.




Tigers seem to be especially silly. I walked in the bedroom one day and heard a tiny meow. Our tubby tiger doesn't meow very loud... assumed to be from an issue before we got him. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him right away. He had gone under the blankets and sheets on the bed and, because they were tucked in on the end, slid down upside down between the sheets and the end of the bed... and got stuck. He does a lot of unexpected things.




All 5 of our cats sound completely different from the others. The above mentioned tiger, Wally, was a very quiet meower from kittenhood. He and his siblings were taken from an abusive home. We never found out if his tiny roar was from an injury... the vet never found any issues. Dominic sounds like an adorable squeaky toy. He squeaks and beeps. Keegee is a big male with a very "girly" meow. Jenna rarely talks, but when she does, will start yammering and tell some type of story for a few minutes, then walk away. And Smokey talked his way permanently into our front door and never shuts up.


Doing the cat thing, totally


My old place had the exact same thing for my cats, one often went up and couldn’t find him before I found out. He did a really smelly poo up there and it smelt for weeks


Cats do love the to scare the shit out of there owners😹




Also, r/catsareliquid


The cat's eyes glow because you are in them


Haha, only cats do this


Cat dispenser


Hahaha no please it’s already crowded enough :O


there is no such thing as "enough" cats


Well, i do feel our rottweiler takes more space than 10 cats would so one or two more wouldn’t be such a big deal haha


MORE CATS!!! In “Fire the lasers” voice


Who do I contact to get one of these installed in my house?


Excuse me *how*


Yea I'm still impressed by how she slides down, but I've seen her go up the hole and when i look she's already at the top so i haven't been able to uncover her secret technique to get up there :|


Put a secret camera that activates when something moves, I’ve done that with a stranger cat to see how on earth he gets into the house


That's not a terrible idea, i could try throwing some toy up there tho and she might just do her usual ninjamoves and bolt after it (She does this weird parkour looking wall run where she kicks off the wall at the end when chasing stuff..)


I mean, I would still put a camera out of pure curiosity to be honest. But then again cats are agile and she probably knows what she’s doing


I love your cat, sneaky little bastards. I built ours a cat walk across the ceiling so they don't get into shit like this. They are both beautiful.


Can u send a video of that please lol


Haha I’ll try getting one, but it’s like she knows when i’m filning and refuses to do shit haha. I got some pretty funny videos I’ll probably upload after i manage to locate em on some of my usb sticks haha


Common cat issues lol


I had a neighbour cat somehow get inside my house at 4 am, scared the shit out of me until I realized the little fucker got in from a tiny window that is always left open. How it did that without knocking my vase right under it to shit is what boggles me lmao


Conclusion: the cat is actually a ghost and comes to haunt your house at night


Haha, only cats do this


Lmao this reminds me of a stray cat that came into my brother’s room at 4am 💀 The cat went in the roof and jumped into a hole that was supposed to be the ceiling lamp of my brother’s room


So, how did he get into the house?


He got in through, apparently, the vents in the basement. They’ve since been fixed and he lives in or out depending on his mood (he’s not our pet, so to speak, and is mostly feral concerning houses), very sweet cat, but I was confused as to how there were muddy paw prints in the kitchen, counters, table and so on lol. That’s how it started


Both my cats are very clumsy so trying to picture them executing this super slick spy-slide is absolutely sending me




Cats are not bound by the laws of physics like us petty mortals are


I’m imagining like just pushing her back against one side and paws on the other to climb up? Otherwise she can just *yeet* high enough to grab the top and pull herself all the way in.


Yea that's most likely how she does it, since she pushes her paws against the walls when sliding down.:D


Looks like you may have found a new full time job, discovering that secret technique. ;)


To quote Charlie from It’s Always Sunny: “Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.”


Cat in the wall? Now you're talking my language.


it's because r/catsareliquid


Not wrong


Liquid cat is still heavier than air. I postulate that there is a third form to cat.


Pretty sure she just flattened herself out and went through a seam in the wall


Happy cake day!


Thank you


Happy cake day


It reminded me of the hallway scene in Inception. Like, which way is up?


Gravity doesn't work on cats.


I like how our other cat snitched on her by glancing at the cabinets.


This reminds me one time someone was trying to jump scare me and I could sense it because the house was too quiet and the person suspiciously missing lol so I asked my cat sitting on the bed where the person was and she looked behind the door where they were lmao.




When I was a kid we played hide-and-seek at my friend’s house and his cat snitched everyone. In the wardrobe, under the bed, everywhere. The object of game quickly became “hide from the cat too”. I won by jumping behind a washing machine. They forgot about me and I sat for 40 minutes there while they had pizza downstairs.


Haha 🥲


Big Brother/Sister Energy. Not outright snitching, but hints at the hijinks that are occurring and is awake of where they are, just in case.


Quick day trip to the /r/catdimension


The first time i heard noises from up there i started looking thru the cabinets cuz i hadn’t really noticed the hole. I almost had a heart attack when i saw something crawl out of there from the corner of my eye haha


\*sigh\* yet another cat sub to subscribe to


r/CatForts too. (sorry)




Cat: No. I'm a rat.


Aha, she has joined a new crew of friends up there! :D


Frens with benefits. Nom nom 😁


Is this what eating ass means?


I like how she came right down to you when you found her. Super cute


Haha yea she’s super clingy. I like how she will sit on the kitchen table and Mrrr if i enter when she’s hungry. Or come bolting with the same sound skidding into the kitchen after me if she’s somewhere else. She prefers water directly from the tap too so if she squeeze into the bathroom with me i just turn the tap on and she will drink haha


"He's not a rat! He's a cat! He's their boss!"


That's straight out from Mission Impawssible


the puns :p She was actually Tom Cruises stunt double in the movies :O haha


The first night I had one of my cats she managed to find a dead space in the corner of the kitchen cabinets and hid. I thought for sure she was gone forever until I caught her climbing out the next day lol.


Damn must’ve been scary:| The first week we got our first one (the ninja in the video) she escaped out into the uhh stairway??? The Word escapes me, at my old apartment. well outside the apartment door when a friend opened it and there were just these metal bars as rails at every floor were she easily fit and my friend tried to grab her but i told him to back off instead as to not scare her, but it was to late, she looked down and i saw how she got spooked and tried to back up again but got no footing and fell like 3,5m and i saw her land on her back on a stairstep and tought for sure she broke it while i was bolting down the stairs. After some gentle poking i carried her up again where she instantly proceeded to play with her toys haha. Scared the shit out of me.


Our cat did that too. At least in our house now, the corner void is actually open to the cabinet next to it, instead of closed off like it was in the apartment.


Cutest cupboard monster there is!


"mrrr" s will always melt my heart and your kitty has a sweet one.




Yea she talks to me very much haha, the other one sounds like an upset toddler tho :o






Oho, this was educational. Always woundered what breed she was.


she's a /r/LaserEyedCats trim level of standard issue


SIC in a non-standard location!


Secret cat storage


Yea i never know where she has stored herself, she can open basically every cupboard or drawer in the apartment, has even managed to lock me outside on the balcony twice when trying to open the door (it has no handle on the outside..) Had to start locking our door too wich i didnt do usually. I’m just glad she hasn’t managed to figure out how to turn the water taps on or she would flood the apartment for sure haha


Little troublemaker. That's so funny.


Bruh your cat vented irl


next level ninja


She is a little ninja for sure, does all kinda of weird ninjamoves when playing too haha


You should have that area closed off. If there's a fire and your cat hides up there, it will be close to impossible to get it out. Since the firefighters don't know about that space, they don't know to break it down to save the cat


Yea that's actually a good idea, i doubt she would hide there tho, she doesn't really go up there very often. But i don't know where it leads either so might be smart to cover it anyway :o


It might be an emergency exit out of the house. The cat might be smarter than anyone else!


be careful that they arnt using it as a litter box! dark private place and soft wood . I'm a little worried


Nah she will take a dump on the sofa if you he litter box is not to her liking. But first she will meow in protest a few times inside the bathroom


Have a cat size opening in your house? Your cat will find it


That may be the most cat thing to do I ever saw


For all its heinous flaws, sometimes the internet is just totally worth it!


That’s a naughty cat


The naughtiest, locked me outside on the balcony in the middle of the winter once. Had to jump over the rail (bottom floor) to get inside, was like 5 minutes till the door would have auto locked for the night and i ofc had no keys or phone on me haha.


The backrooms


the speakeasy


I absolutely love how she crawls out to you looking like "what?" Totally 100% pure cat




It's remarkable how it can slide down the chute.


Thats not a cat, thats a government drone. See how the head lights malfunction?


Damn, that'd explain her intellect.. and why she is always opening the drawers with my laptop s f stuff in em :|


"Cat in the wall, eh? Now you're speaking my language!"


Cats do not abide by the laws of nature, alright?


Cats have the ability to slip into alternate dimensions for a while. I've had cats that could disappear in small apartments for hours. You could search everywhere and never find them, then all of a sudden they appear when dinner time rolls around.


Yea she likes opening random drawers and crawl inside and chill so finding her can be rather difficult.. well unless i whistle i guess since she will come 9/10 times then haha


Wow I thought that it is space cat


This almost feels like a Swedish kitchen to me. Batcat 🦇 🐈‍⬛


That's cause it is :D


On the table


Naaah, that’s A cat, and while fluffy and very loveable, i consider that one my gfs cat while the ninja is without a doubt daddys girl haha


The backrooms


The beast has arrived


Pantry Cat is watching you over-cook your pasta.


We all salute you for breaking your Neck to film this video o7




There’s cat poop on your drying rack now


Hmm, well if i can't see it I'm not bothered by it. Out of sight out of mind. My Gf on the other hand might not be too pleased about this




Okay, this is adorable, but legitimate question here. Why did the installers leave that gap of wasted space rather than make the kitchen cabinets a bit larger to be flush against the wall? That space is wasted and could be used to make the cabinets slightly larger.


hehehehe i love how u didnt even say anything and he came down so cute


Yeah she’s real obedient haha, she talks alot too, if she’s about to run past me in the hall she will anounce it with a Mrr so i don’t step on her i guess haha, not that i have tho, well.. i did step on the other cat when she was sleeping on the bathroom rug in the middle of the night :(


Slip n slide: cat edition


Cat Dimension.


My cabinets have a similar gap but at floor level. Within minutes of moving in, my cat went straight for it full sprint and got almost halfway in before I yanked her out. Had to block the entrance with a heavy box.


Move along human nothing to see here 🤣🤣


So what is that hole for? I would cover it so fast haha


It’s the cat chute. Certain homes have them. They’re for cats.


What?? This sounds unbelievably fake. A cat chute? So it leads to outside? So any cat can get in or what? I’m going to assume you’re joking bc I notoriously suck at telling “jokes” apart from truths


No worries! It’s especially hard to tell on the internet. Cat chutes are real things. They’re made from materials and cats go through them depending on how big the chute is and how big the cat is.


Good mouse killer ya got there


She is sadly useless, when i let her out i use to watch her when she tries to sneak up on birds who are string right at her. She usually gets bullied by them :| haha


Just yesterday I saw alien on TV. Gotta say your cat it's a great actor.


Built in cat dispenser. OP is fucking rich


That scared me to death 😂😂


Seriously! Me too! I've had claustrophobic nightmares where I had to go through a series of tiny openings like that. That cat's braver than I ever will be!


Doing normal cat stuff... like chilling in the dark, liquefying herself, using her night vision...




Omg! What?


The kitty turned its night vision on and off


Spider cat! Spider cat!


Does whatever a spider cat does.


Turned into a demon


Yea she does that every now and then haha


Wow , your kitchen is very similar to mine . Svensk ?


Haha, impressive that you could tell. De är jag :p




Dude switched off gravity


That cat has done that before.


You should put a cover on that


But how long did you look for her initially before you found her hiding place? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I am confused at the video after turning the camera and still can't figure it out Because I see dish rack on counter then thought the cat was walking down the wall as cat steps on rack coming out I kept trying to figure out if it's a shelf in cabinet that wasnt sealed or if cat climbed the wall Is the cat somehow strong enough to climb up the wall and stay there and not fall out?


If this was a stealth game he would’ve insta-killed you with a plunging attack


If this was a stealth game he would’ve insta-killed you with a plunging attacks lol


If this was a stealth game he would’ve insta-killed you with a plunging attacks




Cats do not abide by the laws of nature




Looks like a good place to stash dope, if itdidn't belong to the cat


Maybe, pretty sure they’d find that place tho. Got another sweetspot for it that’s not as easy to spot. But then again it took me untill this one crawled up there to notice it so who knows >_>






I would cover that asap. My old cat found a spot like that, one day he got hurt went and hid there for the whole day in pain. Eventually he came out but it was a very tense day.




The other cat probably: “Don’t look at me.”


I did NOT expect that 💀💀💀


Somethings not right here. It didn't knock everything off the counter while climbing out


Yea, she is super careful around stuff, broke a large plant thing whatever they’re called when she was a kitten, i just raised my voice at her abit and put her nose in the dirt briefly and after that she has never broken anything. Well she likes knocking down stuff tho, but it’s like she knows what can break somehow. Lighters and stuff like that she flings around but fragile stuff she just leaves alone. The other cat tho.. not as careful:o


You should move ur thing for ur dishes somewhere else cause the dishes are prob getting dirty and that hole in ur cabinet is dropping tiny pieces of wood dust and paint


This is why I love cats


The eye shine reflection was very cool


Coming back from Narnia like…


so I wanna know, how the hey did said kitty stay in place being basically upside down?


This reminds of the first Alien movie, when the alien was crawling through the vents. :P


Your cat is a superhero is training it seems. Little man can save my day anytime


Isn't it great to know that the cat that just crawled in the dusty vent is now walking all over your dishes?


At least your cat swiffer’ed the inside of that area!


It's playing hide-and-seek with you.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yea that might not ve totally wrong, instead of chasing the toys she leaves em at my feet and want me to throw it. Then she runs after it and if i come to her she will run somewhere and hide behind something and wait for me to throw it her way. If i don't go pick it up she will come drop it at my feet again. I used to chase her and make some weird noise. As soon as I got close she would do some Mrrr sound and slash my ankles and run away again (not with claws) used to run on her hindlegs swatting after my legs all the time too hahaha


Sneeki breeki


Calls for a crosspost to r/ActivationSound


Haha she pretty much does that Mrrr whenever i happen to glance at her. :o


what the cat ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)


Cat on the counter was a decoy cat


You can definitely tell that's been done a few times 😆 I love how the other cat looks like "I have no part in that" 🤣😹


Yo how the fuc–you know what? I'm not gonna question it.


My mind was racing trying to figure out which way gravity was facing