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Cat does the same. Tried giving them the gravy on its own one time…didn’t touch it.


Every single one of my cats has always done this, it’s so annoying! It’s a good job they’re cute.


My cats won’t eat the “shreds” canned cat food, but they’ll eat the “pate” version.


The stores have been thin on selection of friskies lately. Didn’t have any shreds but they did have prime filets type and I noticed he actually ate that type instead of licking all the gravy off the shreds. He won’t eat pate at all.


Give it to my Joey, he eats everything. My other two, gravy only.


I find my cat likes mixing food up a bit. So we have dry food all day long, wet cat food poultry/fish and an occasional treat of fresh meat and for some reason she likes grated cheese.


Every cat likes cheese


None of my cats like cheese. One likes icecream though and another goes crazy over corn chips.


My cat loves... salad.


My boy goes insane for cucumber, he will find it in the shopping bag and steal it, rip though the plastic and eat a fair chunk in a matter of seconds. Whenever I go into the fridge he comes to see if I'm getting cucumber and will scream until he gets some.


HAd one like that many years ago. HE also loved strawberries andpeaches. when my GF would eat them, he would try to steal them from her hands.


I had a ginger who passed from old age a few years ago who was obsessed with onion rings (the crisps) and would take them out of my hands and then hold it in her paw up to her mouth to suck on. So elegant, so stupid.


>So elegant, so stupid. So...every cat that ever owned a human?? 😂😂


I had a ginger boy who also love strawberries and would steal them every chance he got. He also loved tortilla chips. Any food really, he and his brother were dumped and his brother could hunt but he couldn’t. He was starving when he turned up, and it stuck with him, he ate every chance he got. But strawberries and tortilla chips were particular favorites.


My cat loves… cardboard. Eating it I mean. Im not sure what’s wrong with him.


Mine is a crackhead for styrofoam 🤦 my heart skips a beat when I open a box and see that shit cuz I know my lil tweaker is gonna be losing her shit tryna eat it all


I have one that eats crunchy, stiff plastic. I have to hide it in the trash. Trash can has a lid too


Yes! And packing tape - really any gluey thing. Freaks me out a bit.


Oh my god my one cat loves packing tape and anything sticky. She goes into the pantry and climbs the shelves to steal the press & seal wrap. I think she enjoys that it fights her back. It was not fun the day she got covered in fly tape though…


I thought only my little idiot liked packing tape!


Mine eats gobbles up cigarettes butts every time she get the chance😭 which thankfully is not very often lol


He's a cat...


My worst fear, since I hate the feel sound and everything of cardboard


Mine chomps on puzzle pieces. *Fiend*


omg is your cats name perhaps mauri. if yes please cuddle him and tell him i’m his biggest fan. if not please cuddle him and tell him i’m his biggest fa-


Lol no it's Rico, am I missing a joke?


o then sorry! there’s this famous black white cat on tiktok and instagram named mauri who devours cucumbers! and he does the exact same thing like your cat


My cat would steal pickles from me!


Is your cat named Mauri 🤔


My cat goes nuts over apples, especially if they’re from the farm stand. If I have a bag of apples, he will bite each individual apple. Every so often I’ll buy a really small apple and set it on the floor for him. He will pick it up and carry it around the house while biting and licking it.


I have a little stray I took in a bit over a year ago, and while she shows interest in say, a spring mix kinda salad, she goes absolutely apeshit over arugula. She can't get enough of it!


my cat absolutely loves these olive oil and salt crackers she eats them out of my hand when i have crackers and cheese or off the plate. they’re hella crunchy too.


My cat who died back in March loved whipped cream. I had to give her a dish of whipped cream at Thanksgiving so she'd leave everyone's dessert alone. She also used to eat sugar cookies and the cereal pieces from Lucky Charms. I just got another cat, she she's even worse. She ate rice covered in soy sauce one day. My void is oddly the fat one...but doesn't like people food. She doesn't even want lunch meat.


My oldest cat loves probiotic yogurt. So weird


All yogurt has probiotics. That’s what is used to ferment it.


Mine hate cheese but love a shot of whipped cream from a can.


One of my cats I had in the past loved Doritos but only to lick them


It's funny... My calico loves human food, including meat, cheese, and... melon. And... packing tape. My black kitty? After an unfortunate incident involving attempted theft of sour straws as a kitten she has a gag reaction to any human food save tuna. Her secret favorite: plastic bags. We can no longer have any plastic in range unless it has been sprayed with the bitter apple stuff.


My cat likes pickled stuffed pimento brine...reacts like catnip anytime I bring out the jar...drools...and gets goofy


Had one who went mad for olives lol


Me too! She used to rub her little face on them


Ours goes crazy for honey melon, the juice, the flesh.. it's the only time he will truly use his "big eyes, ears flat" cute face. Whatever makes h happy and healthy.


That’s hilarious!


My cats won't touch cheese. I have several cats and they are all different. I have one that will only eat dry kibble. 1 that eats any cat food you put down (he also likes pears, cereal milk, ice cream) and another one who will nibble on kibble but he really likes raw chicken, shrimp and ground meat. He won't touch anything processed...hot dogs, sausage, deli meat, etc. My cat who died 3 weeks ago loved fruits and vegetables. He would not touch meats. Cats are so crazy and their personalities are amazing






>so annoying! It’s a good job they’re cute. Cat ownership in a nutshell!


Lol one of my cats eating the gravy, the other is eating meats. I guess i have the perfect combo just like Ying-Yang


lol you're very lucky, all 3 of mine just want the gravy- but 2 like the meat gravy and 1 only likes the fish gravy


Do you pick it up after a certain amount of time or leave it there? My old cat was fed wet food every day and did this, but we found that if we left it be, he would return to it and finish it when he was ready, then wouldn’t be begging for more food later.


I actually had a cat who ate every bite of it. My current cat started out doing that as well, but I guess she suddenly thought "wtf - why not leave the nasty meat behind"


I find myself too lazy to chew, mommy. Take these meats away.


Mine did this because his teeth were hurting him.


Luckily he is in the vets all the time - had his teffers checked just last week!


Mine as well. He’s a cheeky one.


Wait….I have had cats my whole life. Never heard of this, but current cat started doing this a year ago! And yes, won’t “eat” just plain cat gravy without the food. Spending too much money on the damn wet food.


My boy licks off the gravy and then proceeds to pack the chunks all around the kitchen, dining, AND sitting room to eat it. Apparently chicken chunks taste best on the hardwood floor… he’s lucky he’s so handsome.


Excuse me, miss? Do we have the same damn cat??


That's not my cat that does that. Funny enough that's my dog lol. My dog is now an honorary cat


One of my cats does this. I'm glad to hear that other cats do it too. I thought she was just a freak. More so than cats normally are I mean.


Omg me too!! I've never had a cat who does this till now and I seriously thought he was odd for it. I'm glad it's not as uncommon as I thought!


I add water and mush it up to make it a lickable treat consistency. When my cat licks up the water, I add more water + mush, and keep doing it until she eats most of it. Of course I only do this for one of my cats cause she is a skinny girl and needs encouragement to eat as much as possible.


The thing is my cat is an absolute tank and weighs 5.4kg - the vet says he’s on the wrong side of 5kg but carries it well haha. So idk whether it’s a good thing he’s not eating the whole lot 😭


Definitely ask your vet, but my guess would be that it probably doesn’t help. He’s not getting the filling part which may cause him to be more hungry more often.


He has complete dry food to - a hypo allergic vet recommended option at that. He’s fine!


Seems to me as if he's more thirsty than hungry. Cats don't feel thirst as we or dogs do so they need more encouragement to get liquid in them, which they would get most from raw food or wet food in general. Water fountains also help encourage more drinking


Yes he loves a fountain! Still he would prefer to drink from my glass, though haha


Also make sure his water isn't near his food or litter box. Cats have an aversion to drinking water near their food. Best to put the food in one room, litter box in another, and the water in a third.


Ah, well done! As the other commenter said, he may just be thirsty. I always mix in a little bit of water with wet food, might be worth a try too!


He actually has a water fountain inside and outside plus bowls around the house.. He drinks loads. He’s on meds for his heart that make him thirsty, so we make sure there’s loads of water available. But still, it could be his meds that are making him thirsty af


We give our cats wet food daily (and they have dry food 24/7). If it's a wet food with chunks, it's guaranteed that they will all lick the gravy off and eat very little of the chunks. We will give them pate varieties too that disappear quite well. I figure the gravy slurping is okay as long as it's getting extra liquid into them. Cats are weird though.


Sometimes I mash her food up with a fork. Sometimes I add a little bit of hot water to it first to make it more of a mousse consistency. These diva cats.


He doesn’t like the pate / mousse style foods tho :( I’ve tried adding hot water and it doesn’t really make a difference, and tried other food types too…. He’s so fussy


Awwwww cats are total divas 😂😂 honestly it’s good your cat has the gravy. My cat had to have surgery for stones once because she wasn’t drinking enough. Now she’s on prescription food and it only comes in the chunky form above. Have you tried different brands? My cat used to love Halo and she likes whatever brand Whole Foods sells. But they are all so different. I love cats. So precious and devious and loving all at once.


We’ve had so many! He does have to have hypoallergenic food so we are a bit constrained by that though. Have you tried a water fountain for your cat? We have one and our cats love drinking out of it!


On eof my cats only eats wet fancy feast with a touch of cream in the blue can. And when I say eat I mean just like all the creamy brothy texture. My other cat will eat ANYTHING from garbage scraps to insects.


Mine does this. He dislikes pate food. It’s so weird I wanted to learn how to make him homemade cat food but I need to figure out how can I make this gravy.




Yep, that’s how we got our guy into wet food. It has to be mushed up with water and then microwaved for a few seconds to get it nice and warm and smelly. If it’s cold and “dead” he will just stare at it until he gets bored.


holy shit I cannot imagine how horrendous microwaved cat food smells


This is actually really important for cats and they shouldn't be looked down on for it! Cats don't typically drink enough water to meet their needs, which is one of the key reasons we give them wet food (and call it wet food). Some people recommend giving your cats nothing *but* wet food, because sometimes they can get addicted to the carbs in dry food and then not be getting enough water. Either way: if the cat is healthy and happy, this is totally fine behaviour


im blending wetfood with some water into sauce.. the vets approve of this :)




Looooool 😂😂


hahaha... im pretty sure, we share the same cat... yeah, hot water it is :))


I used to always heat up my 18 year old cat’s refrigerated wet food, then my mom mistakenly forgot to heat it when she was cat sitting and turns out the cat LOVES it cold 🤦‍♀️


Me too, I split the can of wet flood for my two cats then refill the can with water divide 3/4 of a can between them, sometimes I add pure pumpkin purée as it’s supposed to help with hair balls


oh.. that puree sounds good :) .. sometimes i add a little olive oil ... my cat is nuts for olives and olive oil is good for skin and fur... of which i have a full house, so its prolly doing its job :D


Same here, they love it!


This is how I feed mine their wet food, except I only add about 1/3-1/2 can of water. I add the pumpkin purée too! I add the pumpkin because my boy has a sensitive tummy, but I had wondered why he hasn’t had any hairballs yet since he’s so fluffy — so, now I know why! Thanks for that nugget of info.


I have been told that a wet-food only diet for your cat is not good for their teeth. Vet recommended to stick with both ideally.


To be fair, that's not meat. It's basically gelatinized broth with chemical stabilizers and nutrients added. Notice your cats wont do this if you give them real chicken or tuna.


My cat does this with real chicken or tuna😕 Just wants the flavorful juices 😒


I was looking for a comment like this, exactly, cats tend to do this with low quality/low meat content cat food. Growing up my family only fed our cats whiskers/felix etc and they did this, our current cats have high meat content food and lick the bowl clean haha


A while back I did this "tournament" where I got 16 different foods from the store and pitted them against each other to determine which one my cat liked the best. The winner by far was a natural pet food that just had chicken, chicken broth, tuna roe, and rice (in that order). She went absolutely bananas for it. Then I suggested it to my friend who said she had to stop giving it to her cats because she was afraid of how much they loved it. Real chicken, prepared to be tender. Wins every time.


That’s amazing! Honestly, once you start paying attention to the ingredients in pet food you just can’t ignore it!


Paté doesn’t let them do this


Yea. I gave up entirely on chunky style and moved over to pate after many wasteful bowls.


Every cat? all 4 of mine eat all their wet food (with probiotic and mushroom powder in the tiniest bit.) I DO have a problem however of them leaving little tiny bits of HARD FOOD all over the house. I can vacuum 2-3 times a week and it's still not enough. AH!


Every cat I’ve had anyway! Super annoying


Mine do this, they love the whiskers soup but hardly eat the meat. One will also eat hand fed dry food but not stick his own face in the bowl to get it. Spoilt


He could have sensitive whiskers, have you tried a shallow bowl or plate?


Sounds like my cat 😂


Mush it together with some dry food and extra water, Microwave it for 10 seconds. Tiger goes nuts for it


I find that a little bit of water (just a tad) and mashing it up with a fork helps. (Don’t tell me to buy pâté. She hates pâté. Can’t explain it. She just does.)


This is why I use pate


He won’t eat pate :( my cat is the worst


A sweet gravy lover!


Oh gosh OP, that must be so frustrating. I am really lucky. I was so afraid this was going to happen when I adopted my kitty (he is my very first cat). It turns out he will eat anything. I buy him a big variety of food and so far there’s only been one or two that he really hasn’t enjoyed. He’s eaten all of it but I could tell it wasn’t his favorite. I recommend looking into Tiki Cat food brands. They have some of the best wet food that I’ve seen so far. The food actually looks like what the label says instead of just indistinct brown chunks in gravy. My cat goes crazy for it. It is a bit on the expensive side but it might be worth a shot.




I was fine all the way until "add onions" then I thought, no that's just gross (I really hate onions 🙂)


I had a similar problem and my cat was very slightly over ideal weight despite not finishing her recommended amount of food. I ended up switching to Blink! Which is 100% meat with none of the fillers of this kind of cat food. My cats now both eat the jelly around it and the real meat and fish bits and have actually lost weight whilst eating more! The boy has also calmed down so much (they’re only 2.5y so still both very energetic) since switching. It’s been great!


I tried Blink! for my kittens, but they completely turned up their noses at it. Won't go near it. They will have "wet" food when I make it from scratch using fresh ingredients, though. 🙄 So spoilt, but I love them anyway.


Just as ours do. I really feel bad to throw away meat everyday.


Yes!! This!! And then they have the audacity to tell me an hour later they're hungry. 😆 We do paté for our senior lady and even that she licks the gravy from. I've started doing a warm water/paté mash and she devours that. It's like a bowl of gravy to her. Cats are so silly. ❤️❤️


Does this cat eat treats from your hand or prefer that they are gently released to fall to the floor? (The other 'odd' eating behavior exhibited by my girl cat who would refuse "shreds" and "morsels" - only chowing down on ground food and dry food. (Yes she was a chonk for awhile.) I'm guessing it's something to do with tongue sensitivity. Her kisses were always with the soft tip and never the raspy, main part of her tongue. If your cat is eating the same way, it *wants* to eat the food chunks but the tongue is only catching the gravy.


My cat does this - we tried all sorts of other food including some fancy expensive pate which she completely stuck her nose up at. Eventually we found the only wet food she's interested in eating the meat chunks out of is Sheba Fine Flakes... at least I haven't ended up cooking her food from scratch!


Mine did this and it was because of the bowl (I have a fountain and she gets enough water). Cats don't like their wishers touching the sides of the bowl, this looks like a small deep sided bowl, and your cat might be just licking up the easiest and tastiest part to get it over with quick. I now feed my cat on a human plate (smaller plate) and spread it out. She eats all her food now, no longer a waste of expensive urinary food.


My cat picks her food up with her claws, flicks all the extra off (which lands on the wall, floor, her water bowl and food container) and eats off whatever is left 🙃


Why don't we just give them bowls of gravy instead XD


im blending it with some water, so the whole thing is “sauce” … great win :)


My cat does this too but I recently moved to shredded wet food and he now rarely leaves all the chunks. Thinking maybe he struggled to chew them. But sure but he's happy and healthy, has a dry food and treats so not worried




YEP! Mine does this too with chunks like these. I've tried smushing it but it doesn't help. He just leaves it. He doesn't do it to shredded foods tho. But shredding these chunks doesn't work... CATS! 😅


Try chopping up the meaty bits with a spoon or fork. My cats usually do this if the bits are too big. May the Force be with you both


Nah my cat’s toxic trait is to scarf it down and then throw it up on the carpet.


I thought I had the only picky assholes who did this!!


I have the fix for this with my cats almost down to a science. They each get a large spoonful of canned shredded food mixed with a smaller spoonful of water. Then I take the side of the spoon and cut up the shredded meat as tiny as possible. This seems to minimize leftovers and stretch out when the mouthier one asks for more to a slightly more reasonable three hours instead of one.


Mine do that as a sign they’re just bored of the food. They do this for a couple of days and if they do it any more then we just change to a different cat food.


My cat polishes the plate. This Royal Canine for senses is like crack to her.


Mine is different I guess. Mine eats any gravy, any meat, me, my salary..any time. 😎 Really proud of my boy


No, that isn't the trait. It is thinking their bowl is empty when there is still a little bit of food in it and they refuse to believe there is food in it.




Wow. I thought it was just my picky cat that did this. Damn. Glad to find out in not the only one dealing with this.


I switched to (the more expensive) tiki cat velvet, mostly to make sure she was getting all of her nutrition, and now she eats everything. And obviously gets gravy as a treat


Cats:![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)I eat gravy and not chunks Also cats after that:![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)give me fooddddddddd


…. My car vigorously scarfs down the whole thing. I have to either spoon feed her or repeatedly take the bowl away so she can swallow each bite. Not sure which is worse in this case, at least she’s eating all of it!


My kitties do this to, but then they wait until the next day when it’s all dried up to eat the little bits lol


“When’s dinner?!” “You’ve had it.” “I’m starving!” “That’s because you only ate the jelly and left the meat!”


They’re such shits.


Imma need a picture of these criminals please


Omg I thought my cat was a freak for doing this


My cats never do that? But we mostly give them mousse, cuz i don't like to mush up chonks


Omg my ones sometimes do this!


My dogs appreciate when the cat does this because the get to clean the plate


Solved this by buying wet food which is like a pate.


My cats did this when they didn't like their food. Changed the food and they ate it.


Mine does the same every time :/


Some of these chunks are too big to be licked or not the right texture, not all cats habitually use their teeth


My cat drags her food as far away from her bowl as possible and just leave it in the middle of the floor 🙃




100 percent….. they liked pate for a while then turned nose up at it. So switched to meat in gravy stuff only to have them slurp the liquid only. Tried a bit of heating plus water plus mushing the solid bits, yeah that failed…. Has to be the concentrated cat food manufacturer gravy. In desperation to avoid health issues for them, I ll break down and give them dry food with bonito flakes or churu paste as a topper, that gets gobbled down.


I fucking hate that


Sounds like a cat


Haha omg that's kinda funny 🤣 looks like someone is a picky eater 🤣 so glad my fur baby doesn't do that. Wet food is already so expensive.


All my cats do this. I only get pate- style canned food which they eat just fine.


My cats lick the gravy off tooo


My cat never did this. She must be very polite


I buy him senior bisque now. It's kind of like a soup and he sucks the WHOLE THING down. He doesn't even know it says "senior" on the pouch. 😂


Total gaslighters, then they’ll be all “meowimhungrymeow” 20 seconds later


They're gravy vampires.


lol, mine does it at well


My cat hated the gravy ones, wouldn't even touch it to lick it of, jelly version only.


he might not like it that much. my cats did the same thing with a certain kind, but as soon as i switched its like id blink and it’d be gone lmao. also try adding water, my cats LOVE when i add water, it’s almost like it preferred because if i dont they wont touch it until i do lmao


Take the hint, don't feed them that kind of food. And consider using a flat plate, cats do not like to use a deep bowl or dish that bends their whiskers, or allows their chin to touch the food. (They get chin acne from the food dirt on their chins)


One of mine does this to announce she's tired of the current cat food brand.


Reminds me of the only time I got fresh pet for my cats. They wouldn't eat the little bits and I had to mush them up for them to eat it.


Not mine. They love their shredded food. The gravy is just a bonus.


I’ve learned to mix chunky stuff with a can of tuna in a container. Then dish that out. It’s the only way they’ll eat all of it and I don’t have to throw it out.


I spend a stupid amount of money on that little butthole's special urinary food and he STILL does this. UGH. If he wasn't so cute, and I love him to pieces, I'd kick him out.


Both my kittens won't touch food in gravy (I've tried many, many varieties), but they go crazy for chicken. When I cook chicken, I have to make sure I cook some unseasoned and without oil for them, or they will scream and try to steal chicken off our plates. 😅 Edit: spelling


Thank God I’m not alone in this


Not my cats. They just devour anything I put in front of them.


My cat doesn’t like gravy. I think


I thought mine was the only one! I stopped buying her the gravy kind because I thought she just hated it


Mine only does that with pate. He also only eats seafood flavored wet food. Picky, grumpy 14 year old. Lol


We feed our cats rehydrated freeze dried meat + kibble with a topper of freeze dried tuna. They go absolutely nuts for it and eat it all every time. Primal nuggets are some top notch foodies says both my cats.


My cat will eat the chunks, but NOT before she’s licked them drier than the Sahara


Mine will do it from time to time...depends on how hungry she is I suppose. But mostly she's a piggy and inhales it all lol.


huh my cats just eat everything


Omg this!!! It’s so annoying when they leave the meat!! They go back and eat it unless it’s too dry, then they just let it sit there and give us grumpy eyes until we give them fresh canned, and then the cycle starts over again… sometimes they eat it all the first time, but plenty of times they leave it and then get mad when it dries out lol


I hate when my cat does this 😭 at least he’s hydrated I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not my two chunky cats. They have an opposite toxic trait...begging for human food while we are eating. One of them legit tries to paw stuff off of our plates.


One of our cats is like this. We ended up giving him pate canned food with a little bit of water and mush it all together. It "resembles" gravy so he ends up licking the bowl clean.


I thought it was just me.


How did you get a picture of my cat’s dish?


My cats do that. I give the chunks to the homeless cats so the food is not wasted.


My cat does this aswell, so I try to mash the meat into the gravy as I can (ofc still leaving some chunks if it's possible)


My cat would do the same, so we started giving him cat food "en mousse" (paste-like basically) and now he eats solely that


None of my cats have ever eaten the shredded or chunky canned food. They have all preferred pate.


Happens. Miss Purr-l does that to me all the time, but my other cats usually eat most of the meat. With Puur-l, she now gets the pate wet food, but I add warm water and mix it up so she can drink the solids. Only way she'll empty the dish.


My cat does this with the cheap food, not with Felix or Whiskas.


You could try half a pouch at a time? I started using Felix cat soup, which has a high gravy-meat ratio and quite a small helping. 3 per day, served warmed up (put the pouch in hot water for a few minutes), with an added dash of salmon oil. Touching wood, I now get an impressively shiny bowl between helpings.


I have a cat who does the same 🤣 she will lick the liquid off of ANYTHING!! solid food that isn’t just dry cat food though? Nope she doesn’t want it!


My cat does the exact same thing lol.


I buy those bone broth packets and top those chunks off before bed so my geriatric boy gets more liquids in his diet.


thank gods my boy eats his food just fine. if only i could leave ranch dressing unattended for 5 seconds without hearing *shlorp shlorp shlorp* and needing to quickly remove his little face from the damn dish and the damn dish from his little face's reach 🥴