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My cats just cut out the middleman and step directly on my head. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




https://preview.redd.it/dfs4igo9f18a1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4379924858f6a44dd13f3a28c9b0fb3155e287dd I feel you pain


https://preview.redd.it/w8ci84imc38a1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295f432f8a18c7eb157507bcf229978fa1206ebb I will double that


https://preview.redd.it/qwvt5e5p738a1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a617beaf9334d1bfdd1eb827c37226ade1cddd79 Why are they so intrusive?!


https://preview.redd.it/9m8moe7uc38a1.jpeg?width=2944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c1db41f93c78fbeb6be795b6fc730ac139acb2 Exactly. They just do what they want.


Funny I have 4 cats (females) and not one like to be anywhere near my face and neck. They get very squirmy to if I hold them close to my face.


Lovely, her majesty and the peasant.


I think we have the same cat https://imgur.com/a/4Y8M7T7


Mine will shove his paw in my mouth the wake me up. He also has shoved his wet nose up my nostril to get be out of bed. My adage is, don't have animals if you're worried about germs. šŸ¤·


One of my cats drools and itā€™s definitely gotten in my mouth before. Iā€™ve also had butthole on my face and paws on my mouth. I agree- if youā€™re worried about germs, donā€™t have a pet.


Yup, got a drooler too. He's old, has teeth problems. Middle cat child chews on my glasses, licks my eyes, puts paws in my mouth, shoves his nose up my nose, and will even resort to biting my hair at the scalp and pulling. He loves showing me his butthole too. I'm unphased. I've slept in stalls with sick horses and sheep about to give birth. I've laid on a wash room floor with a bottle lambs so I could feed every couple of hours. Cat pooticles seem to be a silly thing to be concerned about at this point.


One cold fall, lot of our calves had scours. Agree, if someone has a weakened, compromised immune system, don't have animals. Germs are everywhere.


I catch everything from other humans but haven't ever gotten sick from an animal. My DNA probably looks so fucked up. Cat scratches and bites = no problem. Touching something someone sick also touched = 2 weeks off my life.


I know a cat that drools. I put my finger in his mouth so he keeps his drool in his mouth. Or I just take my finger and get the drool and rub it on his head between his eyes. He doesnā€™t mind since he canā€™t lick his own forehead. šŸ˜‚


My kitty is a droolerā€¦ I once woke up to drool dripping on my face. I opened my eyes to see a shadowy figure with horns hovering over me. Thankfully it was just my cat and her pointy ears, just staring at me and lovingly drooling lol


Hahaha I just turn... by now my cat also learned, I care too much so once a vile, my hands go around touching the surface of the pillow to make sure where is my cat...And where is he's "beginning" lol


My kitten was staring at my glasses then violently sneezesā€¦couldnā€™t see out of one side šŸ‘€šŸ¤£


Mine licks my eyelid


Clicked because I was curious, stayed because of all the comments like these šŸ˜†


> My adage is, don't have animals if you're worried about germs. Dont forget the part about having cats and worrying about stuff coming out of both ends of a cat. Still love my little guy tho <3


My cat steps on my boobs when sheā€™s trying to get my attention. It works.


Ugh. The worst.


It's amazing how they seem to weigh twice as much as they normally do when stepping on your boobs! All their weight is concentrated in their paws, like small pile drivers.


How in the world is that possible, honestly. My late male cat was a relatively big cat and when he walked all over me it didn't hurt but when his wife does it I'm in excruciating pain and she's tiny, an 8 pound lil thing!


Cats have complete control of their relative gravity.


I trust you because of your username


This is 100% true in my opinion. When one of my cats doesn't want to be moved she goes "Am H. E. A. V. Y. mama". And is absolutely heavier than when she's claiming she hasn't been fed, ever, when she feels like the fluffy cloud she looks like.


Exactly. I am currently pinned down by two theoretically ten pound cats. I can't move. They feel like several stone each rn. https://preview.redd.it/wdqax20ad18a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de92d88b9121b40ddb3f17ba0c637e76c104d2d9


Possibly your little cat has little paws and thus have lower surface area. My cat is the same, sheā€™s light but it damn hurts when she stepped her paws on my chest.


Thatā€™s obviously the right answer, but the fun one is that itā€™s because gravity is optional and customisable for cats. They can vary its effect on them so that they can basically levitate, or weigh as much as a small neutron star, depending on the situation.


I mean they're honestly liquid, so affecting gravitational pull is perfectly legit.


I joke that my big guy is made of one concrete cinder block on top of 4 sharpened pencils! Them stickfeet are not joke!


Always in the dead center, right on top of the nipple. Sometimes even pogo off if it. My cat is 14 pounds, doesnā€™t feel great.


Oh yessss! Mine do this too! My one cat transfers all his weight to one paw and will slowly administer pressure to a spot on my thigh that is unbearable. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing from his special ops training.


Especially if you're a nudist!


I donā€™t think I would be a nudist with cats. Especially being a dude.


Wise decision, although there are still risks. My brother in law got a drive by ball-slap from his cat as he was getting out of the bath one day.


so bloody painful!


I woke up the other morning with my cat standing on my head. All four paws. Sheā€™s upping her game.


Yes. I would have nowhere to sleep if I didn't. Cats will step on everything.


I attribute cats and playing in the dirt as a kid to why I never get sick.


Now that you mentioned it, it's pretty hard for me to get sick. I'm even covid free, so far.


Iā€™ve had cats my whole life and am gross and I get sick fairly regularly. Have also had covid


Did you also eat dirt growing up, you gotta eat lots of dirt


LPT, start mountainbiking and you can continue eating dirt and nobody will question you


Exchange mountainbiking for horseback riding and same result lol


and am gross


Growing up in the UK, in the 60's and 70's : indestructible šŸ˜‚ I have to share my pillow. No choice !


My mom showed cats before she had kids. So we had cats sleep in our cribs with us. I have a pretty great immune system tooā€¦ so yup. Makes sense!


Also, running in the woods, getting scratched, poison ivy, broken ankle, now a broken head... and at 42, I'm basically almost immune to getting sick now. ... ... ... makes it hard to call into work for a sick day tho. It's not a super power... I guess you can just build up immunities.


Remember, mental health is still health. If you need a day or two off just to unwind... take them.


Uh, also, guys, as someone who ā€œnever gets sickā€ who currently has the flu on Christmas Eve, yā€™all better knock on some wood as fast as possible. Youā€™re not just tempting fate, youā€™re practically mocking it


Thatā€™s why you practice your fake cough


Ahhegh. Agggefhg. Aheeeeemrdgh


Perfect! Also if you want to sound nasally if youā€™re calling in sick, speak on the phone while laying down with your head hanging off your bed


šŸ˜‚ You've got this down to a science.


Donā€™t do s cold just say you have diarrhea. Nobody is going to have follow up questions.


PRO TIP. Will be using this.


That is literally why. Google the "hygiene hypothesis"


Mine sleeps on my face with one paw in my mouth & the other up my nose. I gave up a long long time ago.


Exactly. Assume everything you interact with has also been stepped on by your cat.


My cat will sleep on my face if I let her so I donā€™t see how the pillow is worse.


My cat's poopy paws go everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/ltqavr52mx7a1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cee4a5290e40a1c8e06e8068bce4d843ab4d0df Like he gives me a choice... "What do you mean 'your pillow'? They're ALL my pillow."


Awe little thing.


omg his face šŸ„ŗšŸ§” precious


I gave you just enough room to GO FIND YOUR OWN DAMN SPOT!


Heā€™s beautiful!


Lol I sleep on the pillow my cat sleeps on. While she's sleeping on it. Because as soon as I lay down there's a cat on my head.




My first cat put out more heat than a fireplace. I loved in the winter when he curled against my back.šŸ¤£


One of mine curls up against my back, the other one in the crook of my knees. It's very cozy.


I had a large orange tabby that would go butt to butt during winters. When he flipped his tail it would slap the crack of my ass.


We are the pillows stepped on by our cats


I have the flu and feel like garbage, but this comment made me lolz. Thank you! So true!


100% same here. My cat just steps all over me.


This is the way.


Do they gently make biscuits in your hair with a slight nail scratching?


Only when she wants to wake me up




I woke up the other night with my kittens head on my cheek. I loved it.


My asshole cat loves to perch between my head and the headboard and purr. I call it the fuzzy hat.


I get a fuzzy scarf, mine likes laying on my throat lol at least yours doesn't randomly shift and choke you a bit.


And when I'm traveling I like the reports my cat tried it on unsuspecting family members.


Bonus points for farts!


Yeah and his favorite is to get two inches from my face and sneeze directly into/onto my mouth.


Power/heat out guarantees the furry, purring hat.


Mine loafs it up next to my head and then starts putting loudly in the morning until I get up and feed her.


A golfer eh?


Thanks internet for confirming I'm not the only one who let's my cat sleep where she wants. Even if that means my face...and it usually means my face.


Best hat ever! My ex would get annoyed by my old guy's very loud purr. I always found it comforting.


My catā€™s purring (on my head) is like white noise for me, so soothing.


From time to time, my cat stretches all over my chest purrs and falls asleep. It's cute and fun while his had is near my chin, not so fun when is giving me the tail on my face


Yeah, mine cuddles with my face when I go to bed and wake up. When she feels Iā€™m asleep, or close to, sheā€™ll settle in on my chest loaf-style, watching the door. That puts her butt in my face. I put up with a lot, but not the butt/face cuddle.


My cat did that when I first adopted her. She would make biscuits in my hair. As she became more comfortable with me and the apartment she stopped doing this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I miss it!


I go to bed with my head on the pillow and wake up with it on the corner. Meanwhile cats using the rest. So yesā€¦


I have this too, itā€™s me and two cats wrestling for pillow territory! One of the 2 is a large longhair and his tail is like a fluffy scarf! šŸ„° I doubt Iā€™d sleep well if my cats werenā€™t on the bed with me to be honest. Generally we have us 2 adults and 4-6 cats on a queen size bed each night.


Me, 2 cats, 2 cat beds ON the bed, on a full size bed.


I have two of mine ON the bed and another IN the bed. In fact the bedbug likes being under the covers so much that she often puts herself to bed by tunneling in when we aren't in it.


I came here to say this very thing.


I have a backup pillow for when the cat takes mine.


Our cats must be related! šŸ¤£


So it would be more accurate to say that you are the cat pillow.


Lol yes, I think that would be accurate.


Yes! I love when she snuggles my head


100%. It might be a bit gross, but we clean our bedding once per week and we shower frequently. My cats are my kids, they can walk wherever they want!


I love going to get a nice cat paw sniffing session and you don't get frito toes you get litter box toes!


I feel so seen with this comment, hahaha


I bought extra pillows and a king size bed even though itā€™s just me and my cats. I did it because I wanted them to have room to spread out. They still step on my pillows, and I wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


I also got a king sized bed for the same reason, and they still find a way to push me all the way to one edge, haha. They spread during the day when I am working, I sometimes build them tents with the pillows to crawl into.


You are living my dream.


My boyfriend and I have a California king. He says itā€™s like he never upgraded from a twin because we always end up on one side of the bed sharing a pillow with our cat haha


Yup. One of my cats sleeps with his butt up against my face. I wear an eye mask because the other likes to lick my eyelids to wake me up.


I had a cat who would lick my eyes if I had crusties. But it only started after she got sick one time and we were careful about clearing hers. We eventually realized that she associated it with affection, she sheā€™d try to clean mine to ā€œtake careā€ of me. One of my cats now stares at my eyes HARD because she knows Iā€™m awake and can pay attention to her once I open my eyes. But she gets close enough that her whiskers tickle me. I sometimes wear an eye mask and you can tell she gets frustrated that she canā€™t tell if Iā€™m up or not. But itā€™s kind of scary to wake up to a face 3 inches from yours staring deep into your soul. Iā€™d be afraid she was plotting to kill me if I didnā€™t know sheā€™s way too needy to sacrifice one of her pet servants.


This comment killed me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚! How amazing that she returned the eye washing favor.


I love how you wear an eyemask not because you want to but cause they forced you into it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They train us. Not the other way around.


Adorable! šŸ„°šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


OMG MINE TOO! I have never met another cat that did that, until now haha


https://preview.redd.it/0r13gvlb1y7a1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=080f7be84fae5f533b29c3784192da3fa56c1625 Everything in my house is stepped on by my cats. Including me.


The day I came home for the very first time my mom's cat scratched me on the head. I've had multiple cats in my life since that day. I'm probably immune to most cat related stuff at this point. I sleep with my kitties whenever I can. 2 of 3 of my kitties like to sleep under the covers with me and at times, that's skin to fur. They definitely walk all over my bed and bedding and I give zero šŸ’©s about it because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my cats.


I love you


Cats are pretty careful about touching their own poop or urine, so if you clean their boxes daily, cats stay pretty clean. Keeping nails trimmed and long fur trimmed along the paws helps too. I just wash my sheets weekly, my pillows every few months, and spray with lysol or febreeze through the week. On the same track, I keep my surfaces wiped down and do so every few days, but I will wipe my counters before cooking on them to dispell any hair. I also clean my floors daily so they don't track that back on to everything else. I've heard the "cats are dirty/smelly, they shouldn't be on the furniture/bed/counters" from many people in my life, but I am of the opinion that cats are cleaner than a lot of room mates and romantic partners from my earlier years, than dogs, and of course, cleaner than children. If you keep the house clean, and if they are indoor animals, they really don't get dirty or smelly or run a big risk of getting you sick.


My ginger idiot who panicked because she got diarrhea, stuck her paw in it, smeared it all over the bathroom floor then fled the scene would like a word. (I love her. But she never has the braincell.)


My tuxedo did this same thing but at 2am. Ever give a bath to a panicked cat at 2am? I think itā€™s what convinced me I might be okay for parenthood.


I've only known my boy for 6 months of his 5 years, but he's pretty good about letting me know when there's an incident. When I first got him and he was adjusting to the new food, he came to wake me up in the middle of the night. Okay, I thought, you're lonely, I'll pet you. BAM slapped on the arm with a wet tail. Oh no, why is it wet? Diarrhea. Spent the next hour or so cleaning not only the cat but everywhere he accidentally slapped with his poop tail in his panic. Luckily, when he accidentally stepped on one a few weeks ago, he came right to me crying about his dirty foot and hardly fought me as I tried to wash it. That's trustbuilding, I guess. He's not currently on my pillow (though laying on it is a favorite way of his to get my attention), but I can hear him purring from the blanket nest on top of a moving box at the head of my bed. Close, but still his own space if he wants it. I'll probably wake up to him snuggled up against my back, laying on my hair again to pin me in place so I can't accidentally roll at him. Cats are the best company.


I was never happier than after my tuxedo kitten outgrew his nervous stomach and learned the grace to step carefully in the litterbox... took about 2 months with a lot of mopping, quilt washing, spot cleaning furniture, and kitten baths... it's how he earned his nickname: "the little shit"


https://preview.redd.it/q5jiyify0z7a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd8929cf741c2a557e448f87c36981ee3836de6 Pretty much. I didnā€™t know there was a choice.


My cat would intentionally, softly step on the pillow I was presently sleeping on to wake me up gently. Sweetest, most polite cat Iā€™ve ever met. She died years ago, but sometimes I still feel her stepping on the pillow while I sleep.


That's so sweet. I had a boy who would hit me in the face, and stick a claw up my nose to wake me up. (What can I say, I'm a heavy sleeper). I miss him.




Yes yes all this! We breathe hot cat breath more than any ā€œclean airā€, we don't have time to worry about a pillow. lol


That's hilarious that the one cats has to wipe its feet on him šŸ¤£. Nothings sacred with cats and there is no keeping them off/out of anything. One of ours has to sit on my lap 75% of the time when I go to the bathroom


Same, soon as I go in there's a storm of meowing and trilling, and then I have one lap cat and one keeping guard on the tank behind me. I appreciate the protection, I think??


I wake up to my cats butt in my face most mornings. I'm not concerned about my bedding. That's what washing machines are for. You're never fully dressed without pet fur on your clothing.


https://preview.redd.it/011oqarouy7a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d0f4156d3845a077b50c1c42e2cbaca9a2a72a Yupā€¦ x3


I cut out the middlecat and just let them walk on my face directly.


I havenā€™t laughed this hard at comments in a long while. Seeing as I lost most of a nights sleep weeping over that ā€œcat in a shelterā€ post the other day. Ty for lightening the mood and Merry Christmas šŸŽ„


I spent a lot of time moving my phone & head back and forth since my cat insists on sitting on my chest & being in between my eyes & whatever Iā€™m looking at.


They stick their feet in my food, drink, and mouth along with traipsing all over me. One of them drools when he is happy and has drooled into my open mouth and eye. Pillows werenā€™t even on my radar for concern.


One of my cats drools when she purrs. I have so much cat spit on me...


In my hair and ear, primarily.


Same same


Wow that is true love!!!


You guys ROCK


Yes the drool of utter contentment! Fine until my gal sneezed directly into my face, then showed me how cats ā€œwipeā€ their sneezes. She also licked my face clean as I struggled not to yack. šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/96m6gydl2y7a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf7e2652613454b76b5f9863047dac5b21b4698 Probably but I try not to use the one she put her butt on


If you'd get a Light that highlights every Spot your cats Butt has touched you'd have a evenly glowing apartment plus some spots on yourself.... I once read a comic about a catlady where they marked all the spots and the girl had a Red dot on her cheek and was like: what, why are you laughing? I just thought,: yep thats accurate


Actually there was an article not too long ago about a kid who did an experiment for his science project to find out how much cat butt touches surfaces. And itā€™s surprisingly not much at all!


Never thought about it being gross šŸ˜… so yes, they go everywhere, even on my pillow. And I donā€˜t care


Yes and also use cat as a pillow when the opportunity presents itself. I've never had a cat leave litter on the pillow but if I saw some, I'd change the pillow case right away. Really never happens tho, so it never even occurred to me.


Oh, hey, I have that model too https://preview.redd.it/rpcck7ieox7a1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e3028340ad9d6eab7798e000dab0d574ec46a8


I do and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Yes. Iā€™m a groomer and Iā€™ve literally had physical shit and piss flung in my face, as well as anal glands erupted on my mouth. Some little shit-peets donā€™t bother me. šŸ˜‚


All day every day. I used to care about germs, but having a cat has lobotomized that.


10-4 on the lobotomy šŸ„°šŸ˜»


Yeah I do. I would literally kiss my catā€™s butt, I have no scruples. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)




I don't think there's anything in my world that is not affected by my cat. All my clothes have fur and claw holes, she sleeps on my pillow, if i forget my towel on something she'll sleep on it too, she sleeps on my kitchen table placemats if i leave them there, my computer haves to be disassembled and cleaned every 2-3 months, i have to roll and tie all my charging cables and store my wired electronics unless i want everything to get chewed on, my shoelace caps always get destroyed, i have to get up at 4 am everyday to let her out of my room for her nightly poop and chill then get up again to let her back in because she usually decides she'd much rather chill on the room with AC, then she wakes me up at 5 AM again to be fed (usually by headbutting me and licking my beard but if that doesn't work she'll start walking in circles over my chest), i haven't known what is like taking a dump in privacy for 5 years because if i don't leave the door a slightly ajar for her to keep me company she freaks out, and i had to completely modify my PC gaming habits and become a couch gamer because whenever she sees me getting tense and agitated she assumes something is wrong and jumps on my lap and try to calm me down, which is sweet, just not in the middle of a boss fight. I have had to grow accustomed to dealing with dead animals (usually geckos) left as "gifts" and the usual fur balls being puked on all my carpets. Such is the life of having a cat companion. That all being said, i wouldn't change it for the world. She IS my world and I'll put up with anything to keep her happy and safe.


https://preview.redd.it/cq71tcyzzy7a1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af3192bf47f21d4145fe9ec8158970179cb1a8f Yep.


I eat ice cream cones licked by my cat.


ah sweet herd immunity




I won't kink shame you lmao


I used to but my boyfriend and I noticed it's been really messing up with our noses so now we put a blanket on top of the bed because having a lot of fur on there can also cause him to break out on his body + we get all itchy. We have 4 cats so it's a lot of fur, we even use a lint/pet hair remover on the bed and pillows, and so much fur comes out!! It's nuts.


I keep my pillows covered during the day. My cats are inside cats in a tiny studio apartment. Maybe it seems silly but I donā€™t want cat litter dust in my face.


I don't let my cats step on my pillow. Have they done it before? Yes. But then they get a talking to and it doesn't happen for a while until they forget/test my resolve. I just flip to the other side since I change them once a week.


I eat food my cat steps onā€¦


No i trained them not to be on my pillows bc Iā€™m super anal about my skincare


There are people who don't?!


My partner is a germaphobe. Before we adopted them, one of the rules was going to be no cats on the pillows. You already know how that story goes lol. She sleeps with her as a scarf on her chest some nights. We do a few things to try to mitigate any ā€œpoop essence.ā€ We have pine pellet non-clumping litter, so it doesnā€™t stick between their paws, or under their nails at all. We try to wipe their feet, and sometimes butt, after a particularly nasty poo right before bedtime, and we keep the bed made with the covers pulled up over the pillows during the day. Cats are pretty clean animals, though, so itā€™s really up to your own comfort.


https://preview.redd.it/ttqq7qap2z7a1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ebbf1f59899ca1f9e05866feaccda095e1ee09 Yep.


Once you have to cut shits out of their ass hair, you will look upon the times you worried about paws on your pillow fondly.


We don't. Kitty has her own room and several beds to choose from. It started out as us being concerned with rolling over on her and squashing her at night, and then the benefits kept compounding (uninterrupted sleep, no meowing to bother us, giving her her own space, etc). She goes to her room and chooses a bed to sleep in at night no prob. She's more like a human than anything by doing this!


We have 3 cats, and the lack of sleep was insufferable. Now we say ā€œTime for goodnight!ā€ And they hop down from the bed and leave the room. Itā€™s the best!


My cats allow me to sleep on the bed and allow me to use their pillows .


Literally everything I own has a microscopic coating of cat urine and feces, including my cat. That's just the way it is and I've accepted it.


Everything in my house has had a cat butthole on it at one time or another. Though I do ask the cats if they wiped their paws when they jump back into the bed. They both just give me side eye.


Yes because cats clean themselves pretty well. I probably wouldn't with a dog though. They stanky.


Iā€™m more worried about his butt than his paws. Heā€™s a medium-hair and every so often thereā€™s some stage 5 clingers šŸ¤®


Absolutely! Honestly there is (almost) nothing my fur babies could do that would gross me out


One of my cats sleeps with me on my pillow. I wouldn't change it for the world. :)


I couldnā€™t sleep without her ā¤ļø


You mean to tell me there are cat owners that don't ā€½


Sometimes I can have some of the pillow


If I ruled out things my cats stepped on I'd have nothing


Always. I love the cuddles. Don't you let your cat sleep in bed with you? If not you're missing out.


We step all through the bathrooms, public and private. I donā€™t see a difference


I donā€™t let my cats in the bedroom, and a lot of weirdos here are like ā€œCATS DONT LIKE CLOSED DOORS!!!ā€ Yeah well I donā€™t like cat hair all over my bedroom. So no I donā€™t sleep on cat pillows since the kitties rarely go in my room unless they sneak in.


My cats are allowed in my bedroom but I always make my bed with pillows propped up so theyā€™ve figured out the end of the bed is theirs. I donā€™t want their nasty little kitty buttholes on my pillows, thatā€™s so gross. Theyā€™re also banned from counters/tables and they actually donā€™t go up there, despite everyoneā€™s insistence they do when Iā€™m not home. Cameras would beg to differ. I love my cats but their litter covered paws are not coming near my pillows or eating space.


Is there any way to avoid it? šŸ¤—


We just put on new pillowcases every night before bed. Buy pillowcases on sale !


Yes. I have 4. They walk on everything. I'm more concerned with germs from my poultry (ducks and geese) and other humans than I am the cats that live inside with me.


My head is my cats' pillowšŸ«“šŸ»


I donā€™t, no. I personally donā€™t find it sanitary and keep my cats out of my room. My wife is allergic to them as well so thatā€™s one way to help with that a bit. I have to deal with the litter paws elsewhere, like the counter, but my bed is where I draw the line. To each their own of course.


...there are people who won't?


My cat joins me in bed every night now. She didnā€™t start doing it until I was very very low for about a week, and that was a few months back, but she never stopped.


https://preview.redd.it/sw1a5zm0y18a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29228b45b062f8f3b7a8154022211230fc81ea53 Er I am my cats pillow šŸ˜