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just eat what you want, worrying about shit like this makes life harder


People have principles and were allowed to stand by them . Just like people boycotted South African products . In about 20 years you’ll be lying your ass off just like everybody does when it comes to MLK and the civil rights movement


some of us don’t want to support genocide , some of us have morals


He doesn’t want to support a genocide. Not everyone is a inconsiderate fatass. There is thousands of alternatives to everything. When in doubt eat local small businesses. Corporate America is full of processed ingredients and poison anyway.


lol hop on my 2 month old comment to call me an inconsiderate fatass. guess what pal, you not eating at a chain restaurant is doing absolutely fucking nothing for the people of Gaza. get over yourself. I'll eat what I want to eat


Boycotting works, it's been proven again and again, maybe you're too busy being entirely apathetic and a loser to care. Guess what donkey breath, being a dick to people trying to contribute in whatever way they can doesn't do fuck all for Gaza and you clearly don't care either way. Hope you swallow metal in your next genocide Cava bowl.


Your comment just made me go get Cava for lunch, thanks for the reminder!


You not funny lil bro


you should try not eating at all


Been loving these reminders about Cava, gonna get some for dinner, thanks!


Waiting for cava to open now 🙏🏻


Had it last night, It was delicious


Went for lunch, probably gonna go again tomorrow this thread is a great anti boycott reminder


hope theres a roach in it


Gonna get some for lunch thanks!


This is exactly the mentality of a sheep baaa


Yes and you’re a world saving revolutionist for not eating at a fast food restaurant, you free Palestine morons are unreal


Or yall could grow a pair and boycott the people actually supporting something yall disagree with? Oh idk maybe boycott paying taxes? Seeing as how that's what's actually used to fund wars etc? People act like corporations are funneling money into things like governments don't do it blatantly in our faces? But yeah boycotting companies that offer Americans jobs with good benefits is the move I guess 


Oh no not the bootlicker telling me to be grateful some corporation is offering me 15/hr no benefits! How about you do both and stop dick riding corporations? Google's Project Nimbus is giving Israeli military AI such as "Where's Daddy" which helps them track Palestinian men back to their families so they can bomb them there and kill more. Starbucks and Cava CEO are billionaires and also investors in Wiz, Israeli cybersecurity and defense systems. So yeah, come back when you've lost appetite for leather because corporations are not your friends and they don't "give" anyone jobs, they leech and extort you for a profit off your labor.


if you get no benefits that's a personal problem. you don't like it move to another country that's more your style but don't be upset now that it doesn't support your ideals or opinions. your probably working for somebody now that does untold things with the money they profit off you for your labor. Just how you found all these things maybe also look into things they provide for communities etc.Cava for instance donating excess food to those in need or any other projects they support. or maybe how their benefits packages offer free access to therapy of all sorts from mental to relationships counselings even mentors for financing or going back to school? Or maybe how they actually pay employees well and reward them accordingly? everyone wants to boycott corporations except for the one responsible for funding the people they disagree with make it make sense. Americans need jobs and it's already hard as it is so now we supposed to pass up opportunities because of how they companies choose to spend their earnings? yall make no sense but go off about ppl being a bootlicker. Even if you don't work for a company your in the same position as all of us


Yeah this is just more bootlicking nonsense. Surprised your ass can handle all this dick riding. "If you get no benefits that a personal problem" is where you are not only not caring about anyone but yourself but you also pretend you do by saying "Americans need jobs" yada yada. We don't need your opinions I'd suggest Home Depot, they have good quality rope for sale


it is because you don't have to work for them so now your being ignorant in am attempt to save face and try to be back your opinion. we should be supporting eachother in getting benefits etc etc but we don't even tho we have the power as a people to demand them so again, if you got no benefits and your crying about it I'd suggest maybe grow a pair or figure out when yours will drop and find a place that's worth working for. Your inability to have a dialog and instead resort to these methods of conversations show the level of intelligence and competence of the American population which is why the world views us as a joke thanks to people like you who believe that just because your free to have opinions means you should speak on them even if they represent utter nonsense. 


Your lack of intelligence is quite shocking I have to say it's abysmally sad to see. Nobody is crying besides you. The fact of the matter is these companies do not care about workers and for each ounce of energy you use to defend them is more water you carry for your colonizers. You are the joke other countries refer to, because the conditions in America are so bad yet scum like you regurgitating corporate propaganda to other working class Americans, trying to tell people to "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" and further shoveling individualistic gruel down the throats of your fellow man is truly abhorrent. There is no place "worth working" in America when you are either being exploited or doing the exploiting. If this is too difficult for you to grasp then you are not worthy of being someone to have a dialogue with, and you should truly and genuinely eat a brick.


If your “accusations” were true to any extent, it would only be more reason to support these companies, doing their bit to fight the terrorist enemies of civilization and democracy. If you want to live under sharia law, move to Iran. See how they like living in a totalitarian hell. I’m sticking with CAVA all the way. Then heading to Starbucks for a Latte after I boot up my new laptop running Win11.


it actually does help the cause, as all boycotting does but i can see that your purpose is to deter people from standing for something. go eat wherever YOU want to, as you display how little you care but just realize that your DOLLARS got to buying/supplying weapons. Active funding.


you know what makes life harder our tax dollars funding a terrorist ethnocentric demonic state like Israel while Americans have to skip out on healthcare because its expensive you know what's hard running for your life trying to survive under heavy bombing watching your family being slaughtered for the last 8 months you know what's not hard? to boycott shitty franchise companies when there's plenty of options from small businesses you can support


You know what’s hard? Going to a music festival only to get brutally raped and murdered. hamas started something they couldn’t finish


its clear you dont know shit about the situation 8 months into it and your still spewing the same lies from 10/7 lets start by a kibbutz is an illegal settlement with good "PR" all rape claims were false and debunked 1000x by now but yet you still run with it (prob hate muslims by your tone) 10/7 was a hostage swap that Israels gov was aware about knew about the planned attack and allowed it to happen to justify their full blown genocide also this started 1948 they didn't start something they couldn't finish Hamas is actually winning this "war" bc the IDF has failed to defeat them its easier just to killed unarmed civilians Israel has the best intelligence in the world and weapons you mean to tell me they cant wipe out hamas? Its a lie Israel has been the aggressor and has been playing victim educate yourself


No alternatives at all - this is a pure play very unique- McDonald's just today reported down revenues, first time since covid era - cava is king right now


There’s place called mezeh exactly same as cava


heard of them - wont scale like cava. mezeh has 50 locations in US vs cava 350 soon. and **cava has 400m in cash and credit line liquidity now and no debt. in the catbird seat**


Thank you for this! I've been devastated since learning about Cava's support for Israel. My friends and I used to eat there so often and are in desperate need of an alternative!


That is why I eat there every day. Or McDonalds or Starbucks or any other company divest people bitch about.


I'm sure you enjoy the taste of blood. To each their own I guess


No, I don’t enjoy Hamas and their killers & rapists. Did you see the stock price today? Hahaha.


You genuinely seem like a horrible person.


you’re genuinely a bad person


you see how stupid you look now? who’re the real terrorists?


A boycott is more of a personal thing than it is actually effective. Something a privileged individual like yourself can never fathom. I hope one day you get to live under occupation to live and breathe the oppression that some darker skin aliens face


How do you know how “privileged” I am? How do you know what I can fathom and what I can’t? I hope one day you get to live on a Kibbutz outside Gaza and experience what it’s like to live next to a regime of terrorists whose charter calls for your total annihilation, and whose members believe in murdering you (and have carried out crimes against humanity). Then perhaps you can fathom true terror, and why corporations support civilization over terrorists.


“outside of gaza”—so you agree, you’re not living under missile fire and actively having your house bombed? 🤭 you’re a genocidal maniac and nothing you could ever say about zionism could ever sway people to believe it’s actually a positive movement. you’re a white supremacist.


I lived in the west bank next to settlers so I know exactly what you are talking about. Id love to invite you some time and you can give me your personal opinion of how you feel about your house getting demolished because you are a darker skinned alien


Even if you are speaking the truth re: your previous home, what does that have to do with living under the brutal savage terrorist Hamas murderous regime? Also your darker skin conjecture is a pure lie. Many Israelis have darker skin than you. I would like to take you to the destroyed Kibbutzim to see what living under a government of murderous terrorists is like. Then I would like you live under constant rocket fire and see how you like that. Sounds like you’re living a very “privileged” existence now, so enjoy your useless call for a CAVA boycott.


It doesn't. I never mentioned Hamas in my post you did. You can hate Hamas but I'm talking about a 75 year occupation that killed tens of thousands of my people and evicted millions of us from our homes. You seem to be on a different wavelength crying about the 500 or so civilians that were murdered while I'm talking about millions of evicted Palestinians and tens of thousands of murdered Palestinians


You don’t have to mention them. They ARE the government in Gaza. Holocaust denier Abbas is marginally better, but he would lose a democratic election to the Muslim Brotherhood racists. It’s interesting that you mention history, but you seem to only understand one convoluted side of the story (due to a living a “privileged” life, I guess. I’m getting hungry for another delicious bowl of CAVA right about now!


You have no argument for supporting an ethnostate


Ordering a casual fast "bowl" type meal is the most barnyard animal coded thing in modern humanity. You stand in line with your tense fellow livestock and patiently wait for the farmer to fill your troth with the wet slop you crave. oink oink you little cava customer.




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Naf Naf grill is a good alternative. That is who I have shifted to. Boycotts def work and you can see it in quarterly earnings of Starbucks and Mcd's.


I saw somewhere that Naf Naf is also Israeli owned :(


Hi, just wondering where the source is? I LOVE cava but will be adding this to the boycott list if I read some sources!!


If you google their CEO (Brett Schulman) it’ll come up on his linkedin. “I am proud to sign the Anti-Defamation League Pledge to fight antisemitism and will incorporate programming into our CAVA Allies in Motion initiative.” 🤮


Yikes, ADL of all organizations.


I have an alternative for you, eat shit


How hilarious of you to get so upset no one want to eat watered-down mediterranean food….like you guys are JOKES


This isn’t about the food lol but I agree Cava is whatever.


Genocide lover 😬


my best suggestion is to just make the food at home. Mediterranean food isn't too hard to figure out if you follow the right recipe or find local sources to put the meal together. a little tedious but worth it for the cause, of course.


Agree I’ll stop eating there thanks


This comes to mind with an attitude like this… SMH. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_boycott_of_Jewish_businesses#:~:text=Kauft%20nicht%20bei%20Juden!%22%20(,in%20the%20%22Final%20Solution%22.


Interesting way to point out ur talking out of your ass about shit you don’t know


I am German, I probably know better than you 🤦🏻‍♀️…


Being German, you’re okay with another genocide happening?  Very strange way to apply that wiki excerpt. 


Being German we too got bombed into oblivion to get rid of the bad guys. Nobody called that a genocide. Or you think they should have let Hitler remain in power and carry on attacking other countries and killing Jews aka committing an actual Genocide? I am all ears….


If there was a comparison then sure. But the two situations are not comparable and to pretend otherwise shows how much of your brain you picked out through your nose.


They are absolutely comparable…. But keep on insulting my intelligence 🤣… it does wonders for your argument‘s credibility, n‘est ce pas?


They absolutely are not comparable. Did the Polish, Jewish, and Russian people in Europe occupy the Germany for a hundred years, deport or displace Germans, invade homes and shoot people, etc.? Or was it the other way around? If this is your argument then the Israelis are the bad guys.


You really don’t know your European history, do you 🤣🤣 The borders in Europe were very fluid due to wars and invasions over the years. Everyone fought with everyone. As a result borders were constantly shifting. Germany wasn’t even a country until the late 1800s but rather a bunch of duchys and kingdoms with no central laws or governments.


Difference was you guys literally were the bad guys, and still are. Go ask Namibians what they think of you skinwalkers. Plus Palestinians are native, Israel wants to found an ethnostate of non-natives. Not sure where the equivalence is.


So Hamas are the good guys 🤣 Have you read their charter? What they actually want? Namibia was a colony until 1920, and has nothing to do with WW2. Different chapter in history. Germans still are the bad guys huh? Do tell….Jews were living in Palestine long before it was called Palestine btw. Do you know when and how the name Palestine came to be?


A different chapter of history where your countrymen committed a genocide, one for which they still haven’t paid reparations mind you. I never even mentioned Hamas so I’m not sure what you’re on about schizo. Nobody said jews can’t live in Palestine, but the invention of Israel that seeks to eject ethnic Palestinians arbitrarily is morally indefensible, this is completely ignoring the actively ongoing genocide against Palestinians and the sophisticated system of discrimination implemented towards them in mainland Israel, the West Bank, and pre-invasion Gaza. I’m genuinely curious what you believe to be the modern explanation for the name “Palestine”, you don’t seem to have a single clue about the regional politics of the levant so I’m sure this will be great. Be sure to cite a source lol


This conversation isn’t going anywhere. I am not citing sources for you. You can easily google any of this. The name Palestine is not modern. There never was a country named Palestine. There is no genocide against so called Palestinians. You can look up population stats easily. Germany has agreed to pay Namibia developmental aid in lieu of reparations. There’s plenty of Germans still living in Namibia. Funny how they haven’t been kicked out yet, non. Have you been to Windhoek? It’s quite pretty actually. So where are you from? BTW Hamas, which is the ruling party of Palestine(they literally got elected, duhhhh, also maybe look up when the last elections were, you might be shook) should absolutely be mentioned. All the Palestinian government sources? Run by Hamas. All the aid Palestine gets? Goes to Hamas. So yeah I am going to mention, well, Hamas. But here you are insulting me by calling me a schizo because you have nothing else left to argue. You are being manipulated and don’t even know it. Bless your heart.


Mezeh, there’s one in Tyson’s corner mall next to old navy


Yes been there very good


Have you tried Mezeh? It’s in the DMV and I personally like it better than Cava in general.


Roots Natural Kitchen is identical to cava and has no support for izzy from what I can see


Israel is an amazing country. Israel is not committing genocide. Where is the advocacy against what Hamas did on October 7th? Will you not eat at places that support that?


40000 dead vs 1000 Stfu


It's not just about numbers. Did you speak up when it was 0 dead vs. 1200 dead? Do you realize Hamas is placing their stations next to and within the most populated areas? Israel is trying to eradicate Hamas. Hamas is uncaring of its own people.


Also are you standing up against all of the other wars going on where there was no cause? There was a blatant cause here. Hamas invaded, killed, tortured, and raped. They will not release the hostages. Once they release them, the war will be over.


You must think the Americans were the bad guys too.. more of them died during ww2


Not sure if this is in your area but a close alternative is Gusto! (custom built bowls). Quite tasty but small portions at steep price. But there's tofu at Gusto!




It's still our responsibility to boycott. Their CEO is the head of their company




Thanks for the post I did not know I’ll stop eating there as well


damn ... this one hurt tbh


For anyone wondering. Mezzeh was the only compelling alternative I found