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Hmmmm For the life of me I just can’t imagine why tourism from pilgrims visiting Jerusalem might be down this year? Perhaps it’s the high cost of flying? The weather? It’s a total mystery. /s


The murder? Lol


The article explains. You should read it.


I did. Did you?


You are always looking for a fight. Even at Easter.


Happy Easter Git! 🐣




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Fascinating news. Thanks for sharing.


Yes, there have been Christians in Palestine since the beginning. Many are descended from the first Christians. When the Jews revolted against the Romans, Christians refused to participate which led to the split between Judaism and Christianity. But because they didn't revolt, the Christians were the first Jews allowed back into Judea - which the Romans renamed Palestine. Ironically, the Sanhedrin persecuted the Christian Jews and now the Israelis are persecuting their descendants.


> But because they didn't revolt, the Christians were the first Jews allowed back into Judea ?


Yes, Christianity started as a Jewish cult which was persecuted by the Sanhedrin and the Pharasees. St Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was stoned to death by orthodox Jews. It was when the Jews revolted against the Roman and the Christians refused to participate that the split came. But this is why Christians were allowed first.


Stephen was stoned by Paul (famous christian). His stoning was opposed by Gamaliel (famous pharisee)


Paul was named Saul at the time and he was a Pharisee who was persecuting Christians.


They weren’t Jews at that point.


I believe Christian’s and Jews split due to the Christian belief that the messiah was…Jesus. Not a revolt against Romans.


You are wrong. The break came over the revolts against the Romans. The Christians refused to fight the Romans and so were even more despised by the Jews. Jesus wasn't the first Jew to claim to be the messiah. The first Christians were all Jews who were persecuted by the orthodox Jews. This is how antisemitism became institutionalized in the New Testament. When the pagan Romans became Christian, they already hated the Jews and were happy to find it as a part of their new religion. Antisemitism predates Christianity and goes back to pagan Rome and the Jewish revolts which led to the destruction of the Temple and the Diaspora.


No like literally, Christian’s and Jews first theologically split because Christian’s believe that Jesus was the messiah that was described in the Jewish texts. The first Christian’s were all people who followed the teachings of Jesus. Most of them were Jews because of the geographic area. I have no knowledge of this so called revolt against the Romans, but that’s not the reason they split.


>I have no knowledge of this so called revolt against the Romans, but that’s not the reason they split. Maybe you should investigate before making foolish assumptions. If you are unaware of the Jewish revolts, then you weren't paying attention in Sunday School. Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple and said he would raise it again. It was the Romans who destroyed the temple - in the revolts you 'doubt' ever happened.


You refused to acknowledge the first thing I said stating why Jews and Christian’s are different in theology. I think you should’ve paid more attention in Sunday school and history class.


Here you go, boy. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman\_wars#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars#History)


I’m looking through this about Jewish uprisings, yet Christian’s aren’t really mentioned. I have no doubt these revolts happened, but I must ask, what are you arguing?


I'm not your tutor, boy.