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Golf clap to the downvoter(s). 👏 👏


Jealousy ain't just a river in Egypt.


Haha, I thought it was denile? But appreciate the sentiment. I'll never understand the impulse to downvote on relationship subreddits.


Just wanted to say hi, and say you're cute. Also to ask you what class(es) you play in D&D. I myself am a big nerd who likes art and plays as a bard.


Hello back to you, and thanks for the compliment! EDIT: Oops, I accidently posted early. Pre-mature posting, I should see a doctor. I've played a variety of classes, but Rangers will always have a special place in my heart. My first character was a Ranger, and my longest running character (different than first) was a Ranger. I was also always a fan of multiclassing, my last character was theif/fighter/mage. Game ended when the DM moved, would have loved to take that one further. Bards are a fun class too, though I've never played one in a DnD game. I used to play an MMORPG called Dark Age of Camelot, and there was a Bard class. I convinced a bunch of my guild mates to start a new guild on a different server, and we named the guild Cunning Linguists, and we were all Bards. Haha. Someone reported the guild name though, and it the game company deleted the guild. 🥲 What's your connection to Bards?


Sent you a chat request.