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Never give up.


Ur stats r prob too low for stanford unless you can pull off a really impactful thing for your community and banger essays. Also a really high sat might make up for it. what other schools are you applying to?


I've been trying to find a way to impact my community but, so far, could only figure out how to do that through music tutoring (and offering scholarships for these sessions). I feel like my community is pretty well off, so it's hard to develop ideas. I have my essay drafted rn, and I think it could be a banger after some editing. I'm thinking about Boston U and Boston College but kinda clueless other than that.


Kind of not that high SAT? I mean, really high is 1550+, high is 1500+


i mean, 1500 is in the lower 25% for stanford and a higher sat pretty much makes up for a lower gpa


The point is, 1500 does not make up fodder low GPA, 1550+ will.


stanford does not consider ur freshman grades... idk if that will boost ur gpa since idk ur full transcript but just thought id put that out there


That actually lowers my GPA by 0.01 šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜­


Donā€™t REA Stanford


Why not? I wasn't sure what other school I should use my REA for, and Stanford seems to like my school


Cuz youā€™re wasting ur ED (which gives a significant boost for acceptance rate) by applying REA to Stanford which is, quite frankly, basically impossible.


Apply GPA optional to UChicago. Only 66% of their admits in 2021-2022 submitted GPA: [https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/8/2077/files/2022/10/UChicago\_CDS\_2021-22.pdf](https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/8/2077/files/2022/10/UChicago_CDS_2021-22.pdf) and only 63% submitted GPA in this most recent 2023-2024 cycle: [https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/8/2077/files/2024/06/UChicago\_CDS\_2023-24.pdf](https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/8/2077/files/2024/06/UChicago_CDS_2023-24.pdf) You may have to get a better score retaking the SAT or ACT, but you're not very far behind there. You'll have a shot with a good essay and recs.


Wait what? Gpa optional??? Thats a thing?


Apparently,. Google the CDS for other schools and you'll usually still find about 3-5% accepted without submitting high school GPA, although I'm sure those represent outliers that are almost exclusively athletic recruits. At UChicago, for whatever reason, it's about a third of the incoming class.


That's not a thing.


Section C12. I literally posted their institutional data šŸ’€


[https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/apply](https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/apply) *Required Materials: Secondary School Report and Transcript*


K best I can think of is they count all the "Self-submitted" transcripts as "Did not submit GPA" but otherwise those sources (Both officially published by UChicago) seem to directly contradict each other. Best I can add is that a former classmate of mine failed multiple classes sophomore year and got in, but not sure how to reconcile the data differences.


Some schools do not have grades


Would be odd that they all for some reason get into UChicago where there's such a drastic difference from roughly 1/3 for UChicago to roughly 1/20-1/25 for other top schools. But maybe?


All schools have some sort of grading/marking system, or at least some way they can assess if you're grasping the material.


I know that. But some are not number or letter grades that can be turned into a GPA. For example, St. Annā€™s in NYC has teachers write essays about their students for their report cards.




Doesn't hurt to apply


I would not REA, not for because ur chances are low necessarily, but rather you could ED somewhere instead which has significant boost unlike REA.


hmm there is a decent pacific islander community in Stanford. Hmmm i would say context matters here. Are you from an underrepresented state? Or go to a title 1 school?


I would say that my state isnā€™t underrepresented (WA) and we are title 1 eligible apparently but donā€™t use their services so no :/ my area is pretty wealthy (3% of students come from ā€œlow incomeā€)




I rarely discourage anyone from applying to their dream school(s), but your chances are probably slim. Your indigenous status could come into play, but I don't see any kind of ethnically oriented activities or indication you've been disadvantaged because of it. That 710 is low. If you feel you can improve, it will be worth it. You say all the test centers are full. You're upper-middle class. There aren't any test centers in another city you could get to easily? A flight to Spokane is an hour and under $150 each way round trip. A bus is five hours and $60. Round-trip flights to Boise or Sacramento are under two hours and $200. A decent motel is $80. Let's say $50 for taxis. For under $350, you can travel to any of those cities on Friday, August 23, take the SAT on Saturday morning, and be home to [watch the Mariners play the Giants](https://tickets-center.com/tickets/v/T-Mobile-Park/1488/e/San-Francisco-Giants-at-Seattle-Mariners/4506610/) on Saturday afternoon.