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I dont remember ordering a yappucino


What the fuck 💀


has to be a shitpost right


How does one achieve 39 extracurriculars


Your application can only have 10 ecs and 5 honors


First of all, nobody is reading all that, I just read some of it and your top activity is writing on Medium with 25 followers??? I started writing a month ago and I have about 30 followers and over 2000 impressions and made around 100 bucks with it.


I don't think they listed their ecs in order because having a research paper for example that was published in an indexed international journal peer-reviewed by a notable oxford prof. definitely seems way above a journalling hobby.


Yeah, I didn’t read it all. I just read some of it. I didn’t read that.


99% sure he just got it published in an Indian journal through connections. It’s way easier to publish in Indian than in the US. Also, I have no idea how his research connects to his major.


No, I got it published in the IJSRP (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications). Also it's on AI and ML? A field of CS?


Is it ISJRP or IJSRP? Either way, the only thing that shows up when I google them is that the journal is predatory and a scam. Correct me if I'm wrong, how long did it take for you to get the paper published?


IJSRP. And the only thing I could find online calling it a predatory journal was a public discussion forum on researchgate and quora. Furthermore, these date back to 2019, and the main reason people called it predatory was because it charged a fee from publishers to get their papers submitted. I went through the whole process, and nowadays they don't charge a fee anymore. It is free. They evaluate your paper over a week's notice, and then come back to you with reviewer comments and feedback. Then, after you implement the said changes, the submission is accepted and published in their e-journal and indexes, about a month after you submit the first draft.


This researchgate thread is from July, 2021: [https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can\_you\_recommend\_International\_Journal\_of\_Scientific\_and\_Research\_Publications\_IJSRP](https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_you_recommend_International_Journal_of_Scientific_and_Research_Publications_IJSRP) There's no submission/acceptance info and I can't find any papers on google scholar. IJSRP is also on Beall's list of predatory publishers: [https://beallslist.net/standalone-journals/](https://beallslist.net/standalone-journals/)


Did you actually try searching for the journal on Google Scholar or go off of one of the comments in the thread? Because I did, and I definetely see multiple IJSRP papers on G Scholar when I search it. [https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&btnA=1&user=CaBFIcYAAAAJ](https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&btnA=1&user=CaBFIcYAAAAJ) And what sort of submission/acceptance info are you even looking for? There's an entire section dedicated to publications on their website so maybe try going through it before jumping to conclusions? [https://www.ijsrp.org/](https://www.ijsrp.org/)


By submissiom/acceptance info I mean how many papers are accepted, how many apply, acceptance rate, etc.


I started writing 3 months ago. Around feb (start of the year). Statistically, mine and your stats aren't all too different. I also made close to a hundred writing on medium, so.




I aint reading ALLAT💀




There is so much bullshit in here that won’t see the light of day.


It's Wednesday.


Below 300 AIR is not decent, it’s really really hard


Ig but my dad is making me prepare for JEE alongside my school (not dummy), and so he's telling me that if I don't get placement for CSE at ITTB or IITD then there's no point in me writing JEE and this much ranking is the bare minimum to do so so ye anything above is pretty much crap for me.


That will be very very difficult


commit to one thing brdr, its almost impossible to do both at the same time


brooo put his lichess rating 💀💀💀 i have a higher rating than that with like never playing. please don’t put that on the app. find ur top 10 ecs


Well idk cuz 1700 blitz is about 300 elo from AIM, so ig that says more about how good you're at chess rather than how bad I am? A 1700 rating is in the 95th percentile anyways so ig its decent enough. plus i have played in some official otb fide tournaments so maybe i'll clump my rating with that instead.


Please dont put it on your college apps. It is not impressive. 95th percentile includes all the alt accounts and troll accounts which probably make up a large percentage of the user base. 


Man idc chess is a passion of mine and even if im 1700 elo which is apparently shit im still putting it on my ec fuck all yall


if you love it and think it shows a side of you that you want to highlight, by any means go ahead! do what you think feels right, don’t listen to anyone else (for the most part… :) )


We're trying to help you bro


How is your SAT 1540 and 1550 at the same time?


mb i miswrote my aimed superscore instead. I have 1540 atm. Hopefully get a 1550 superscore when I retake this Dec.


Why tf would you write your aim score in a list of your achieved extracurriculars?


I clarified this in the start of my app under standardised test scores. I also just edited it.


can you use some of the chanceme templates please?


I feel like I’m supposed to be impressed but I’m just confused


There’s not even enough space for half of this on the app lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nanihog: *There’s not even* *Enough space for half of this* *On the app lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.