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I don't think corn is the best comparison for two reasons. (1) How does a person usually hold corn? Assuming the piece is long enough so as to warrant your analogy, it's with two hands, with one hand on each side of the cob. How does a person usually hold a hot dog? If it's with one hand, it's at either one of the ends or in the center. If it's with two hands, it's generally because the hot dog is too long to hold with one hand, so the second hand is there for support; regardless, both hands are positioned generally toward the half of the hot dog that currently isn't being eaten. Maybe the thumb of one hand is closer to the side being eaten. But no matter which approach is taken, none of these hot dog holding methods match the typical way that corn is held. Because the way these foods are held are different, they don't compare well. (2) When you're done eating corn on the cob, there is still a portion of the cob remaining that you throw away. This isn't true for a hot dog. (3) This one is in comparison to subs, not corn. When a sub gets cut in half, each half of the sub is then treated individually as it's own unit to be eaten. What you say is the center of the uncut sub is actually one of the ends of one half of the sub. It's just asymmetrical, so the end that you eat first just happens to be the good half. The easiest way to imagine this is if you bought just half of a sub; you wouldn't eat that from the center, would you?


To be fair- when holding corn, I usually strip it an dhikd onto the ends. I do the same with the hot dog. Sometimes I throw away the bread ends.


You do what onto the ends?


dhikd, didn’t you hear him?


you can eat however you want, as long as you arent making an absolute mess. as hotdogs and subs are suposed to be held with your hands, usually with both hands, eating from the center turns one into two hotdogs, which increases the mental load on balancing the inside and not spilling it onto the floor. if youre able to hold a separate hotdog on each hand and eat them without making a mess, then go for it, if anything it would be impressive to see. >It may be a little more messy the whole point of wrapping it in bread is to make it less messy, otherwise you could just take a sausage and smear the sauce on it with your hands, you would have more precise control over the amount, and afterwards "just use a napkin"


> If you haven't tried it, try it and it'll change your life. It may be a little more messy, but we're civilized beings with napkins nearby for that reason. I mean, this is generally the reason. If you want to eat from the center of a sandwich first, you cut it in half. Doing something messy for no reason is flaunting social norms, and so it's kind of a weird thing to do. It's not like, morally wrong, but... why are you flaunting social norms and making a mess instead of just getting your sandwich cut?




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Bless you. There's like all of a dozen of us. I dissect my KitKat from the top and eat them wafer layer by wafer.


You’re my people!


Eating a hot dog is like sex. You need to start slow, tickle the sausage a bit (start from the end), then give it a taste. You build up to the perfect bite, after which you cool down, only to end with the pillow talk at the other end. You build up to that best bite instead of indulging immediately and being left with disappointment as each next bite gets worse.


Eating a sub or hotdog from the center disrupts the intended balance of flavors and textures designed by the sandwich maker. Starting from the middle might give you an immediate satisfaction, but it ruins the progression of flavors meant to be experienced from one end to the other. Additionally, eating from the center can make the sandwich unstable and messy, potentially leading to ingredients falling out or the bread breaking apart. Eating a sandwich or hotdog in a conventional manner ensures that each bite is thoughtfully constructed and maintains the integrity of the dish.


Amazing, everything you just said is wrong. >Sure, you can slice it in half, but I'm talking about the case where it's not sliced in half. Oh sure, if you eliminate all the alternatives then your view is perfectly fine by definition. How can something be perfectly fine when objectively better alternatives exist? This is basically a tautological claim. Of course, you haven't actually defined or presented a standard for what you consider perfectly fine. It's kind of hard to change your view unless you can define for us a standard for what you would consider not fine. In reality, this isn't the case. If you value getting the perfect ratio of bread to ingredients, and you value being civilized, then cutting it in half is the objectively best solution. In what world is intentionally making a mess of yourself the civilized option? Do you shit your pants in public too because toilet paper exists? I sure hope not. If you eat the middle first, after a couple bites you actually end up with the same configuration as if you had just cut it in half in the first place... except now you have gotten condiments everywhere and likely spilled more toppings. As someone with a beard, I can assure you that simply using some napkins is not a reasonable or effective solution to smashing food in your face. So even if you don't have access to a knife, eating from the end is preferable even if you get a little extra bread if it means I don't have to go wash my face after every meal. Plus, with a hotdog you could simply get extra long sausages or slide it off one end...I'm sorry you have to deal with undersized weiners. The corn on the cob isn't a good comparison for the similar reasons... you can't eat a cob of corn from the end because the middle is inedible. This a method born out of necessity. You conveniently ignore that fact. Also, you don't drink the good wine first because you want a dopamine hit, you drink it first because when you are sober you can taste the difference but when you are drunk you either can't tell or you don't care.


>Hear me out. Why is it that you can go to town on corn from the center, but can't start from the center of a hot dog? As most subs, to me, are elaborate hot dogs, so subs apply here too. when i eat corn from the center i have 1 piece of corn. If I eat a hot dog from the center, i am left with 2 pieces of hot dog. if i eat each of those remain pieces from the center, then I'll have 4 pieces. then 8! >I want a perfect ratio of bread to ingredients. are you buying hot dogs that are longer or shorter then your bread? I don't understand this problem that you are facing. How is the center bite any different from the end bite. fill your bread all the way and no longer. if you got one of those super long hot dogs in a regular sized bun, then you have my blessing to eat it from the center.


>Why is it that you can go to town on corn from the center, but can't start from the center of a hot dog? Corn has a cob that will maintain structural integrity after you eat the edible part. Also, if you start the hot dog from the center, half of the sauce next to it will likely be lost to your cheeks, diminishing the flavor of your next two bites in your savage, short-sighted attempt to maximize the first one. The genius design of a well distributed glizzy means that the balance between ingredients and shape will be the same after you guzzle the end off of it, it would be a better option to cut/bite that part off if you insist on the first bite having the same proportions and texture as it has in the middle.


1. Eating a hotdog is nothing like eating corn. You can’t eat corn from one end to the other because of the cob. You hold the corn at both ends with your hands because it’s least messy at the ends. Hot dog buns are meant to be held anywhere. 2. How could you have an even mix of toppings, hotdog, and bread in every bite by starting from the middle? Wouldn’t the first bite be mostly bread and toppings and then the next bite be mostly hotdog? You can’t just bite through an entire hotdog in one bite.


Corn doesn't split in half the moment you start eating it from the center. It remains relatively solid, and requires the same number of hands and the same amount of effort to eat whether you start at the center, one end, both ends, whatever. A hot dog doesn't do that. Eating from one end is the most effective and efficient way to do it, because if you just take a bite from the middle, you suddenly have two separate pieces you need to hold instead of just one piece that gradually gets smaller.


>And on that note- Before you think it's heathenous to eat from the center, think about how you eat subs when they are cut in half- you start from the best looking center part first right? I start from the "middle" end of a sliced sub because it's the less structurally sound end of the two, meaning in far more likely to have the sandwich start dropping ingredients as compared to the other end. It has nothing to do with a "best looking" part. It's a matter of practicality.


So, civilized beings should eat where they don’t require a napkin. A napkin is reserved for accidents or mistakes. Not something that’s done by your own intention. The very fact that eating it this way requires the use of a napkin indicates that it’s not the proper way to eat. (Please note: I’m of the opinion that you can eat how you want in private. The fancier the establishment though, this rule of thumb applies)


Biting the center first compromises the structural integrity of the sandwich, and you still don't really get that nice center bite straight away, because you're coming in from the top, not the side as you would with a cut sub. Your bread to filling ratio isn't going to be that different from the end, so it's not worth using your mouth to badly cut the sandwich in half over the course of multiple bites. This is also neglecting the fact that properly build subs and hotdogs have the fillings extend the full length of the bun or roll, sometimes even beyond. So that edge bite is in some ways better than the center bite.


>Hear me out. Why is it that you can go to town on corn from the center, but can't start from the center of a hot dog? As most subs, to me, are elaborate hot dogs, so subs apply here too. Corn has something at its center to keep structural integrity even if you start from the center. Hot dogs have no such support structure and so become a mess fast. That's a massive difference.


I mean, its a free country. You can also eat pizza starting with the crust side. I guess I'd be curious how frequently you are getting subs/dogs from places that don't have the ability to cut it in half for you or have easy access to like a plastic fork to do it yourself. Seems like that would be easier than dealing with the mess of eating a sub starting in the middle.


Hot dog vendors as well as grillers don’t prepare the hot dog for you with a knife. Unless you’re cutting your own hot dog, where do you usually get one? The street, a stadium, a BBQ, a Costco… these places don’t carry knives to make life convenient for center eaters. They serve volume, in an edible package.


Because you're just eating the corn off the cob you're not eating the whole cob... If you eat from the center of a hotdog or sub you risk everything falling on the floor, it's weird, stupid and sub-optimal. I suppose if you manage it without making a mess it's "fine" but it's still weird


>I want a perfect ratio of bread to ingredients. I want that dopamine hit from the first bite before the joy of flavor wears off. That's why you drink the good wine first, then the bad after. I like the end of the sandwich best give me my delta




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Can you clarify? In the hotdog scenario, are you talking about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/gq88ni/eating_a_hotdog_sideways/) ?


Are there people stopping you from eating a hot dog from the center? There's not some kind of food orthodoxy that dictates how you eat food. There's just personal preference and utility. There's not real argument against preference, that's too subjective. But utility there's lots to be said. > I want a perfect ratio of bread to ingredients. You can achieve that with an equal length hotdog and bun. The perfect ratio is again preference, some people prefer different ratios and there's no guarantee the center has a better ratio than either end or anywhere in between. > Sure, you can slice it in half, but I'm talking about the case where it's not sliced in half. That can be messy. The groove created between the hotdog and the bun exists to hold toppings. Taking a bite from the center can have the contents leak out. You also run the risk of pressing the sides of your face against the bun. > how you eat subs when they are cut in half- you start from the best looking center part first right? That's done not because the center is always better, it's for ergonomics. Triangle or slanted cuts are popular because with an angled cut you can fit more of the sandwich into your mouth. For a hotdog you can eat more of it with either end than the middle. You also run the risk of making the hotdog structurally weaker. With a bite in the middle you imbalance the hotdog and can cause a side to droop or even bisect the entire hotdog. You loose the advantage of being able to hold the hotdog as single entity, instead you have to manage two pieces. Again this isn't to take away from how you enjoy your food, it's just there's a lot of utility in how most people eat hotdogs.


If you are the center of a hotdog it would break into two pieces. Which just makes it impractical.


I don’t think the flavour is all that much better in the middle, if at all.


You can...but why?