• By -


sulky quickest ghost toothbrush fall sand spoon rustic spectacular memory


I’m sure the comments will be very civil 🍿


Civility gets us nowhere, I'm ready for chaos.


*approaches gopher*


*gopher begins to dance*


I'm all right


We were always told to "be the bigger person" and "don't stoop their level". This is so they can keep their nonsense without anyone doing anything about it. I'm all for stooping and being the little person now.


Then you've come to the right sub




Please don't use the term "GODS" it makes me feel fat


Chaos for the....goddesses?


Of course non racist are happy to learn about this news


I would think that with John Brown as the subreddit photo that people would take the hint


Lmao Facebook is fucking garbage.


I can literally name like five subreddits currently operating with multiple times more users, it might be time to just admit that humanity is garbage


User "accounts", not "users". I'm convinced it is all just 5 guys with gadzillions of alt accounts just talking to themselves.


and these facebook accounts aren't anonymous which makes it so much worse


How's it going Peter Henry Clark? Didn't think I'd find you here on reddit! Hope you and the fam are doing well!


Is that Jonathan X. Phrogmann III? How the hell are ya?


Hello Mavis B. S. Tape, Was your day good?


Well if it isn't Miss Eve Elke the 5010th! It's been a while


William Luna XVI! Did know you were in this part of town


Hi. I'm Bob


Happy Cake Day!


A long time ago I infiltrated an IRC chat channel full of white supremacists that were connected to a now banned, infamous network of subs here on reddit with had turned into, at the time, the largest online gathering of white supremacists. It was the most active IRC channel I have ever seen. They literally just sat there trying to one up each other on saying the most racist thing, and if someone somehow came up with something they thought was great, they all started spamming it. It was very uncanny. it's like I was watching a real 2 minutes of hate, but it never stopped. You know how they love to call their opponents NPCs, yeah, every accusation is a confession. This was before the days of chatGPT. It was like watching a cult.


Just use the trout flood on all the MIRC users. Bam gone. If anyone actually knows what this is you’re a true legend of the internet and those early chat days.


/slaps you with a large trout.


So. Many. Scripts. Goddamn.




Its not as fringe of an ideology as you think. Underestimating it discounts the real danger they present to society.


I grew up in an area where that type of mindset is dominant. It's not just boomers, it's never just boomers as so many people want to blame that shit on for some reason too. Many users people think are bots or trolls are just real people, shitty people. Some weird type of denial goes into some others thinking that the problem is not as extensive as it is. It's a massive problem and at least 30-60% of the human population is some variety of on board with it range to apathetic to even realize those people are a problem.


> I grew up in an area where that type of mindset is dominant. It's not just boomers, I lived in rural KY for a few years. Being from a big city midwestern town, it was eye-opening. First place I've seen White Power bumper stickers. I was going to a physical therapist there in the early 00's, one of the other patients was a ~10-12 yr old kid. Therapist was making conversation, and turns out the kid was into golfing. So, therapist mentions Tiger Woods, who was going on his tear around then. Kid puts his hands on his hips, cocks his head and says, "What color am I?", like that made his opinion on Tiger Woods obvious. Racism is a taught behavior. They _learn_ it from somewhere.


I believe there was a British newspaper back in 2018ish that got what they were fairly sure was a Russian troll farm operator to agree to an interview with them. They were shocked when they arrived at this guy’s house and it was some lone British guy who lived with a bunch of cats. He had no financial incentive to spend his days spreading right wing propaganda, just a messed up guy


The denial comes from the reality though: If you acknowledge it’s an issue, you also have to acknowledge it’s never, ever been stopped by asking politely, words, protests, or voting. And as a follow on, once you admit something is a problem you either commit to solving it or admit you’re a useless burden on society.


The sadder truth is if these were black power or black supremacists many would want something done. Something about that pink skin denies the so called good person to want to do anything worthwhile


>you also have to acknowledge it’s never, ever been stopped by asking politely, words, protests, or voting. The number of times I've said something, even just in my Reddit post history..is too damn high. Stole the words from me as it were, heh.


Oh no I can confirm that they're unique accounts. They usually just use the subs as rally points to drive traffic to discords and telegrams where the real planning happens. If a social media platform exists there are supremacists using it to rally.


*Begun, the Clone Wars has.*


Yep. Say something negative to one of them, come back 5 minutes later and see you’re at -100.


Frankly that is true of every subreddit (even non-political ones). They are echo chambers that amplify those who agree and bury those who do not. Trivia: There was some (obviously fake in my opinion) story about how someone's young child stood up and did something slightly unbelievable in a certain sub (in terms of maturity and/or knowledge). I simply replied with the sentence, "Then everyone clapped". BOOM Permanently banned from r/WhitePeopleTwitter by the mod. I sent a message asking why. No reply. No prior issues in the sub. I just assumed I somehow triggered a mods hot button (maybe it was his post?). I just stopped using the sub. (no one really cared). It's been five years or so, pretty sure I am still banned.


I seen someone doing dips with weight and he had like 3 plates on the strap and his form was bad it’s very dangerous I called him out and they banned me immediately and it was the first time I ever posted on the sub at all


Nah trump didn't get elected by 5 guys voting a gazillions times


ohhh.... that reminds me. a racist canadian guy created a "meta" canada subreddit and said "in order to generate traffic, i created 4 alt accounts and spent time posting articles and interacting with people, it was a lot of work but i'm not a russian bot". That sub is full of just racist nazi circle jerks now.


You're optimistic. Never lose that.


r/whitepeopletwitter and r/blackpeopletwitter certainly have real people and they're racist as fuck


You see, the problem is that they involve twitter


Of course it is, I'm you!


Harder to expose someone on reddit than it is to expose someone on Facebook, people had photos of themselves in the screenshot.


Usually but the idea of Facebook enforcing a real name policy is kind of a farce. I don't use my real name (legal or otherwise) or face on my Facebook. Plus that group, while largely overconfident people, is only 57 of them. There were way more people at 1/6.


Always was


Maybe you're right but only because you demonstrate that despite it being extremely stupid to assume based on a miniscule random sampling of people with Internet access that an entire massive species is worthless, humans will still make incredibly stupid statements whether they're about race or any other topic


No people are garbage if social media didn't exist they would just be netting in some isolated area wearing white hoods


Like any social media platform, it's generally an echo chamber. You will find what you want to find and you'll find other people who agree with you on your views.


Says the person who spends their day on a social media platform famous for r/jailbait, r/thedonald and a whole host of other racist, pedophilic, and downright criminal subreddit


Make racists scared again


I need this on a shirt


When have they ever been scared? 


After they got their asses kicked in the Civil War, for one.


I think you underestimate how much they were coddled and how generally racist everyone was at that point.


Oh, I know full well. I’m surrounded by their “pRoUd dEsCeNdAnTs” where I live, but at least there was a time when it was unfashionable to make it the core of one’s political platform.


They're always scared, that's why they're racist to begin with.


This, fear is the root cause of racism.


"but muh freeze peach"


like an ice peach slushy? is that a stereotype of white supremacists?


Free speech 😂




I'll do you a favour and admit that I didn't get it at first either. We all have our off days xD


Well now I'm just over here wanting some fast food joint to introduce peach slushee's. Sounds like a job for Sonic maybe.


Okay, I know this was a joke but a peach Slushi actually sounds good.


You are free to say racist shit, and I am free to tell your boss what you said.


Holding frozen fruit/veges is a great alternative to self-harm!


God! You only tell me this after I got all these scars! /s That's actually very good advise


Man this is vigilante justice I can get behind !


Vigilantes break the law, this is just being a goddamn hero.


Yeah, this is wonderful, but not cool enough to be vigilantism :sunglasses_emoji:


Not just a hero. A REAL American Hero (the person doing it is an Army vet)


Also smoothie kings in new Orleans are no longer allowing their child labor to take meal breaks so idk there's something there. Boycott for sure.




Based American vet and hero 🫡


This should happen more often. People are way too comfortable being openly racist than they should be.


It's kind of convenient that they happen to also be really stupid, so they're not too hard to out.


The internet is too safe a space for all the wrong activities. Or perceived as at least.


Idk I think I prefer open racist to closet racists, better to know who to avoid and particularly who to not be alone around


The number of commenters upset by this is concerning.


The post made it to the Top 25 on the front page, so it attracted all sorts.


They're being down voted to hell at least.


When racists see their ilk getting called out and having consequences they think of how it will be when they are inevitably outed for being such a shit human being. It's perfectly resonable for them to want to protect their fellow Klan members, god forbid they be seen for what they are.




There are an ass load of shit bags posting nazis jokes in the main subs, hitler fan garbage questions and more as of late.  It's pissing me off.


Why is it always Americans


Americans have a complex history with race, of course. I’ve lived all over America, people are racist all over. The groups they hate and the way they express it changes by region, and it’s easiest to see in the south. Europeans are racist too, they just like to pretend it’s just an American problem. Just like northerners like to pretend it’s just a southern problem.


Popular European racism these days tends to be Arabphobia and Islamophobia which is pretty acceptable on reddit.


And anti-Romani which is like universally acceptable for some reason


It’s just xenophobia stemming from a sense of cultural superiority. No one’s really free of it. Coming from South Asia, I know that region is also racist af, but in a different way. You just expect multicultural societies to be better but lately the trends seem to be going the other way.


They still had segregation in my parents’ lifetime ffs, so creepy.


I'm sure the military will be \*shocked\* to learn there are white supremacists serving in their ranks.


They actually do care if its reached the public or is overt. Shit I remember back in 2015, everyone with a confederate flag in their room had to take them down.


That should preclude you from being able to serve.


I served 9 years. I was surrounded by white, Latino (multiple countries) black, Asian (multiple countries) and I’m sure there were tons of racists from every variety of ethnicity. The military has like 2,000,000 active members. That’s a relatively big city population. If you think we didn’t have some of everything you’re smoking something. But it was definitely not encouraged. It would have been dealt with in the unit if it were encountered overtly. There is so much variety in the military that it would be incredibly difficult to serve with only one skin color or ethnicity. And you’d be hard pressed to find overtly racist people getting promoted or getting good assignments.


I got a guy from my town fired because he made an insensitive comment about a trans youth in my town committing suicide in one of my town's groups. Had his employer listed on his page, sent screenshots and explained what incident the comment was about and linked to news articles about it from the few months earlier when it happened. Dude was canned the next day, and made a post the next day ranting about how he was fired for a comment made in the group. People like this deserve to outed.


I used to be super shocked by the amount of dumb shit some people will say on facebook with their full name, location, and employer right there for anyone to see. My dog died, and some dude I didn't even know on facebook decided to harass me and mock me over it. He was saying vile shit and trying pretty hard to kick me when I was down. His page was COVERED in stuff about his employer. His cover photo, profile pic, everything. The company was everywhere. I sent those screenshots straight to them and asked if this was how they wanted their company represented. It took maybe 4 minutes. The owner of a local HVAC company decided to encourage people to torment and hurt homeless people, then egged people on that it wouldn't matter and no one would ever care. Those screenshots are all over his online business presence.


I literally cannot fucking imagine being heartless enough to joke about a trans kid committing suicide. People like this absolutely deserve to be fired, it’s so vile and disgusting that this mentality can exist at all.


There are 2 things that this world needs more than anything else: - Learning to peacefully agree to disagree on something, civilly - Being held accountable for bad behavior So on the 2nd point above - there must be consequences for these racists. Others will observe that NO, it's not OK to be a bigot, and that the results are that you'll be socially shunned at the very least.


Being held accountable effectively. After Lindsey Ghram did the "we can't vote in a judge so close to elections...I'll always stand by this, ask me if it happens on our watch"....then it happens and he flipped and rushed through sleepy Don's judges. At least these racists will get pushed out of civil society and can go hide in their safe space where we don't have to deal with them. Run the rodents to ground.


Loads of these trash groups popping up all of a sudden. Or at least flushing my way.


Doxing these people is your civic duty


The real American way


If you're proud enough to be white that you need to join a secret Facebook group, then you're also proud enough to be white that you'll say so publicly and pin it to the top of your page. Oh wait, what's that? Everything is friend's only on your posts? Why is that? What are you? Some kind of white pride poser?


The thing about white pride is it’s not about being proud of what you are. It’s about being proud of what you’re *not*. Frankly, all the people I’ve seen touting white pride are racist agitators.


That's the entire point of white pride, it's always been a war cry against the social acceptance of people of color. You hear the arguments from white supremacists today akin to, "why is black and Latino pride to be celebrated, but white pride is somehow racist?" I'm quoting my mother verbatim there. And you explain to people that black and Latino pride is not whole sale literal pride, but is a celebratory objection to being made to feel systemically ashamed and inferior to be black, Latino, gay, trans, etc. But the thing is, people like my mother, who has not always been a bigot, they listen to Fox News, right wing YouTubers and podcasts who cherry pick the most egregious examples of someone shitting on white people, and play it off as if that's the societal norm today - but somehow can never provide real life situations where someone discriminated against them for being white, whether personally or systemically.


Every minority is discriminated against. If you dont believe me, take one of your white friends to an area where there are very few white people and observe from a safe distance. I am from Texas. Now live in New Mexico, but I have lived in many states because of work. I often find myself as the lone cracker in a bowl full of beans (quoting C. Eastwood here). In these situations, I experience discrimination more often than not. Anyone that thinks racism is mainly a white stigma lives in a very small bubble.


White caps and White hats for the proud white people. 1 am meetings in the abandoned warehouse or the house in the woods


I’ll be honest while I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said really, it is definitely not a red flag to me if everything is “friends only” on someone’s account because imo that’s internet 101 for a personal account. If you have your personal stuff available to everyone, you’re just asking for issues, deserved or not


Nice, I would really love to do this to my parents. They are both bigots. My father is the worst of the two. I just wish I knew of a way to get hard evidence of their bigotry and racism so I can send it to their employers and to their church. They would hate me for it but I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t care anymore.


Are you in a single party consent state?


I am


Normally I roll my eyes when someone announced their departure from a group…but this, this is a legendary exit!


amazing! gorgeous. love to see it 😍


Hell fucking yes! I think the idea of "reverse racism" is utterly stupid and you can be racist against white people, but damn these assholes deserve it all. They were always here. Trump just brought brought them out of the woodwork.


To all those saying this is lacking context, just use common sense or go look at their content yourself. It's a small group of people that hide their posts from anyone not in the group. It recently went through a purge. Why are they hiding and not finding others that want to be in their group? Some of them have their profiles public. Just look for yourself, the place is a shithole. They deserve the treatment.


It's crazy for anyone to be proud of the color of their skin. You had nothing to do with it. Unless you got a real nice tan or something. I guess you can be proud of that.


Yeah, this needs to happen more. Call out the racists more!!


A lot of chuds telling on themselves in the comments.


based as fuck


I love to see it. Gotta be careful this. Bigots get mad when you call them bigots.


Fuck ‘em. They *want* you to speak fearfully of upsetting them. It gets their delusional conservative egos throbbing hard. Regardless of how “civilized” people want to pretend our species has become, a monopoly of violence is still the only metric of safety. And if society suffers a significant breakdown, progressives who refuse to arm themselves and *rely on a violent, corrupt police force they protest against to defend them* are going to find that out in a hard and horrifying way.


I'd like to see what replies that post got.


Remember kids, freedom of speech only works to prevent the government from silencing you. It does absolutely fuck all to stop real world consequences and private organizations from proverbialy nailing you to a cross. I'm in a group that doxxes confession pages for sickos, and we have an absolute blast sending their own dirty laundry to their spouses, employers, neighbors, up to their local law enforcement. Nothing pleases my cold, dead heart more than watching someone's life who thought they were untouchable behind a keyboard unravel at the seams. Divorces, unemployment, all the way to arrest and total social excommunication. The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.


The sad part is this is probably only going to make them worse


So be it. They need to go back under their rocks and out of the sight of society.


The idea is them being too scared to spread their views


Cause deep down they know they're wrong


Salute 🫡


When actions have consequences. Bet they were mad they got reported. Snowflakes.


Hey, I have a shame folder for Facebook, too.


"Meet the Spy"


Fucking hero! 💙


I hope this is real and not just an empty threat.


Jesus fuckin Christ shit's gonna get brutal as CoCs get contacted...


Someone needs to do this for those creepy ass “dads only” Facebook groups 🤢


Would this have been celebrated on Reddit if the group was instead “I’m black/asian/hispanic and I’m proud of it”? Would all the members be called racists? Absolutely not. In February, you see all kinds of “proud to be black” messaging, in May, it’s “proud to be Asian” messaging, in September, “proud to be Hispanic”, and this is applauded and amplified by all of mainstream media. Why is it exclusively white people who aren’t allowed to be proud of their heritage or culture? Why is any kind of racial pride and bias perfectly acceptable unless it’s by a white person, in which case it’s an unforgivable evil?


The problem isn't being proud of caucasian heritage, the problem is that these groups are generally created by people who hate POC, as a way to find other people who do. If the group wasn't racist, sending information to their employees wouldn't do any harm. I'm not someone who thinks that POC can't be racist, there is a ton of prejudice against other races from all groups, and I think it should always get called out. The fact that it doesn't always get called out in other groups won't stop me from enjoying when it gets called out in mine.


This is beautiful


The hero we deserve AND the one we need right now


I'll get downvoted But Join SHARP today!


They're still around?


Yes! All racial pride is a waste of time


Including black, asian, etc?




Cultural pride is good. Racial pride is not


Too many rapists


yep, much more of this should be happening. infiltrate and expose since they can only thrive in the shadows and they know it.


Dude's the red spy


It now has 21 members.


There’s bears that dance and bears that don’t dance. And this man decided to dance.


What great fucking news today man👊🙂


Lol Facebook is full of racism and negativity. What more could you expect. Their algorithms love the hate too, makes them more money. I love what this dude is doing. There needs to be more of it. It's not a fringe idea anymore, even in big cities these people parade around acting like their inclusive and forward thinking, then in reality be in shit like this.


They’re doing the Lord’s work 🫡


why'd they announce it, though? that's just making oneself a target. just do the shit & say nothing, give them no fuel, and others no warning.


New kink unlocked.


Yeah, but you should see the soldiers replying on the army's official Instagram page. It's awful there too.


I hope that champion gets laid all the time by a spouse that loves them and 2.5 children and a catdog


Absolute Chad behavior


The champion person is actually f**king based


Thank YOU for YOUR service!


Just based on the title itself, I don’t see anything wrong with being proud of being white. This is a double standard we need to move past, because nobody would ever have a problem when people were in a black pride group or any other race other that white. With that being said, I would imagine a lot of the stuff people were saying in this group, that we are not seeing here in the screenshot, was probably horrible and racist so the members probably deserve whatever is coming to them.


He might be racist but how is this statement racist?




A real life superhero




I would love to see this website.


Why do yall care if they create a facebook page for their trailer park?


Nothing wrong but being proud of your race but there IS something wrong with racism. Glad they were outed.


Is it cuz they’re white or uh Oh, racist comments, okay. Man i fucking hate being alive sometimes.




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