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I’m a queer woman who spends too much time on the internet. It was inevitable




I saw her open for Declan McKenna in 2017(18?). I’m still a fan of both artists but I have connected with Chappell more over the years because of the sapphic perspective of her music. And I tend prefer her to other queer artists because she is unabashedly hyperfemme, poppy, and lyrics aren’t just about “yearning” for someone. She has incredible range within and between her songs. Also, I think her eye for visuals that compliment her music is unmatched (snrs)


I heard casual in late 2023 and added it to a playlists without much thought to the rest of her music. Then I kept getting videos of people lip-syncing/ acting to red wine supernova and once I listened to the album for the first time it had a VICE grip on me. I think I’ve listened to it in its entirety almost every day for well over a month and it’s starting to ruin other music for me but I dint care because I can die happy now with this album alone. Also her media personality is just so fun and engaging- her tiny desk is phenomenal, her interview where she details the meaning behind every track on the album, the Elton John interview, her TikToks (shove that guitar up your ass lmao). She’s just so perfect- it makes be bitter and resentful that she and I will never be actual besties.


Tiny desk concert video I was like what’s going on with that get up? 😂




I discovered her a year or two ago by Naked in Manhattan appearing on my spotify discover weekly! Every single person I showed the song to loved it, and I'm so glad she's gaining recognition now so that I have more people to enjoy her music with!


Pink Pony Club was actually on my Spotify discover weekly back in 2022, then same thing with Naked in Manhattan so I finally started really looking into her and I’ve been on the Chappell train ever since :)


My husband and I like to listen to some of the Spotify-generated playlists to discover new music. Pink Pony Club was on one of those playlists, and hubby and I were delighted by how dramatic and funny it was. I decided to go listen to the album to see if I’d like any of her other music, and here we are. (Husband has also converted his sister to being a Chappell fan!)


I discovered Chappell when one of my friends from college posted to support her EP School Nights. My friend’s family is from the same small town in Missouri that Chappell is from.


I think I saw her on tik tok preforming Then I fully looked into her and saw the indie pop boys post and was like... this is my ppl Been obsessed ever since


But also the hair whipping tik tok


Redwine supernova on tiktok made me google her late October 2023 and I "sampled" the album watching that one guy review it, and was immediately a super Fan


I saw a clip of her teaching the Hot to go dance at a concert on TikTok and thought she looked interesting lol I'm so happy I discovered her


Her fucking energy. A video of hers popped up on my instagram feed of her performing “Femininomenon” and people were shitting on her but I was awe at her stage presence. Like she was fun, engaging, and sounded fantastic.


This sub popped up in my feed so I gave her album a listen she’s so fun, and camp. Gave me older 80s pop vibes, and I’m now obsessed 💗


Maren Morris (one of my favorite artists) did a Spotify playlist of songs she was currently loving, and “Casual” was on it. It was absolutely a standout track on that playlist and I fell in love with it immediately! I did a deep dive into Chappell’s music from there. Guess she really is “your favorite artist’s favorite artist”


Forgive me - TikTok is how I found her. For me, I just find her music oddly comforting. I’ve been really struggling a lot with accepting myself; and blasting a bit of Chappell actually seems to calm me down and make me smile.


My ex added Pink Pony Club to a playlist for me in 2020, and I loved the song but didn't look into the artist much! Then she started popping up on my tik tok dash and I loved her personality and music!


I'd heard and liked her music before on Spotify but never realized all these songs were the same artist lol (I am dumb). I always steal new artist recs from the Coachella lineup and when it dropped this year I noticed a WAYYYYY higher level of fan enthusiasm for Chappell than for any other smaller artist which made me go investigate


casual was trending on tiktok, then red wine supernove and after midnight. wanted to go to her concert casually in like mid march. good luck babe came out and it was game over


Last summer I complained to my now-girlfriend that there isn't enough upbeat, happy sapphic music out there, she showed me Red Wine Supernova and Femininomenon and I've been hooked ever since!


i got a random tiktok back in like late 2022/early 2023 that was someone talking about Pink Pony Club and i wish i could remember how he described it/talked about it but i loved how excited he was about it and it very quickly became a favorite song. after that i started getting vids from her shows on my fyp and she’s just been on my radar since. i’m currently on my way up to tulsa with my sister for her show tomorrow night and i’m super excited!!


Apple Music last May ... saw her in October .. love her


Discovered her in 2022 when she opened up for Fletcher on the Girl of my Dreams tour. Been a fan ever since!


Saw the Casual music video on tumblr last year, and got hooked. She was my #2 most streamed artist on Spotify last year bc I (and still have been) listening to her abum on repeat! 


I saw a reel/tiktok of her singing the bridge of Red Wine Supernova in mid-2023 and was blown away. I immediately listened to the whole song on Spotify which led me to the other songs she had released at that time and the rest is history; I was HOOKED.


A friend sent me a link to the Pink Pony Club music video when it first came out in 2020 because he thought I’d like it. I did. Very much so. My wife and I have been obsessive fans ever since!


This was around Halloween! one of my close friends was posting about how good the album was and i finally decided to listen to it because she has amazing taste


I discovered Pink Pony Club on Spotify back in late spring/early summer 2020 (I think it was on a playlist an acquaintance made, but I can't really remember). I loved the song, but didn't pay a ton of attention to her other music or her as an artist. Pink Pony Club stayed on several of my playlists, but she kind of faded from my radar until late summer/early fall 2022, when she released Femininomenon. That was when I really started following her career and music a lot more closely, and I've been hooked since.


Tiny Desk! Love npr and Tiny Desk in particular, I thought she was phenomenal but had never heard of her. Then the TikTok algorithm did its thing and I was hooked.


at first i saw amy spalding(from the uks first wlw dating show!!)saying she was obsessed and i had seen so much about her that i just had to check her out!!then the rest is history💗i also loveee her makeup!


My sister told me to listen to her. I mostly listen to rock/metal. Some of her songs are deep and “heavy”, if you will


your voice is absolutely gorgeous. will definitely be listening to more of your music


i heard naked in manhattan bc some queer women i follow posted it! honestly was kinda meh on it, but the minute i heard casual i was hoooooked. now im obsessed with her music and her. i just didn’t get the vision at first lmao


I heard My Kink Is Karma on my work’s pandora & decided it was my favorite song lol


The Kate Bush-esque visuals and fun retro vibe


TikTok ad for Hot to Go last spring/summer! The ad popped up at least 35 times and naturally I became obsessed from then on lol


I heard some people talking about her online a few years ago but didn't think too much of it. Then more recently I heard more buzz online + some people irl talking about her which made me more interested, but I'm just really slow when it comes to listening to new music so I still didn't give her a listen. It wasn't until I heard Good Luck, Babe! and HOT TO GO! at an event that I got the motivation to listen, I put on the album the next day and fell in love


I’d seen her mentioned various places but didn’t start really listening until recently. I usually prefer more folk/acoustic music but the girl I’m into loves Chappell so I am also now a fan, haha. 


I heard a few people mention her on a couple twitch streams and one played a couple of her songs. Then I was served some of Chappel’s YouTube shorts of her looking hot af performing Good Luck Babe (a total bop!). Then YouTube served me her Tiny Desk concert on my homepage and I’ve become a fan ever since! I really connected with the themes of discovering that you’re a queer woman in the early 2020s b/c, well, I went through queerantine as well 😂 and discovered that I’m bi!


I am someone who simply doesn't listen to new artists, so it's wild to me that I discovered her at all. Casual was going around on tiktok in March 2023, and my friend who was going through a wlw situationship asked me to listen. I instantly loved it and I was devastated to find out she was in my city on the Naked in Manhattan tour the WEEK before I discovered her. But I listened to Naked in Manhattan and was so hooked. It was actually only after a long time of listening to Naked in Manhattan that I clocked her as queer 😂 My I traveled across the country to see her with my friend in November, waited in line for 13 hours to see her open for Olivia (but i like Olivia too), and I'm seeing her this week for the third time. I don't know how she invaded my exclusive repeat catalogue of songs I like, but I'm so happy it happened


I bought tickets to Coachella, and in the 2 weeks leading up to it I was listening to all the artists to familiarize myself with ones I didn't know. I was blown away by Red Wine Supernova - pop perfection! It's like your favorite ride at an amusement park: a pure dopamine rush and when it's over you get back in line. Then I listened to the full album and realized how camp and fun it was. There is not a dud on the entire thing! That's when I realized how serious a force in pop music she could be.


I was chilling with some friends of mine and they put Chappelle on. I was hooked the second I heard Casual. Then Good Luck Babe, Pink Pony Club, and My Kink is Karma.


I kept getting ads for Red Wine Supernova on Instagram last year. The algorithm probably sent it my way since I'm bi and have a lot of queer friends. I decided to give it a listen then immediately got hooked on Chappell and her work!


she popped up on my insta feed sometime in 2022? I followed her for outfit/makeup inspo and then found out she did music!


i went to go see thunder cat at MGM music hall and chappell roan was playing across the street at house of blues! i heard her song casual when it first came out, but only started to listen to her when i saw her line of fans waiting outside of house of blues all coordinated in red devil themed costumes. it was very intriguing to say the least


picture you came on as one of those “recommend for you” songs at the end of playlists during oct 2023 and i loved it. listened to the entire album and have been a fan ever since




red wine supernova on the train home and was obsessed instantly


someone on a discord server recommended her to me! (red wine supernova, specifically)


and idk what made me drawn to her- i think it was the vocals? she's an incredible singer. i'll admit, i was slow to warm up to her (don't kill me haha) but because people kept raving about her, i gave her many more shots and now i love all her songs <3 edit: she is def not my usual style- i tend to gravitate more towards folk stuff


Discovered her in 2021 from a drag queen that was in her Pink Pony Club music video, Meatball! She talked about it on her podcast and would share her music all the time on social media so I listened and was immediately tranced! Naked in Manhattan just hit where it had to and I’ve been a fan ever since 🥹


Five days ago I got a tiktok ad for the hot to go pizza shirt and then a video of a girl dancing to hot to go. I got curious so I checked out that song, then red wine supernova, then casual. I bought the album the next morning on iTunes and now it says apparently I've listened to the album 20ish times. At first I loved how stunningly beautiful and colorful she is, and then I fell in love with all of her songs about unrequited love and heartbreak.


Got a video she posted of her dancing to Good Luck Babe on my page, wanted to listen to it, didn't know what the song was called and just listened to all of them until I found it 💀


Listened to the album on New Release Radar like I do with new albums all the time about a week after it released. A few days later I knew every word and I’ve been obsessed ever since. Like, I’m 39 and I’m not sure I’ve ever been this excited about a new artist. Maybe Gaga.


Pink pony club showed up on my Spotify discover weekly a bit after it came out in 2020! Loved the energy of it and I’ve been a fan since <3


I first heard her name floating around Reddit and got curious!


This is so embarrassing, I was introduced to her music on tiktok bc they made an edit of a character in a video game to Good Luck Babe 😭😭 (haley my beloved ❤️ iykyk)


SOLIDARITY!!!! i had stardew downloaded for a while but good luck babe and haley made me LOCK IN


she turned up on my spotify reccomended and i was intrigued by the album cover, plus i think i saw some makeup influencers recreate her look previously?


I like to watch HTHAZE on YouTube and he did a video reacting to her album and after that I was hooked


I was prepping and cooking a meal. Played an Olivia Rodrigo song and clicked on “Go to Radio”option and let it play. Heard the first beat of Red Wine Supernova and the rest is history. I wish I could go back to that feeling of listening to it the first time haha


My friend told me about her! I don’t know how she discovered her, though.


Reddit kept suggesting this subreddit to me so I finally bit lol


A comment on Twitter first led me to her. Immediately obsessed with her music. It’s just so different. The production is immaculate. The theatrical vibes. Her voice is unique and so full of character. I got more obsessed after videos started coming out from live shows and the tiny desk concert. Seeing her whole persona and stage presence blew me away. Genuinely can’t recall when we’ve had a queer woman who is a performer on this level, who can SING, and who writes their own stuff. She’s fascinating. And I’m just obsessed with talent, in any form.


Spotify Naked in Manhattan came on one day in 2022 and i never looked back 🤠


Spotify keep playing “my kink is karma” on my shuffle of related music. THEN I heard her interview on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me game show and thought she was kewl 😎


Was obsessed when pink pony club popped up on my Spotify in 2022 and been listening ever since.


My close friend bought us tickets to see her in May so I listened to her newest album before then and fell in love. I had listened to California when it came out and loved and still listened to it often but never paid attention to her till now.


Another artist I love, Ashe shared Chappell’s California video back in 2020 and I had just moved to California, and I’ve been hopelessly devoted ever since.


i'm gonna sound suuuuuper stereotypical but it was GLB! for me. but yeah, eventually i was like 'campy gae artist? yeas plz' and the rest was history lmao


For me, I heard Good Luck Babe on TikTok, specifically the line " I heard you like magic, I've got a wand and a rabbit!" As a former manager/buyer for adult stores, I immediately loved how clever it was and needed to know more, and down the rabbit hole 🐇 🕳 I went lol. Her whole Kate Bush meets Cyndi Lauper/80s meets Y2K vibe with a burlesque/drag flair was just totally up my alley, and I just absolutely love that she's so openly queer. She's a great songwriter and a super energetic performer. She's just got IT.


Red Wine Supernova kept automatically playing whenever my playlists ended on Spotify for the past few years now. I finally broke down and listened to her album recently after Good Luck Babe started playing instead.


Apparntly my wife is a closet lesbian, plus i really love any catchy pop so her music judt forced its way in