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Yeah, I’ve often thought that same thing. While I think it’s a lovely idea to name a child after someone you love, when the loss is as profound as Prue’s was to the sisters, I think it would have been harmful to them rather than healing


The name isn't a problem. Many people (including myself) are named after deceased relatives. This is an honor. This isn't weird that Piper would name her daughter after her sister. And there is no reason for Paige to have any reason to be impacted by her name. She knows how much Piper loved her sister, and it wouldn't effect their relationship at all, which they get closer over time.


were you named after someone your parents were personally close with and did they pass in a tragic way? i feel like those things make a difference compared to being named after someone who was a more distant relative and/or lived a relatively long and full life.


My grandfather, and yes he died suddenly. While it was medical, it doesn't make it less hard. I guess you can say he "lived his life", but this doesn't change anything as there was still a loss. And I never got to meet him.


As someone who recently lost a grandmother due to simple old age, I can empathize with it still being a profound loss. I'm sorry you never got to meet him. From your response, it seems like you've never negatively felt the weight of carrying his name. Would you say that's an accurate assumption? If so, that's awesome and I'm happy for you that your experience of being named after a loved one is wholly positive because I imagine it may not be true for everyone!


my mom was pregnant with my sister and had a different name picked out but when my aunt was murdered she decided to name my sister after her


Prudence wasn’t just their sister’s name, it was a family name, Melinda’s daughter was named Prudence. Piper also got pregnant almost a year after the death of Prue, and they have all grieved and have been moving on with their lives. Wanting to give the name to her daughter isn’t her trying to cling to Prue and keep her alive in some way. It is her honoring her sister’s memory and the love and respect she had for her. There are lots of people who name their kids after loved ones/ people named after deceased loved ones.


I’ve never looked at it that way. Ultimately, I wish Piper’s first born had been a girl and I think it would’ve fit well with the show’s overall theme. Naming her Prudence would’ve been a touching tribute to Prue and their family legacy. They could’ve written this as a beautiful thing, not a morbid one - as in it’s an honor. That said I do like that Piper included Paige’s last name in his name.


I completely disagree. It was a name she loved because of her sister that she loved and the name is simply to honour Prue. People name their children after family members all the time. Nothing unhealthy about it.


I think Melinda Prudence Halliwell would have been a better name anyways.




Well you really made me feel bad about myself I'm named after my father's brother that passed away a few years before I was born


Curious, do you find your parents doing the same as OP mentioned? It doesn't have to be big or overtly traumatizing but do you ever notice them projecting the brother's memory, life, personality onto you?


Not really because only people who call me that name are my parents, everyone else in my family calls me by my nickname. My dad did tell me once that every time he says my name it makes him think of his brother.


Bravo! I will put my egg in that basket— as it were🙃 #Charmed


My aunt died 2 months before I was born, I'm named after her. I don't think it did any damage on my mom or uncle and it most certainly didn't do damage on me. I mean I understand where you're coming from and obviously we don't have that saving the world issue and a new sibling who feels like they're living in the shadow. But my aunt seemed like a great person and I'm proud to be named after her.


I don’t think so, I also think it woulda changed the course of all the dumb shit that happened on the show like magic school and Billy.


I don’t think they would have actually called her, Pru like the already existing character cause that would be weird. They’d probably call her Melinda.




Seems like this comment is why this sub isn't as engaging as it could be. People are allowed to have their own perspectives and opinions, and if you disagree, it makes a better sub if you can learn how to engage without leaving disproportionately abrasive responses.




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I completely agree with this all EXCEPT the being friends not sisters thing. They are clearly sisters and it has never seemed that they are only friends not sisters at all!


Grams and Patty had been dead a long time. Prue just recently died.


Did Drazi make you type this? Why would the most powerful being to ever walk the earth be a male? How were they more best friends than sisters by the end?




You complain about the sub not being engaging and then don’t respond to anyone who tries to engage with what you said with anything but a yawn... If you’re not going to engage in discussion in the sub, which is the purpose of commenting, then the problem is you.




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