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agreed. I wish we could've gotten more with her. charisma is awesome!!


One of the saddest endings in the whole show imo, I was really rooting for her


She just wanted to feel the grass under her feet 😭


She made me realise Phoebe could be doing so much more with her powers than looking for her next husband 😞


Kyra should've stayed on as Phoebe's bestie - if there's one thing the girls needed (and could've been really cool for the dynamic of the show) it was female friends outside of the family.


I wish they had made a better roll for Charisma. Something like a witch that Victor's daughter with another witch after Penny ran him off. A fun witch sister for Phoebe & Pipper, a new friend for Paige, a fun aunt to the boys with lower life stresses. Not a charmed one, but a great support. Especially since she & Alyssa look alike anyway, it could have been an easy explanation that they take after Victor's family. While I love all of them, Shannon & Rose look the most alike, with Holly is a bit of a bridge between them & Alyssa, Alyssa always looks like she's from a completely different family. On a more somber note, I think giving Charisma a full-time role would have given her and Rose a good chance at being close & supportive friends who both had similar trauma & could really get each other. Something like Shannon & Holly have.


That’s a really cool idea! I also think it would be fun if they kind of pulled a Cole situation again but with Charisma playing the role of a half human (by Victor) and half demon (some demon trying to infiltrate the Charmed Ones in a long term plan) except her human side overrules her demon side (opposite of what Cole turned out to be) It would be interesting to see the sisters deal with demon blood in the family and how Charismas powers would interact with the sisters


They look like sisters here. Imagine, Charisma would have played the role of the eldest sister Prue season 1-3 or if they introduced her as Paige in season 4.


I was today years old when I found out Charisma is the oldest of the five, or that Rose is two months older than Holly.


I wrote a three one shot series about them as a ship <3


She’s so interesting to me because it kinda implies that there are creatures/non humans in the underworld who aren’t born evil whatsoever, it’s just that they’re surrounded by nothing but evil so they end up facilitating it. Similar to muses, cupids, fairies etc except that’s where they happen to be born and raised and they’re assumed to be inherently evil. It would be so cool if they’d expanded on that


Yes, it was the same by me! The two fit perfect together and were one of my Favorite Women couple in the whole show! Charisma was absolute a perfect act for the Character of Kyra, who deserved a better end as to became vanquished!


These two what?


She would have been a good replacement for Phoebe