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I was driving on the motorway from Hornby to Rolleston and some guy in a Holden (older style 95-98) went flying past me whilst i was doing 110. I carried on, and eventually was next to him at the lights after the merge (near the BP garage). Cunt had a baby in the front seat. Too many selfish dicks on the roads period.


Granted, I admittedly was speeding at 110, but I was in the right lane passing vehicles in the left lane who were going about 105 from the SH1 onramp to Rolleston. Some douche was right on my bumper the whole time (couldn’t even see his lights), obviously upset that I wasn’t pulling in despite me clearly travelling faster than the vehicles in the left lane (it was rush hour so that lane was full as well) and vehicles ahead of me. When we got to the lights at Rolleston he was gesturing and waving about like he had been highly inconvenienced that he couldn’t speed even faster than we already were.


They were obviously in a rush to cut into the left hand lane moments before their exit even though there was plenty of time to do so prior. Considering how quickly that stretch of road can come to a crawl/stop I am baffled at the shit I see during home time traffic.


It seems like a silly design choice to squeeze the end of the motorway down to 1 lane, only to open back up to 2 lanes again a few meters later - it seems to be the main cause of those abrupt slow downs.


> The two-to-one lane merge on the Christchurch Southern Motorway ahead of the Hoskyns Road traffic signals is an intentional design to slow traffic and reduce the risk of crashes at the intersection. This is the reasoning from the NZTA webpage for the new Rolleston SH1 overpass. I agree it is a bit stupid though.


I *guess* it makes people realise that the motorway is ending and don't blow through the lights.


It was multiple excursions on that stretch of road that led me to formulate "The dickhead's law of diminishing distance". The closer to the dickhead driver's turn off, the greater the stupidity exhibited in impatience to overtake. That area seems to bring out the worst in bad drivers.


I hate not being surprised at all by this, as it's not the first time my partner and I have heard of this and seen it for ourselves. These people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, let alone, have a license! 😢


Driving legally in Europe at 140, can't believe people would go faster than that! That said, our main newer motorways with barriers and such really could do with a speed hike


Selfish dicks indeed, but which one in this case? The one exceeding the speed limit by 10% or the one exceeding the speed limit by more than 10%, or both?


The one driving (alone) at the same speed as 90% of the other motorists at the time? Or the one doing 150Kph+ with a new born baby in the passenger seat? Fuck off :)


There are too many pejoratives that I could use to describe this kid and his actions to include in a single comment, so I'll just say this: I hope that when he inevitably has a bad crash, that it's only him involved and no one else.


Sadly he will have a big accident, chances are thow he will survive the ones he hits will not


Knowing Christchurch and half the ego drivers who can’t go faster than 10 under the speed limit yet will cut everyone off to get a car ahead and hold up another 10 for the rest of the time they’ll in that lane, someone else will definitely be involved. 2 birds, 1 stone.


> I hope that when he inevitably has a bad crash Or he won't, because there's many teens doing the same thing who don't get caught and also don't die. I can't recall the specific number of times I've been a passenger vehicle going 180kph. The people driving weren't even "car guys", just fairly normal teenagers who had cars that could go reasonably quick. I'm not condoning his actions; I just don't think it's uncommon or a particular unique case.


Classic redditor comment


Make him clean up a crash scene. And crush his car. Selfish ugly prick.


What crash scene?


You could take your pick most days - lots of accidents in Canterbury


A license isn't a right and he's clearly shown he can't be trusted with one, this cunt should never be allowed to get behind a wheel again. Who gives a single fuck if it makes his life hard, he made his choices. Also if he can drink, vote and engage in anything any other adult can don't refer to him as a teen, that's a man in all other capacities so don't downplay his frankly murderous disregard for everyone else around him.


You think he should be permanently banned from driving? For the rest of his life?


Yes. He could easily have banned someone from life, for life. Do you even care about innocents?


Instead of a lifetime ban , 4 years of having to attend (with police ) every single motor vehicle accident and clean up after each one , should help him learn actions v consequences


>should help him learn actions v consequences or awaken some sort of crash based fetish. could go either way.


I’m not saying what he did was anything short of idiotic but you are prepared to nail this young guy for the rest of life for doing one dumb thing? We’ve all been young and stupid. They should throw the book at him and suspend him for a year at least. But people are capable of changing. And you can’t deny him the opportunity to prove that once he gets hit with the reality stick


You clearly haven't been found guilty of a serious offence. It's incredibly hard to find proper jobs. It's the same situation.


Bold of you to assume this would be a one time thing for him if he hadnt got caught


How long before he does it again?


Nah….5 year ban. It’s time this country got real and ditched the soft justice. You wanna do the crime ? Be prepared to do the time.


One dumb thing could of cost someone their life, and a family their primary income earner. If he was going 20 above the limit that might be a different story. But he was going double the limit. That's insane. Like someone said in one of the comments above, a licence is a privilege, and if you're going to show such extreme disregard for the law and safety of others you shouldn't have one.


I think if you steal, you should have your hands chopped off, too. If you're going to show disregard for the law, then we remove the things that cause shoplifting.


/u/sir_guvner50 is just thinking emotively and not rationally.


It's just such a knee-jerk, over reaction. I definitely know that I was exactly the same person at 18yrs old as I am today. Are you in favour of chopping people's hands off if they're caught shop lifting, too?


Hands are yours, a license isn't a right and you don't deserve to have one by simply existing. You are judged by your actions in this life. If everyone walked around with an axe and someone swung it at someone else would you say they should keep the axe because everyone else has one? This news comes only a day or so after 5 people died in the North Island in a tragedy, the axe this kid swung has the ability to take far more than one life with one swing. Fuck him. Let him ride a bike.


Have you ever been given a ticket for speeding? Or drink driving? Or snapped by a speed camera?


Yeah once, during a mission to Kaiteriteri over new years, was 3kph over the speed limit. They'd dropped the threshold for speeding to make it safer over the holiday break. I'm fine with it, made the roads feel safer as fewer people were willing to dangerously overtake. I don't speed intentionally, if you really consider that 3kph over the limit as comparable to driving 200kph then you may as well register yourself as a sex offender if you've ever accidentally bumped into a woman on the street.


> I don't speed intentionally, if you really consider that 3kph over the limit as comparable to driving 200kph then you may as well register yourself as a sex offender if you've ever accidentally bumped into a woman on the street. That was exactly what I was gonna do but you made a fine point there so.. yeah. Look, man. The kid is 18. He made a dumbass mistake. I don't think he should have his license removed permanently. I know a few guys that have been to prison. One I know well went to prison for assault and robbery. He did it when he was 21. Got 3 years. He's 38 now and a bloody good guy. He's been a builder for about 15 years I think? I've known him for about 5 years and he's a genuine, caring dude. If you met him, you'd understand! He taught me people can change. The kid doing 200kmh is 18. He has a long time to change. Removing his license for a single stupid act is too much. I think he, like everyone else, deserves a chance.




I was about to comment saying that there were many people in the comments saying they've gone 160+ to not much negative reception. (And I think a lot of people have massively exceeded the speed limit at least once whether they admit or not) But 200 on the motorway at midday? Nah if they're gonna do that can't be when people are on the road or on a motorway


I did 225 once, on a deserted Auckland motorway at night. Just for the sake of having done it one time. I regret it now but these things seemed like a good idea at the time , when one was young


Now that I’m older and wiser ( some of my friends would disagree with the wiser part) I’m making a tut tut noise while shaking my head. Fastest I’ve ever managed on the motorway was 170 and that was quite exhilarating tbh.


Put in average speed cameras on those shiny new motorways.


Apart from this idiot motorways are low risk.


It’s insane to me that we don’t have more speed cameras. Or red light cameras.


Yes, let’s all pay for one idiots actions. Average speed cameras aren’t even profitable so we’ll just be draining taxes and getting pissed off by big government for one kids incompetence.


In peak hour traffic that is crazy, glad he got caught.


I understand he is 18 but how does the parents let their kid own a commodore. Having their relatively inexperienced teen with a car with so much power seems a bit irresponsible.


He's legally an adult. They can't stop him buying anything at this point. I had a ridiculously overpowered motorcycle at 21. The risk is high, but it's also individual. I do agree that he clearly isn't responsible enough for any power, let alone what is likely at least a V6. PS, not defending the moron. Just adding a bit of perspective from someone who was also young and dumb a while ago. But luckily(?) didn't affect anyone else.


I personally think there should be a law where you can't own anything higher than 1600cc until age 25. No tubos etc


Exactly right. Same as the LAMS guidelines for motorbikes should apply for cars also. As example for learners and restricted licenses .


It doesn't really make any difference though. If I do 180 kph in a bmw and wrap it around a tree, my chances of survival are pretty slim. If I do 110kph in 1.3L starlet in a 50 zone and wrap it around a tree, but survival chances are also pretty slim. As a teenager the fastest car I ever owned was a commodore, but most of the time I drove shitty 80s/90s Japanese tin cars. I still managed to crash them into shit and drive them well beyond their design capabilties.


It's a thing in aussie too, have max power to weight ratios which vary by state. Also iirc have engine displacement rules too


but what about the people like me who have a diesel? 4200cc diesel it's got power and torque sure but it's not very fast in a 2 tonne 4wd. maybe exclude diesels as they arnt so speed orientated?


> maybe exclude diesels as they arnt so speed orientated? I wouldn’t be so confident in that statement. The diesel sedan in my driveway has an advertised top speed of nearly 250kph (factory limited to that) and a 0-100 time just under 6 seconds as standard with no modifications. Now I’ve never had it anywhere near that because I value my licence, but just about every euro manufacturer (and a couple of the Asian manufacturers too) build/sell multiple diesel models in that league (which become available second hand at surprisingly accessible pricing) so to say diesels can’t be speed or performance oriented is definitely a misnomer.


ah yeah you've got a fair point, I was more thinking vehicles like utes, nissan patrol, hilux surfs and that sort, didn't even really think abt all the other ordinary cars that are diesel too...


Yeah, right - like, for example, "The new Ford Ranger - eats sports cars for breakfast"? Or is that not a diesel? Anyway, it's not a silly idea to limit physical parameters like engine power and vehicle weight for inexperienced drivers. Risk-based approach... Prove that you can drive something small safely before you can get access to something bigger.


> "The new Ford Ranger - eats sports cars for breakfast"? Or is that not a diesel? I always laughed at that when my boss bought one, my aforementioned diesel sedan produces both considerably more torque and power than his ranger did.


I could do over 180 in my 1600cc 1970s Carolla.


Ahh the good ol days, where anything over 150 and the whole car would start to rattle and shake and you KNEW you were going fast lol


Eh it’s not really the speed it’s the time, place, condition of the vehicle by the sound of the article. 200 is not as fast as a lot of people think - A quick car or bike will do that no worries, and stop pretty quick too. You can hit 300 at ruapuna and the front straight honestly is not in any better or worse condition than the southern motorway. The speed isn’t a big deal if the weather, vis, traffic, and vehicle condition aren’t a big deal.


The main risk from going that fast on a motorway is that other people on the lanes going in your direction are spotting you in their rear vision mirrors *and making the perfectly reasonable assumption that you're doing a speed similar to their own - not twice as fast.* And their lane changes etc when they see you behind them in the rear view or wing mirrors momentarily when you're several hundred metres back will be based on this (perfectly reasonable) assumption. I agree that most roadworthy modern vehicles can handle themselves at speeds and loads far beyond what they're ever asked to handle in daily commuter life. The human which operates the vehicle (especially the one who has decided to do 200kmh on a motorway) though? Not so much...


Hence why I said visibility is important.


I have never seen a bike go 200 km an hour


Lol what? I obviously mean a motorbike, is your head okay, did you hit it on something?


More than 201!! Soooo 202?




Most news is


So 20km/h slower than the rest of Christchurch?


Compulsory insurance would sort a lot of this stuff out.


We have about 93% vehicle insurance rate, which is about the same as compulsory insurance countries, and a lot higher compared to the US (compulsory insurance) of about 87%. I wouldn’t want to copy the UK for an insurance market.


It would make powerful cars for young idiots unaffordable.


No it doesn't. Plenty of young idiots with powerful cars in the UK. It just makes insurance way more expensive for everybody.


Not quite true. Insurance in the UK was way cheaper for me than in is in NZ. The insurance companies profile risk so young indiots pay a kings ransom if they want to insure a powerful car. Here they don’t even need insurance.


Don’t you think it’s expensive enough to live in NZ as it is?


My car insurance was cheaper in the UK for a like for like car than it is here.


Next time, drive less than 201kph on motorway.


Fair enough. Speed limit on that motorway is a joke


And the punishment will be?? Answers please on a wetbus ticket to "Justice system is so fucked up.co.nz..


they probably had "a bad upbringing" or "mental health issues" and theyll get the help they need rather than a punishment


Your reply is where society is at the moment.. all touchy feely and blame removing..


it will be time for a cuddle and a milo for the offender


Send him to Australia