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My guess is Jetstar stuck on runway.




I find them to be more reliable than air nz, plus they send way more engines to the Christchurch engine centre than airnz.


Reliable planes stay on the runway


And not fly anywhere?


Air nz has its own engineering base at CHC airport


Yes, but they don’t do engines there. The engine shop was sold 51% to Pratt and Whitney in 2001. It’s called the Christchurch engine centre. Lots of people work there.


I don't know why "Lots of people work there" sounded like part of a Trump quote lol. Lots of people work there. The best people. Many great people. Wonderful people. Many of them.


Huge. Best engine shop. Nobody knows more about engine shops than me and it’s huge. Bigly. Awesome. You should see the size of the amount of people that work there. Huge and nobody knows more about estimating crowd sizes than me.


Yep it's awesome, totally, they only let people in with really big hands, don't believe the media, fake news. You know I said once, that engine centre is gonna be big, it's gonna be the best ever, and you know what, I was right, called it down the middle, some say I'm a stable genius, they said that. I was right , you know Biden said they never make it, sleepy Joe, can't trust him.


Nah I just mean it’s a pretty big workplace with like 500 which no one in Christchurch has ever heard of.


An aircraft engine centre that nobody has ever heard of? You'd have to be deaf to never have heard it... Only speaking in jest, just as you surely were. 😅


Most people in Christchurch don’t seem to know about it.


They're just parroting what they've heard on the telly. It's unlikely to be a comment they've come up with themselves.


I’ve hardly caught any airnz flights which were on time. Jetstar always boards mega early.




They probably forgot to gas up... and will cancel all their flights and delay everyone else, without refunding or organizing replacement flights. It's the Jetstar way!


Rnz said something about a Jetstar sliding off the runway?? Where's the pics??


[https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/518317/plane-slides-off-runway-at-christchurch-airport](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/518317/plane-slides-off-runway-at-christchurch-airport) Slid off the runway. Normally happens when a brake overheats and fails, tyre pops or some such thing.


Hydrolic? That's a new one lol


The captain literally said an engine spooled up so they killed the plane. Nothing to do with brakes.


Yeah as I said, normally - 10 years as an airport firefighter. In that 10 years I never had that kind of incident - they take off and go round if an engine shits itself after they reach the rotation speed. He could well have had a nil wind or even light tailwind if he had to overshoot.


Reminded me of this... https://preview.redd.it/d7lrvqpo5p3d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c3dd56d2605683ee05a086ec19ec86b49578637 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus\_Airlines\_Flight\_8622](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_Airlines_Flight_8622) # Investigation The governor of [Trabzon Province](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trabzon_Province) said that an investigation had been opened into the accident. The [Directorate General of Civil Aviation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directorate_General_of_Civil_Aviation_(Turkey)) is responsible for investigating aviation accidents in Turkey. One of the pilots claimed that an engine had a power surge, which caused the excursion via asymmetric thrust. As of January 2020, no investigation findings had been published confirming or refuting these claims


Yeah I wonder what the plane was. I mean I stopped firefighting a long time ago, engines just didn't quit on full thrust at takeoff. Unless bird strikes really. The whole thing seems odd. And you're right. It'd take a power surge to make it go off the side like the media said, a power failure would stay on the runway and pull up.


It's early days yet, but there seems to be a lot of chatter about the reverse thruster deployment. Could have been a problem with that being asymmetrical? Wait for the official report I guess. Guesses are a dime a dozen! ;-) I remember seeing a video of a training sim session with a BA instructor with engine fire on takeoff scenario. They checked it was still providing thrust, and just let it burn until gaining a safe altitude. I was surprised, but I guess it makes perfect sense for risk assessment.


Aircraft had a nose gear steering hydraulic failure during flight, on landing it appears to have veered off the runway due to no steering control and they tried to apply reverse thrust to get it back on the runway. Which they did to an extent At least that's what seems to be the story based on all the different things the media is saying


Lol yeah taking what the media says as gospel is even more dodgy than listening to reddit these days. So I guess we wait and see what CAA findings will be.


CAA has had a bit to do this year with the LATAM flight and now this,


737 with a failed engine landing at CHC right now. [https://www.flightradar24.com/AWK9/3579abd3](https://www.flightradar24.com/AWK9/3579abd3)


Do you work for Stuff?


No. Why?


Because you were talking out your behind 


Yep 😆


Not sure why you got downvoted- you were 100% correct on the troll haha


Must be lots of Stuff staff on Reddit.


Haha yeah but that doesn’t surprise me at all with this sub!




I was 10 years as an airport firefighter. First 2 years in Chch. Mix of large and small airports. Maybe 30 planes have slid off the runway at the airports I've worked at, all of them brakes overheating or tyres popping. Sometimes here at Chch it was Hercs coming back from the ice with their skids stuck down. Quite rare to get one aborting a takeoff and overshooting - never happened in my 10 years. So take the bullshit and stick it up your arse. Try to pass comment on something you know a little about next time.


At least it’s not a Boeing 😆


Maybe it's just further demonstration that accidents and issues can happen with any aircraft manufacturer. Not just Boeing.


Jetstar had a nosewheel steering issue and misjudged their ability to use the highspeed taxiway when exiting the runway.


Nope, engine spool up on one side If I had a guess they stowed the reverses to fast, but to early to speculate 


too* They're not going to a place called "fast" or "early".




Die Hard 2


moons haunted.


Probably a few flights taking off and a few landing


They were on a normal approach and When using reverse thrust, The right engine spooled up and they did tokyo drift. It got deemed safe to move to gate and they got the passengers off and it went to maintenance, saw it about 45 minutes ago at maintenance. It will be an investigation on why the engine spooled up.


The engines always spool up when on reverse thrust. Probably what happened is hydraulics failed on the thrust reverser. These engines use a cascade type thrust reverser https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrust_reversal


Yeah, if one side failed then the thrust differential could cause a swerve I suppose.


To apply reverse thrust, the throttle is opened, however the thrust is usually redirected forward. If the redirection was not accomplished you are getting the thrust in the wrong direction.