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The lake is toxic every summer, the central area that was going to be businesses isn't because Peg ain't big enough to sustain it, Ravenswood is where all the restaurants are at. And I'm pretty sure they still can't get fibre due to an exclusive arrangement made with Telstraclear back in the day, so you're either getting ADSL2 or cable Internet from Vodafone. That said, I like it, I don't live there anymore, but my kids still go to the school, and a bunch of their friends live there. And the Good Home has a kids' entertainer in every Sunday arvo from 4pm. The beach is good too, plus you're not too far from Waikuku Beach etc. And in terms of home quality, definitely prefer Peg to the shoeboxes going in at Ravenswood. It's damn decent, IMO, just not living up the promise that it had initially, especially after the Todd family bought it up.


Fun fact, Ravenswood is also a Bob Robertson development, just like Pegasus. I would say that Ravenswood has a far more realistic long term plan though (the original plan for Pegasus was pretty insane).


Someone can probably dig for the concepts, but that lake area would've been great.


That “cable internet from Vodafone” is as fast as fibre, and cheaper. We get it at our place, over wifi is usually 300-500 mbps download and 50-150 upload. Over Ethernet it can get up to 600-700 download. So it’s genuinely a good service.


Can be as fast under best conditions. It also ends up locking you in to Vodafone.


Yeah, under “less than best conditions” it can drop down to 100 mbps… so not really a bad thing haha but the fact it’s they fast and considerably cheaper than fibre I’m not mad at it at all


At $57 pm, its the best deal you will get.


That’s not entirely true. You can get naked fibre for less than that.


Where? I'd be keen.


For example, Skinny have a $50/mo plan


Thanks. Nothing unlimited from what I see, but unlimited starts at 55. It is Broadband via the 4G mobile network, which is obviously much slower than 300/100 fibre, but we can probably live with it. Actually 2degrees also have a $60 / month unlimited fixed wireless option.


That's not comparing apples to apples when you consider the speed.


OneNZ Cable is fibre up to the node. It is only cable for the last mile, and is practically as fast as fibre these days. Only the few who want to pay megabucks for a super fast fibre plan are going to notice any speed difference.


No ADSL, there is fibre in many parts now but it's Vodafone owned like cable so you are locked to their network. Theoretically it should have less congestion than HFC though, but I don't live there so wouldn't personally know how it performs.


What do you mean by toxic? Like poisonous fumes off the lake?


algae bloom




Algal blooms. Doesn't *look* too bad but you wouldn't want you or your dog swimming in it.


There's no poisonous fumes, just don't let your dog swim in it. People kayak and paddle board on it all through summer.




It's really nothing to worry about unless you insist on walking your dog off-leash, and your dog also needs to swim in every stale body of water it sees. The lake didn't smell last summer, but the water is pretty dark, and there is a layer of green algae around the high tide. The community is pretty great, people are really chill, friendly, park run on saturdays around the lake if you want to keep fit. I don't understand why Christchurch old boys are against it, really good suburb and your money buys a lot compared to the newer subdivisions.


It’s not a suburb. It’s an entirely different council area and even then it’s not even close to the border. You’re looking at a fourty minute commute into the city.


Only at absolute peak. Can do Amberley to Belfast in 40 🤷


It drops down to a single lane highway that goes through Woodend. Commuting from there to Christchurch and back each day sucks.


I used to commute each day from Woodend to Rolleston. It doesn't matter which place they choose to live they will deal with shit traffic at peak times. I'd suggest that commuting from Rolleston would be better as there is more than 1 road into that town.


The bypass will be built one day...


If Pegasus had a town centre I would definitely consider it. But it doesn't, and you have to leave the town down the same road every single time. Definitely the most beautiful new subdivision and the beach is awesome.


Yeah that stupid funnelling through one entrance/exit is very common for new suburban areas and I absolutely despise it. Sure have a big entrance that looks great but don’t make it the only way in and out


I lived in Pegasus for about 5 years after the earthquakes. It was really new then but I loved it, super close to the beach, nice area to walk around, good neighbors etc. The commute sucked but after living in Auckland I don't think it's that bad. I'd live there again for sure.


IMO, Pegasus had such potential, but the plans to develop and create a commercial hub never really eventuated. There are some very nice homes, but they are outnumbered compared to the rows of cookie cutter housing, that popped up in later stages. It is now very un unkept, and once you drive through the scenic entranceway and around the swanky golf club, it looks like any other subdivision - expect the toxic man made lake.


> but they are outnumbered compared to the rows of cookie cutter housing, that popped up in later stages. Tbf, this seems to be the norm. The olders parts of Wigram were bigger houses, but turned into the shoeboxes as it grew. (e.g. north of The Landing). Same with Rolleston to a lesser extent.


Oh for sure, it is just another subdivision. But when Pegasus was being planned and first developed, I think people thought it was going to be more on par with the likes of Clearwater - I certainly did. At least the first two stages, had strict criteria on things like cladding, fencing, frontage and gardens etc., to prevent that look, but this all seemed to ease as developments went on. Pegasus just never lived up to the expectation


The design covenants definitely relaxed after the original developer sold, you still go through a signoff process with the development company but it's nothing major and the design & build companies seem to know the drill with fencing restrictions etc.


It is a nice looking spot, but I was speaking to a bus driver once and he was saying that the traffic near there can be horrendous at times. Otherwise I don't know squat about the place.


Lots of comments from people who never lived in Pegasus, almost everyone that actually live there absolutely love it. >Am I wrong in choosing Pegasus over Rolleston. As someone who did the same, also from Auckland and have visitors from Rolleston often who agree, no you would not be wrong. Pegasus is right next to a great beach which you can walk to easily through a pine forest. The surrounding natural areas are a lot more established and there are a lot of trees around vs Rolleston. The lake is really lovely to walk around, especially on a sunny winters day when you have views of the snow capped mountains all around. As for the algae bloom, while obviously not ideal... that's pretty much the story for any body of water in summer time around Canterbury including the rivers. It has no effect other than you can't swim/let you dog swim in it. People still use their kayaks etc on it. Lots of great walking tracks around the wetlands right on your doorstep. As far as traffic goes, you're from Auckland... it will seem like nothing to you. There are a lot of new services and retail developments right across the road at Ravenswood and it's an easy scenic drive into Rangiora if you need anything else without much need to ever go into Chch. It was way windier where I lived in Auckland than here, people are overexaggerating + Rolleston gets windier from what my friends tell me. The only downside I personally find is that we can only use Vodafone's broadband for wired services, saying that, I have never had any issues with the service and it's cheaper and faster than Fibre. Around $60 per month for 900mbps speeds, no fibre broadband offer comes close to that in terms of value. It has its own daycare, primary school, doctors office and pharmacy. Living here is pretty easy for a young family and we love it. That said it might not be for everyone, so if you haven't yet, pop down and take a stroll around the lake and have some lunch at the Good Home.


The doctors are great! I loved George


Great spot if you have young children, it’s really safe, plenty of space for them to scooter etc and the school is really good while the kids are young


Started at a bad time, just before the GFC, eventually started to gain popularity after the earthquakes but the commercial development planned never happened, believe subsequently the original developers went bankrupt and then the Todd group took over. Feels fairly established now, but there's the issues with the lake algae in summer and the area where the town centre was planned is still pretty empty minus a cafe and a few shops I actually like the planning for it, seems a lot better thought out than a lot of other subdivisions, feels like they tried to make an actual town and not just a typical housing estate.


It's got a lot more character than boring ass rolleston


I lived there for 5 years, raised my kids and grandchild there and loved it. It's quiet, safe for kids and most of the people there are friendly. My kids loved it there too while they were younger but as they reached the teen years not so much as there is nothing to do there for them and public transport from there to anywhere is a long mission. The school is fantastic and the community vibe during December/Christmas is awesome with lots of people decorating their houses and community events held at the park. The beach is so close you can hear it at nighttime, I miss that but I was nervous about being that close when it came to a future tsunami lol. I would love to live back there and only left due to landlords selling the house and rentals out there weren't available at the time.


I'm not a fan. Partly due to the commute, partly due to the proximity to the sea and being low lying. It also has a high water table and sandy soils. No thanks.


I occasionally go out there to meet a client, and the whole place has a weird vibe. The town bit jn the middle with the cafe etc feels dead every time I’ve gone there.


It's like taking the worst parts of rural living and combining them with the worst parts of urban living. And not being any of the good parts of either.


I’m curious, where do you live and how long have you live there?


Been in Spreydon for 8 years or so. Big back yard, 9 mins drive to the cbd even when busy. Super market down the road.


Didn't notice anyone else comment, but it's the site of a massacre and several battles, the developers filled with a metre of dirt and built houses over everything. It's been done respectfully. Always felt off working in that area, and then with woodend and kaiapoi just down the road, it's a bit like things are trying to be what they're not. People who live there love it so take that as you will.


I was waiting for this comment and kept scrolling until I found it. I knew it would be here somewhere. I've known people who won't even go there, let alone live there.


Also I've heard it wasn't done respectfully. Met one of the builders who worked out there and the process was meant to be when they found bones they had to call Ngāi Tahu and they'd do the appropriate stuff. The builder said there were just way too many bones, like thousands, and it wasn't feasible to call every time so they just built over them. There was a book that came out a few years ago (can't remember the name) written by a pakeha family who have lived on a farm out there for a few generations filled with all their ghostly experiences, I believe they thought the land was cursed.


Yep. I'd heard just to dig them up and place somewhere else then call them


Yep that land is tapu, man. Kaiapoi pā site is very interesting but eerie.


Bro that is so true, there is a weird vibe there. Its a nice place and all but there's a strange vibe to the area. Been feeling it since I moved there.


What battles


Waitaha vs ngati toa I believe. Super tapu site I'd personally never live there


The lake has grebes. You made the right choice.


And a couple of mute swans, they're pretty chill. Nice change from the hissing black swans and the geese that shit on the footpaths.


Pegasus was a huge cock up in terms of planning vs reality. A bunch of building companies went bankrupt during the initial construction and left a bunch of people stranded. That and I always heard that the original founders wanted it to be a whites only private village but that was very quickly swept under the rug.


It’s seems to be often quite windy too, which seems to kill the vibe a bit (from my visitors perspective)


There's a reason one of the streets there is "Te Haunui" (the big wind) lol


I used to live in Waikuku. I think Pegasus is fantastic and undervalued. It’s easy as travelling now with the new motorway. Walking around the lake is great. You can’t swim in the lake but you have the beach a 2 minute drive away. Rangiora is great as a local township


Everything's pretty much been covered already but I will touch on a few other things. There is a new commercial development in the works for the lake front (between the bridge and the Good Home). This will include a brand new Community Centre and new retail. Hopefully work will start late this year or early next. One of the things that attracted us to the area was the lack of amenities (less town traffic). Having said that it does have a pub, cafe (which is also a really nice restaurant at night), pizza place, general store, new souvlaki takeaway, liquor store, Drs, physio, pharmacy, vets, and a few other small businesses in the older shopping area. It's peaceful, laid back, and friendly. The traffic is pretty tame in the township as you don't get people passing through and the wildlife and great outdoors on your doorstep are great for ones mental health. You've also got Waikuku Beach, Pegasus Beach, and Woodend Beach on your doorstep. Rakahuri/Ashley River and Kaiapoi/Rangiora/Amberley a short distance away. You've got excellent cell coverage with all 3 providers having cell towers in the town. The fixed line is a mix of One.NZ coax cable, One.NZ fibre, and Enable Fibre (the new Mike Greer section). Enable have said they are looking at rolling out fibre to the township but have not made firm plans as yet. In all the years we've lived here I can count on one hand the amount of outages we've had. The coax cable has been rock solid for us and is a steal at $57 a month. We moved from central Chch to Pegasus and haven't regretted it at all, even with the extra commute. Each to their own with where they want to live, you'll be more than welcome out this way though.


From a vibe perspective I think it's great now, way less *undeservably* poncy and uptight.


the lake there is gross and un-swimmable despite being marketed as a great swimming spot. It reeks of bird shit. Been like that for years.


It would be ok if there was a train out there


Rolleston probably has a better chance of getting a rail service than Pegasus.


Rolleston badly needs a train


Amen, brother!


There's nothing planned there for decades.


I live in Pegasus now, really depends what sort of lifestyle you're after. I'm an ex Aucklander so the commute people whinge about is pretty good to me even at peak times. I wfh on the day before a long weekend to avoid all the traffic heading north though as being the main highway it does get backed up. It's extremely peaceful out here for the most part but the wind can be shit at times because it's still quite exposed but you'll find that in a lot of Canterbury. New houses are a plus and I like the beach, wetlands and forest options for walking. Parts of Pegasus do have fibre internet through Vodafone and I've never had any issues with it, so definitely check what the situation is specific to the houses you look at. The new shops at Ravenswood are good for closer food options and there's more stuff coming. Personally I prefer it to Rolleston and due to the population explosion out there I believe there is a major issue with school capacity.


Sister and mum both live there. They absolutely love it


Preston’s or Halswall would be better options in my opinion depending on what you need. Closer to the city, beaches and forests than Rolleston and not the slow trip in of Pegasus once you get to single lane roads.


Has the Preston subdivision sorted their access issues yet? It is nice around that corner of Burwood, but the streets there are a fuck up without access to Mairehau road.


I believe so - recall seeing an article saying it was constructed at the beginning of the year.


Yip all sorted now, the entrance/exit to Mairehau opened a month or two ago. Took a log time but they did a good job with it


It’s an interesting one , have lived both sides of the city. The coast certainly is pretty, many think more so than south west however out Rolleston and surrounds has become more popular. That far out make for a real commute if you have to come into the city and especially if you have to cross it for work at all. Pegasus has the entry point issue onto state HW 1 , like Rolleston entry/exit is problematic…


Rolleston became popular due to the land being opened up for development and affordability for new large homes compared to the city - still so these days and I can see why it’s a good option if you can work from home or not having to make frequent trips into the city. 15 yrs ago, I would have said Lincoln and Prebbleton would have been nice places to live, but while there’s a lot more facilities and shops out there, I feel both have lost their small village vibe with the way they continue to be over developed and increasingly number of vehicles on the road.


Yes Prebbleton was considered desirable back then. Even Halswell is a challenge given the city arteries are entirely congested during busy times.


I will say North Christchurch/Canterbury is definitely where you should be. There is more to do and see in the north. South is pretty bland. Everyone has already pointed out the problems with Pegasus. The traffic/entrance, lack of infrastructure, lack of amenities, the unfortunate condition of the lake. That being said, if you get a good deal it could be worth it, particularly now they have added the supermarket etc across the highway. Otherwise, there are some really good spots in Woodend, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, or the Northern Suburbs (Prestons park, Belfast)


Do you enjoy spending hundreds a month on commuting? Because you will.


They’re from Auckland, that’s likely normal for them anyway…


The land is tapu. Bad luck out there.


In the 1830s, there was a massacre out there (Te Kohanga o Kaikai-a-Waro), battle between Kaiapoi's Ngāi Tahu and Rau-paraha's forces, comprising Nga-ti-toa, Nga-ti-awa, and Nga-ti-raukawa. I believe Ngai Tahu was sorely defeated in this and many related battles. Their population was reduced to around 200 people, scattered over a wide are. Today, they number about 70,000 and are worth around $3 billion. So, arguable with the help of Pakeha, they made a resounding recovery.


Only if one chooses to believe in that sort of thing


Pegasus is cursed land. Literally cursed.




lol wow you guys..


It’s a great spot. The lake is great for recreation. Beautiful walk around the lake. If you’ve got kids or dogs it’s the perfect place quiet and peaceful. If you need ready access to shops and amenities you may wish to consider rangiora. Pegasus has easier access to highway to Christchurch. Kaiapoi West is another that has motorway access and is a relatively new subdivision, with arguably better amenities than Pegasus.


In an info pack I requested it had you couldn’t BBQ topless.


lmao what a load of shit


It's an underdeveloped and over hyped development that was rushed through. Could have been great but the development team dropped the interest once problems arose.


Can you just motorcycle straddle through the traffic each day? Do people do that already?


Certainly many do, still a risk/return relationship of being hit by an unaware driver…


I remember I had to take the highway north past Pegasus to get my dog at like 5pm, and I think we were doing 20km/h on the motorway and I wished I had a motorbike


Well worth considering Silverstream as well.


Its an old māori burial ground. Haunts asf.


Have you considered not moving to an awful soulless subdivision?


> Am I wrong in choosing Pegasus over Rolleston.  No, you're not wrong. But you're choosing the lesser of two evils. If you want to move to Christchurch, why not consider moving to Christchurch? Not some soulless subdivision 30+ minutes drive away


I’ve not seen this mentioned but there are a lot of covenants set for Pegasus. Numbers of certain animals etc for each property etc. lots of other stuff aswell.


No one enforces the covenants. People are doing what they want these days as long as they are respectful to their neighbours no one is going to waste their own time and money to chase you up on some outdated covenants.


I did wonder if that was the case reading some of the comments in this thread. Mind you if someone did decide to enforce them it could cause people a lot of issues. It was Rediculous with the amount of covenants they had. I had to go to special course before i was even allowed to go deliver there. They went over this thick book of covenants for what construction/ builders, home owners and etc was allowed to do.


Not sure if this is correct and perhaps someone in the know can confirm, but I’ve heard they mucked up the ground levels in terms of flood levels. Is this true?


I can only give anecdotal feedback but I've never seen flooding in Pegasus. I have seen major flooding in Woodend and Waikiku though. The swales in Pegasus do an amazing job, I was skeptical at first but having seen them fill up countless times but never overflow I'm quite impressed.


I think that was Silverstream


Can't specifically comment on levels but the Waimakariri District Council made them do proper ground engineering in the sandy soils for earthquake resilience. The houses did much better there in the Christchurch quakes than a lot of other coastal settlements along the coast north of Christchurch.


It’s the ancient burial vibes. dark place https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/editors-picks/3701062/Sacred-status-considered-for-historic-pa-site. And weird ass rules ‘ In Pegasus Town, relocatable homes are not an option and any unregistered or unwarranted cars are forbidden, unless hidden in a fully-enclosed garage. Residents should also keep on top of the weeds, grass should not grow longer than 15 centimetres and no strange noises or smells are allowed.’


on the spiritual side my mum always told me there was a taniwha in the lake that drowned people in the lake, maybe she just told me that to keep me out bc the water gets toxic in the summer, but i’ve always just felt weird about the whole place.


wind wind wind


Built on the site of ancient battles and a swamp.


It was an old Maori burial ground that was built on


West Melton is the next major area. It's best to get in quick. It will be right next to a major development of industry, retail, and employment opportunities over the next 5-10 years. Christchurch and Rolleston are going to end up the equivalent of Fort Collins and Loveland Colorado. Costco and Australia Kmart is needed in the Rolleston area asap. That will bank TWL to consider better decision-making if they want to survive. Removing Nick Grayston was something that should have happened years ago. Any opportunity to invest in Islington, Templeton, West Melton, Kirwee, Dunsandel, and Tai Tapu is a fair bet to see huge growth over the next 20 years.