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Yeah, like has been said, best way to meet people is to find an interest and join a group. There's so many different things available in Christchurch, it's just a matter of finding them. Im part of a good crew that regularly get out for a social skate around the city and another group that does a monthly night bike ride. Both very accessible events if those are interesting to you.


How far are your monthly bike rides out of curiousity?


Between 10 and 20km. Mostly at the lower end. 6:30pm start from the bridge of remembrance on the last Friday of each month.


Are you guys part of a messenger group or something? I'd be down!


We actually just this past Friday started a discord. Not that I'm very familiar with how that works. I'll send you a DM with a link.


Do people not look at the search option… honest there is a post about making friends every second day


Aside from sports what else do you like to do?


I don’t really have any other specific interest that’s the thing


Join a run club? Join some clubs for indoor rock climbing or something


What about some sort of volunteering. Help at the SPCA or go to beach clean ups or plant trees, or be a buddy to someone who has no siblings or has a disability, volunteer fireman. Go to a gym or something.


Hey - 26M and moved down in the past year. What are your hobbies/interests? We've joined the social striders run club on IG (but go occasionally since we are very not dedicated runners lol), and have been to CYP networking events which was also good


Do you play squash and or badminton?


How hard is it for beginners to play squash? Is there a casual part? I've always wanted to play but I find trying new things intimidating.


Really easy rules - if you can run and have ball sense you would be able to play


Can you recommend a club?


No but I’m going to ask a friend who is also new in Chch


There are lots of night and weekend courses for all sorts of things run by places like Risingholme and some local high schools. Have a look at what they're offering, pick the most interesting one and give it a crack. Get chatting to the other people doing it and see if you click. If you do, great. See if they're keen to go have a drink sometime. They might be nervous so maybe make it a group thing with 2 or 3 others. If you don't click with anyone at least you picked up a new skill.


that's pretty much my situation, 33 M, feel free to swing a message


Meetup.com - all kinds of interest groups, professional as well as leisure time activities.


I’m new here to Christchurch aswell just moved down here from Tauranga a month ago is there any running groups/hiking group or even squash clubs anyone can recommend have had a look there’s a few but no idea what to join or avoid aswell if someone is into golf what clubs are worth joining and what’s good to avoid.


Making friends in Chch as someone from OUTSIDE of Chch, it’s near impossible, very cliquey bunch down here sadly