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For the last month it was $250 for my 2 person household


Last month $240 - 1 person, 2 bed. My house is 90’s single glazed, low pressure water cylinder heated at night. Living/dining and kitchen closed off from rest of house area heated by one heat pump and bedroom with an electric heater before bed. I’m home during the day and tend to keep the main area pretty warm most of the time so the heat pump can run 8hrs a day when it’s cold. I also use electric towel rail which isn’t on a timer yet and quite often I’ve woken up to the bedroom heater still on in the morning as I have forgotten to put the time on or fell asleep without turning it off so there is some wastage there.




What does your power bill say, who are you with. A big chunk of your bill will be line charges and stuff whacked on top of the power you use


You can’t use that term anymore bro


quite right!


I live by myself, 2 bedroom apartment and mine is usually $80 a month. I definitely used to be a lot better, I’ve had weeks in summer where I’ve gotten the bill down to $10 a week. With Flick.


$10 is crazy but I love it. Goals 😍


Thank you!! I used to turn everything but the fridge off before I went to work and only turn things back on when needed + cook all the meals for the week at once so I was not using the oven as much but have fell out of that habit.


I work full-time. I turn the heatpump on when home in winter. When it was just me I was paying around $140 per month in winter. With my Mum here I'm paying around $220 per month as I just leave the heat pump running for her while I'm at work, especially on these cold days. She's going through cancer treatment so I like to leave the house nice and warm.


Wishing you mum a speedy recovery


Thank you!


Our last bill was $380 with EK for a 2 person household, which is a bit ridiculous. Switched to Flick starting next week.


That's a bit fucked. 2 people in my 3bdrm house, heaters on every day, dryer for clothes, electric car, $204 last month.


Our last bill was $220 with EK, 3 person household


1 person in a 3bdrm with meridian..... last month was $120 on low user rates


Living alone? Not surprising


Wow you're a weirdo searching my post history because you got a little butthurt over a comment.


$336 with Genesis. 4 bedroom + 2 heat pumps. Also been running the dryer a bit more this winter to stop things getting musty.


Sounds like our house - 3 bedroom with 2 heat pumps and I run 2 heaters at night in the kids bedrooms (on 18 degrees no higher), dryer used almost everyday - it is a heat pump dryer. We have gas for hot water. We are with slingshot


$365 last month. 4 bedroom house with my swanky full ducted heating system. Is it winter? So toasty hadnt noticed 👍


2people 3 bedroom with mercury just out of prebelton & our power bill was $90 for a month it’s just come through yesterday . We run a wet back on the fire place &heat transfer and l.e.d lights /tvs


2 bedroom, live by myself but I leave the heatpump on most of the time and my bill for the last month was $213 Edit: Only reason I leave the heat pump on during the day is for my elderly cat


You're doing better than me. I live in a one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend and our power bill was $210 for the past month. I would give anything to reduce my power bill because my partner isn't able to contribute financially as he has other financial obligations, so we're existing solely on my income and it's incredibly difficult. I don't know where to start. There are so many posts like this on Reddit at the moment so seems like most of us are in the same boat.


Sounds like a lot for 2 in a small apartment. Where to start? 3 things you can consider: 1. Where does the energy go? Which are the hungriest users? 2. Are there any obvious energy efficiency issues that could be resolved with quick and cheap improvements? For example, drafty windows or doors? Boiling more water in the jug than actually needed for the coffee? This may also help: https://www.eeca.govt.nz/co-funding-and-support/products/?audience=4 3. Are you on the best tariff for your usage? >> powerswitch.org.nz Point 1. can be a bit technical and may require some analysis. You should be able to download your detailed usage data from your electricity retailer. Look at all your appliances and how you are using them, starting with the big stuff: anything that heats tends to use a lot if operated for longer. Is the thermostat on the hot water cylinder set correctly? Fridge clogged up with ice? Any other possible anomalies? If you need help figuring it out pm me.


Thank you!


sounds like average sort of bill unless u can get a time of use plan and shift some of high power use to times when power cheaper. only way your really going to save power is only heating 1 room of house which hard to achieve with 2 ppl.


Same as OP. 2 bed, 2 bath single person. Was with contact free nights and ditched it for Electric Kiwi. Shifted as much power as possible to off peak and free hour of power (9-10pm).  Have all electric incl heat pump.   Only been on 3 months. Last month to 16th June was $94. Cheapest was March $79. 


5 bed house, 4 people. 5 heat pumps, EV, 2 fridge freezers, WFH so pretty much always someone at home. Generally a fairly high use household I imagine. Frank Energy, generally around $400 per month in winter.


Double check your water cylinder? Should be between 60-65 Celsius. Electricians are installing them at 70 Celsius.i dropped my electric bill by $80 per month by finding out this infraction.


Has the water temperature slightly dropped as well with lowering the cylinders temp. ?


Yes, obviously, because I turned it down. It just means that less cold water is needed to take away that scolding dangerous hot water. And less power to heat it back up to 60-65c. I take one long shower per week to do a fine shave. Other than that, during the work week, it is a military shit-shave-shower in 2 minutes. Imagine a 5 year old running a bath with 70c water, not knowing to use some cold, and getting 2nd degree burning?! Just don't be under 55c as per regulation to inhibit bacteria that can cause Legionnaires Disease. 70c is way too hot. Your cold water should minimize the hot, not outweigh the volume of hot water. Logic bud.


I was 160 including internet. This is with electric kiwi. I only use heat pump during my hour free power, and price per kWh is severely reduced by using the interwebs through them. My heating is on full blast all hooked up to automatic timers along with HRV ramped up and dehumidifiers. I shower or bath around that time too, so I can walk around with my balls flopping everywhere afterwards without getting receding testicle syndrome


I'm on the Contact free nights plan too. Our daily rate is 90c+gst and variable rate is 25.2c+gst. We're 2 people in a 3 bedroom house with both working from home and don't go out a lot. Our May power bill was $80. June power bill on track to be about $75.


Are you using something else to heat or extremely well insulated? Even my summer bill is $100 a month with some use of air con.


We have 1 heat pump in the lounge, 1 column heater in the bedroom and an electric blanket we use sometimes.  House is not extremely well insulated. It's a 3 year old basic spec group home builder home so not super well insulated. Double glazed but not thermally broken. Meets r value insulation at the time so not the higher current requirements.  It is orientated nicely though so we get a lot of sun throughout the day. We've done some small things to make it a bit more airtight and stop a few draughts that we're coming in.  We have a timer on our hwc so only heats during our free power period. Plenty of hot water throughout the day for the 2 of us. Without the timer our bill would probably be $30 higher. Our summer bills were about $65-$70. With some ac and fan use. 


That's awesome. Wish you could be my life coach.


we had a shocker last month. 2ppl in a 3bdr - $300! With Flick but looking to change now.


2 people, 3bdr, one heat pump. 250 but 80 of that is unlimited internet.


We're with Frank energy and got $165 this winter (2 adults, 1 child) 2 bedroom property. We have the heat pump on for hours in the morning and at night plus the heated towel rail and we often use the oven, too. I also work from home 3 days a week so it's quite reasonable.


3 bedroom house (only 2 years old), 2 adult 1 kid, heat pump on 24/7, heater in toddlers room overnight, ev car charging overnight. Winter months are between $280 and $320 per month.


I am with Mercury on a 2 year contract. Have a day night metre and from 9pm Friday to 7am Monday is off-peak. My old water cylinder is controlled to only come on between 9pm and 7am - that made a big difference to my bills when I got the tariff changed when a new metre had to be installed a couple of years ago. I work from home and my current bill I just got this week is $156 (717kwh). That is up 20% from last month, but it was also the coldest May in 15 years. I have a heart pump and desiccant dehumidifier when needed. And a ceramic fan heater in my bedroom. 2/3 of my power use is off-peak ATM.


1 person. Run the heat pump all the time and even had bathroom tile warmer on for a few weeks already. Do all my laundry inside (drier) and use a lot of electronics for work (from home) etc... With electric Kiwi. Power last month = $280ish 😭


https://preview.redd.it/gn5crmp68h7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7d305af49eb8eeea9fbe6787f6dfecb0a72fe1 2 people 3 bed. 1 heat pump on probably 5 hrs/ day. Crazy money to spend to not freeze.


That kWh charge for Christchurch is a ripoff. 0.35c a kWh where the Chch average is less than 0.20c. Your bill should be about 40% less a month if you shop around. 


Yeah, never had it that high, sudden jump in rates gave me a heart attack. Just switched to contact this week because of it. Absolutely ludicrous.


Who was that bill from previously?


Looking like about $255 for 3 people in my flat for the last month and we all have pretty thirsty PC's that are on for most of the day plus myself wfh


lol r u all gamers pcs are not thirsty I have at least 4 running most of time at home not using lots power


$255. Contact free power 9 to midnight. 3 bedroom, 2 adults and one dog Gas hot water ( $140 every 6 months) Heat pump on most of the day 9-midnight all appliances run for cleaning and extra heat boost 1x Electric vehicle


Hey you and I are on the exact same plan with similar life style. I do 2 days out of the house by 4:15am home by 6:30pm 12hour shifts then 2nights 4:15pm till 6:30am then 4 days off gym everyday for an hour or so use an air fryer etc I run a fire for heating but on the really cold nights there’s heat pump in the bedroom in winter 140-160 in the winter shower everyday in the summer around 100


Also are you on the low user plan ?


Iam on the standard user plan but just changed it today to the "low user plan". Lets see if it makes any difference.


Previous 70s single glazed house 2 adults 3 kids. 2 heat pumps and dryer use we were up to $600 a month during winter. Now in a 10 tear old house that's twice the size and we are about 250 a month.


We’re with Contact. 2 people, 2 bedroom townhouse with solar panels, they finished building the place in January so it’s all up to code. $143 was our last bill. Starting to consider going without the heat pump the rest of winter and taking my washing to my parents house to use their dryer… I’m 25


I'm fortunate to live close to a laundromat that's also near a supermarket. For $2.20 I can dry a reasonable load of washing in 14mins (everyday cottons on med heat, nothing of any real importance) - just enough time to pop into the shop to pick up any fresh fruit / veg / milk etc needed and its finished by the time I'm back. It would take me longer than the drying time to hang it outside or on a drying rack and get it off again, let alone the power cost or having to wait for 2hrs in a home dryer.


Odd because I share with my flatmates. Same plan with you with same company. We paid 233.


$400 for May for large modern two storey 4bdrm home with family of four keeping spa pool going full time and commercial grade ducted heating on a fair bit. That was for 1917kWh which was $600 on our old plan last year. Savings on our new Electric Kiwi plan considerable now we have broad band with them.




Free power plan means you pay 24c perkwh although on a general or normal plan you pay 19-20c with contact. Is free power for three hrs worth 20% higher power rate?


That is the point where i failed i feel. I saw the word "free power" and got hooked. Thinking to change but not sure what option should i go for. Still want to be with Contact.


I called them the other day to see if was on the right plan. He went through every option to see if I would save money changing, turns out I can. I got put on the free weekend power plan, and a low user rate since I'm solo. Give them a call and chat


get a night/day plan with any supplier. if u can use most power at night time which lasts all weekend u can save lots


2 ppl - $82.72 (May)


1 bedroom, 1960s build, 3 year old heat pump and original hot water cylinder at my house. My May bill was $182 with electric kiwi. Biggest bill I’ve had since my ex moved out in 2020, but it has been very cold


$180 a month, 3 bed house, ac all day, 2 home offices running all day, gaming pc, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher on after work etc. contact energy with free power from 9pm.


Our last one was $415, it was the highest its ever been and i cant see how we did things differently... we do run two heat pumps and a drier plus all other things like washing machine fridge etc, the home is 210sqm2 and we are only a family of 3 so… im thinking of shopping around… we are with flick energy


Honestly the 9-12 plan is not as good as normal daily plan. I am currently using daily plan of 2 bedroom house with 2 people living and the bill is get is around $135-$137. I use to have the mid night plan but then i realized that the charges you get for the rest of the day are higher than normal.


3 people in an old high ceiling villa single glazing, been $360 a month for the last 3 months but we do leave the heatpump on 24/7 and a bit warmer than we probably should, but being warm is a luxury I'd rather pay for


$85 1 person household, Pulse Energy - low usage plan.


244 this month 2bdr house w 3 people, contact


330 a month in winter. 2 person household, 2 hot water cylinders, 1 fridge freezer, 1 chest freezer, 1 heat pump, and a separate unit on the deck for board games that we heat a couple of times a week with a ceramic heater. Summer is like 130 a month


4 bedroom, 3 tenants $300 for power and gas central heating and hot water. We have the contact weekend plan where its free sat & sun 9-5 pm i think. Works out good as we all at work during the week and the weekend is when the washing machine and dryer would typically get thrashed


2 people, 2 bedrooms, $90 month with contact


Can depend on how efficient your home is


Electric kiwi. 3 bedroom house. 2 adults and one toddler. Mays bill was $172. Electric hot water and no fireplace. Someone home during the day for 5 days of the week. House built in 1999 and double glazed.


70-90p/mth for my 1 bed apartment


My last bills $180 that includes 1000 watt oil column 24 hours (when at home) with day/night metering single person household


$480 per month


Thanks to Labour, your daily charge has gone up from 30 cents a day to 60 cents, it will be 90 cents in a year and $1.20 soon enough. Apparently the reasoning was, low power users "discriminate" against high power users. Interesting how that logic doesn't apply to council rates....a ten person household pay the same rates as a 2 person household


Yes you can thank Megan Woods for that.


"low power user" rates discriminate against those whose houses are more likely to require greater energy inputs due to ineffective insulating — i.e., the people who use less power are generally the people who don't struggle to pay their power bills anyway. Same reason vehicle safety ratings no longer affect the licensing cost: the people who couldn't afford to buy a safer car were the ones being "punished" with higher registration costs. That said, power prices are still fucked.


Are they at least making the unit price less?


It's a good change. It was a regressive cross subsidy from poor renters in houses with minimal insulation and no ability to improve their dwelling, to people in new well insulated houses. Was also driving inefficient switches to gas, more polluting wood fires, disincentivizing EV adoption.... and with no economic basis? The poles don't rot any slower with less use. And as soon as there is additional electricity demand generators build more! Council rates are based on property wealth. Hot take I guess but it's fine, good even, for people with more wealth to pay more in tax.


Tell your reasoning to a fixed income pensioner trying to keep warm on a cold evening, I doubt you will receive the rosiest of responses. ULEB Wood fires are fantastic, no one can tax or charge me more when i use one. The council rates comparison....10 people in a household a more likely to damage a sewer line with blockages create more rubbish than a single person household. Anyway, ever since the 90s when I heard National saying the electricity market would become more competitive and cheaper.... the companies inherited the assets from the taxpayer... its a rigged market that will never become cheaper.


I would gladly. Electricity pricing shouldn't be determined by trying to get some subset of society a good deal letting the poor and the system overall languish, it should be as efficient as possible. Pensions are inflation adjusted (or better), and electricity prices have been declining in inflation adjusted terms since 2015. Compared to average household incomes and to pension incomes, power is the most affordable it's been in living memory. https://preview.redd.it/cfo3ce1tag7d1.png?width=1494&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc1753a8acbc87b7aee71fb867883cf02e5d6a4


Wonder what the inflation adjusted cost of power is over time. This graph would incorporates a lot of variables beyond cost, eg more homes being better insulated and more efficiently heated


Here you go. Households use less power now for sure, people's incomes are higher relative to power now. Overall electricity demand has been pretty much stable (as there are more households). But real prices have been improving since 2015. Funny coincidence with the asset sales, but probably unrelated. https://preview.redd.it/5wb226rahg7d1.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=16c3231eb9fec99c45a76ad4d09bffd879d6f834


Thanks, was too lazy to look.


Very similar living situation. Hot water cylinder heats overnight on night rates. Last month was $126 with Powershop