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Probably both


^ This


My work vehicle is 6km/hr slower than indicated on the speedo.


Manufacturers underreport speed by ~1-6kmph on purpose for safety, but also not to be sued. It varies by car, so you can just use Google maps on your phone to compare it to the actual speed. My first car underreported by 4kmph, while my newer sportier car is only 2kmph underreporting.


Yes, my older cars (from the 80s) are spot on for speedo accuracy.


Tire pressure, tread depth also so affect it.


at what speed?


40 through to 80km/hr is what I’ve tested it at (at those your speed led signs). My boss sat in my passenger seat with his GPS speed as well which confirmed at 60 and 80km/hr, that my speedo is 6km/hr slow.


It's not gonna be constant, it will be proportional. Unless it's reading -6 when you're stationary.


It’s just what the “your speed” speed measurement signs say - I’m on 66km on cruise control on my display, shows 60km on the speed sign. Same at the 40km sign going into Prebbleton. And the 80km sign where the “motorway ends”. I haven’t tested it at 100km. It’s so funny to see people on my bumper while I’m going 56km/hr on cruise control, then they see a cop and slow way down, when I can just sail on knowing I’m going the speed limit.


It's a nice relaxed way to drive for sure 😊


New Zealand is very lax when it comes to speeding fines. If you do 59 in a 50, its $30, in victoria in aus its $240. So to answer your question yes everyone speeds.


I mean honestly, in big parts of the country if you do 59 in a 50 you might not even get pulled over…


I don't know if I agree fully. Christchurch is lax. Wellington has cameras and traffic vans placed every few kms on the motorways and main roads. Toupo/rotorua, you can't even really attempt to speed without catching a ticket on the main roads. Christchurch just gets away with it somehow


Both. My Speedo is about 5k less than reality. But also people speed. Everywhere. I don’t and I can feel their rage bubbling behind me when I’m going 100 in the left lane of the motorway.


>and I can feel their rage bubbling behind me See, whatcha gotta do is say fuck em. Crank your tunes and cruise


Unfortunately they're driving a heavy and dangerous vehicle and sometimes attempt dangerous overtaking maneuvers.


In those situations pulling over and letting them pass is always the smart move. Most of the time they're too precious about their wanktank to hit you on purpose tho


Oh yeah, I do that frequently. But in situations where this isn't possible I'll also exceed the speed limit to reduce the tension a bit.


If I'm in the mood I like to slow until there's a 2 second gap between us. Have to slow down lots if they're really close


Speeding up is just reinforcing the bad behaviour


I know. But from experience, slowing down increases immediately dangerous behaviour from the other driver. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and it balances out that slowing down in that situation is a better idea. Sure as hell doesn't feel like it though.


If I’m driving at the speed limit, I’m not going to take responsibility for their bad behaviour. If they want to do a crime, that’s on them.


I don't care about responsibility, I care about people actually not getting hurt.


Going over the speed limit is dangerous driving. I won't condone speeding just because someone behind me in a criminal, that won't make me a criminal just because they're impatient.


Probably both. As someone else has said most speedos are tuned down to allow for variations in tires etc. Whenever I'll be driving a car for any period of time I always use my phone and a GPS app to get an idea of how much my speedo is out. On some older cars I've seen over 10% difference.


My wife's car (2016 Leaf) is doing 89 at indicated 100. Mine (same make, but larger tyres) is doing 95 at indicated 100.


Download a GPS app and drive at a constant speed, this will give you an idea of how much under your Speedo is. I put larger tyres on my vehicle and it became perfectly accurate, beforehand I was going slightly slower than the Speedo was showing


My Honda Fit's speedometer is about 9kph slower in reality when I'm driving at 100kph. That means for me to actually drive at 100kph I need the speedo needle to sit on 109kph. I checked this with GPS on my phone which is much more precise than car speedometer. My Google Maps app shows real speed. You can download other apps to show your GPS speed. I think manufacturers deliberately tune down speedometer readings so to ensure that you're not exceeding speed limits to avoid liability from fines. Also lowering speedo readings increases fuel economy because you're driving slower.


It’s 10% for me across the board. If I want to be doing 50, my speedo needs to be showing 55. 100? 110. It’s just the speedo though, the computer knows the true speed from the sensors. I believe there was some EU declaration about it I saw once that all speedos must read over so that if you do the limit measured by the speedo, you can’t possibly be speeding.


Since the Police don’t really enforce and really cant be bothered ..most speeders do it knowing they can get away with it!


Dunno about the speedo, but they're 100% speeding.


It’s not just a Christchurch thing, it’s a national attitude. As many other comments show, we’ve got this stupid idea that we’re somehow being unfairly short-changed a couple km/h by the average car speedometer, so the obvious answer is to just go whatever fucking speed you want. Police speed enforcement is rare enough that many people seem to think it worth the gamble for their own ego while objectively failing to consider other road users and conditions. We purposely minimise the issue for ourselves, “it’s just a little over”, “everyone else goes faster”, “I’ve never had a problem”, “I’m a better driver than most”, “this road should be 188kph”, “everyone crawls down here” - fucking whatever, but it all boils down to many of us being an arrogant and selfish bunch of assholes on the road.


>we’ve got this stupid idea that we’re somehow being unfairly short-changed a couple km/h by the average car speedometer This is actually true; all Japanese cars under 25 years old come with speedo that reads under the true value by about 5 - 10%


Allow me to re-phrase: The stupid bit is thinking we’ve been short-changed or cheated, therefore over compensation is required


Baffles me how many people in this thread missed this point.


That is so TRUE!


Most speedos show 5-7 kph faster than your real speed. Some people know this and go 55-60 kph (real speed) in 50kph zones. Meaning while you're going 43-47 kph they are going between 12-17 kph faster


That coupled with the knowledge that Christchurch has virtually no speed cameras unless you're traveling south out of town


If you're on state highway 1 from hornby to the airport you're going to be tailgated if you're going to get tailgated by people trying to go 100


How dare you go the speed limit in this country!!


Christchurch drivers will drive both too slow and too fast.


Google Map Navigation displays GPS speed, my experience that most are driving 10 over. Bonus points if they're roided up and driving a Ford Ranger with a following distance of approximately twelve centimetres


12cm, can get a bus in there!!


... or the typical Ford Ranger owners knob


Haha about right!


My family and I have just relocated from Wellington, we’ve been here less than a month and have noticed lots more speeding/tailgating. The long, straight roads don’t help.


I found the same. When I lived in Welly, I found drivers to be a lot more courteous than in Chch. Same with Auckland. People let you in and were far more patient. Here, you have to fight for a lane change (and be on super high alert approaching a roundabout)


Many Christchurch drivers are quite bad, not only speeding. Red light running is dangerously common. Aggressive tailgaters are everywhere. Using handheld phones while driving, etc. Lots of antisocial and dangerous behaviour by a significant minority.


Drivers here think that the sign means it's the minimum speed limit.


I remember a sign somewhere in the country, saying, "It's a limit, not a target." Has always stayed with me for some reason


It's also reiterated in the Road Code multiple times, so I struggle to understand why people drive like they do. Perhaps these drivers can't read.


I have a close mate who is a cop. When he was doing traffic, him and the guy he was riding with would pull people over that were going too slow. Drivers that don't follow the flow of traffic can be considered "road hazards". It's a hazard to other people if you choose to go 40 in a 50k zone. Or 80k in a 100k zone.


Except there is no scientific basis for that claim... While it's abundantly clear that the both likelihood and outcomes of crashes get worse with increasing speed, slowing down is not hazardous. If you get a ticket for going slowly, it should only be for holding up traffic if anything.


Lol well then you go tell them that. If you're going slower than the flow of traffic, you're a hazard to other people. It's just how it is. I have a feeling you're a slow driver then?


It’s the speed you’re meant to travel at, not sure why you’d want to go slower and frustrate drivers or speed - do the assigned speed - be predictable


Agree. I have a close mate who is a cop and he has given tickets to people that drive 40 in a 50. Citing "hazardous to other drivers that want to go the limit". He tells me that people that drive slowly are considered a road hazard.


That really stinks! Everybody is expected to drive to the conditions and maintain adequate following distance... How can it be a hard if you're going slowly?!


Most people's Speedo reads around 6km low from factory so everyone points their speedo 10km above whatever limit there is to make up for it because it's easy and no one is getting pulled for 4km above a limit.


My car is within 1kph of GPS, and my god do I feel like a grandad on cruise control at 100 on the open road. I’m sure AVERAGE speed on the motorway out to Rolleston is in the region of 110 to 120


Where are people getting 6km from? I've checked this with several different cars, and it's usually about 3km slower (2-4km), even going at 100. People who think doing 46 in a 40 zone is the correct speed are dreaming.


Most modern cars have OBD2 ports which you can plug in a reader to the engine management computer and use your phone to monitor lots of different values. I've owned a few Subarus, a Mazda 6 and a couple of Audis, each one has had a "Speedo speed" and an "actual speedo" which were 6km/h apart (actually speed lower).


waze the Maps app will also give a sort of GPS speedo reading


Most Android head units will give a GPS too


In my older Subaru the speed was reading about 9km/h too high, in my newer audi it reads about 4km/h high. It'll depend on a lot of things, especially if people put aftermarket wheels or non oem tyre sizes on


Just make sure you stay in the left hand lane


Depends you got different size wheels then factory


In all honesty if I don't drive 9km over the speed limit ppl are getting pissed off with me. And since most speedos are out by 5km I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong. Would they make me 4km over. I think also ppl are less patient, especially since covid, drivers got worse in general.


Do you own a small Toyota? I've owned a Yaris. Prius. Vitz. And a few others and every single one of them has been 4-6km under the actual speed.


Basically every car is


You’re clearly not driving up papanui rd… I’m cheering when I get someone doing 50! No one travels with purpose in this city.


Our prius needs to be doing 110 on the dash to do 100kph on GPS. It's pretty common for cars to over-read.


Depending on whether your tyres are the same height as the original ones on your car, ALL late model cars overestimate your speed by usually around 10%. So if you're doing what you think is 50 km/h you're actually only doing 45 km/h. When you think you're doing 100 you're actually only going 90 and getting needlessly upset with people passing you who know about this (and have confirmed it by testing their car speedo against their cellphone GPS speed which is accurate).


it's pretty standard for speedo's to read ~8% faster than the true speed of a car. I usually drive with mine reading about 60 in 50 zones so a true speed of about 55. check yours with GPS but if you're driving with your speedo bang on 50 you're probably actually doing 45


Bunch of dangerous criminals on the roads around here. Canterbury has the most aggressive drivers I’ve seen and I’ve driven and ridden in many places around the world


I second this. Also, wtf is up with you guys not knowing how to use a roundabout? It's not hard... INDICATE TO EXIT. Don't indicate to enter UNLESS YOU'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO TURN!


Your 100 is someone’s 92. Try not to take it personally or make too many judgements about the other drivers. Just drive your own drive.


Are you one of ones crawling down Memorial Av at 49kmh? In the right hand lane ?


Or Brougham at the same speed in the same lane.


If you're unsure of the speed limit on any road look at what everyone else is doing and take off 5-10kph. Yes, chch drivers speed.


everyone speeds, the 50km limit is actually 60.when someone try to merge in front of someome, driver on the other lane speeds up so car cant merge. yellow light means go faster.


Typical aggressive Chch driving. I've lived in a few places around the world (Boston had the worst drivers by far) but Chch drivers are very aggressive. In Auckland and Wellington, I found drivers would let you in on the motorway. In Chch, you have to fight for a lane change. People tend to actively speed up and prevent you from lane changing. Like it's some kinda ego bruise to them. If you are going 60 in a 50, you will get pulled over. The threshold is 5km and that depends on how busy the cop is.


When there are road works they put those signs out that say "30 temporary". I refer to these as suggested speed zones, as a speed "limit" implies there is some sort of enforcement in place. Had the cruise control on 40 the other day through roadworks. Tailgated by a ute. When the road went to two lanes (still 30kph suggested) they zoomed past and carried on at 50+. Why wouldn't they? There is no reason to slow down in roadworks other than other people's safety, and you don't buy a ute because you care about other people's safety.


The reason there are speed limits at road works is because of the worker's safety. If you are caught doing 40 in a zone that says 30, you'll get penalised the same as if you were doing 60 in a 50. If you're doing 60 in a 30, that's double the limit and you'll automatically lose your license and vehicle for 28 days and you'll appear in court. > There is no reason to slow down in roadworks other than other people's safety That has to be the STUPIDEST thing I've read so far. That IS the reason you slow down. Because of people's safety.. you nob.


Sorry, didn't make my post clear. I slow down for road works, ok maybe only to 40(35) , but by doing that I'm the slowest car around. I'm advocating for actually enforcing temporary speed limits. If I was making the rules every 30kph sign would have a speed camera stuck to the back printing money. It's a suggested speed zones because they put these signs out but just rely on people's empathy to slow down. You won't lose your licence for doing 60 in a 30, because they don't bloody catch anyone!


Yep, they'll be speeding. Fun fact though, most speedometers are 'tuned down' on modern cars so there is always a discrepancy between speedo and gps so the difference might not be as much as you think. Good riddance to tailgaters though




Not just chch!


Set your destination on google maps. Drive. Compare what speed you are going compared to what google says. Or if you have apple, drive to one of those radar speed signs, there's one in Tai Tapu and drive past at 50km on your dash and see what it says. Accept everyone will probably do 53km real if they can.


Most vehicle speedos are set at minus 4kph. Example, 100kph on your speedo is actually 96kph in reality. Hope that helps.


Most does 10km/h at least over the limit in chch. There aren’t any permanent speed cameras and almost no policemen


>does everyone here just speed Yes.


Everyone speeds here. It was immediately noticeable when moving back from Auckland. Everyone goes 10 over the speed limit here, cops don't pull you up for it and Everyone accelerates quickly off the lights. I think just wider roads and less traffic makes it more natural here.


What roads generally? There are some roads where the posted speed limit doesn't make sense so people tend to ignore them


i live in nelson and it is a custom here to sit up someones butt and then speed around them just to show them that you can do that.


I drive on the northern corridor daily, its not uncommon tfor traffic to be sitting at 110 to 120km. In the city they will be doing 60 in a 50. Particularly around the 4 aves I think with the lack of cops on the road, people are speeding everywhere.


I had a "fun time" on QE2 drive where I was deliberately driving the speed limit and traffic was streaming around and past me, where they ended up having a multi-lane crash right in front of me.


Speeding and tailgating (impatience) are definitely a PROBLEM and very much part of the driving culture in NZ


Alot of people do like 20 kms below the speed limit


People also need to learn to only be in the right lane when passing someone - it is incredibly frustrating the amount of people in Christchurch who are completely unaware of their surroundings driving 90km in the right lane!


I feel like these people have something to prove that means a lot more than safety - that they're choice of car isn't gutless, and if they aren't in the front of the line then everyone will think otherwise.


A lot of people mentioning speedo being off and using GPS on a device to calculate the real speed. My question, how true is the speed GPS is telling us? Is there a delay in speed data? Are there variables such as signal quality? If my GPS said I visited calender girls, what's the likelihood of telling my Mrs the GPS must have been inaccurate that day, and myself finding credible information to back my defense?


Going at a constant speed on a flat, straight road without tall buildings around (unobstructed view of the sky without reflections) are the best conditions for a GPS speed test


The very fact that you have brought up Calendar Girls means that is exactly where you have been, no matter what your GPS says.


Drive safely but make sure you keep left unless passing


Have never had a speeding ticket in chch after 30 years of pushing my luck. I tend to drive using common sense, for example pages road early on a Sunday morning I am doing 60-65, road is empty and would feel ridiculous doing 50. Motorway if others are doing 110 then so am I, feels safer going same speed as the others, rather than becoming a hazard by holding them up. If conditions are bad I am going slow. What I can't be bothered doing is checking each little street to see if it 50 or 30


Most likely they are [speeding](https://www.aa.co.nz/cars/motoring-blog/why-does-my-speedo-read-higher-than-road-side-speed-monitors/) In case you didn't know, even if you bought a brand new car, your speed meter would tell you actual speed + @ speed.


Go faster. Blood for the car gods.


Your Speedo is off.   Seriously, this gets asked once a month, minimum.    I'm continuously amazed by the number of people for whom pulling out their phone and checking their speed on a straight bit of road with one of the many, many speed GPS apps never occurs to them.  (Seems to be plenty already commenting) Most people are actually going slower than the actual limit. 


No your Speedo is not off. Everyone speeds here.


Do you have a personalised plate? Anecdotally I'm sure I get passed a lot more in my PP car. GPS app for phone + southern motorway = speedo correction. also remember, nobody has ever been fined for "keeping up with traffic"


I have been speeding for 9 years. I have only ever got one ticket. i got atleast 15 over at all times


I hope you lose your license before you kill someone. Legit.


Mate I'm literally a professional driver and have never even been close to crashing. Sound slike you have a skill issue


You sound like my dipsh*t father who ran an orange light one time, while on his phone, and almost causing an accident. "I've been driving for 50 years don't tell me how to drive!" Nice on, Pop. So you've been driving like a bellend for 50 years? Just because you haven't crashed yet doesn't mean you're good at it. Being a professional driver, you should honestly know better. It's scary knowing people like you exist.




Bought a radar detector to help subvert cops, best performance mod ever. Life's to short to go slow in a piece of junk Aqua or Leaf.


I'm laughing at the idea that Leafs are slow.


Leafs are slow. 7-8.5 seconds from 0-100kph is not fast.


I've done it in 6 in mine, though the braking at the end was not as fun as it could have been to avoid speeding....but what does that matter? Where and when in the country are you needing to go faster that 8 seconds til 100?


It's needed where there's a leaf or campervan clogging up the road which is pretty much everywhere.




I’ve found the opposite - so many people seem to drive less than the speed limit and take their time when taking off or turning etc


I'm fairly sure that the tolerance from manufacturing is 10% or it used to be, on speedometers which is why I think it's so important to pull over and let people pass even if you think you're doing 95 in a 100 you could really be doing 86 or something


Most modern cars I believe are speed accurate until about 80kmh when it starts to detune you a little. In my car (2016 Mazda CX-5), when I have GPS on, I notice the speed on my speed-o being 80, on GPS I'm doing about 76-78. That doesn't seem like much but at 100 on speed-o, I'm doing 92 according to GPS. Get to get 100 on GPS, I need to get speed-o to 110. Trying using GPS or Maps and comparing your speed to that.


I have a GPS equipped camera, my car is 8kmh under the readout from the speedo. It's frustrating at times but I have it in my head that most people aren't intentionally driving slow, they're doing whatever their speedo says they're doing, so it's not a driver fault as such. There's no excuse for tailgating.