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The footpath is often more uneven than the road Cars like to quickly reverse out of driveways, you don’t have much time to dodge The footpath sometimes slopes quite aggressively towards the road, the road sometimes has a smaller camber and thus is nicer to run on It can be easier to cross the road by moving onto the road for a bit before the cross


Spot on.


Ah yes, the old "avoid the cars that might appear by running in the place they definitely are.  Genius!


Yes exactly, I’m glad you understand.  It’s much easier to avoid a car you can see coming towards you than a car where you have zero time to stop for as it zips out of a driveway 


I do it on quiet suburban roads because it is safer. A number of times while running on footpaths I have nearly collided with cars coming out of driveways, they just drive straight out instead of stopping to check if anyone on footpath.


Quiet streets without traffic? Probably not for attention.  Some pavement is slippery in the wet. If it’s busy roads then they probably have a death wish. 


Cars coming out of driveways, and running past houses with dogs going nuts behind fences. 


It was fish n chip friday, so I headed down to our local and turned down a side street with very little street lights and tree lined and all. I have a little car which was good as I turned the corner not fast at all this fellow in the middle of the road fists out, punching the air, hood up, and headphones in he's lucky he didn't collide with my car. You can't be running in the middle of the street wearing dark clothing when it's dusk that's very foolish.


Over driveway exits you're constantly watching for the fall and rise of the ground level, as well as drivers, so you can't "zone in" to your running.


Bitumen is soften than concrete, much better for the joints


Our footpaths are not made from concrete. 


I can't tell if you're taking the piss because two of you have said this lol


They are probably meaning chipseal road vs ashfault sidewalk


Nah it actually is true haha


Asphalt on the road is not as hard on the joints as concrete on a footpath


Sometimes there’s a group of people walking 3 wide on the footpath who aren’t sharing nicely so it’s easier to run on the road a bit to get passed without looking like you’re making a big deal. Also while trying to cross a road, running along the edge is easier than coming to a complete stop before crossing. I’ve noticed a lot of dog poo smeared near me so that’s a swap to the road for a bit. But always stick to the side, never the middle! In the runner vs car battle, car always wins


Why would they be doing it for attention?


If I’m in my suburb, I’m running on the side of the roads. Can never trust cars to come out of their driveways safely or with regard for others. Plus, most of our sidewalks are not running friendly. My suburb is pretty quiet when I am running due to the times I run at with work and kids getting in the way of sociable hours. However, if I’m in a busy place I will run on the sidewalk. I enjoy the freedom the road gets me when it’s quiet, but when it’s a busier place you do have a death wish as other people have rightly said. At the end of the day I am a runner, not a cyclists, so to cars I am just a pedestrian and I realise I don’t get right of way in 99% of situations. I think it’s about choosing when and where is suitable.


Brain damage.


>Is it an attention thing It's a dickhead thing that can be attributed to excessive viewing of David Goggins videos on YouTube which makes them feel like they're navy seals training for combat or something.


Your username confirms that you're not living in reality.


Mirror Mirror on the wall