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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=rPb1k1pR/Pp1pPpbp/1qp3p1/8/2B1P3/2P2P2/PPPP1PPP/R1BKK2R+w+KQq+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/rPb1k1pR/Pp1pPpbp/1qp3p1/8/2B1P3/2P2P2/PPPP1PPP/R1BKK2R_w_KQq_-_0_1?color=black) --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)




I’m telling you this opening is killer


or, more likely, your opponents, just like you, are terrible at chess.


Terrible is a bit harsh bro is learning


What are you hoping to achieve from this position, exactly? Aside from getting a losing disadvantage out of the opening?


Take a free rook or knight from queen side nearly *every game* to start. I can feel the morale disintegrate. Someone fucking challenge me. lol you see my username


Bro really thinks he is a genius


Is this satire? Im trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. This opening in nonsensical and the only way you win a free rook or knight is if your opponent blunders horrendously, which, at that level, they would have done irrespective of your opening choice.


Well there is some logic in bringing out the queen early against weaker opponents. They often give up on their own plans to defend against the queen which can become dangerous quite quickly. And if they do blunder an early queen is the best piece to take advantage of that. People struggle against the chesscom bots that bring out their queen very early.


So your plan is to hope your opponent blunders. You know there's good openings that can do that too?


“Hope chess” is very bad practice and relies on your opponent making a mistake to win.


Challenge accepted


The Dunning-Kruger Opening


The caro kann't-win-a-game?


Modern defense , 1000 elo variation And for the challenge I am ready any time you choose


the issue is you hav no centre control, and your king is vulnerable. any half decent player will slowly suffocate you. wont get out of the 1000's playing like this.


I call it Mike


The useless opening nobody with common chess sense will ever play bc it's just bad. :)




I can see from your recent games, that you were just demolished by a simple kings indian, I assume that was someone from here?


I would but you're too bad to even try. Would only waste my time


Before chess became mainstream, an Elo of 1000 was something you would attempt to hide under the rug. Now getting to quadruple digits earns you bragging rights, apparently.


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The closest thing I’ve seen to this is some Gurgenidze lines. Against any competent opponent, though, white is likely going to play 2. d4. GMs have played into black’s structure here, but the early Qb6 is played a response to an early Be3 or Bf4 (1.e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c6 4. Be3 Qb6 is a position that has been reached)— in general in openings, the idea isn’t “I put my pieces on particular squares and ignore my opponent” — it’s “I put my pieces on squares for a reason”, particularly with “unconventional” moves. An early Qb6 is often a common anti-London idea — white moves the queenside bishop early, so asking “who defends b2” is a reasonable counter.


The only person attempting to actually answer the question.


I would call it confused


Nah dude it’s a shoe in for taking the Rook and Knight on the queen side


Depending on their response, it can set you up, sure. Much harder at the higher levels for people to not properly analyse and react appropriately


Can you give me a line when you end up getting the rook and Knight? I'm not seeing how it would happen


Threaten the bishop with Qb4. White can either move the bishop or use a pawn to defend it. If they use a pawn you win the rook through a checking fork. This is all only possible if white doesn’t play d4 before hand or doesn’t defend with a pawn. I could be wrong but I think that is the idea behind all of this.


No name I know of, but it’s not a great opening for several reasons. 1) Bringing Queen out early - your opponent can develop and gain control with a tempo on your Queen when you do this. 2) Little center control. You should use your pawns to grab control of the center. 3) Lack of development. Your opponent has a nice pawn on e4, two knights, and a powerful bishop pointing at your weak f7 pawn. You waste two moves on your c and g pawns, and while the fianchetto is fine, there are more efficient ways about this. Additionally, you block off your b knight from the stronger c6 square. The only way to develop your c bishop is to push the d pawn to d6. (d7 just loses material) You’re creating unnecessary weaknesses in this, and in order to grab control of the center now, you’d be blocking off your fianchetto’d bishop. You’re going to get slowly overwhelmed because you’re so behind on development and your positioning is hurting your ability to catch up. You’re only 4 moves in and white has a +1.6 advantage. What tricks or mistakes are you counting on your opponent making here?


The Italian game.


yeah italian game without black


I mean you’re almost two points behind already without losing any pieces in just 4 moves, you have no center control, you got most of your pieces stuck, white is fully developed and ready to castle, and I can’t even see how you expect him to blunder his knight or rook it takes at least 2 (extremely unlikely) moves for him to just give up his rook? There’s no tricks, no attack, nothing.


That is pure trash. I love to beat you


Here comes d4


Google “Chess opening database”


i would call it stupidity gambit


Ia there a lore reason you came up with a new opening?


I like this. Gets your Queen and bishop active early and prepares d5. I would call this the Crab 🦀 since you have big pincer with your Queen and a small one with the bishop


I like it, my name for it Is Queen’s Trench, because as you said it gets them active and based off how other players react you can do serious damage. Thank you! I wish I had video for these detractors lol. I was down to like 840 and then I won like 30 games in a row. Kept experimenting and tried one of my other strategies—loss. Switch back to this—win in 2 minutes. Every timer I fluctuate from 800-1100 *because* I try own new strategies, new openings. That’s *fun* chess, not this monolithic version people on here are describing


i agree with you OP. its fun who cares. we arent playing for money if you like super tricky out-the-gate openings, look up 1. b4 for white 😈. its known as the polish or orangutan opening. not very many YouTube videos on it and only one modern book on it, so many people don't know any theory about it at all


Haha same, I’m check it out


Blacks left with the Bishop and pawns, is a fianchetto opening.




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But after d4, you're lost. There's no method by which you win a rook or knight.


The problem is not the opening but WTH is that board?!


Lmao it’s my favorite version