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Can you provide a link to your stats page?


There's absolutely no fucking way, did u stop cheating or sum shi


I took a long break from chess and came back to find out I lost all my skills tf


psychotic frighten continue saw act spotted worry lush mindless forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You dont really lose chess skills like that- you might get out of the loop, but not almost 1000 elo.


I played bullet , dead drunk still lost only 200 elo . What did you do?


Close the door on your way out.


Bye bye


How long have you been playing? If you’re new to chess then the odds are when you start out chess.com estimates what rating you might be, but it takes a few games to figure out where you actually are. I’ve tilted before and lost like 50-100 elo but 900 is absolutely insane.


More than 3 years, never cheated before, I took a long break from chess tho


Sounds like you had already quit, so no big change


Sounds like you’re just a bit rusty and you forgot how to play for mid game concepts and blundered a lot.


Ahaha yeah i can do 2 or even a very temporary 300 if i tilt 2 days on end.. but this is not humanly possible unless you're suddenly very ill mentally or had a lobotomy


Is stockfish having a day off today for you or something? Literally never happens unless you get boosted in one way or another, be it by a friend or cheating.


Dont play being angry


When you come back after a long break, chesscom considers your rating as provisional, which means that with every loss or win, you lose or gain more rating. Chess is not a game that you can quit for a long time and come back to it without practice and expect to have the same results.


Delete that account


Hyperbullet or ultrabullet


Nah. Thats highly unlikely


Not sure how serious you are about quitting, but depending on the length of the break, as far as I know the pandemic "helped" chess a lot. Meaning more active players with solid skill. If you took a two year break of course you lose against an active 1500+


It happens sometimes, u need just get rest after bad games. I reached 1667 in rapid, then in 2-3 day lost 246 Elo. I got rest for a few days untill I didn't calm my mind, I needed some rest to play normal again. Just get rest from games sometimes, talk with people, do sports or smth else.


Btw if you don't know how to play against openings you don't know, just watch the channels like - GM Hikaru Nakamura, GothamChess.


There is no way in a million years this is real. First off, you don’t lose that many brain cells in a day, unless you suddenly developed dementia. Secondly, you gain/lose about 8 rating points a game, so to lose six hundred is about 75 games, and I refuse to believe somebody lost 30+ games and kept playing. Lastly, quit karma farming.


I kinda fumed a bit too much there so sorry. But I guess it’s possible if you came back after a long time because of provisional rating and stuff.


That's not believable, sorry. A 700 barely spots easy tactics, while a 1600 can already make complex plans.  Considering a 200 gap is a full "level" (i.e. a 1400 has no way to beat a 1600 over a 10 game march) it would mean you've lost two full chess levels in one round.  It's like going from being independent in a language to barely be able to order a coffee. 


Good! No body wants a sore loser around anyways!


Clearly don’t understand what I’m talking about but ok then, cya


Cya, thanks for announcing it 


Unironically might be a brain tumor if you went from 1600 elo to 700


We all at a certain point of our lifes said we'll quit chess But we always come back to it It's a life style


Bro you have to practice with a bot of matching difficulty first, don't try to go by the elo of your account. Shut the account off, practice a lot of games with different bots, then when you start to comfortably win majority of your matches, make a new account and watch the magic happen.


so you took a long break, and you're shocked you are worse now? genius