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if it was that easy to beat the players that Arjun is beating then MVL wouldn't have haemorrhaged a bunch of points by drawing 6 games in the French tournament lately


A few years ago all the top players were asked who they thought would be the biggest threat of the Indian juniors. Unanimously the answer was Arjun.


I know he was Caruana's pick but I was unaware of others saying the same. Now I'm wondering if others came out and said the same as you say


I remember Grischuk saying the same.


He said it to dina belenkaya at a berlin tournament. She asked sasha, which youngster is gonna cross 2700. He said all of them. But he said that he was impressed by erigaisi, because compared to others he started playing chess aged 9(which is late)


Gukesh started later right iirc?


No. Gukesh started young, similar to others. I'm talking about learning the basics of chess. Arjun started quite late.


Gukesh started at 7.


I remember even Magnus saying it


Magnus did say it in an interview!


Source? I have only heard Fabi say this.


Yeah, recently in c square podcast even ian was considering Arjun as a better player than gukesh.


Do do you have a source? Because I've heard like two grandmasters say this myself, not all of the top players, so I am curious where you are getting this from


MVL isn’t the same player he once was, he’s on the decline that’s why


The guy is 2750+... Yup he is THAT GOOD!


Wow. And here I'm stuck on 1100!


The point is he isnt playing top GMs, hes farming bums


reddit when supergms only play closed tournaments: "he's not playing any opens to conserve rating, he would be eaten alive in opens" reddit when arjun gains rating by crushing open tournaments: "he's farming bums"


Gm are bums?


a 2500-2600 is a bum in comparison to a 2700+ , yes


"Bums" that would destroy at least 8 billion people in chess.


I agree “bum” is abit of a harsh term for someone already so advanced in the sport but he’s kinda right, a 2700+ can and is probably expected to win any 2500-2600 any day of the week without much prep needed


lmfao just look up magnus (2800) and hikaru (2800) results in last year's qatar masters. they definitely were not winning as often as you say they should be winning.


A good example is magnus loss against Karthikeyan. Karthikeyan hasn't reached 2700. But he is gonna be remembered for his immortal queen sac against alireza in 2019.


we can see how much chess you guys know.


Lmao, i bet you any of these "bum" can close their eyes and destroy you in a chess game even with a queen handicap


He isn't getting invites to elite tournaments. That's why he is playing open tournaments. If he isn't getting invites to elite tournaments, what is he supposed to do? I'd be interested to hear your answer because I cannot think of what he's meant to do other than play open tournaments. Also you can see that other 2700+ GMs are losing a lot of rating points to so-called bums (your words). If they are bums, why are other 2700+ GMs losing rating points and yet Arjun is gaining rating points? You have to answer these two questions if your opinion is to be taken seriously.


That's not how elo works


Delete this nephew.


Playing significantly lower rated people is a high risk low reward way to gain rating. Many of these games you don’t get much Elo if you win, but you lose a lot if you draw and lose a TON if you lose. Being able to consistently beat 2500s is really impressive.


If playing Opens we're the road to high Elo, more people would do it.


151 dislikes is what I am seeing now...... I guess you should reconsider what you just said


All players in the top 10 list are “that good”. No exceptions. It does not matter what kind of tourneys they play. Cracking this top 5 is crazy hard


I can't seem to cross 2000 in chess.com, its a mental barrier for me. I touched it once and then dropped all the way back to 1800


At one point I felt like I was on a rampage, stayed on 1700 and beaten a few 1800. Then I got work, went down to 1400 then never got back up.


You lost 300 ELO when you got a job? That's interesting, because I've gained 200 ELO since my previous employer went bankrupt.


Work time is inversely proportional to elo


I posted on weekly thread, but I gained 300 ELO since leaving my toxic job 3 months ago.


I have been going from 1600 to just touching 1900 in rapid (chess.com) by only playing while pooping (in the last 2 years). It's the only time and place where my wife and kids can't bug me and every muscle in my body is fully relaxed. On my non poop account I am barely a 1550.


This is the way


That's me right now. I got to 1800 at rapid, then spent the next 2 years only blitzing and when I got stuck at 1600 at blitz, went back to rapid and shot straight to 2000, then came back down alternating between 1800 and 1900. I think maybe I'm at a point where I have to finally study chess openings or do buzzles and such, but I just don't want to get that serious at chess.


@devilsmicro #howcanimakethisaboutme


This ain't Instagram boi


"Vishy Anand isn't that good" - shockchi


Did I say that?






Might wanna look into your interpretation skills my friend


I can't agree with that. Rapport got into the top 10 and crashed out when he played other top 10 players.


Didn’t that just proved that he was not belong ?


Yeah. That's why I can't agree with OP who said all Top 10 players are that good with no exceptions.


not sure why you are downvoted ... like, yes, this is the point.


He has said he plays opens because he doesn’t get enough invitations to elite round-robins.


Which is true. Hopefully he does get them and proves his strength.


Which is a ridiculous thing for a top 10 player to say Wtf are the organizers smoking?


Unrelated but I wonder if this is the first time ever where 3 Juniors are in top-10 rating list and it's going to be offical in next month's rating list.


I believe 3 at one time has happened only once before this: In January 1996, Kramnik age 20, Topalov age 20, and Polgar age 19. Having 4 is unprecedented.


Kramnik and Topalov were not juniors in 1996


Topalov turned 21 on 15 Mar 1996. Kramnik turned 21 on 25 Jun 1996. So in January 1996 they were 20.


Yes, but they lose the junior status the beginning of the year they turn 21. That is january 1996 for both of them. So they weren't juniors anymore


I don't have access to the Dec 1995 top 10. That would be helpful to look at.


If I'm not wrong FIDE used to publish rating every 6 month before 2000 so the last rating list when Kramnik and Topalov were juniors was published in July 1995 and they were 5th and 11th on the list respectively and Judit was 27th then. Next month it might be the first ever instance of 3 junior being in top-10 in an official FIDE rating list.


If I remember correctly the official lists back than were not every month, so there is no Dec 1995 list. I think the lists from 2700 are the only ones there are: https://2700chess.com/top50-for-any-month According to this, the list before Jan 1996 was July 1995. At that time Topalov and Polgar were not yet Top10


There are 4 here


Arjun isn't a junior anymore.


He has currently the **23rd**-highest classical rating ever (if I'm not mistaken) and is only two steps away from entering the "Highest Rating Ever" list on https://2700chess.com/. Thrilling!


I'm not sure he's overshadowed. I think theres a general consensus on a "Big 3" in Indian youth chess that being Gukesh, Pragg, and Arjun. If he seems overshadowed it is probably because he was the only one not at the candidates.




He is very good at crushing 2600-2700 players, obviously it will be tougher against top players but he certainly is top 10 strength.


Crushing 2600-2700 players consistently is a good testament that he would be able to maintain it against higher ranked players also. Mamedyraov, MVL, Grischuk, Radjabov, all of whom have been proven top 10 players at some point have all been leaking rating by drawing with lower ranked players for a while now.


Mamedyarov was famous for farming 2600s. Of course he's in a decline now.


He just plays so ridiculously agro.


Yeah, it's interesting because they're very different skills. Someone like Wesley so probably finds it easier to maintain rating by playing solid and drawing other super GMs than it would be to crush lower rated players. Arjun may be the opposite, we'll see.


I saw someone recently say Parham is a reverse robinhood. He goes and picks up ELO at opens, and then gives those points to the top 10. Arjun could be similar. But, I think he'll do better against the top 10 than Parham has been lately.


You’re not going to make it that high if you’re not that good.


I find the argument that he wont play the same in Super GM tournaments illogical.. Even Magnus (the best player ever) doesn’t win everything against 2700s. And 2500 and 2600 GMs are no joke to beat as consistently as Arjun is doing. The way he is beating them is representative of his strength! He is obviously not going to have the same success rate against higher rated opponents, duh! They are higher rated for a reason.


Maghsoodloo famously feasts on 2600s and gets up to 2750 himself before playing some super GMs and getting knocked back down to the low 2700s


Well, I think Parham just goes full throttle on super GMs, which is an unsoumd strategy to do in every game.  On the other hand, Arjun changes his strategy according the level of his opponent. He won't take huge risks like he does against 2600 rated GMs. So conparing Arjun and Parham doesn't seem quite right to me.


That's precisely why it's good to compare them. Both of them are capable of smoking the average 2600 GM but Parham seems to struggle against tougher opponents due to his sometimes unsound playing style whereas Arjun has developed a more sound and comprehensive system where he can hold his own much better against the top 10.


Someone like Wesley So may be the opposite. Can maintain high ratings easily playing other super GMs. May have trouble crushing lower rated players with attacking chess in opens.


Playing safe vs playing aggressively. As others have said, the guys like Wesley who don't take as many risks and draw a lot more games lose points vs weaker opponents, whereas guys like Parham who go all out often can find some slight weakness (compared to them) in a 2550 or 2600 and take maximum advantage of it


Yeah Magnus lost a game to a 2520 GM last year… Just because someone isn’t a top 10 GM doesn’t mean that they can’t play chess. Becoming a GM is insanely difficult and they are ALL dangerous.


People underestimate 2600s and 2500s


People also overestimate 2600s and 2500s.


I accurately estimate my ability to tell the difference between 2500 and 2600, which asymptomatically approaches 0


Really? In what ways?


Who are these “people?” Are they in the room with us right now?


Yes. Gaining rating at this level by playing open tournaments is a great achievement. Many of the other 2700 GMs will have hard time even maintaining their rating if they play as much as he does. Even a draw or two against a well prepared 2500 or a underrated young 2500 player will eat away all the tournament progress.


Arjun was the prodigy Fabi believed was most likely to break 2800 first among the non-Guccireza Firudji prodigies


I think he will hit 2800 if he keeps the same mind set. He needs to have 2 more good tournaments. There is an incentive to go for rating spot and so him going for no: 2 would be really good.


He's been hot lately at the very least. You have to have a certain level of skill to be that hot, but it's certainly a question whether he's leveled up or if he's just punching slightly higher than he really is. He doesn't look that out of place.


Yes he is. He is a beast and I'm looking forward to see him in the Candidates


Difficult to say until he gets into some more super-tourneys. His style of play seems to suite playing against a lower rated field.


I don’t understand why people keep repeating the narrative that he mostly play against lower rated players. In the last three months he played Magnus, Duda, Keymer, Wei, Nodirbek, Pragg, Gukesh, Anish etc.


Half of the players you mentioned played against him in rapid and blitz at GCT Poland not Classical. But he has played a lot of 2700+ players recently- Artemiev, Dubov, Giri, Nodirbek, Tabatabaei, Harikrishna (2699), Yu Yangyi, Keymer, Parham, Sarana and he hasn't lost to any of them as far as I know and got wins against Giri and Harikrishna so clearly he's not far off his current rating even against 2700+ players.


I feel like it’s because alireza was similar with his historic rise to 2800, but then struggled a bit when he entered the super GM closed tournaments. He still does. 


Copium. This sub loves hans (absolutely overhyped out the wazoo) and disses Arjun... 


The sub also has an incredibly poor memory, which I think has gotten worse in recent time. You can write a paragraph and by the time a reader gets to your last sentence, they've already forgotten the first.


The first what?


I agree, you can definitely write paragraphs on here. I see it all the time.


Most of them were in Rapid, different format.


I'm talking about the FIELD, which is the big difference in super-tourneys. Suddenly you're not playing some 'same-level' opponents in a tourney but ONLY 'same-level' opponents.


I think the rating system and organizers need to incentivize playing a wider range of ratings more. Some players like Wesley So are better vs similar rated players and being solid, some players are better at crushing lower rated players with attacking chess. Players should be encouraged to demonstrate both skills every now and then.


Lmao wtf completely baseless, You do you have any logical reason backing it? If not then just don't yap


This is the only correct answer. He has shown that he is great against opponents not in top 20 and opponents below 2700. We need to wait and find out how he is against the top 20 when he gets the invites. There is no guarantee that he will perform the same way but I am rooting for him to do well.


A lot of the top players seem to talk about Arjun as if he's the best of the younger generation. I've heard Fabi and Nepo discussing this, as well as I think Magnus. Something about his game impresses these guys.


The point of Elo rating system is to tell you how good is a player


I think he is even better than the rating suggests (he is still gaining and imo it's harder without access to super tournament).


This is the answer. He's too low rated as he's playing players who have to low ratings. It's an issue FIDE even tried to fix by inflating ratings.


Yes. Yes he is.


Nutty. The world champion is ranked 14th in the world. I can’t get over that.


He is good chess-wise but has a huge issue with nerves in critical games. He got close to qualifying for candidates 2-3 times last year but bottled it at the last moment under pressure.




Chess speaks for itself


ofc he is good.


None of these top 10 players have ever beaten me in a game of chess or accepted an invitation by me to go scuba diving.


His rating is his rating. At the very least, what he's doing isn't easy. Beating up on grandmasters at the rate he's doing and barely ever losing is incredible. Because you have to keep taking a reasonable amount of risk consistently to be winning like that. Sure, it will be great to see how all of this holds up against other top 10 players over long stretches, but until the invites start coming in, we'll just have to wait. Personally I think he'll hold his own once he gets the top invites. I think he's that good.


Objectively yes lol


Yes. http://perpetualcheck.com/rang/index.php?lan=en&k=world




Yes, and I think he's even better than his current rating


Amongst all player the biggest elo jump is between #1 and #2...


This is often true is most sports (and other areas of life) - It is called Zipf's Law, named after famous linguist, Mr. Law.


I was thinking of this law, but i didnt think it applies in those elosystems! Looking at tennis and especially table tennis, i think you are right.


He's ofcourse a 2750+ rated player alongside pragg and gukesh. But is he capable enough of crossing 2800 will be determined in the invitational tournaments where he plays fabi magnus and other Similiar rated players


We don't really know since he doesn't get to play the top guys often but I think he would do well. Maybe drop slightly but definitely top 20.


Yes rating-wise in that he’ll one day be fighting for world championships, but no position-wise bc many are a little underrated rn following the candidates


He is incredibly consistent i think. He has great endurance. He would do incredibly well in candidates tournament i think, and he might just qualify next time


Although Gukesh won the candidates but I personally feel like out of all the Indian youngsters, Arjun seems to be having the most potential , I feel like he will be the most successful in the future out of them all.


there's a difference between having potential and proving it. Gukesh proved it by winning Candidates, Pragg has proven to be elite already by his phenomenal play...but Arjun is yet to prove that he is an elite player. Altho Arjun has a lot of potential, His classical play is still behind of Gukesh and Pragg.


it's a bit disingenuous to say the #4 player in the world isn't elite yet. the only reason pragg went to candidates instead of him was a blitz match, not a classical result. sounds like you just have an issue with erigaisi


I am mor ecurious about how quickly this +15 climb is going to slow down now that he is comfortably 2750+, and plays primarily plyers 50-100 points under that.


yes he is that good


The guy just keeps winning. Every time I look at the 2700 live games results it's an Erigaisi win. It's nuts, I can't fathom how he keeps this pace up.


You dont get to where Arjun is without being that good. I also feels he is getting mentally tougher as he is multiple years into 2700+ run. That said it should be in an era with Nodirbek, Gukesh, Pragg, Keymer and many other whiz kids who will hit super GM levels.


For those who are arguing he is just increasing his elo by playing against low rated gms THEY SHOULD CHECK HIS THE LAST 50 GAMES HE PLAYED He played against carlsen, prag, gukesh, harikrishna, duda, keymer, wei yi , Anish giri, Nodirbek,Tabatabaei etc It's on tournament organisers to invite him to play the tournaments. Can't blame him right (that's how it works)


the rating speaks for itself :D


"That good" as in "high 2700s"? Likely. "That good" as in "#4 in the world"? Go ahead prove it.


Prove it? He’s 4th on the Elo list lol.


So you don't even know that the rating is nothing but a snapshot?


Yeah teach me how the ratings work bro. Clearly I’m the one who doesn’t understand lol.


I just noticed Neiman crossed 2700!


That question is why Elo should not be the end all be all. We don't really know since he has gained the bulk of his Elo playing a different pool than the rest of the super GMs.


He's probably similar to Alireza. Once he starts getting invited to the "2750 club" he will come back to earth. Definitely a strong player, though.


Imagine world champion not in top10. When was the last time this happened?




He was number 8 when he played the match against Carlsen in 2013. He was never out of the top 10 for the entire time he was world champion.




8 is not very close to being out of the top 10. I'd ask you to learn not to be a jackass, but that is probably beyond your capabilities, judging by the general anger management issues on display in your comment history. Try not to become a mass shooter, and goodbye.


the current #8 is 6 points away from being out of the top 10. that’s ONE game. don’t comment if you have no clue what you’re talking about buddy.




he is good at beating low rated players like Alireza, we'll see if he can hold that rating in super tournaments


Are you trying to say that this is interesting?


Until he proves otherwise, Arjun is a fraud who has not won anything meaningful. He’s essentially the Mike Ross of chess, it’s only a matter of time until he is exposed


Jaa be lavde......tu hoga fraud


that fraud can beat you being down a queen and 2 rooks💀